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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2014 in all areas

  1. Determined to turn this month into a ridiculous rib piece battle.... Uncle Allan. Conspiracy Inc, Berlin. All healed up.
    23 points
  2. This is a healed shot of my somewhat Ed Hardy inspired gorilla rose situation, tattooed by Chad Koeplinger. An hour and a half to outline and do most of the black. Three hours to finish. Two fun sessions!
    23 points
  3. My Kim Saigh arm is healed. Why is it so hard to get good pics? There are 5 shots here and still no full view of the inner bicep rose. Oh well. Good enough!
    22 points
  4. Since it's on Instagram, and I haven't posted in this thread in a while, here's my snake from @cltattooing . So happy with it!
    19 points
  5. @cltattooing 's work on the back of my thigh. Done last week at Clubhouse Tattoo in Oakland.
    18 points
  6. Its been a busy month for me, got my 3/4 sleeve finished and was incredibly lucky to get a cancellation eagle with Valerie Vargas. So here is the first one... Valerie Vargas, Frith Street Tattoo, London.
    17 points
  7. It's taken me a while to get round to posting but... here is the result of LST peer pressure ;) Instagram Done by Rodrigo Souto, Black Garden Tattoo, London, UK. I'm thinking about asking him for more flowers around it too. What do you think? Meanwhile... I got a little carried away... Instagram Dominique Holmes, The Family Business, London, UK. To be completed next month, plus I'm having a matching doodad on my foot. It's the same flower with a pattern that matches the ruff. I blame you lot for all of this. :rolleyes:
    12 points
  8. I haven't posted my newer stuff lately... By Jeff Rassier at Blackheart Tattoo during Sunday Walk-In day.
    10 points
  9. irezumi

    Hoping to learn

    Please let these shitty threads die. There's no new advice to give.
    8 points
  10. Hello and welcome to the forum! You can of course just get the pattern tattooed, but why would you want something like that on your whole back? I'm not judging here, I'm just curious. If I were you I'd just get a big ass, tough lookin' jaguar across my whole back.
    7 points
  11. CABS

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Finally getting my elbow webbed by Chummy at Temple.
    7 points
  12. Daniel Albrigo, three kings in NYC. Still kind of freaking out
    4 points
  13. I think it is nice to be able to share a passion with a loved one. My ex wife and ex fiancee, they weren't into it at all. My wife likes them though and goes along with what I want to do. Now she's battling cancer and I really hope she gets better and sticks around for a long time. After 30 years... I can't envision starting over with anyone else. Rob
    4 points
  14. And the winner of April 2014 "Tattoo of the Month" goes to.... @KBeee for this amazing monmon cat tattoo by Horitomo. Congrats!!! Please PM @steve1461686340 with your shirt info (size and male or female) along with your address. Thanks to everyone for your submissions! New contest will be up in in a few minutes. - - - Updated - - - Oh, and you of course earn the title of "LST Ink Master Canvas April 2014" ;)
    4 points
  15. Latest session. 18 hours in now, the end is in sight! Thanks to Stewart Robson and FST.
    4 points
  16. Found these little gems on vimeo and couldn't find anything about it here: " " "I think the videos are shot beautifully, especially the movement of panther and tiger in the back piece from no5. Would love to see more like that, does anyone know what happened to the first two? I assume they exist, unless someone is really bad at counting...
    3 points
  17. Roca53

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I just had a deer skull and cobra tattoo started by Chris O'Donnell. It takes up my whole lower right leg. Third snake tattoo. You can never have too many.
    3 points
  18. beez

