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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2014 in all areas

  1. Wilhell

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Yesterday, after two years in progress, Marius Meyer finally finished my back piece. It was 6 painful well worth hours. Going back for a touch-up in the belly plates and white in eyes/claws/teeth. @Iwar has some cool footage from the session that he maybe will post, I think?
    18 points
  2. I have no respect for anyone that likes apples. Those are snacks that second graders eat. I mean, you don't even have to peel an apple. Where's the skill in that? Seriously, explain to me why I should like apples!
    14 points
  3. Finally my tattooer put something up on his instagram so I can add an in-progress here! We are in the middle of a grind tonight. Adding tube sponges and corals along the bottom and up the right side. And standard disclaimer - nothing is done except the snake, which is under my top.
    6 points
  4. I like apples AND oranges. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    5 points
  5. SeeSea

    Long Lasting Styles

    "Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw
    5 points
  6. From the Needles and Sins blog, a short video from TED. Really neat! Needles and Sins Tattoo Blog | Tattoo 101: What makes tattoos permanent?
    4 points
  7. It's like comparing Chopin and Black Flag. One is well constructed, technically "perfect" (whatever that means to the viewer), and is intended to come across that way. I find it well made, but kinda boring to my taste. The other, for lack of a better or less uncouth term, has balls. Strength. It punches you in the gut and gets your attention. As much as perfection is impressive, I like balls.
    4 points
  8. Graeme

    Long Lasting Styles

    Dude comes on here, introduces himself as a scratcher, and we argue art with him? We can do a lot better than this, folks.
    4 points
  9. Browsing LST while getting tattooed, a good way to pass the time. Looks good!
    3 points
  10. joakim urma

    Long Lasting Styles

    To me its like, I really enjoy many types of photography, and I can get a huge kick out of graffiti if it's done to my liking. I also like reading books and a few pop cultural phenomenas are wonderful to me. But I don't care at all for tattoos that look like photos, graffiti on someones body, text-tattoos or pop culture references in tattoos. And even though I've been skateboarding for close to 12 years I have never seen a skateboard tattoo that I liked. If you ask me, tattooing is a quite specific thing and it should stay that way. Just because you like chocolate cake AND chorizo hot dogs doesn't mean a combination of the too will be better.
    3 points
  11. I just want to say that I read this thread now and then and my heart just sinks. I appreciate that this is a place where many of you feel comfortable sharing some of what you're going through, and I only hope that it offers you some measure of relief and comfort to know that many of us are thinking of you, and all of us are pulling for you
    3 points
  12. Marwin3000

    Smith Street Tattoo

    I'm calling to set up an appointement tomorrow. I can't decide who to set up an appointement with. Real first world problems. Maybe I'll just book two appointements.
    2 points
  13. Well, that sucks- but, everyone is different, and some people appreciate the support. No one is compelled to post their problems here. It sounds like you did and then regretted it, but that's hardly a reason to be disrespectful to the people that find it therapeutic.
    2 points
  14. Dude... That sucks. My sister has a whole bunch of the cafe au lait spots and we've always wondered if that's what she has. So far so good for her though. I have my own incurable thing... I've posted about it some, and it's actually what led me here in the first place. The way I look at it is this - there are no guarantees at all. I could step off the curb and get hit by a bus tomorrow. "now" is all you can count on. I try my best to fully inhabit "now". The future is fuck scary. The past, it's gone. I want every moment I have to be as happy and good as possible, so I focus on the good, attend to the things that make me happy, and try to let all the rest of it go.
    2 points
  15. tatB

    Long Lasting Styles

    Carlos torres work does look very impressive but i still prefer tradional and japanese for my collection. Are those pieces on you?
    2 points
  16. abees

    Long Lasting Styles

    Someone's new signature, surely.
    2 points
  17. The grossest thing I ever ate on fries was chili cheese fries from The Hat in LA. Tastes OK, looks like diarrhea. There's a place in Boston that does foie gras poutine.
    2 points
  18. tatB

    Long Lasting Styles

    You can like one thing without disrespecting everthing else.
    2 points
  19. well. i did not get my touchups. but i did get a new tattoo which did involve a tear-out: My pug. Winston. Riding the red rocket. Which was really hilarious. Until I got a call 3/4 of the way through the tattoo that my mother passed away. Shout out to my pal Ollie for working like lightning to finish the tattoo before my ride showed up to go see my family. So some more to add to the arguement that a tattoo is more than just a silly picture on your skin. It's not just about "what" the tattoo is of or the "why"...but the "where" and "when" and "who" of the experience is of equal importance. A colourful timestamp for this lifetime. And now I'm left with a lot of sorrow to deal with, a good laugh and a great tattoo. Laughter is the best medicine. And my Mom really loved my idiot pug. But I think my next tattoo will be little more serious and carry a lot more weight. Peace.
    2 points
  20. Reyeslv

