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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2014 in all areas

  1. Scott Sylvia, Blackheart Tattoo, finished earlier this year. Sorry about the shat picture quality. Titty Sprinkles.
    11 points
  2. We finally got around to finishing my arm off on Sunday, I am absolutely stoked with how it turned out! I can't wait to get onto the other arm after I get the wedding out of the way next year
    11 points
  3. 10 points
  4. "...6 hour session...i was a bit sad that it was over" wat - - - Updated - - - Went to NYC for the first time and got this from Eli Quinters. I also got a lady head from Steve Boltz, which I am in love with, but all the pictures I tried to take were shit. Maybe I'll try again when it's healed...or maybe I'll just keep it to myself.
    8 points
  5. iowagirl

    Arm band cover up

    Thanks! Timm McKenny did the peony. He is now at Sink or Swim Tattoo in KC, Missouri. Forgot I had this thread. Am working on the cover up. I already posted these in the latest tattoo thread but they fit here too. Dom at Big Brain in Omaha, Nebraska is doing it. More work gets done in August.
    7 points
  6. So, funny story. I'm a flight attendant, and the other day a former teenybopper/now still performing (who knew?!) singer was on my flight, I asked him if he was going to play a show, and he told me my glasses were cute, and that I was very cute. Which cracked me up. I didn't have the heart to tell him that my little sister used to like his kind of music, while I was the angsty teen who loathed it with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns. lol. At least he was nice. So for those who had crushes on a young Aaron Carter, he apparently still performs, and has the hots for glasses.
    6 points
  7. Been working out, eating well, getting my health on. I think I've lost about 10lbs the last two month. Looking forward to when I've shed enough to see the muscles I've been trying to grow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  8. taaarro

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I'm going to Ikebukuro tomorrow for a consultation with Horitoshi 1. Excited and a bit nervous. I keep on imagining (hopefully) paranoid scenarios where he explodes saying something like, "You want me to tattoo what!? How dare you!"
    6 points
  9. Cork

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Looks like I get to start my appointment at 2 today instead of 4. I'm going to try and survive 6 hours. We'll see.
    5 points
  10. Started running (well more like lightly jogging with alternating walking) today! Feeling more motivated this time around... I think my hatred for my ever increasing weight is slowly becoming stronger than my hatred for running. I'm hoping if I can make it past the point where I usually get discouraged, I should be able to keep up the habit.
    5 points
  11. My wife and I have just booked three nights in old Quebec City. We leave tomorrow, and will spend a few days poking around the city before hitting Montreal for a day or two. Excited!
    4 points
  12. I have to find a picture of my legs together but I only have two tattoos on my legs, one on each My moon girl when she was first done Healed 1 year: My other leg tattoo: Healed 2 years: Want more on my legs but want to take my time.
    4 points
  13. In terms of rules and such, Charlie Cartwright tattooed both of my dad's hands in the early '80s, when he only had a few pork chops on each arm, and some work on his chest (that I'm not sure was finished). He was 23 or 24 at the time. Just as an example, the "rules" that we all think of weren't as set in stone as we may think, especially before some of the mainstream exposure began to come along in the late '60s and '70s, bringing more regular people in, asking for outlandish things to ruin their lives. Much like my dad, I'd imagine a lot of people got their hands done because it was outside enough that tattooers recognized that the people back then weren't going to get hands blasted, then go try to get a job as a lawyer. Unlike now, when someone asks about getting a hand done while they work as a receptionist or some low level office position. I personally got one and my knuckles done by Dennis McPhail while still in college, and the other hand recently from Steve Byrne. Back and thighs are completely bare still... but, just like with my dad, Dennis knew me well enough to know I wanted to tattoo (before I did), and was willing to be a janitor or welder with two college degrees if tattooing didn't work out. Thankfully, it has so far (provided my hands don't befall some unfortunate fate), and I'm not looking back now. That all being said, I'm all for not doing any sort of visible work on someone who doesn't fully understand the ramifications, and try to talk young kids out of it all the time. Half may listen, most seem to go get it somewhere else to someone that will just stick them in the chair. If someone has a sack of crap (literal or figurative) on their hand, though, I support covering it up or blasting over, if possible. If their life is going to be ruined, it might as well be ruined by something that looks semi-decent.
    4 points
  14. Went to McDonalds for a Big Mac & a medium chocolate thick shake for lunch today.
    4 points
  15. Sparky Polastri

