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  1. Got this one Saturday at the Rochester convention from Frank William. Instagram
    13 points
  2. I've always found this to be a very interesting viewpoint on biting. Steven Powers has been out of the graff scene for a while (so have I) but still inspires the new generations. This was originally printed in an old magazine called On The Go, and later reprinted in one of his own books 'The Art of Getting Over'. A side by side comparison doesn't exactly line up 100%, but in idea it's not real far off in some ways. - - - Updated - - - I have to to type this whole thing and I am a pointing finger Plunker so you damn well better appreciate it. Filip Leu said this in his TAM interview; TAM comments on his style growing, and his reply is
    7 points
  3. beez

    Happy star wars day!

    That's okay...today is revenge of the fifth... <ducks punches>
    6 points
  4. beez

    Tattoos and the workplace

    I was really pleased to see a comment at the top refuting the "but you invited me to stare" argument. Because it IS like saying "look at how she's dressed, she's asking for it" or staring at amputees when a stump or fake arm is visible. I keep covered because if the inevitable stares, but honestly already had that practice in place pre-tattoo because there are a lot of creepy starers out there, and I don't want to attract attention. But it kind of sucks that I have to cover my tattoos and womanliness because some people are creeps and stare and comment regularly, a la "ooh, look at those hips! I bet you've had a lot of children", and "are you a slut or are you expensive?" FYI those happened in the last three months with all tattoos covered and just jeans and a hoodie on. Soooo...did I invite that by walking around? Because that's all I was doing, going from point a to b. During the day! I should also state that sometimes I dress to show off my tattoos and also to be purposefully attractive...and even then while I do it on purpose with the intention of being appreciated, getting called names and getting leered at are still not okay and a really violating experience. So where's the balance? Because sometimes I want to look good. But I NEVER want the names or comments. "What do I have to do to see all of your tattoos" shudder. I do keep covered in professional situations, much like I wouldn't wear club wear to a meeting, because it's just not the right time for it. Maybe after the meeting we compare tattoos, but biz is biz until it's done! I wouldn't wear a suit to a club, either. (Who am I kidding? I don't go to clubs!!! Ahahaha) Buuuut also I mostly work for myself, by myself, and in a non traditional environment, so a lot of the "rules" are of my own devising. Anyway. Barf for the morning.
    5 points
  5. Thank you, it means a lot to me. Definitely a rollercoaster ride all the way, but I'd do anything for her. How many couples still have it all together after 30 years?
    5 points
  6. she got the skin grafts. where she had the round laser removal scar was really ugly once they opened it up for the skin graft. so a Spinal Surgeon checked it out since it was close to her Spine, and her Doc wanted a 4+ in section of meat removed. her tops of 2hr surgery turned in to 7hrs. due to the toxic UV color!(I want to stress this was not tattoo ink!!!) THANKS Guys for all the Great Advice!!!
    5 points
  7. smalltownVA

    LST Animal Lovers

    Here is our puppy Penny. This was taken about a month ago; she would have been about 7 weeks or so at that point.
    4 points
  8. I'm still working on figuring out getting tattooed. The homey Nick Rodin might be taking some time off and Mr. Sylvia will actually be on the east coast. My pal who is traveling with me is going up to Portland on the Tuesday of that week to get tattooed by Jef Whitehead, so I think I'm going to pop down to Oakland that day. Let's hang y'all.
    4 points
  9. beez

    Happy star wars day!

    May the fourth be with you...
    3 points
  10. I wish. Stupid saving money for tattoos getting in the way of travelling for tattoos.
    3 points
  11. The more the merrier. For real. Bring Daisy.
    3 points
  12. This thread makes me jealous.
    3 points
  13. hogg

