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Hi there...
Reyeslv and 10 others reacted to Piers Suckling for a topic
Hi I'm Piers from the UK, I'm new to the last sparrow forum but have been following the web videos for years. I've been collecting tattoos for about 6/7 years now, I am a regular at Frith Street tattoo. Here's a picture of my back by Valerie Vargas.11 points -
LST Animal Lovers
Twin Guillotines and 8 others reacted to cltattooing for a topic
HULA BUG! She's looking far better than the last time I posted pictures. A lot of her yellow has come in and it appears as though she is a Super-Hypo. Short for super hypomelanistic leopard gecko, meaning that she has none of the spots that standard leos have, save for the tail and a few on the head/face. I'm thinking she also might be a carrot-tail (30% orange tail), cause with each shed a little more orange shows up. Basically she is an adorable tiny dinosaur. :o9 points -
tattoo ingredients and safety
MadeIndelible and 8 others reacted to Cork for a topic
Probably higher chance in catching heavy metal poisoning from listening to too much Judas Priest. How much Priest is too much Priest? This much.9 points -
slang terms that make you cringe?
Diehardonvhs and 6 others reacted to Graeme for a topic
If you refer to your tattoos in any way as an "investment" you're even worse with money than I am, and I'm bad at money.7 points -
tattoo ingredients and safety
MadeIndelible and 3 others reacted to tatB for a topic
Sounds like they are being negative nancys about your awesome tattoo. Not cool of them.4 points -
Full Back Piece Thread
Orangutango and 3 others reacted to DevilMan for a topic
What's there to explain? Just show her the pictures, that's all it takes ;-) (Btw, my next session is this thursday, so expect new picture(s) :)4 points -
LST Animal Lovers
KBeee and 3 others reacted to Orangutango for a topic
This guy, only been a week since we adopted him but he's such a great tempered dog. It's been over 15 years since I last had a companion. He is also like a service dog for people that haven't experienced icy footpaths/sidewalk before (ie. me!) Anybody ever DNA test a mixed rescue to see what it is? I'm really curious based on him displaying a number of different behaviors I would normal associate with a particular breed. He points like a retriever but walks like a beagle, nose to the ground. It doesn't really matter to me but I am interested. At the moment I just say he's half lab, all awesome.4 points -
tattoo ingredients and safety
Gregor and 3 others reacted to MadeIndelible for a topic
Plenty of people are concerned about tattoo ink ingredients. The government for one. My ex worked for the FDA, and was about to test a supply of tattoo ink, from an unnamed company, for heavy metals before we broke up. Now, I don't think that there's any danger in tattoo ink, especially good tattoo ink, which is used by most good tattooers, but suffice to say that you're not an idiot for being concerned about what's going into your body; however, it is a little irrational to assume that the yellow ink that's already in your leg wouldn't have caused a reaction already.4 points -
I have a mini aussie,19 pnds,14" at the shoulder,she is 7 now. . . . . . spay,neuter,rescue.......4 points
slang terms that make you cringe?
