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  1. Nice little filler tattoo of a bunch of lilacs (my mom's favorite flower). Done by Keith Reed at X-treme Ink in West Chester, PA.
    13 points
  2. glad this is over with dude knows i heal well so he takes his time and while that's awesome afterwards, it makes for a tough sitting. jaie devore at diablo rojo and sorry the pic is kinda bad, shop light plus i think my phone has some scratches on the lens over the camera so it has a weird haze...
    13 points
  3. So someone with a Jigoku Dayu tattoo now sybolizes that they have yellow fever? Okay there. That's about as ridiculous as that thing about koi fish and being gay. Where do people get this stuff? So in regards to appropriating, my 2 cents. I can get what the nay sayers are trying to get at. Especially if the thing is a bastardization of their culture. I get that they may feel insulted. I may agree with them. Or I may not agree with everything somone may say but I have to respect their feelings to a degree so I can see where they're potentially coming from. Kind of like, say Japanese tattoos. "Hey you f'ed up by mixing seasons, and coloring water blue, and the subject doesn't follow the story properly. You have no respect for tradition. You can't be bothered to learn and depict a culture's myth accurately. Thus you're spitting on my culture. You're spitting on me.". People can have strong feelings about things. Then again appropriation and modification can lead to a potentially positive thing depending on how you look at it. Say when the Japanese "appropriated" the Chinese stories of the Suikoden, added elaborate tattoos onto the subject imagery, and started popularizing it among the people and getting it tattooed on themselves. If I understand correctly (correct me if I'm wrong too) I thought I read somewhere that the Japanese translation makes no sense from the original material. "Appropriation" was also positive when Caucasian foreigners had a desire to be tattooed with Japanese and other Asian motifs when Japan had banned its own citizens from being tattooed. Something to think about. What would have happened if appropriation hadn't occurred in these cases? Whatever your opinion, can we all just agree we're happy Chris Brand is "appropriating" from the Japanese, what they "appropriated" from the Chinese, and putting his western spin on the tales?
    10 points
  4. I'll bet none of the people writing these things are heavily tattooed or know close friends that are. The opinions of outsiders means nothing to me.
    9 points
  5. For those who are interested in this sort of thing, the problem with cultural appropriation is not simply borrowing from another culture. The problem comes from an imbalance of power in that relationship. When a dominant group starts appropriating the sacred traditions, symbols, icons, and cultural artefacts of a subject culture, then it is not uncommon for those in the subordinate group to be offended by that use of their heritage. Some will care more than others, and some will care not at all. That said, I think the issue of power relationships between groups has been missing from this discussion. The use of other groups symbols may cause insult or offense, regardless of intentions. Some don't care, others care a great deal, and likely many have never even thought about it. Do whatever you like, and get whatever tattoos you want. I have no horse in this race, and I don't care what anyone gets tattooed or who tattoos them. I have a sugar skull that many would consider appropriative. I'm simply trying to highlight the root of the debate about cultural appropriation.
    8 points
  6. irezumi