    Hey gang

    Sure, here's a big project I finished with Scott Sylvia earlier this year
    4 points
  16. Here are some shitty -sorry, no S.O. to take pics for me- photos of my legs so far. The holes I've created on my right calf are beginning to bug me. I'll be filling most of the shin area next month with a chubby pinup. Can't wait to fill the rest.
    4 points
  17. by Stewart Robson On a side note, me and @ThatGuy crossed paths in Frith Street without realising, Crossing the online/reality divide. It's a Fantastic back piece! Gets my vote this month.
    4 points
  18. I had a mate a while back now bust my balls because of the extent I have myself tattooed, saying he could never justify the amount of $ spent for such a selfish interest. It kinda blew me away a bit, & the only reason I engaged the conversation is because we grew up together. A) you don't know how much I spend, you only guesstimate going by average "shop hours" B) I don't go out pissing my money against the wall C) my family are provided for, kids are schooled, clothed, fed, dance, swimming, martial arts, piano, violin, orchestra, swimming ...the list goes on...all paid for. Isn't it fucked how people feel they have the right to call you out on your priorities when all they see is what they see sitting in front of them. It's like another dude I know said riding a motorcycle is a selfish mode of transport. Like, WTF? How can that be selfish when my 11 & 9 year olds and Mrs love riding with me. I think we only feel guilty sometimes because it's pushed upon us by fuckers who should be looking in their own back yard before commenting on ours.
    3 points
  19. taaarro

    Upcoming Tattoos

    @sighthound I've been emailing him about a ONI face on my chest but I also really want a dragon from him (I think his are the best)... We'll see how it goes.
    3 points
  20. Four days of Les Mis performances down. Four left to go. Daughter is doing wonderfully as Little Cosette and makes me teary every time, I'm so proud. Meeting new people, making new friends, coming out of my shell a little bit. I must be doing ok, I've not been told any differently.
    3 points
  21. A full back tattoo to kick off the month! Nice one. Better follow suit then. Tattooer CP, Australia. About 6 years old. Cheers.
    3 points
  22. misterJ

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Cork damn man 6 hours from your last photo... you should be like 99%. Either way I am excited for new photos in this thread My next session is Saturday and I am gonna see if I can squeeze extra time.
    2 points
  23. Nice, congrats! I just started going to a climbing gym, and I'm looking forward to one day soon finally having more upper body strength than a 6-year-old.
    2 points
  24. Mark Bee

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Booked in with Franz to get my left knee done in late July. One of these days I'll return to working on my back, but for now, the legs are too much fun, so I'll continue to work on them for now.
    2 points
  25. Somewhat related: On Friday I went in to Lifetime tattoo to catch Mr Shrewsbury during his short little guest spot, I had a weird spot I wanted filled, showed it to him, mentioned a few ideas and he asked me to come back in about an hour. We grabbed a bite to eat but it was super hot out so we went back after about 20 minutes, looked at the walls the remainder of the time, Adam came down with 2 drawings! It was nice to have a choice but damn was it difficult deciding between the two. I would have been happy with either for sure and wouldn't have asked for changes really, but he seemed stoked to be able to do something weird that he was really into.
    2 points
  26. Hi Hayden, it was done by Dan Bursell here in Brisbane Australia. Ex Westside Tattoo but he works from a private studio these days. I'll definitely be going back to him to get the other arm done :D Link to his instagram below. Instagram
    2 points
  27. going to "Outback Steakhouse" for our 7th wedding anniversary dinner tonight :)
    2 points
  28. I kept on with the legs today, getting a scorpion and a pineapple from Franz Stefanik at The Okey Doke in Toronto. Its a great shop in the west end that is moving shortly (July 1 I think) to a much larger studio closer to the core. Really looking forward to seeing what they do with the space.
    2 points
  29. Only 3 leg tattoos so far, but I only got started 6 months ago. I'm Asian, so my legs are almost hairless.
    2 points
  30. I got the job I wanted :)
    2 points
  31. Dropping your pants to display squidpants is the LST secret hand shake.
    2 points
  32. OK, I'll play. These show most of my legs. I won't bore you with the sides of my knees or ankles. And I'm too lazy to type out who did what, but I'm happy to answer any questions.
    2 points
  33. Three absolutely great tattoos so far! will add this into the mix just for fun. My 3/4 peacock sleeve by Mie at Nine Tails Tattoo in East London. Its a cover up of an old black and grey piece that I had 6 laser sessions on over a couple of years. Final touch up finished last week.
    2 points
  34. Back-piece finished a few weeks ago. Valerie Vargas, Frith Street Tattoo, London
    2 points
  35. Just imagine how awesome this t-shirt would look on you: If you win the LST Tattoo of the Month contest it will be yours for Free Free Free Free Free Free (or if you don't win you can always order one here: LST Store | Last Sparrow Tattoo) The rules: The tattoo picture that gets posted in this thread for June 2014 with the most 'likes' for the month wins! The contest starts on the first of the month and ends on the last day of the month. Your tattoo picture must be posted in this thread (both tattooers and tattoo customers can win) in order to qualify. Include with your photo/post...tattoo artist name & tattoo shop. You MUST be the one who has the tattoo or did the tattoo. You can 'like' as many tattoos as you want. It can be a finished or in progress tattoo. You cannot enter the same tattoo in more than one contest.
    1 point
  36. Side of my head is tattooed! For me it was the most painful tattoo I have gotten.....but I hear others say it wasn't bad at all! Mine was done in two sessions and the lining was not too bad.......the second session of shading and blending was horrible! Pink Tibetan Snow Lion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_Lion
    1 point
  37. @Stewart Robson Enjoyable watch. Makes me want to plan a trip to Frith Street. But you should also visit the northeastern US again, preferably Boston.
    1 point
  38. But of course, as would I!!!
    1 point
  39. I got this lil' dude on my forearm from Mat Welch yesterday. It's really hard to get a solid picture, but you get the idea...
    1 point
  40. Drove up to SOG w/ @TrixieFaux to get her monmon catted now I'm jet setting to NYC for a reading of a script I wrote leaving the poor girls to drive back down to LA solo because I am a terrible husband and father but that's how we do in Hollywood, baby!
    1 point
  41. I gotta say Mick, reading that last post got me a little choked. Especially the stuff about your dad, i had the exact same conversation but in reverse i supposed. I remember sitting in a coffee shop with my dad, looking at him a year sober and saying to him 'how the fuck are you still alive you old bastard!' and we both stood up and hugged. It was almost as if in that moment all the anger and resentment about his behavior over the years fell away, and i was just happy to have him there, this old red faced bastard - my dad. heavy stuff for the internet! Still its good to talk, and even better to listen. Thanks for that @Mick Weder
    1 point
  42. My aunt and I have been painting the general store that her in laws own. We're doing the lettering and the friezes. It's a really great project. Will post pictures when it's done.
    1 point
  43. Pugilist