    San Francisco July 2014

    Rassier. Lehi. Puente. Anyone at Spider Murphy's. DO EET, MANG.
    3 points
  14. I'm so bummed to hear about you being sick @Fala. Such bad timing. And it sounded pretty on point for what you wanted too. Hopefully you'll be able to re-schedule soon and get it before next year. It was perfect coordination w/ your conference but hopefully you can find cheap tickets back here. I can imagine how excited you were about it, being able to get a monmon cat myself, so I feel your pain for sure. On a "Horitomo" note, I noticed today, SOG posted that Horitomo's taking on new clients for larger work, I can't remember if you have a backpiece or not but given the extra time you now have to reschedule and save perhaps you can super size it :-) Actually, for anyone else interested in him, I'd email the shop quick!!! Cuz. Damn! Just damn!!! Oh and get well soon Fala! Hopefully nature's tricks are done messing with you cuz this was enough.
    3 points
  15. To be clear it's just an op ivy reference...and I could have assigned any other contrived meaning to it, that's just the one I was thinking of (you know, back when it felt necessary to justify every aspect of the tattoo as spiritual and meaningful and blah blah) when perusing the wall of flash at the shop. A friend and I met in NYC when we were 17 to get tattoos. At this time - Sept or Oct '00 - you could walk into just about any place in the city* and get a really good fake ID from a number of different Northeastern states, with a hologram and everything. I took my fresh fake ID in my hot little hand and my friend and I hightailed it to the place I had found on the internet, Andromeda on St. Mark's Place (ahhh it's still there!!!)...holy shit I just realized/remembered that this is a story in two parts...the first trip I went to get pierced. Had the ID, ran to the shop, and the guy called me out instantly for having a fake ID - he was from PA and recognized that the hologram (that damn hologram) was off...and then the other guy showed me HIS fake ID, they asked how old I really was, and went ahead with the piercing. (Which maybe to adult me is a little creepy, but 17 year old me was glad for the attention and aid in my rebellion, or whatever it was...my individuation...) The subsequent trip, a week or two later, I went to the tattoo part of Andromeda with my fake ID, and that's when I got my first tattoo. My friend - the same friend from earlier - and I were going to get an Alice (on her) and a White Rabbit (on me) but of course we just really wanted tattoos, and didn't really care, and the ones we wanted were time and cost prohibitive, and so we saw these really cool kanji characters on the wall...BOOM. Le first tattoo. (Hers was for "courage". Damn, but we 17 year old white girls are predictable). Anyway. So instead of the cool rude boy tattooed on my hip, it's a straight from the sheet kanji character, but kind of an awesome story, looking back on it. The attached is a pic of my first tattoo...it is 14 years old!!! And that spot in the middle...I remember when the chunk of color fell right out of it...I bumped into something sharp when healing...and thought "Oh I guess you CAN remove them" ahahahaha. The POV is me looking down on it, I guess making it upside down in the pic. *my assumption based on the fact that 17 year old girls could do it...
    3 points
  16. Daniel Albrigo, three kings in NYC. Still kind of freaking out
    3 points
  17. TatsNCats

    LST Animal Lovers

    This in my Pappy Grizzle Nuts, sunbathing in the yard...
    3 points
  18. I was 17 when I got my first real crush on an unobtainable woman, her name was Alex Herman and she was the hottest punk rock girl/woman I had ever seen. She was also the first really heavily tattooed woman I had seen with amazing work, way cooler than the less than mediocre black and grey punk tattoos I had seen on friends and at shows. She had a cheetah print forearm and for some reason is still ingrained in my mind. Therefor I have a slight bias and don't mind cheetah print all that much.
    2 points
  19. Huge cheetah pelt backpiece? Check. Lots of other work that outstrips it in terms of craft, design, and timelessness? Check. If you want to do that backpiece, wait awhile. I'd say give it three or four years, honestly. Into your twenties a bit... If you still want it, go for it.
    2 points
  20. I'd still get the rude boy logo. Also the "Let's Go" fist. However, I do believe that originally was a piece of Mike Malone flash that said "Fist City." Loretta Lynn is awesome.
    2 points
  21. You wear a T-shirt all the time?!
    2 points
  22. My wife and I always discuss and agree before spending decent amounts of money, usually anything over a C note. She had been blowing me off on my requests for tattoo money for a long time, a year or two. She thought I was just wanting to get the two really bad tattoos I had covered up and that would be the end of it, and it has been about two years since I had those covered. Finally we had a long talk about it and I explained that I've been into tattoos since I was a little kid in the 70's looking at the Outlaw Biker magazines in the bookstores. I got some really bad punk rock tats when I was a teenager and, in some amazing moment of clarity, realized just how bad they were. I had no idea how to go about getting good tattoos, every penny I had went to booze and drugs, and I didn't want to end up looking like GG Allin so I stopped with the tattoos. then I got older, had kids, sobered up, got a good job and took care of my kids and family and now that the kids are mostly grown (19 and 15) I wanna spend some cash and get some really nice tattoos from really good tattooers. And now I know how to find them and, because of this site, I know even more about what makes a good tattoo that will last. this is important as I'm entering my mid 40 and I can already tell that the skin is changing a bit from when I was younger. After that talk it is all good. Now when we are planning trips or vacations she doesn't get as frustrated when I start mentioning all the awesome tattooers in the area and asking if we can set aside 1K and drop me off for a day while they go do something.
    2 points
  23. beez

    San Francisco July 2014

    @CultExciter ehhh I'm working on a way to justify being there a week early, my tattoos are booked for the 10th and 11th. Of course I could book them earlier...but also super dumb to have a healing tattoo over the 4th, a historically hot, sunny, sandy holiday :p. (not suuuuper dumb, just trying to plan well!). Workin on it, but at the mo' I'll be there the week after you, bummer!! Stay another week! :p But ya never know, no tickets have been purchased yet, and I have had fun times with other LSTers, so it is super tempting for me.
    2 points
  24. I'm pretty sure that would make you incredibly recognizable.
    2 points
  25. Here's an article from Linkedin about tattoos and the workplace. I like the comments and found them to be more interesting than the article. But You Asked Me to Stare At Your Tattoos But You Asked Me to Stare At Your Tattoos | LinkedIn
    2 points
  26. I can't believe some asshole would do that to her. I'm so sorry. I wish you and her all the best from here on in.
    2 points
  27. If you don't post the secret sauce then nobody can steal it.
    2 points
  28. Here's the tattoo I got from Danh Vu at Inkman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otcZ_o_SaFY&feature=youtu.be Thanks for the help.
    2 points
  29. Wife was against ink for the longest time. Then I lost a lot of weight, hit the gym and got all metro with dressing better, nice colognes, etc. Then I started showing a strong interest in ink again. Now that I'm all pretty she's really curious as to what kinds of pieces I'm considering. No negativity at all. She's even DVR shows like Inkmaster for me. I think I broke the code for getting the wife to come around to the idea.
    2 points
  30. You must not have read a single post in this thread
    2 points
  31. TatsNCats