    tattoo tux

    Early/mid 90s. I have plenty more than that from him but no internet photos, sorry.
    7 points
  7. Yeah, you really never see opinions as well-considered and informed as @cltattooing 's pop up in these discussions. There's a lot of excellent writing about social justice-related topics online, and a lot of people who seem to show up for these discussions mostly to parrot or police other people.
    7 points
  8. I think it's pretty simple and I'll use myself as an example. Do you have a personal relationship with the imagery that you are getting tattooed? I have three japanese tattoos that I got during my apprenticeship. One is a daruma on my inner bicep, and it has the kanji for "ginou" which means "technical skill." I got the daruma with the intention of one day becoming a technically skilled craftsman and I will probably never fill in the other eye because there is always room to grow. The other two are designs that I picked from a book called "Japanese Design Motifs." and they are circular designs that sit on my inner forearms. They're floral, black only, and they're very beautiful; I get compliments on them all the time. Maybe a year later I learned that these motifs are actually Mon, which are the equivalent to family crests in Japan. I am not Japanese. I feel like shit about it and I want to get them covered up. I have even asked Jill Bonny about them and if I would offend anyone going to Japan with these on my arms. She said that it doesn't matter because the rules don't apply to westerners, but I'm probably going to get them covered anyway. The daruma isn't cultural appropriation because I have a personal relationship with daruma as a symbol and a means of accomplishment within my own life. The Mon are appropriative because I took one look at the designs, thought "oh that looks cool, I'll get that tattooed" without any further thought or investigation into what they actually represent.
    7 points
  9. My wife gave birth a little over a week ago. The new baby is our first, so it's exciting but a little frightening and very tiring. He's doing well. We're super sleep deprived. I think that sums it up :)
    6 points
  10. Must be an American made up thing. Forget I brought it up. It's stupid. Reeeeal stupid. It's been brought up on this forum before and I should not have mentioned it because it doesn't deserve it. Point I was trying to make was that I find it ridiculous when imagery that has been tattooed for a while, enough to be considered "classic", are redefined by people to have what I consider outrageous meanings. Sometimes a swallow is just a swallow, a pin-up is just a pin-up, a story is just a story, a fish is just a fish. I'm not trying to put words in your mouth just used (perhaps poorly) the idea of imagery and assuming Asian fetish as a leaping point.
    5 points
  11. irezumi

    tattoo tux

    Unquestionably so. Dan would be the first to agree. Just look at this shirt; although he drew this after Dan started to develop his own style you can see where a lot of his early influence came from. Sorry for the huge pic; I can't figure out how to edit photobucket on the smartphone app.
    5 points
  12. Bunny Switchblade

    tattoo tux

    I never got tattooed by Tux.......wish I had though! I think a lot of Higgs influence came from Tux too.....just my opinion! Here's all I got of Farrar.....lol
    5 points
  13. irezumi

    tattoo tux

    I didn't really work with him as an artist or front desk; He let me tattoo myself there a few times and let me hang around whenever I wanted and answered any question I had. I was at his shop as much as possible between the years of 1990 to 2000. I feel lucky to have been in that situation because he was extremely gruff to just about everybody, especially other tattooers. Had a big opportunity not fallen into my lap halfway across the country I believe that would've been my first 'job'. There were only 2 people in that whole time that he set up machines for and the other person was my roommate at the time. There's no right/wrong 'what I should've done/chosen to do' at that time just decisions made and where they take you. I don't regret moving away from Baltimore at a turning point like that but sometimes I do wish I had been able to spend more time there at his shop at a crucial time like that before he passed away. I still talk to his widow fairly frequently and she tells me that she knows he would be proud of me now. I plan to see her again when I go to Bmore for a guest spot this summer, and have set up a visit with Nick and Thom as well during that same trip. Nick also had a big hand in showing Tux the ropes as did Thom and Elio. I recommend getting some artwork from Nick; he's a super rad guy and an amazing artist. - - - Updated - - - There's a certain not-to-be-named somebody here that has some great photos of Tux & Thom recently purchased that I've never seen before; I'll let them post them if he/she wants to after that person sees this thread. - - - Updated - - - One of the somewhat little-known people in Bmore worth knowing about is Tattoo Charlie Geizer Charlie Geizer Although his shop has changed hands and is no longer part of the Geizer family the shop is still there (in the red light district, of course)and worth a visit if the old flash is still up. My favorite part of Charlie's shop is the painted screens he had done. Screen painting, an old Baltimore folk art tradition, has themes that are usually quaint country scenes and whatnot but Charlie's screens are HUGE and are Bmore landmarks including 2 (3?) huge clipper ships. They're on the second floor so it's really difficult to get pictures of them. Bunny, you need to get someone to let you go into the offices across the way from them and explain how unique, special and part of Baltimore history they are so you can photograph them. edit; for the sake of a rough idea of what I'm talking about I used google street view. Not as good as actual photos but you get the idea. I also feel compelled to give context of where it's located. For a short period of time as a young lad I worked at what used to be a carry-out greasy spoon where that Subway is now. Memories.
    5 points
  14. Just picked up this eagle from Josh Brown at James River Tattoo. Picture from James River's IG.
    5 points
  15. rightbrigade

