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I got some Bob Wicks flash done by Miguel Olascuaga today. Sorry about my swollen arm.11 points
This is my latest tattoo from Marius Meyer. 2x 4h sessions. :)9 points
Get a room, you nerds8 points
Post awesome things you have been doing recently
MadeIndelible and 7 others reacted to Pleadco for a topic
Getting the keys to our house on Friday. 2.5 acres for our kids to run around in. Also had the pleasure of speaking with Marcus Kuhn today about a piece. He was super-chill and I hope to see him in the next few months. My dragon sleeve is almost completely done minus some finishing details on the leaves. The wife is getting another promotion here soon.... If my dad and siblings weren't losing their marbles I might be concerned about how well things are going :)8 points -
San Francisco July 2014
MadeIndelible and 4 others reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
Then what FUCKING GOOD ARE YOU?! ....sorry..5 points -
Progress after 6 sessions. Sorry about the bad angle and lighting, but I figured I should finally put something up as this continues to evolve. Looks like a mess up top where he's starting the background into the blue up to the circle which is the location of the sun and the hammerhead silhouette. I had to tap out before he could get to a decent stopping point on that. The only parts close to done are the sea snake, the two orange fish and the bottom clownfish. Everything else is the first or second layer of paint and we're still missing a critter at the bottom. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-3hP0yv6rOoY/U2mOmwxTK7I/AAAAAAAAAE0/qYK1YJycKO0/w716-h1074-no/Session+6+done+sm+sm.jpg https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-wj42u_1k8b0/U2mQfeL008I/AAAAAAAAAFQ/KNPdI4dlpvw/w970-h1074-no/Session+6+3+sm+sm.jpg5 points
Tattoos and the workplace
Reyeslv and 3 others reacted to slayer9019 for a topic
The way I phrased it to a business associate recently. Don't "pick" on tattoos because they are so easy. It is like picking on smokers, we stand out and "are bad". Think about it like this. I group tattoos with religion, politics, pro-choice, etc. They are non-value adds to work, so just skip them. What can be gained at work by showing up with all your tattoos showing or similarly wearing your "Obama 2012" shirt, or similarly your choice of faith pendant prominently displayed. Nothing. Yes, you may find like minded individuals, but realistically it causes fractures in the workplace. I've seen the topics I've mentioned tear up relationships in the office and paint various persons with a "bad" image. People at work should keep their opinions to themselves and not bring in their views unless related to work. Example: I overheard a crazy conversation based in religious beliefs that mentioned that gay people aren't real people. Seriously this happened in corporate America right out in the open. I also happened to know a person, who I know is gay happened to be sitting very very much in earshot of this whole discussion. Let's just say it didn't end well for the parties involved. Example 2: I was in a social conversation at work with coworkers and some directors that somehow creeped into politics. I removed myself quickly from the conversation but let them continue until it broke down pretty bad. Even though it was on a hot topic for me (guns), I didn't see how that could help my job or career at all. Again from what I saw as an outcome the director had opposing views from the employees and they were on the "shit list" well into when I left the job. Tattoos are great, they are awesome, but as Brian said, "I dont want to be known as the tattooed guy from Finance", just the same as I don't want to be known as the "Gun nut from Pro Services" or the "Atheist from Sales". I don't go to work to "express myself", I go there to get a paycheck....and of course spend that paycheck on new tattoos!4 points -
Relationships and tattoos
sourpussoctopus and 3 others reacted to MrsGougeTheEyes for a topic
See how easy you have it ;)4 points -
Life is swell: -Down about 20 pounds and up lots of muscle -Bought my first house before turning 26 -Promotion continues to look more and more likely for me, although the whole thing is this sort of nebulous semi-secret ordeal.4 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
exume and 3 others reacted to suburbanxcore for a topic
Lately I've been keeping a tab in Chrome open with this thread and have been working my way through it from the beginning. At first I didn't "like" any posts cause they were so old, but then I said screw it and started liking away. So, some of you may be getting some super old likes from me. Haha. Good stuff buried deep in here.4 points -
@daveborjes Nice... ...shunga for the neck piece? I wouldn't be brave enough personally.4 points
Tattoos and the workplace
slayer9019 and 3 others reacted to tatB for a topic
I'm still young and have only been a member of the 9-5 workforce for 7-8 years, but the one thing I've learned is work is not the time or place for any type of self expression. You get paid to perform your specific job, not to express/advertise all your hobbies and beliefs. I do not want to be "the guy in finance with the tattoos". I want to be "that guy in finance who knows his shit and can help solve this problem." Also when muscular guys wear tight polo shirts in an office environment they look like are personal trainers, or depending on the color work at Target, Best Buy, Walmart, etc.4 points -
Hello from a tattoo-nervous person!!
