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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2014 in all areas

  1. Daniel Albrigo, three kings in NYC. Still kind of freaking out
    20 points
  2. My Kim Saigh arm is healed. Why is it so hard to get good pics? There are 5 shots here and still no full view of the inner bicep rose. Oh well. Good enough!
    8 points
  3. @Renzie delete that first paragraph! :)
    6 points
  4. Its been a busy month for me, got my 3/4 sleeve finished and was incredibly lucky to get a cancellation eagle with Valerie Vargas. So here is the first one... Valerie Vargas, Frith Street Tattoo, London.
    6 points
  5. Today, The Japan Times is running a revisionist history of Japanese tattooing calling for Japanese people to (re-)embrace their long&proud tattoo culture. Japan inked: Should the country reclaim its tattoo culture? | The Japan Times "Tattooing is the most misunderstood form of art in contemporary Japan. Historically, Japanese prohibitions against tattoos have been aimed at the working classes, women and ethnic minorities - and today the bearer of a full-back tattoo is increasingly likely to be a sensitive salaryman rather than a punch-permed thug." The story goes into bans on tattoos for women from Okinawan and Hokkaido minority groups - as well the future of tattoo culture in Japan vis-a-vis the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Enjoy! jm
    4 points
  6. Not sure if you guys know but I got cocky with my Remis piece and never bothered healing it properly. It got really infected and smelt like rotting flesh. I just had it recently fixed by Remis so thought I would share and see if anyone else has any works that they had fucked up and had fixed, interested to see how they came out after the fix. I am very happy with the way my turned out. :) This was when freshly done! This was my healing skills lol Fixed 2 days ago :)
    4 points
  7. got this yesterday from cole dunn @ the rochester convention. hard to get a decent picture because it wraps a bit but it's on the inside of my thigh
    4 points
  8. Determined to turn this month into a ridiculous rib piece battle.... Uncle Allan. Conspiracy Inc, Berlin. All healed up.
    4 points
  9. Since it's on Instagram, and I haven't posted in this thread in a while, here's my snake from @cltattooing . So happy with it!
    4 points
  10. And the winner of April 2014 "Tattoo of the Month" goes to.... @KBeee for this amazing monmon cat tattoo by Horitomo. Congrats!!! Please PM @steve1461686340 with your shirt info (size and male or female) along with your address. Thanks to everyone for your submissions! New contest will be up in in a few minutes. - - - Updated - - - Oh, and you of course earn the title of "LST Ink Master Canvas April 2014" ;)
    4 points
  11. HaydenRose

    Upcoming art shows

    (By Rose Hardy) Ladies Ladies Artshow opening on Thurs May 15th! At 8 of Swords in Brooklyn Wish I could go, but my work has an event that day/evening :( Hopefully the NYC peeps can make it!
    3 points
  12. You can also never have too many Chris O'Donnell tattoos!
    3 points
  13. TatsNCats