    Smith Street Tattoo

    I vote Steve Boltz.....
    1 point
  21. @SeeSea wow. That is coming out too good. Makes me jealous of all your progress. Screw the CBD stuff. Take the sessions sober like a big boy (or girl) that's part of the process
    1 point
  22. Not to belabor the issue, but: I haven't met anyone from this forum, but I do care (or if "care" is too loaded a word, give a shit) about the people on here. If you've hung around for longer than a few weeks, why wouldn't you? Having met a handful of people who I'd previously only talked to online, I'm no longer so sure that the internet is less "real" than other ways of communicating. But it does suck to feel like you've been at the receiving end of some false or patronizing sympathy. @Gloomy Inks, I am so sorry to hear this.
    1 point
  23. I really enjoyed "where the fuck is my happy place?" My first session on my chest I really psyched myself out and I remember thinking things very similar to this. So now that I can't feel that pain anymore, this is kind of funny
    1 point
  24. I forgot how much I love the TED videos, thanks for reminding me. I just discovered that listening to these a great way to keep my mind entertained while I drive. This particular one was pretty cool
    1 point
  25. Re: cost. Almost everyone has asked me this question and very few people know I am working on a full back. It makes me uncomfortable, even from friends, and I don't have a pat answer yet. But the other day, without even thinking, I replied, "Yeah, it's more expensive than going to the movies." For some reason, that shut down the question with a little laugh from both of us, but in a way that it was clear I wasn't going to share, conversation was over, without being rude or making them feel like a jerk for asking (my friends, after all). Not sure I can explain that, but it was a positive thing and I think I'll try that one again.
    1 point
  26. It's been true summer for a week now in Stockholm and I've been in t-shirt and shorts most of the time. I am starting to grow tired of talking about tattoos with people with no tattoos/really bad tattoos. I think during this time I have talked about tattoos with most people that I work with, many of my friends (that I do really love by the way) and a few random folks. And I don't see the point… or rather, it gets very tiring. Maybe because many people don't know jack about tattooing, only from what they have seen on tv and they ask you the most rude and stupid questions. And then proceed to show you some horrible work on "a buddy" by making you browse this persons instagram feed. Normally I am a very polite and patient guy but after a week of this.. I don't really think I care about talking tattoos with people who are not deeply into it. I feel like an elitist for saying this but, I guess right now, that's me. I think one of the problems has to do with how tattooing became a mainstream and "cool" thing. Much like skateboarding right about that time when Adidas and Nike decided there was money to be made. Skateboarders used to be the weird smelly kids, the outcasts of the school. It used to be something the general public had no understanding for. I wrote this to a friend recently who thought that my skateboarding hobby was cool "I don't think skateboarding is so cool, obectivly speaking. Same with tattoos. Or, I don't want it to be cool and hyped and a lot of attention and money into it. I prefer when things are underground, wierd/repulsive to the general public and only cool to the people involved and active. Outsiders and tourists destroy everything genuine (especially as soon as money is involved) It's cultural gentrification." /End of angry rant. Back to trying to be a nice person and talk reasonable and in a friendly tone to people who wants to talk tattoos with me. Shit, I did not get these to be a conversation piece. One of the rudest things that I've had to respond to in a number of occasions is about the cost of tattoos.. like "Woow, dude that's a lot of money on your legs right there!". Few people would talk about the cost of the paintings on the walls of a friends place the first time they get invited over for dinner, am I right? ps. I am a really nice guy in real life
    1 point
  27. @SeeSea Ooh it's coming along so nicely!!
    1 point
  28. Honestly, when I see black and grey pieces, whether it be portraits, or representations of statuary, I do respect the application, but usually just think "Oh, it looks like that photo." Never have I been moved in some astronomical way by a photorealistic tattoo. I do respect the craft aspect of it, but it has always boiled down more to craft than creativity to me, in most cases. Still impressive, but never spoke a single word to me. That being said, the first time I saw the INTO THE BIG NOTHING clouds/eye tattoo by Steve Byrne, I was blown away. It spoke far more than the four words in the banner ever could. After all, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
    1 point
  29. It's this blatant upstart attitude that earns you no respect, although please...don't beg, a dog does that when it loses all self respect. I see what we have here though, another art collector rather than an enthusiast. At one point, I might have been interested in the type of tattoos you have...the experiences you've had in street front shops...the understanding you have gained from this old time traditional culture...the networks you have established, the people who make this culture such a tight knit community based on respect, but I'm kinda guessing now you haven't. I have this feeling you have gained zero insight into how a traditional tattoo goes far deeper for some than just a picture, it's significant nature far beyond the lines you perceive as imperfection...mmm, but I'm not See, we don't need to convince you of fuck all. You haven't earned it. You bumbled your own way into this, all on your own. Well done.
    1 point
  30. tatB