slayer9019 and 3 others reacted to irezumi for a topic
I was 17 when I got my first real crush on an unobtainable woman, her name was Alex Herman and she was the hottest punk rock girl/woman I had ever seen. She was also the first really heavily tattooed woman I had seen with amazing work, way cooler than the less than mediocre black and grey punk tattoos I had seen on friends and at shows. She had a cheetah print forearm and for some reason is still ingrained in my mind. Therefor I have a slight bias and don't mind cheetah print all that much.4 points -
Tattoos and the workplace
keepcalm and 2 others reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
@slayer9019 please to change your username to TheAthiestinSales3 points -
Relationships and tattoos
Tesseracts and 2 others reacted to HaydenRose for a topic
Compromises are OK, but not when only one member of the relationship is compromising! Also, tattoos are permanent. They are part of you. I like to say Vermont will always be my home and is a "part" of me, but I've compromised and accepted that it makes more sense for my husband to live closer to NYC. That is the biggest compromise I've made in our relationship, but he knows if he ever takes away a hobby of mine (ex. getting tattooed) were going to have some issues. I would never dream of discouraging him from following something he loves unless it was damaging his health or the relationship. Just my $0.02.3 points -
The Ditch
polliwog and 2 others reacted to chrisnoluck for a topic
i've only got one tattooed so far, wasn't nearly bad as i was expecting. about 1.5 years healed in this photo, by Timmy Tatts3 points -
3 points
And then when you get those tattoos they get in the way of getting more tattoos. Tattoos ruin everything.3 points
Hello from a tattoo-nervous person!!
suburbanxcore and 2 others reacted to irezumi for a topic
My high school anthem3 points -
3 points
3 points
Hello from a tattoo-nervous person!!
gougetheeyes and 2 others reacted to smiling.politely for a topic
Huge cheetah pelt backpiece? Check. Lots of other work that outstrips it in terms of craft, design, and timelessness? Check. If you want to do that backpiece, wait awhile. I'd say give it three or four years, honestly. Into your twenties a bit... If you still want it, go for it.3 points -
May 2014 Tattoo of the Month Contest
Eilin and 2 others reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
My Kim Saigh arm is healed. Why is it so hard to get good pics? There are 5 shots here and still no full view of the inner bicep rose. Oh well. Good enough!3 points -
Determined to turn this month into a ridiculous rib piece battle.... Uncle Allan. Conspiracy Inc, Berlin. All healed up.3 points
2 points
Relationships and tattoos
DJDeepFried and one other reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
Remember what happened last time you dared me?! (Uh oh, I don't have the kissy-face emoticon to make this all ok..)2 points -
Relationships and tattoos
Graeme and one other reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
Cool, so I'm getting my neck tattooed today...:cool:2 points -
polliwog and one other reacted to MrsGougeTheEyes for a topic
Yes! I started boxing about a year ago. I started at my gym on the heavy/speed bag and eventually joined a muay thai boxing gym in September (I only do western boxing though because an elbow to the face is not appealing to me). Last night I finally started beginners sparring but didn't get to punch anyone or be punched in the face. Apparently they like you to work up to that hahaha. I really love it. It's pretty much the only time I get to focus on just one thing and basically meditate. It's also fun to do something physical to work towards something that's goal is not weight loss.2 points -
2 points
Relationships and tattoos
HaydenRose and one other reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
It kind of sounds like a mother-son relationship. I'd try to shift the balance by talking it through (again) and coming clean... Facing the music before she discovers it some other way! I used to hide stuff from my parents if I knew they wouldn't like it but hiding stuff in a marriage is dangerous to the marriage. Causes mistrust, etc. that's supposed to be your partner! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points -
The Ditch
gougetheeyes and one other reacted to smalltownVA for a topic
The ditch is done on both of my arms. One arm has some wings that start on my inner forearm and sweep up and over into my ditch. I have this skull that I let my daughter pick out on the ditch of my right arm. The application of the tattoo itself wasn't bad at all in comparison to some other spots but the healing wasn't alot of fun. The tattoo was done by Robert Frazier in Winston Salem, NC.2 points -
LST Animal Lovers
Dan and one other reacted to smalltownVA for a topic