    LST Animal Lovers

    This is my Golden - Charger, and he is being humped by our old neighbor's dog, Dukealicious ( he is dead now we think, been missing for a long time now ) [/url]
    3 points
  14. I think it is nice to be able to share a passion with a loved one. My ex wife and ex fiancee, they weren't into it at all. My wife likes them though and goes along with what I want to do. Now she's battling cancer and I really hope she gets better and sticks around for a long time. After 30 years... I can't envision starting over with anyone else. Rob
    3 points
  15. This is a healed shot of my somewhat Ed Hardy inspired gorilla rose situation, tattooed by Chad Koeplinger. An hour and a half to outline and do most of the black. Three hours to finish. Two fun sessions!
    3 points
  16. I try and explain to clients who bring in other peoples tattoos, that it's not cool to get someone's exact tattoo. Usually saying something along the lines of "how bummed would you be if you saw someone wearing your exact tattoo, pretty bummed out right, why would you wear someone else's tattoo?" I think it is disrespectful to the client with the original, and especially to the tattooer who busted his ass to draw and excite the tattoo. Do your research find reference, but make every piece one of a kind.
    2 points
  17. Lots of good input here already especially from @SeeSea. May I also throw in this idea: Girl's head with cheetah Also, have you tried googling or checking out Pinterest for cheetah tattoos? Just asking because I don't think it's really that unconventional...and it might show you more ways of incorporating the pattern into a more interesting tattoo. I'm aware that cheetah and jaguar are not quite the same. That said, they are very similar, just from different continents, aren't they?
    2 points
  18. @keekatzz - it's clear you have your mind set on this, and I can appreciate it, and I echo previous advice to see a good tattooer as suggested above. That can only give you more information and not less to help you decide if this is the best way to help you feel like the jaguar. I agree and disagree with this. I have one small tattoo, although I'm not sure it's even large enough to get a taste of things. But I, too, have dreamed of a single large piece that would be my only other tattoo. I jumped both feet into a full back - a sea scene of creatures I had photographed underwater. I found an artist who's done sea scenes, and he spent quite a bit of time explaining to me that what I wanted (and how I wanted it) wouldn't make a good tattoo. I couldn't visualize why not. He even took a picture of my back and used Illustrator or some drawing program to give an example of something that would work. (To his credit, he did an amazing amount of free up-front work for me because he was really into it.) Anyway, he finally helped me see how my idea could be done in a way that would be realistic, convey what I wanted, and also age well. I don't regret jumping into a full back (although I was spectacularly amazed at the pain and had many oh-shit moments of how-am-I-going-to-sit-through-a-full-back-of-this) although I could have waited longer to get the design. I was just lucky someone with a good eye got ahold of me and set me straight. The point of this story is that I thought I knew what I wanted and I thought I understood how it would play out on my back, but I needed to be educated. My guy didn't ignore that, but made my vision work. The folks around here believe that an awesome panther (or jaguar in this case) is the solution to all life's ills ( :D ) but I think you don't have to be so obvious. I like the pattern you selected, but I'd suggest you think about if you really want that repeating pattern all over your back. I can imagine using that pattern for part of your back in conjunction with something else to break it up, but still convey that you are the jaguar ... like a jaguar looking to be camouflaged in foliage or something like that, with fan leaves and big drop shadows on the spots. Let the pattern flow underneath some other design element and use the pattern as a background to give more interest and depth to the piece, and perhaps convey an action that the jaguar is taking - slinking, hiding, etc. Idunno, I'm not an artist but you have me thinking of things that I would find more interesting to see than just seeing the pattern. Maybe you get it designed so that you can start it (e.g., upper back) and decide in the middle if you want full coverage after it settles in, and the initial part could be a complete design by itself if needed (h/t to @CultExciter). Anyway, my $0.02. And ... I came here thinking this would be my only tattoo. This back piece will take a while, but I already have #2 queued up in my mind :rolleyes: - - - Updated - - - Not unless you share! - - - Updated - - - Bad assumption. You can anticipate one injection and get over it. Imagine hours upon hours of anticipating the next time those needles hit your skin, and the "hurt like the dickens" goes on for several seconds. Then you get another handful of seconds for sweet release from the pain, only to anticipate the next round of pain. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Some people apparently aren't bothered by the pain, but if you go full back, you WILL find many areas that you will come to dread. I'm not saying this to scare you, ... well, yes I am. I'm also not trying to sound mean, just been-in-your-shoes.
    2 points
  19. Ha @bugxjuice, you made me go searching for all the spamming on other threads. One-liners that obviously add no content. So he won't play by the guidance of the forum, and yet you get called an elitist jerk. Amazing the sense of self entitlement some people have.
    2 points
  20. @Colored Guy I'm sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis. I hope you two have many more years together. @beez Hell Yes! Tattoos on guys are extremely attractive to me too. I've never dated anyone with tattoos as I got together with my partner in my late teens, but I imagine if I did I would want to look at them all the time. I look at my tattoos all the time, I never get sick of it. This may be a bit Too Much Info but my bathroom breaks are significantly longer as I end up staring at my lady head on my thigh. This is only going to get worse as my legs fill up over time, haha! I just get a profound sense of "rightness" (is that a word?) looking at my tattoos. It makes me feel incredibly happy.
    2 points
  21. bugxjuice

    My Current Tattoos...