    Long Lasting Styles

    Or keep feeding until it explodes.
    1 point
  31. Tachiyaku

    Long Lasting Styles

    I'm newish to this forum, and was a lurker for a long time before I posted. LST is a very tight community, and like any other community or club or social group of whatever you are new to, it's usually a good idea to try to spend some time getting to know what's it's like before jumping in the way you did. The reason you sounded ignorant and the reason so many of us were amused was because you clearly have no idea who it is you're talking to. The vast majority of people here favor and wear the style of tattoo you derided. If you had simply said traditional is not your thing, no one would have jumped down your throat.
    1 point
  32. Nope, you're ignorant because you're saying traditional takes no talent to create, and you're stupid because you're trashing a vast array of incredibly talented artists. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's shit. Trashing an entire style, and talking shit on work that artists have put their heart and souls into developing, for generations, is downright insulting to the art and culture of tattooing.
    1 point
  33. Nothing wrong with a little tit for tat mate.
    1 point
  34. "Tattoos are not an addiction; they are a collection. A tattoo collector is just like a conventional art collector who buys a painting, hangs it on the wall, and then moves on to acquire the next, unique piece. Tattoo collecting is a spiritual pursuit, while addiction is a physiological need. Addicts repeatedly take the same drug over and over without limit. A tattoo collection has variety, and it has an end. Once you collect the whole set, you're done." -Horiyoshi III Side note: I also have a Hello Kitty. It was done by my fiancée, is about an inch and a half wide, and took her about an hour. It's just lines, aside from color in the bow and nose. She was really trying.
    1 point
  35. You know who was a hack? Picasso. His people don't even look like people! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  36. Haha you went there So aside from the fact that you just insulted about 80% of LST's membership with that post, you should probably learn a little about the style you're bashing before you make such sweeping generalizations. It's fine if you don't like traditional tattooing and it's fine to feel like every tattoo needs to be a custom masterpiece, but I cannot emphasize how dumb it makes you look when you come to a forum with no sense of who it is you're interacting with and why people here like what they like. There are hundreds of pages describing the history and innovation behind traditional tattooing, it might have been a good idea to read through the forum a bit before posting. Also, just fyi, there are handfuls of traditional tattooers who can draw circles around portrait artists and vice versa. Style and skill have little to do with each other.
    1 point
  37. I'm putting this in because I've had good feedback :) Rose morph done by Nick Agnew at Kingsland Ink, Auckland, NZ
    1 point
  38. My back is now officially done! :cool: We had a little 1 hour session today, which was totally brutal unfortunatly, probably a lot of places weren't healed enough from the previous session (about a week and half ago ;-) ). Some statistics : My backpiece was done in a 6 month period in a total of 31 hours :cool:
    1 point
  39. Got my rose morph today... am super happy with it
    1 point
  40. Thank you! Yeah I really like color tattoos, I'm not particular in that way. But I think when you start to get many not too large tattoos and they're all in different color schemes you end up looking like a explosion in a paint factory. Not that there is anything wrong with that, some people pull it off , but being of my particular kind I would find it impossible to dress and end up only dressing in black clothes. Also I would probably be like "man.. I really wish this blue was a little bit more teal" after like 10 years. I don't know, I can only speculate on what it would be like. Black and gray on skin looks so nice. To each it's own I guess.
    1 point
  41. Squid stance and all the glory of being a foreigner busting out kung fu steez in front of the famous Beijing Shi Cha Hai Sports Institute (where Jet Li trained):
    1 point
  42. Couple more. Inside thigh. Front knees.
    1 point