    Relationships and tattoos

    I am very attracted to tattoos - they catch my eye first and immediately - and if they're good tattoos my brain melts a little and my heart starts racing and this is all before I've even made contact...so you can imagine...I don't talk to a lot of tattooed people...(hahaha cackle...it's only partly true! Can be super awkward...) In any event - I would LOVE it if tattoos were something I could share with a partner. I love them. I love looking at them. (Don't know about you guys but I definitely look at my own tattoos a lot...is that a weird thing to admit??) I've never dated anyone with any kind of tattoos at all. I've dated guys who have given me shit about the tattoos (obvs they don't last long) and guys who were clearly into the fact that I had tattoos but they did not have them themselves, which was fine but incomplete for me. Tattoos aren't a must, but are something I would like to share with a partner in the future for sure. My parents set me up with a lot of conservative types (when I am visiting them in OK) who are decidedly NOT into tattoos, are definitely the type who think they are trashy etc. I tend to stay covered at home regardless because of the negative attention I receive - though there are certainly more tattoos in Oklahoma than when I left 8 years ago - but still get a lot of negative looks, creepy comments etc when they are showing. So what I'm waiting for is the big reveal - on a date with some guy who seems maybe like not my type blah blah blah we get along, there a few more dates and then BOOM there is a moment of discovery where both of our heavily tattooed bodies are revealed!!! (Not necessarily THAT moment...I'm just saying....). Haha so basically I get myself through all these obligatory parent-lead dates by pretending the man I'm speaking to has an incredible Filip Leu (Or whoever - insert your fav artist here) body suit underneath whatever he's wearing. Hmm. I'm going to write that movie...
    3 points
  19. My wife to be isn't tattooed at all. I was barely tattooed when we met and now that I've taken such an interest in studying tattoos and getting tattoos, I still don't mind that she doesn't have tattoos or has no interest in tattoos. That's fine with me. She has many other redeeming qualities about her. It kind of makes tattooing even more personal for me. I have posted on another thread that I don't really find tattooed women more or less attractive than women who aren't tattooed.
    3 points
  20. I have to give CrossFit kudos because without it I wouldn't have actually learned the olympic lifts at all. We did certs with people like Mike Burgener and ended up competing in a few amateur competitions. I felt like it was good to hit a basic benchmark like bodyweight snatch, but after that it was diminishing returns for me. A few people I know kept o-lifting intensively, and although several years have passed they've really had to fight to add fairly modest weight. Only a couple of them really broke the ceiling and are snatching and clean and jerking really big numbers. Part of me also rejects too much o-lifting because unless you've really got the genes then they won't hypertrophy. I hate the idea of training so hard and looking like you don't train at all. In my view the same logic as with the OHS applies: Unless you're a CFer or (obviously) O-lifter there is too little return for the investment required. The absolute king of alternatives, when it comes to power movements, is the power clean. Mark Rippetoe champions this and obviously it's part of Starting Strength, so I guess I can appeal to his authority in my argument. To me the power clean is easier to learn, safer and also probably translates into more raw power development because more people are able to comfortably add more weight to the bar quicker (whew, what a sentence). Of course then I gradually buggered up my neck doing BJJ and now I tend to steer clear of power cleans also, but for anyone whose spine is in one healthy piece I heartily recommend them.
    3 points
  21. fyi I think the jaguar pattern as a tattoo is fairly common so most good artists should have some idea of what you are imaging and whether or not it will work. have you thought about getting the whole jaguar tattooed instead of just the pattern? big cats make very cool and powerful tattoos.
    3 points
  22. Accidentally forgot to log out of the library computer the other day, and I got this email today (sent from my email address):
    3 points
  23. Yaaaaaaaay! Thanks, everyone!!❤️
    3 points
  24. graybones

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Today I'm exactly 1 month away from my appointment with Seth Wood for a large thigh tattoo. The appointment is part of a 5-day trip to San Francisco, so I'm doubly excited for the tattoo and the vacation!
    3 points
  25. Bit unsure whether to post this here or not as it's probably a little "unusual". But, anyway, here's my first/latest tattoo. It's based on the Apollo 8 logo - I'm an astronomer and was inspired by NASA's Apollo program as a kid.
    3 points
  26. @El Dolmago and I went to The Pearl today and each got ladyhead tattoos from Glennie. Mine is the cowgirl, and hers is the profile with butterfly wings. You can still see the blood oozing out! Fresh.
    3 points
  27. Hey guys, I went ahead and implemented google search via the LST search box - so now we have site-wide search there that should match what you find in google. I haven't tested extensively yet, so please let me know of any wonkyness. enjoy
    3 points
  28. Everyone gets that tattoo they want. It's a true statement. However, you're young, and your back is a helluva lot of real estate. They put all sorts of "comeback" magic in tattoo pigment and I seriously doubt this will be your last tattoo. I don't know, maybe the BME forum would have better advice (:eek:)
    2 points
  29. tatB

    LST Soul/R&B Thread

    We need another music thread! This one is for soul, R&B, etc. I'll start it off with a band I just started listening to this week: St. Paul and the Broken Bones
    2 points
  30. TatsNCats

    LST Animal Lovers

    This is my Golden - Charger, and he is being humped by our old neighbor's dog, Dukealicious ( he is dead now we think, been missing for a long time now ) [/url]
    2 points
  31. SeeSea

    Upcoming Tattoos

    My birthday is Monday. What do you think I've been asking for? Tattoo Fund, baby! ;)
    2 points
  32. I definitely back all the nice things said about the Perseverance book. We actually had to order a second one when my wife took our first copy to Martin Lacasse and gave it to him as part of her tip. Haha. But yeah, it totally rules, as do LST butts.
    2 points
  33. suburbanxcore