    tattoo tux

    Tux Farrar Tattoo | Tattoo Tux Has Devoted His Heart And Body To Art - Baltimore Sun I read this article today and thought it was pretty cool. Sadly theres no photos of his work if anybody has any they'd be willing to share that'd be awesome. if this has already been posted my bad.
    4 points
  16. I drove to New York City on Friday and got into the city around 4pm. I left at 4pm the very next day. I'm very over being in a car.
    4 points
  17. I live about a mile from the Boston Marathon route...about to go down and check it out. I'm fearing it'll feel pretty different this year, but hoping otherwise.
    4 points
  18. Perhaps...? Couldn't help myself... sorry guys.
    4 points
  19. No apology needed. I just like to connect the dots with the older thread. Intetesting topics are bound to be rebooted as membership of LST turns over.
    4 points
  20. I just got this gar from Mat Welch earlier today. I also got a little beer mug filler from Paul Holland while he was guesting here, but I don't have a picture. I'm pumped on 'em!
    4 points
  21. This is great. You articulated what I was feeling but I wasn't able to convey - the imbalance of power and why the yellow fever tattoos bugged me and the other ones don't. No problem. This thread has a lot of good discussion, and your reference to something being "classic" is also another good point - that at some point in time down the road when time has passed, it doesn't/shouldn't matter anymore.
    3 points
  22. I'm genuinely curious how people who are concerned about cultural appropriation in tattooing regard other art forms. Is it problematic if a westerner learns and eventually teaches a Japanese martial art? What about people in non-western societies playing violin or learning how to paint... Are they culturally confused? We'd end up with a very stratified view of art and cultural practices. To take the example of martial arts again: you could argue that it was western interest and support that has underpinned and ensured the survival of Japanese martial arts. Judo is in the Olympics... French aikido is a sensation etc. When we share art cross fertilisation occurs and something new can come of it. To take the example of filipino martial arts and western boxing: There's a good argument that the structure and dynamism of modern boxing draws from experience of westerners and immigrants familiar with the Filipino martial arts. Meanwhile many filipino styles have incorporated the use of western protective equipment for use in sparring etc. it's a two way street. Yes, sometimes power imbalances between societies can result in injustices but I feel like the issue there is the power imbalance not the cross cultural art relations itself. To get back to tattoo specific discussion:- There's some fascinating stuff written by NZ tattoo researchers on the whole idea of ta mojo as a cultural practice for Maoris only ('if no Maori blood is spilled it's not ta moko'). There is a different term for moko style tattooing applied to non Maori used by some artists but there's no widespread agreement that this is correct.
    3 points
  23. Everything is borrowed. The idea of restricting symbols, art, style, food, music, religion, etc. to the original blood lines of the culture feels more racist than "cultural appropriation". Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  24. CultExciter


    throwback thursday y'all. i was a sad punk in the body of an angry post-hardcore kid, WITH HAIR!
    3 points
  25. Piha

    Hello from New Zealand

    Hi guys, been enjoying reading the various threads over the last couple of months or so. 4 sessions through my a full arm sleeve with 1 session to go next week. Cheers :D
    2 points
  26. I just wondered because I am gay and getting a koi on Saturday and was like whaaaaaaat?!
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. I may be the minority here but I didn't get tattooed with other people's thoughts in mind. Hell I kinda want to raise an eyebrow or two sometimes. If you are getting tattoos to fit some person idea of whatever it is, I just can't understand that concept personally.
    2 points
  29. Zillah