joakim urma and 2 others reacted to CultExciter for a topic
The depreciation in value sucks for the first 25 years, but then you get exposure on the Vintage Tattoos instagram.3 points -
an investment in cadmium3 points
Book thread
polliwog and 2 others reacted to CultExciter for a topic
I'm on a huge graphic novel kick right now...wait, nevermind, they are comics. I am on a huge comic kick right now. Just finished Preacher Book One (incredible), Scalped Vol.4, Revival Vol.3, and Batman: Hush. I finally ordered the first book of Y: The Last Man and I'm super stoked.3 points -
Hello! I'm new here
SkateboardingManiac and 2 others reacted to Graeme for a topic
No problem, and I'd also recommend watching the artist interview videos on this site, Vice's Tattoo Age series, and the Gypsy Gentleman videos because they'll give you insight into the people making tattoos, and there are some great tattoos and great stories in them.3 points -
no, the "spay, neuter, rescue......" part was not aimed at anyone , sorry if you took it that way.I'm not sure why you thought that,but I didn't mean it towards you or anyone here. :( I'm just a passionate "dog" person and I say it all the time just in general.I have a t-shirt that says it !3 points
I dunno so much as it was a "compliment" exactly but last year when I got my feet covered, I spent that week of school walking around barefoot (well, limping like the Hunchback). One of our preschoolers came to school and had used marker to color all over the tops of his feet. I just thought it was cute. Lately the kids have been coming to school w/the press on w/water ones, all over their arms, chest, etc, and I'm the first one they want to run and show when they come to school, so we have a "compare" session.3 points
Dumb Hipster Tattoos
slayer9019 and 2 others reacted to Gregor for a topic
Trees remind me of black metal3 points -
tattoo ingredients and safety
Bunny Switchblade and 2 others reacted to Gregor for a topic
Fucksake dont get tattooed then if your shitting it from the ingredients3 points -
Got these bonji from Horimitsu today! They were done by machine, too small for him to tebori. Still awesome and very pleased. Please forgive the pic, they are still fresh and only a few hours old. They represent the Buddhist's Bosatsu for protection from evil.3 points
LST Animal Lovers
KBeee and 2 others reacted to OutOfIdeas for a topic
hopefully that worked. This is my black lab, Ella. We've had her mother for 6-7 years, she's now 3 or 4. She was the runt of the litter, we hadn't planned on keeping any, but we just couldn't let her go. She's mostly very mellow, affectionate, and a bit awkward. She also looks funny in this picture, cause she tends to slumped against the couch like that, she's a bit weird. This is probably what I miss most after leaving my hometown, although she's my dog she lives at my parent's house, where she has her mother and two others to play with.3 points -
Took me longer than I thought to get in for my first session but here it is. Still need to add color. I wish I could stare at it but it is on my back so that is not comfortable to do. :(3 points
Good thing that you got nice forearm tattoos that appreciated in value! Because I've spent all this money on tattoos and I can't sell them for shit.2 points
Tattoo Nation Movie.
titforatat and one other reacted to cameroncrazie80 for a topic
In case anyone missed it on Spike, it's on again tomorrow at 5pm eastern.2 points -
an investment huh? HA HA HA, "man, I hate to do it, but i'm gonna sell my 2 forearm tattoos to pay for my new back tattoo"2 points
LST Animal Lovers
Dan and one other reacted to OutOfIdeas for a topic
Oops, my bad. I misunderstood, probably because I generally prefer people to rescue rather than breed, as we have always done before this. The internet is always hard for me, no inflections to help guess the tone of messages2 points -
Hi there...
hogg and one other reacted to Piers Suckling for a topic
- - - Updated - - - Oh really? Is that Ross Hogg?2 points -
tattoo ingredients and safety
Fala and one other reacted to Tesseracts for a topic
Thanks for tolerating my questions everyone. I'll be honest, my motivation for starting this is my parents have been giving me a hard time about the yellow ink. I can't find any cases of cadmium poisoning though so I'm not that worried. PinkUnicorn, I also asked my dermatologist a while ago about tattoos. He was worried about the ability of my skin to heal itself at that time (that problem is now resolved) but didn't say anything about poisoning.2 points -
Book thread
MadeIndelible and one other reacted to HaydenRose for a topic