    This does not need it's own thread and certainly doesn't warrant your spamming of other threads just so you could start this...
    2 points
  22. Roca53

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I just had a deer skull and cobra tattoo started by Chris O'Donnell. It takes up my whole lower right leg. Third snake tattoo. You can never have too many.
    2 points
  23. Everyone gets that tattoo they want. It's a true statement. However, you're young, and your back is a helluva lot of real estate. They put all sorts of "comeback" magic in tattoo pigment and I seriously doubt this will be your last tattoo. I don't know, maybe the BME forum would have better advice (:eek:)
    2 points
  24. suburbanxcore

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I've actually been playing poker a lot more lately in some neighborhood tournament and cash games, and any and all winnings go immediately into a "tattoo fund." Getting done by Grez in about two months and can't wait. I've also gotta make some follow up emails about Pagoda City!
    2 points
  25. It's definitely a very common motif that people get. I agree wholly with @Iwar and think you should consider an illustration of a jauguar. Don't worry so much about how long it will take, etc, think mostly on who you'd want to do it and the quality of the work. All tattoo artists are not made equal. I was listening to the Invisible Radio podcast and I heard something that resonated. You know, a lot of times, folks with no tattoos start out and get something giant for the first one. While I appreciate the fortitude, essentially, you're getting something giant, yet you don't have any idea how to heal it, take care for it, sit for it. Dip your toes in. Get something fun, learn the process, and then think on going larger.
    2 points
  26. I haven't posted my newer stuff lately... By Jeff Rassier at Blackheart Tattoo during Sunday Walk-In day.
    2 points
  27. Yaaaaaaaay! Thanks, everyone!!❤️
    2 points
  28. @cltattooing 's work on the back of my thigh. Done last week at Clubhouse Tattoo in Oakland.
    2 points
  29. TatsNCats

    LST Animal Lovers

    This in my Pappy Grizzle Nuts, sunbathing in the yard...
    2 points
  30. kylegrey

    LST Animal Lovers

    Sadly our first staff (Sampson ) was also diabetic and had Cushings syndrome , he died a couple of weeks before Christmas . Tom was desperate for a playmate to bundle with and so we rescued Butch .
    2 points
  31. irezumi

    Upcoming art shows

    I'm surprised we don't have this thread yet; or it's here and I've never seen it. This is a tattoo forum so I would think to keep it fairly or at least somewhat tattoo related. That said, I will probably be the first to post upcoming shows that aren't at all related. My good friend and work buddy Joel Long is having a show at Adrian's new spot, scrolls and paintings that will completely blow your mind. A bunch of it was displayed at a local gallery late last year, and I posted a couple of teasers from that show, but this is a chance to see them in person and see some new ones as well. Myself and a few of the others from Bolder Ink will be in attendance. Show up and hang out drink wine eat cheese mingle shake hands buy artwork and all that other stuff.
    1 point
  32. Renzie

    First tattoos

    Whoops! Sorry bout that! I'm still in quarantine here so I didn't think to check the other forums for such a thread.
    1 point
  33. Just looked her up and that's my least favorite tattoo of hers.
    1 point
  34. You must not have read a single post in this thread
    1 point
  35. Ugh just looked at a bunch of cheetah stuff...I wish it was cooler. radeo suicide, with her cheetah singlet tattoo...I want to like it so much more than I do!!! All I can think is "whyyyyyyy?" :/
    1 point
  36. PinkUnicorn