    Totoro and I
    2 points
  30. Is that what I said? No, that's a stretch. Yellow fever, as in the current cultural "creepy white man with Asian fetish" and it's objectification of Asian women because of their race. I, personally, think it's odd for a white guy to get a full rib piece (the sample I saw, but can't find it now) of a modern Asian woman in a sexualized pose simply because she's Asian. But that's me.
    2 points
  31. Lance

    Feminism & Tattoos

    Sorry, completely off topic but... Then there was this article. Beards and tattoos: Why are modern men trying to look like gay bears? | P.H. Davies I laughed. I cried. I rolled my eyes.
    2 points
  32. Exactly, no need to apologize @Zillah ...I just posted the link 'coz I remembered us chatting about the same topic, but not to be like--you should have posted there.....those threads get buried. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  33. Jaie's tattoos though.... <3 it's like christmas every time I get to see one
    2 points
  34. I've learned to never say never. A couple years ago I said I would never tattoo my legs. I currently have 4 on my shins. Ten years ago I would have said I'd never be heavily tattooed "2 is enough!". And now I have more than I could ever count. At this point I'm just letting my tattoos flow with my life.
    2 points
  35. Watched this documentary the other night, really rad history of hip hop culture and rap music from around the US. Highly recommended to anyone who likes the jams. The Art of Rap Watch Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap (2012) Online for Free - Viooz
    2 points
  36. MikeL

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Another session down...last session of black and finished up the maple leaves. Mike
    2 points
  37. Update picture of my Dan Trocchio scuba skull, natural lighting. Just took off the tegaderm after 5 days.
    2 points
  38. gougetheeyes


    "I'm an oil man, ladies and gentlemen.. I have numerous concerns spread across this state. I have many wells flowing at many thousands of barrels per day. I like to think of myself as an oil man.." That's a solid 'stache @haervaerk
    2 points
  39. I can understand being offended for a group of people that doesn't include you. For example when someone goes on an anti-gay rant, I am offended without being gay myself. We are all human, so we can sympathize. I also think a lot of people are just very easily offended these days. When something is beautiful (like a Native American lady head tattoo) it doesn't offend me. I think some images depicting Native Americans are more offensive than others, like this:
    2 points
  40. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JCZT_51GA0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWHplp10kQM
    1 point
  41. irezumi

    Star Wars tattoos

    Shameless bump for good buddy Dan Nelson @ Greenpoint Tattoo in Brooklyn
    1 point
  42. hogg

    The Tattoo News

    I mean, if you wanna just rock one Lehi tiger, then sure.
    1 point
  43. MadeIndelible


    Me and my lady before a concert this summer.
    1 point
  44. irezumi

    No title

    1 point
  45. gougetheeyes


    AHAHAHAHAHA @Iwar beat me to it! - - - Updated - - - Me 'n' the lady from last summer, kinda blurry cell phone pic.
    1 point
  46. Brock Varty


    I don't have any normal pictures of me right now. So with great shame, I give you me in my "shop uniform"... - - - Updated - - - I don't have any normal pictures of me right now. So with great shame, I give you me in my "shop uniform"...
    1 point
  47. reverend1


    @TrixieFaux and @DJDeepFried are cheaters.
    1 point
  48. else


    I always think it's funny to imagine the LST cocktail party where everyone has to make sure their most recognizable tattoo is showing or else no one will know who they are.
    1 point
  49. Two Koi, one hitting it from the back , both covered in tribal tattoos. On an unrelated note I saw the funniest bumper sticker the other day on a Toyota Tacoma. it said "4BEAR4" and yes their were many rainbow stickers on the back window to verify that is what he meant by it. I thought it was genius, I mean really he likes to hang out with guys and 4 wheel just like any other guy. It's great to live in a city like Portland where people just don't care.
    1 point
  50. I work with a lot of native people. The last thing that they are worried about is what white folks are getting tattooed. This is not a joke post. It is the truth.
    1 point
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