Thanks. She is the definition of a mutt but she is pretty awesome. The mom is a beagle/bassett hound/some sort of pitbull mix (that is where the short legs come from) and the dad is a Shar Pei (she has his curly tail). The only one that came out of the litter with predominantly Shar Pei features was the one male. This is a picture of the male and our puppy about a week after we got her when we took her back to visit.2 points -
The Tattoo News
exume and one other reacted to heathenist for a topic
ROA is already a powerhouse, if Chad finally settles down... damn. However, I'm skeptical about it, it seems like he has said similar things a few times in the past few years and it's never really happened.2 points -
Meant to post this earlier:- According to his Instagram Dan Sinnes is in LA, Miami & Atlanta for the next few weeks, taking bookings. I'm hoping to get tattooed by him in Luxembourg later in the year, my wife too. I love his new style Japanese stuff.2 points
Hi Hogg, I've been fortunate enough to score some bookings with Dan Bursell here in Australia. I've caught him just before he moves a few hours away which is awfully fortunate. Instagram2 points
Tattoos and the workplace
slayer9019 and one other reacted to Colored Guy for a topic
About work... what they don't know can't be held against you. I would have probably been out of a job if I had my ink exposed all the time. "let's see.. who can we do without... yeah, get rid of the tattoo guy, he's different..". Rob2 points -
That's a beautiful gorilla, and the colors are so smooth that they're almost creamy...but it's also hard for me not to wince inwardly, thinking about how that must've felt. :p I would be drinking All The Beers. It's also crazy that there are so many amazing tattoos here that something like that doesn't win automatically. Every month seems to be surpassing the last.2 points
That segment on Sunrise disappointed me on a number of levels. Not only do we live in a patriarchal society and have to field comments like that from men, we still have a number of woman who sprout off the same ignorant remarks which only serves to re-inforce these archaic views of how woman should look and live in society. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but she could've worded her response in such a better way. No one would begrudge her for saying that tattoos weren't her cup of tea and leaving it at that, but she had to take it further with her message that woman with tattoos aren't attractive and that men don't find us attractive either. Because we all live our lives just to make ourselves more attractive to men, right? I also find it amusing that someone with no tattoos can make such a blanket statement that everyone will regret their tattoos at some stage in their life. If people do regret their tattoos, how in any way is that affecting her? What ever happened to live and let live? Why wasn't there a woman on that panel with a sleeve or a gorgeous chest piece? I hope that Anna Musson doesn't have a daughter, as we don't need any more woman growing up hearing and believing that self expression is viewed negatively and is ugly.2 points
The ladies thread
Beans and one other reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
Tattooed ladies being put down again...very trendy. I just couldn't stay out of this one... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points -
Upcoming Tattoos
jimmyirish and one other reacted to RoryQ for a topic
Seven Doors also springs to mind...2 points -
Hello from a tattoo-nervous person!!
gougetheeyes and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
I'd still get the rude boy logo. Also the "Let's Go" fist. However, I do believe that originally was a piece of Mike Malone flash that said "Fist City." Loretta Lynn is awesome.2 points -
Relationships and tattoos
Kristy and one other reacted to SnowyPlover for a topic
A possible case of "Never Nude"?2 points -
San Francisco July 2014
cltattooing and one other reacted to Graeme for a topic
This thread makes me jealous.2 points -
2 points
Got this one Saturday at the Rochester convention from Frank William. Instagram2 points
Hello from a tattoo-nervous person!!
slayer9019 and one other reacted to Therinx for a topic
For something like that, i'd wait a few years, and if it still "resonates" with you, then get it. You'd be surprised how what you think you love at 18 will change and that's a lot of real estate to regret on. I'd probably have METALLICA scrawled across my back if i went big at 18 and would have regretted it by 25. However, that's just my opinion and YMMV. :D2 points -
Hello from a tattoo-nervous person!!
gougetheeyes and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Everyone gets that tattoo they want. It's a true statement. However, you're young, and your back is a helluva lot of real estate. They put all sorts of "comeback" magic in tattoo pigment and I seriously doubt this will be your last tattoo. I don't know, maybe the BME forum would have better advice (:eek:)2 points -
Random Picture Thread
bnannners and one other reacted to MadeIndelible for a topic
Getting this thread back on track.2 points -
2 points
The Ditch
slayer9019 and one other reacted to polliwog for a topic
One I like from Josh Mcalear at Redemption2 points