I'm glad this thread is back! I've been reading like a maniac lately. Finished the Mayfair Witches Trilogy awhile back. Bought into the hype and read The Night Circus and enjoyed it... I think the character development could have been stronger and it should have had more meat to it, it felt too surface-y for me. Then I went on a YA binge and read The Demon King (a 7 book? series), which despite its writing faults I thought the story was great and the characters were very fleshed out. I read a god awful book called Fallen that could have been really good, but instead was trying too hard to impress a certain audience, IMO. I also took a chance on a dystopian YA series, the first book titled Delirium and was pleasantly surprised. The writing is breathtaking even though the premise is a stretch (love=disease, people get cured), it really works. The author focuses on psychological/medical reasons and I liked that edge. Right now I'm starting Pandemonium, the second book in the series and already love it.2 points -
Full Back Piece Thread
Wilhell and one other reacted to Orangutango for a topic
Hard to view this thread without a little bit of back envy. @Wilhell @Cork @DevilMan in particular, can you guys explain to my fiancé why our house deposit should take a back seat to an amazing backpiece! Great work.2 points -
My bank account will attest to the fact that the "come-back" seems to be working...2 points
tattoo ingredients and safety
Stax138 and one other reacted to smiling.politely for a topic
Stoney used to put some Come Back in his... that's all you can find readily as a non-tattooer.2 points -
tattoo ingredients and safety
Gregor and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
"Magic stuffs" are in tattoo pigment. That's all you need to know.2 points -
It sounds like you've been reading the Wikipedia article on tattoo ink, among other things. I looked at the 2 sources cited regarding the ingredients in ink & they basically say that very little is understood about how to measure "exposure" to ingredients when someone has a tattoo, specifically with regards to the lead content in tattoos. It sounds like it might potentially make a small difference over the long term but couldn't lead to anything like poisoning. I'm personally more concerned about hormones in the food I'm eating and stuff like that.2 points
tattoo ingredients and safety
Gregor and one other reacted to suburbanxcore for a topic
I don't say this to be mean, but this is your second post posting about something potentially being wrong with your tattoo. I know it's your first one and it can be nerve-wracking the first time, but perhaps a little research beforehand might have been helpful. Be patient, relax, and maybe look around before assuming something is horribly wrong.2 points -
tattoo ingredients and safety
Bunny Switchblade and one other reacted to RoryQ for a topic
I'm feeling a little ill these days.., it could definitely be yellow poisoning, thank you for bringing this to my attention. Might call in sick tomorrow and do some more research on the internet.2 points -
tattoo ingredients and safety
polliwog and one other reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
No! And people have been getting tattooed for a loooong time. I wouldn't worry.2 points -
LST Animal Lovers
beez and one other reacted to OutOfIdeas for a topic
Not sure if the "spay, neuter, rescue......" part was aimed at me, but just to clarify the other three dogs (including Ella's mother are either shelter dogs, or given to us when their owners couldn't keep them. The lab was given to us, and bred because dad thought it would mature her, which it did, and all puppies had homes before the breeding. If that wasn't aimed at me, then whoops. Your mini Aussie is adorable by the way!2 points -
Definitely went a little excessive with framing a $20 print, but these were our honeymoon purchase and Horitomo was gracious enough to sign them. The wife and I are very happy with how they turned out.2 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
gougetheeyes and one other reacted to ironchef for a topic
@Lance I asked for the specific ones in red. Fugen is my birth year and guardian deity. I was born in the year of the dragon and I have a dragon 3/4 sleeve by Henning on my right arm. Made sense to highlight the Fugen on my right arm. For the left arm I chose Fudo Myoo to highlight in red. Being the immovable one and I also I like the flow and look of the written character a lot. The 8 Bosatsu together is a representation of all 12 Asian zodiac animals as well, a circle of life if you will and is basically protection from evil. I've always been superstitious (but not religious) so this all worked out. I know most collectors who get bonji, especially capping sleeves, get them in black. I went in with the traditional mindset but wanted something a little unique and different. I also chose red because I've seen large bonji characters shaded in red with a red outline and it always looked outstanding to me. Only thing I was bummed about is that I was looking forward to having these done in tebori but being that I have skinny arms and the characters stenciled out on the smaller side, he felt it best to do it by machine. I'm still happy with the results and experience and will definitely be getting future work from Mitsu sensei.2 points -