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I've actually been playing poker a lot more lately in some neighborhood tournament and cash games, and any and all winnings go immediately into a "tattoo fund." Getting done by Grez in about two months and can't wait. I've also gotta make some follow up emails about Pagoda City!
    2 points
  34. Luck of the Irish, indeed, @jimmyirish. I think Valerie's eagles are some of the best around.
    2 points
  35. It's definitely a very common motif that people get. I agree wholly with @Iwar and think you should consider an illustration of a jauguar. Don't worry so much about how long it will take, etc, think mostly on who you'd want to do it and the quality of the work. All tattoo artists are not made equal. I was listening to the Invisible Radio podcast and I heard something that resonated. You know, a lot of times, folks with no tattoos start out and get something giant for the first one. While I appreciate the fortitude, essentially, you're getting something giant, yet you don't have any idea how to heal it, take care for it, sit for it. Dip your toes in. Get something fun, learn the process, and then think on going larger.
    2 points
  36. Breakme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    @beez thank you for reminding me of ginger tea. I had to google sambucol to see what it was as I've never heard of it. I'll pop out and grab some from the pharmacy. My favourite healing potion is beef pho so will make sure I get a couple of bowls in this weekend too. Thanks loads!
    2 points
  37. I've been with my partner for 17 years. He has no tattoos and no desire to get any. He really likes my tattoos and is very supportive of me with getting more, so I'm pretty lucky in that regard as I've only started to get serious about tattooing my body last year. I would love it if he decided to get tattoos and we would embark on this journey together but I respect his decision. I did manage to drag him along to the Rites of Passage tattoo festival last weekend and he was pretty amazed at what he saw, so all in all I think I'm pretty fortunate that he has taken it so well! None of my girlfriends (or even male friends) are interested in tattoos so I do feel like I'm very alone and would love to have someone I could share this with. One of the main reasons I joined this forum really.
    2 points
  38. An awesome thing @CABS did recently was offer me his Eli Quinters appointment at Temple because I couldn't get one with Freddy Corbin. I'm almost tearing as I write this. I was, and still am, moved by his kindness.
    2 points
  39. NateJ

    Lady Heads

    This one is about 13 years old. It was done by Milford Barnes in San Diego. Although I like the more detailed ones, there is just something about a nice bold traditional girl head.
    2 points
  40. Some more on my back by Marius Meyer. It starts looking like a backpiece I think Next session is the 10th of May:
    2 points
  41. TatsNCats

    LST Animal Lovers

    This in my Pappy Grizzle Nuts, sunbathing in the yard...
    2 points
  42. Time for another contest folks. Can't wait to see this month's submissions! Here are the rules: The tattoo picture that gets posted in this thread for May 2014 with the most 'likes' for the month wins! The contest starts on the first of the month and ends on the last day of the month. Your tattoo picture must be posted in this thread (both tattooers and tattoo customers can win) in order to qualify. Include with your photo/post...tattoo artist name & tattoo shop. You MUST be the one who has the tattoo or did the tattoo. You can 'like' as many tattoos as you want. It can be a finished or in progress tattoo. You cannot enter the same tattoo in more than one contest. Fundoshi's are encouraged, but not required.
    1 point
  43. If you're looking to get more Japanese, then it would be a pretty simple transition to back piece or leg pieces. Not sure on chest/stomach and having existing chest pieces, but someone here will know. If you're wanting to get Americana, then just slap 'em on wherever.
    1 point
  44. I totally agree with this. Overhead squats are pretty pointless for an average athlete. Just not worth the return once you get over the learning curve. I might even be inclined to generalize and say the whole snatch. The clean and jerk translates way better... says some unknown guy on the internet. I take time off until I'm ready to move again. But I might be a special case because I'm getting a kame no koh, and I'm a baby. I have to take about 3 full days off before I feel comfortable lifting again. Even then, benching is out of the question for about 7 days. What do you have planned? Might want to pick a safer spot that won't have an atlas stone tearing at it?
    1 point
  45. Joe Shit

    Hey from Jersey! :)

    Some more good shops in Jersey to check out.. Instagram. Instagram Instagram. Instagram Instagram Instagram http://m.rabbitsdentattoo.com Biagio's Tattoo Gallery : Biagio : Tattoos : Page 1 Seppuku Tattoo » Matt Lukesh Monarch Tattoo index FREEHOLD TATTOO Instagram
    1 point
  46. Don't miss the vast number of LST butts in there. The exhibition's great too -- but very far from NZ!
    1 point
  47. RoryQ

    Book thread

    'From Hell' was heavily recommended to me, and I bought the big paperback compendium. Really sombre, simple black and white illustration and impressive research into the history of the period. There's a whole deep freemasonry plot thread: He weaves in all kind of stuff, including Hawksmoor's architecture and its secret language. A bit highbrow (for me, anyway) and slow in parts at times though.
    1 point
  48. gougetheeyes

    LST Animal Lovers

    1 point
  49. Deakon

    Lady Heads

    It's not in the same league as some of the beauties in this thread but here's a little black and grey number I did last week.
    1 point
  50. 1 point
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