    LST Animal Lovers

    This is my Golden - Charger, and he is being humped by our old neighbor's dog, Dukealicious ( he is dead now we think, been missing for a long time now ) [/url]
    2 points
  32. Its been a busy month for me, got my 3/4 sleeve finished and was incredibly lucky to get a cancellation eagle with Valerie Vargas. So here is the first one... Valerie Vargas, Frith Street Tattoo, London.
    2 points
  33. My Kim Saigh arm is healed. Why is it so hard to get good pics? There are 5 shots here and still no full view of the inner bicep rose. Oh well. Good enough!
    2 points
  34. Yaaaaaaaay! Thanks, everyone!!❤️
    2 points
  35. Determined to turn this month into a ridiculous rib piece battle.... Uncle Allan. Conspiracy Inc, Berlin. All healed up.
    2 points
  36. kylegrey

    LST Animal Lovers

    Sadly our first staff (Sampson ) was also diabetic and had Cushings syndrome , he died a couple of weeks before Christmas . Tom was desperate for a playmate to bundle with and so we rescued Butch .
    2 points
  37. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JCZT_51GA0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWHplp10kQM
    2 points
  38. idyllsend

    LST Animal Lovers

    First we have my beloved Cain, may he rest in peace, who was sadly put down a year and a half ago before he made it to 13. He was such a cuddle monster. He would stretch his body across mine and sleep, or play dead when I tried to get him down off of me. Next we have Kylo, my gentle sweetheart. He's 14 this year, his hearing is going, and his back end is a bit weak, but he's still doing well. For all the bodily noises and smells that come out of this old man, I still love him to bits. And finally, my cat-bros [littermates], Tulkas and Mandos. Named after Tolkien deities, they just turned 9 last month. Tulkas shies away from other people, but he's the biggest mamas boy. He loves to perch on my shoulder or bury his face in my neck. Mandos, well Mandos just about loves everybody [except animals other than Tulkas] and will roll over for a perfect stranger to pet his belly.
    2 points
  39. TrixieFaux

    LST Animal Lovers

    he purrs nonstop
    2 points
  40. If this is a real post and not some elaborate keyword troll, I don't think that's the kind of information anyone might readily share (nor should they be asked, in my opinion) either in the tattoo shop or online. Aside from being very personal, it has very little bearing on the solution to the problem. In this (or similar situation) my advice would always be to cover it with a great looking, high quality tattoo. Japanese style tattoos work very well for that.
    2 points
  41. SStu

    Upcoming Tattoos

    @Boiled Dove - Having a morel tattoo NOT come out looking like a pecker is going to be an accomplishment! :rolleyes:
    1 point
  42. Graeme

    Upcoming art shows

    The Montreal convention (5-7 September 2014) is going to include a group show with new paintings from Timothy Hoyer, Phil Holt, Lango Oliviera, and Edu Cerro at the Yves Laroche Gallery. Another reason to make the trip for the convention...
    1 point
  43. irezumi

    Upcoming art shows

    It was a good time last night, thanks to the folks that saw this and were able to make it. A nice turnout of people, saw some old friends and made some new ones. Met 2 people that was a meeting long overdue, along with @MadeIndelible and @cltattooing as well. Thanks for making it guys. No photos, sorry. Didn't get any, there was a lot of mingling to do. They really don't do them justice anyway.
    1 point
  44. MadeIndelible

    LST Soul/R&B Thread

    Hugh is a very talented dude, from House M.D. to his music. Edited to say that I just found out about Lee Fields from @CultExciter 's post, and GOD DAMN that man has soul. AND, he's playing at the Fillmore in June. Guess where 35 dollars of my next paycheck are going.
    1 point
  45. @cltattooing 's work on the back of my thigh. Done last week at Clubhouse Tattoo in Oakland.
    1 point
  46. Nice little filler tattoo of a bunch of lilacs (my mom's favorite flower). Done by Keith Reed at X-treme Ink in West Chester, PA.
    1 point
  47. CABS

    San Francisco July 2014

    Dude you're right by Skull & Sword. And not too far from Blackheart neither. - - - Updated - - - TYBG.
    1 point
  48. TrixieFaux

    LST Animal Lovers

    Did somebody say Tomo update????!!!!!! The cats are good friends already!
    1 point
  49. Scuba skull by Dan Trocchio. Have to take a picture with better lighting and color. For you scuba divers, I know it's not accurate. A rebreather doesn't create bubbles, but for my tattoo, looking cool took priority over accuracy.
    1 point
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