    Geek Tattoos

    An antenna is just an antenna, it picks up radio waves however they're encoded. (i.e. there's not really a difference between a "digital" and an "analog" antenna.) It's then up to the receiver to be able to decode the signal in the appropriate way. Antennas and Digital Television | FCC.gov
    1 point
  37. I think a smaller piece that can serve as a time stamp for an important time in your life would be cool, even a Korn tattoo (small one) you can look back and smile at IMO. God... I would have had skateboard/snowboard/hockey/slipknot tattoos. it would have been as great as Mr. cool ice.
    1 point
  38. Yeah I agree with everyone here! My normal advice would be to wait until you can afford a high quality tattoo artist but not sure how they would feel about doing this sort of tattoo. Especially on a 18 year old with no tattoos... If you are really serious about it I would still wait and get a smaller tattoo first . Also think about who will be helping you with the after care because obviously you cannot do it yourself unless you have some crazy flexibility!!
    1 point
  39. I'm in California. Never really dabbled in cider much, but I am drinking Lagunitas (microbrew from CA). Two beers in, two left, but feeling rather saucy already since I haven't eaten much. I work at a restaurant. Food runner for now, but really trying to get out of this area and into Oakland or SF. Happy saturday!
    1 point
  40. Thanks @Reyeslv, I definitely think you should go for it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  41. @keekatzz Oh, no, I saw what you posted; I just think that a jaguar would fit better as a tattoo than a bunch of jaguar spots.
    1 point
  42. I'd urge you to go to Art Work Rebels in Portland and talk to Jason about your ideas. Be open to what he suggests, as this is what tattooers do for a living. They know what lasts through young adult hood and into your older years as far as tastes go, but also what works as a tattoo and what doesn't, in regards to the actual visual piece. Also, I'd agree with @Iwar and @BrianH about the jaguar thing.
    1 point
  43. I definitely take time off because gyms are dirty and I don't like to push my body when it needs to heal. I also box so I can't take the chance of getting punched in an fresh wound haha
    1 point
  44. overhead squats are a humbling experience... 45# (empty barbell) was a big challenge for me. on a positive note my coach was wearing a kings ave t-shirt last night but didn't have a chance to ask him if any of his tattoos are from there.
    1 point
  45. Well what your describing sounds like an infection, but never having experienced any of this, I don't want to say yes or no. Did you go back to your artist and show them the final result or any of these pictures? If you followed those aftercare instructions, then my guess is something went wrong on the artists end. (However for your next tattoo or if you get this one redone, I may skimp more on the lubriderm--less is more, and too much can cause heavy scabbing). Also letting the tattoo completely dry out before applying any lotion will lower the chances of heavy scabbing. My advice is... go back to your artist and see what they say. If they know what went wrong and think they can fix it, then get it redone. But if I were you, I may hesitate to go back there... If you are still scabbing, you will have to wait to get it redone. Usually the minimum time between sessions is 2 weeks, but in your case it may be longer if you have scabs still. Hope that was helpful... And welcome, I hope you stick around after your tattoo issue is sorted out!
    1 point
  46. I kind of miss the days when tattooing was the underbelly of society. Tattoo shops weren't labelled "boutiques", they were found on the fringes of the city, down the backstreets & alley ways, well out of view of mainstream population. I became part of this culture because I didn't fit in with mainstream & nor did I ever want to. I loved the mysticism & the secrecy behind it. With it becoming so mainstream these days, it def has its benefits. There's no way I could be in the position of work I am now, 20 years ago. I can turn up to executive meetings with my hands, fingers & neck sleeved in & be judged on my performance, not my looks...so it also gives me the opportunity to educate mainstream pop in a round a bout way that tattooed people "do know their shit, & can talk the talk". I love blowing peoples pre conceived misconceptions. The side to it I don't like is that elitism status. The, "I'm too kool for skool" attitude I see a lot of these days. Once upon a time, tattooed people had that special understanding of respect. Now it appears to have created cliques. I believe that when I strip down at a show & am on stage with other tattooed people...we're all the same, no matter what the work is, no matter how old it is. I don't look at designs, I look at overall effect. I believe when we're together, we should be treating each other with that old time respect (old skool is used to loosely), that acknowledgement, that understanding that we've been to the "same place" that most citizens will never understand. I don't expect to be sized up & judged by my own, which sadly happens a lot these days. So, I'm kind of hoping that it takes a full circle. That the superstars, the beautiful people & sports stars don't find it trendy anymore, & we can give it back to the people who understand it. Just a bit of my 2 cents on how I kind of view it.
    1 point
  47. Some more on my back by Marius Meyer. It starts looking like a backpiece I think Next session is the 10th of May:
    1 point
  48. hello- wanted to add my new work to the thread. I just sat through another double session with Mr. Rubendall. We finished the outline added a skull peony and started shading up the ribs and lower back hard. coming along quicker than I thought, but still slowly. EDIT: Thank god the shading hurts way less than the line work I'm so not sure I could sit through if it was worse.
    1 point
  49. rozone

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Here's the result of my recent trip to Austin... Instagram My hands are currently swollen to the size of boxing gloves, so I had to borrow the above picture from Thomas's instagram. Super happy with 'em.
    1 point
  50. irezumi

    Upcoming art shows

    Here's some teasers of some of scrolls that will be there
    1 point
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