    Face/Head Tattoo

    I agree with the skepticism over the legal stuff, but I also wanted to highlight this point that @Mick Weder made. Why does everyone want everything so fast these days?
    1 point
  44. Graeme

    Face/Head Tattoo

    I agree with @Mick Weder and @SeeSea here and with regard to copyright, looking at pictures of Jun Cha's tattoos it looks like a lot of them draw on reference from Renaissance sculpture. Of course there's interpretation there, composing it to work as a tattoo, actually tattooing it, etc., but regardless it isn't like his tattoos spring purely from his imagination. When contracts and the possibility of lawyers is involved, it isn't really tattooing anymore to me.
    1 point
  45. Graeme

    Knee Tattoooo

    I'm going to have to post on the relationships and tattoos thread about how my wife doesn't support me getting tattoos because she won't bring me delicious, delicious pata negra while I'm confined to a hotel bed because I've hobbled myself by getting my knees blasted while on vacation.
    1 point
  46. Pugilist

    Knee Tattoooo

    I never thought it would come to this, but @Graeme: it's tattoos or ham. You can't have both.
    1 point
  47. Decided to quickly drop my pants in a field Crow - Bert Krak Rock of ages - Steve Byrne Strongman - Stacey Ann Golliwog - Steve Byrne Pharoes horses - Steve Byrne Gorilla - Dan Santoro Tengu -Steve Byrne Rose of nomans land - Steve Byrne Grimm Reaper - Eli Quinters Not that many right now but until last July I only had two
    1 point
  48. Sheesh... Incredible collection @rozone!! I have already posted a picture of myself in fundoshi's here, so this ain't so bad :cool: Here's my pale and hairy stilts. Left leg: Chris Garver - Harpy Tim Lehi - Tiger Morten Transeth - Butterfly Jonas Nyberg - Black rose Horimasa Tosoui - Hannya Chad Koeplinger - Kali Civ - Girlhead (barely visible) Scott Sylvia - Dagger & LST ban hammer (barely visible, but my avatar makes up for it) Morten Marbel - Weird insect thingie (not visible) Christoffer Wøien - Cat head (Krak flash) (not visible) Tony Nilsson - Anchor/shaking hands (Dietzel) Nico Henriksen - Samurai with a headache Marius Meyer - Shishi Cris Cleen - Weird heart shaped thingie (not visible) Grime - Samurai skull (barely visible) A friend that will remain unnamed - Rose & diamond (I had Marius re-shade & colour it. Still looks kinda crap though) Unknown Danish artist - Guitar headstock with snakes (and also my first tattoo!) (not visible) Right leg: Chris Conn - Girl in uniform Timothy Hoyer - Panther Bob Roberts - Dragon Chad Koeplinger - Geisha (Hardy flash) Marius Meyer - Dragon lady & Baku
    1 point
  49. else

    Knee Tattoooo

    Here's mine (slurped off of Steve Byrne's instagram) The knee was way less painful than I expected it to be... there were a couple spots that really made me wince but otherwise it was pretty easy.
    1 point
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