2 points
Two of our tortoiseshells, Clementine Isabelle is the stretchy kitty and Goose Mirabelle is the one w/more orange on her face. Both shelter kitties. Our first cat before we got married was a tortoiseshell, a stray who used a barn on the property where my husband used to live to hide from the coyotes. I used to feed her, and JD said if she could get along w/the dogs he'd let her be in the house. He came home from hunting the next day to find me curled up on the couch w/his three pit bulls and his new cat, by then named Bella Jo. She was amazing, and we had her until a few years ago. She was about 11 when she died, and left such a hole in my heart I went and got Clem, and then Goose. Their middle names are a nod to my Bella. We have a third tortie, Britta Rose, who we got from my parents after we got married-she's a crotchety 12 years old now. We also have a grey and white named Opilio Jo. I love kitties.2 points
Perseverance - Japanese Tattoo Tradition in the Modern World
MadeIndelible and one other reacted to hogg for a topic
Thanks to the kindness and generosity of the one @irezumi, I came home yesterday to quite a pleasant surprise in my mailbox: I immediately found a dowel in the basement, cut it to size, and quickly stitched it into the top of the tenugui: I love it so much. But the real treat--the one thing that makes me feel better about missing the opening--is the catalog. I strongly urge everyone to pick up a copy. It's filled with incredible photos and--huge bonus--what I assume are the lectures that Jill, Junii, and Chris Brand gave at the seminar. I'm still getting over a cough, so I was up reading it on the couch at 3am. Thanks again, @irezumi!2 points -
Ship Tattoo Designs
Shaun1105 and one other reacted to Rough Operator for a topic
Tim pausinger tattooed this awesome ship on me last year. The banner reads "This wreck will sail"! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points -
FST: On the Shoulders of Giants
Hands On and one other reacted to Stewart Robson for a topic
It's not Breaking Bad ;) Meaning; it's not serialised. There isn't a story. It's in four parts because each part focuses on a different aspect of being part of FST (or being part of tattooing as a whole) Part One is the close knit family aspect. Part Two is the global 'community' and FST's position in it. Part Three is the people, roads and attitudes that led us to be where we are (wherever that is) and Part Four is focuses on what it is to dedicate your life to something. Each part was designed to stand on it's own. Each one has a slightly different feel. Already the people who've seen the rough cuts of them all have a favourite. Thanks to everyone for the interest. Special thanks to those who bought or rented it. I really appreciate it. The response has been way more positive than I thought. I feel I should say: it's probably not what you expect. It's not a moving gallery of tattoos and it's not an advertisement for tattooing or for FST.2 points -
Zillah reacted to DJDeepFried for a topic
Our little one is super into My Little Pony these days. The new(er) ones on Netflix are a lot less insipid than the original -- more of a Powerpuff Girls vibe. Any other comments/questions about the viewing habits of six-year-old girls, I'm your man.1 point -
Wouldn't it be in the tattooer's best interest to use high-quality, non-dangerous pigments? Seems like a bunch of clients with skin issues or long term health problems isn't so great for business or your reputation... One more reason to go to a professional.1 point
tattoo ingredients and safety
Fala reacted to MadeIndelible for a topic
@Fala I don't fault you for this, but it seems you skipped my post. lol1 point -
LST Animal Lovers
Valknut reacted to MadeIndelible for a topic
First picture is my dog Luna, the black one, and her best friend Grace, my sister's dog. Luna was originally my other sister's dog, whom she got at a backyard breeder about 6 years ago. Grace is a rescue from a local shelter. They're two of the best dogs I've ever met. Second picture is Luna and Violet, my sister's other dog.1 point -
Great thread, here are some pictures of the animals I share a home with: This is Daisy, she's a five year old retired greyhound who we adopted just over three years ago. She rules. The grey cat is Susan and the orange one is Willa. We've had them for around five years. They were from the same litter and have been coddled literally from birth. Their mom was a stray who was taken in by friends of friends and they read somewhere that you can best socialise cats if you cuddle them for at least five minutes a day, so they've never known a day without affection which makes them the most affectionate cats I've ever met, but they also have no survival instincts. I love them.1 point
Full Back Piece Thread
williamsejames reacted to peterpoose for a topic
A healed shot of my Back piece:)1 point