  43. I realized that besides for instagram photos in the Latest Tattoo Lowdown-thread, I haven't uploaded any proper hi-res healed pictures of any one the tattoos I've gotten since I first registered here 3 years ago. I'll make sure to get to that. Anyway, here's my twiggy pale legs at their current state: Left leg, top to bottom: Rose - Eli Quinters Judas wearing devil mask - Iain Mullen Heart factory-thing - Rudy Fritsch Dietzel masked girl - Joel Albertsson ACE-script - design by my friend, tattoo by Iain Mullen Swampy horned skull - my friend Isabel Crocodile bird - Joel Madberg SOOS Man with birdcage head - my friend Isabel Ancient aliens UFO with wings and bird claw - Iain Mullen Gorilla in tower holding skull - Deno Crossed bones RMA - my friend Isabel Återkomst - some scratcher named Jens (traded for a small photo) Badly healed heel tattoo - Iain Mullen Upside down skull - my design, tattoo by Iain Mullen Right leg, top to bottom: Shaman and hyena - James McKenna Rock of ages, upside down cross - Peter Lagergren Girl sleeping in moon - Jaclyn Réhe Human cuddled in egg shape - my friend Isabel Whispering devil + indian symbol and three moons - Iain Mullen Baboon head - Matty D'Arienzo Saraswati/indian looking head - Adde Ramstedt Behive - Knibbe Pallius Upside down eye of providence and snake - Ville Prinsen Big angry snake head - Deno Cat reaper - Joel Madberg SOOS Funky tiger coming out of flower - Cezilia Hjelt Equaly badly healed heel tattoo - Iain Mullen (both to be redone in a few months) Bum dreaming "C.R.E.A.M." - Frej Lind Hårda Tider-band logo on toe - my friend Isabel Edit: Oh wow, long post. Thought they were thin enough to go side by side in pairs. Well.. enjoy
    1 point
  44. Sheesh... Incredible collection @rozone!! I have already posted a picture of myself in fundoshi's here, so this ain't so bad :cool: Here's my pale and hairy stilts. Left leg: Chris Garver - Harpy Tim Lehi - Tiger Morten Transeth - Butterfly Jonas Nyberg - Black rose Horimasa Tosoui - Hannya Chad Koeplinger - Kali Civ - Girlhead (barely visible) Scott Sylvia - Dagger & LST ban hammer (barely visible, but my avatar makes up for it) Morten Marbel - Weird insect thingie (not visible) Christoffer Wøien - Cat head (Krak flash) (not visible) Tony Nilsson - Anchor/shaking hands (Dietzel) Nico Henriksen - Samurai with a headache Marius Meyer - Shishi Cris Cleen - Weird heart shaped thingie (not visible) Grime - Samurai skull (barely visible) A friend that will remain unnamed - Rose & diamond (I had Marius re-shade & colour it. Still looks kinda crap though) Unknown Danish artist - Guitar headstock with snakes (and also my first tattoo!) (not visible) Right leg: Chris Conn - Girl in uniform Timothy Hoyer - Panther Bob Roberts - Dragon Chad Koeplinger - Geisha (Hardy flash) Marius Meyer - Dragon lady & Baku
    1 point
  45. Just posted my twigs on Instagram this morning, but figured I'd repost 'em here too. Many of them are hard to see / are on the other side of my legs, but of what's visible... Right Leg: - Foo Dog by Mike Rubendall - Punk Rock Girl Head by Nick Oaks - Pyramid by Eli Quinters - Dragon Head (peeking out) by Steve Boltz - Rose Girl Head (peeking out) by Kirk Sheppard - Snake Head by Nick Oaks - Wacky Ankle Tribal Band by Paul Samplonius Left Leg: - Hindu Demon Goddess by Freddy Corbin - Devil Woman by Hillary Fisher White - Skull Mosque by Chris Stiles - Pyramid Palm Hand (peeking out) by Jason McAfee - Wolf Head and Snake by Bailey Hunter Robinson - Hammer by Nick Oaks - Dr. Teeth by Cody Zeek Not visible: - Oni Head by Dave Cummings - Dagger through Tiger Head by Jeff Rassier - Mom Heart by Steve Boltz - Higgs Druid by Nick Rodin - Demon Head by Todd Noble - Panther by Matt Arriola - Wacky Husker Du Mandala by Keith Stewart I think that's all of 'em for now, but I'm wearing pants so I can't double-check. :)
    1 point
  46. Did battling ropes recently at a strongman conditioning session for the first time... Quite devilish.
    1 point
  47. My tattoo artist had a moment of inspiration and made one of my moles my buddha's bindi - which I thought was awesome.
    1 point
  48. @eisen777 Sounds like good progress. You'll probably see a lot more if you stick with it. The upside of making strength gains is that when you start doing conditioning workouts for the fat loss (barbell complexes for example) you'll be able to use challenging weights. Agreed, good time of year for sports, walking and no-frills park workouts. Yeah, 3 sets of 10 would probably be 'good' going at the moment. Be interesting to see whether after this GTG my max has moved up... I think it probably already has. I think I'm going to aim for 50-60 a day for now. Switched from regular push-ups to diamond push-ups, looking for 60-80 a day. I'll stop this when my elbows complain! DeFranco is, for me, one of the best "one stop shop" guys for programming and sensible advice on training. I think I saw an older incarnation of that mobility set from him but not this version.
    1 point
  49. Maikel64

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Work in progress on my own chest: Done in 3-3,5 hours. In 3 weeks, some colors will be added and then it is finished.
    1 point
  50. Lochlan

    Full Back Piece Thread

    I know Bart Bingham posted his in progress backpiece by Jason Phillips (Oakland) in the Panther Tattoo Designs thread but I had to put it here as well. So fuc'n sick! Hope you don't mind Bart?
    1 point
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