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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2014 in all areas

  1. @suburbanxcore and @graybones if you're going to play it like that, I'm going to throw this into the ring and we're going to have a three-way Ron Wells showdown.
    20 points
  2. I put this in this months contest thread, but I figured I'd put it here too. It was done by Ron Henry Wells at the Philly convention. Getting tattooed by him was great. He kept yelling at me every half hour or so. Highlights included: "I can't believe you're making me tattoo between Grez and Scott Sylvia!" "Seriously, fuck you." "You know I'm ruining the property value of your leg, right? I mean, I'm gonna put this tattoo here, and next thing you know, bloods and crips will be selling crack on your leg." "Why do you even want to get tattooed by me after these other ones? I should be working at Starbucks, not making tattoos." Dude was hilarious. Anyway, this is healed now, and it definitely fits in and doesn't ruin my leg at all. Haha. He's so self-deprecating, but goddamn if he doesn't just keep killing it. I love almost everything I see him do.
    19 points
  3. Done by Ron Henry Wells at the Philadelphia convention. It's finally healed, so I figured I'd throw it in here.
    19 points
  4. I'll toss in my new chest piece done by Tim Pausinger at the Pearl Harbor Gift Shop, for this month's contest.
    17 points
  5. @suburbanxcore , since you're entering your Ron Wells wolf, I'll throw in his cousin, the Ron Wells fox:
    16 points
  6. Hyottoko from Civ at the West Texas Tattoo Convention...
    15 points
  7. After a year and a half I have finally finished up my first major piece. Done by Horishow at Amitabha Tattoo in Fukuoka, Japan.
    13 points
  8. dane

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Walk in day at blackheart. Get tattooed by Jeff Rassier within an hour. no big deal.
    11 points
  9. CABS

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Tim Lehi flash by Cody Miller. Blackheart Tattoo, Sunday Walk-In Day. SF, CA. (For those that really don't know)
    11 points
  10. Tattooer CP. True Love Tattoo, Brisbane. Australia.
    11 points
  11. Oh what the hell. My leg, done in November by El Monga Sasturain.
    10 points
  12. Ill throw this in the mix. valerie vargas frith street
    8 points
  13. I don't really understand this line of argument. Words bother some people. You are free to choose to use them, sure, but what is the point of stubbornly insisting on using words that bother other people when there are plenty of other functional words that don't? I mean, I guess I would understand it more if it was cussing and you were trying to make a point, maybe, by messing with people's conservative something-or-other. But this is just...words for tattoos. Choosing the ones that bug people when there are other ones that get the job done isn't shocking or subversive, it's just kinda...weirdly obstinate. Like...you're choosing words that the community hates, for ...no reason with associated value, other than just doing it because you want to, in spite of knowing that it bugs people. I don't think that rings resoundingly with respecting said community. WTF do I know, though. I'm a newbie and should probably shut my cakehole.
    8 points
  14. I got some more great work from Mike Aul. The skull, scimitar, arrowhead, and cloud filler are all from today print screen windows I also got a coral snake eating a frog wrapped around my elbow. I'll post a picture tomorrow.
    8 points
  15. Eddy Deutsche @ Smith Street in Brooklyn:
    7 points
  16. It's not Breaking Bad ;) Meaning; it's not serialised. There isn't a story. It's in four parts because each part focuses on a different aspect of being part of FST (or being part of tattooing as a whole) Part One is the close knit family aspect. Part Two is the global 'community' and FST's position in it. Part Three is the people, roads and attitudes that led us to be where we are (wherever that is) and Part Four is focuses on what it is to dedicate your life to something. Each part was designed to stand on it's own. Each one has a slightly different feel. Already the people who've seen the rough cuts of them all have a favourite. Thanks to everyone for the interest. Special thanks to those who bought or rented it. I really appreciate it. The response has been way more positive than I thought. I feel I should say: it's probably not what you expect. It's not a moving gallery of tattoos and it's not an advertisement for tattooing or for FST.
    7 points
  17. A little Black and Grey skull action at Spotlight Tattoo from Christian Cervantes.
    7 points
  18. Fact...I need another ron wells tattoo.
    6 points
  19. Almost got through the whole tattoo today with @cltattooing. About 5.5 hours. I'll post pictures when it's done/healed.
    6 points
  20. I might as well go balls deep with my second post and stick this in!:p My latest piece from Ross Nagle: As per my introduction thread, the top of the skull looks a little distorted because of the way my arm is turned but you get the idea. (I really need to get healed pics!!)
    6 points
  21. scott

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    heres one from last night, Ill post another when she's healed.
    6 points
  22. thinkones


    hello everyone , my name is Chris and I'm from Toronto,Canada. I recently got my first tattoo from Tim pausinger at Pearl Harbor GS in Toronto I was beyond satisfied with the outcome and can't wait to get more lol.
    5 points
  23. Mitglied

    Mike Roper

    Hi there, I saw your query and figured I would join the forum in order to assist you. Apologies, I have yet to introduce myself as per your forum rules. I believe that first photograph you have posted is a custom job of the dragon on the left, in this IMAGE. It can be found in this BOOK.
    5 points
  24. It's clear you don't want any advice or input from anyone on anything, unless it's reinforcing what you already think or believe... your other posts in other threads also make that plainly clear. So, don't listen to the great advice you were given in other threads, don't listen to any give to you here. If you care about tattoos and quality, you should learn terms to imply that you do. Otherwise, it seems like you don't. And from everything I've read, it seems that you don't really, although you sure think you do. I do hope you listen to people and let it sink in. That being said, I don't have much hope. It's like trying to kick water uphill. There's no point in it.
    5 points
  25. I don't think anyone is offended by particular words being used to describe anything, rather the disrespect it shows to the history and seriousness of the craft of tattooing. Certain words are a habit, and make you sound like you're either trying too hard to sound cool or are ignorant to the correct terms? Sounds like an easy habit to break, to me. How many people call spaghetti "pa-sketti" after they're 7? Unless they have an actual impediment, not many, because someone teaches them the correct words. Also, any responsible tattooer will tell people what tattoos not to get all the time, and try to guide people out of other ones if they're open to suggestion. EDIT: Can we start a new slang term to supplant "ink" or "getting inked"? Like, "pigmented" or something along those lines? I think adding a few syllables will make people realize how silly it sounds. "How long you been slinging pigment?" "Pigment my whole body up." I think it can work.
    5 points
  26. Fuck it. Ron Henry Wells. Done in 2011 at the State of Grace Convention. Right before he went to put the first line down, he said, "Let's give this guy a snake! A TROUSER SNAKE!"
    4 points
  27. Per Graeme's suggestion, my entry into the Ron Henry Wells Tattoo of the Month contest: This is all your fault, by the way. The collective you.
    4 points
  28. Got my first tattoo wednesday, by Dotwork Damian at Blue Dragon, Brighton. Took around 6 hours. I'm incredibly happy with it, and will be extending it :)
    4 points
  29. My new rose from Mr. Wells. Totally over-the-moon happy with it. Still too much of a numpty to figure out how to post an image from Instagram on here.
    4 points
  30. Earlier in this thread you explained that you are largely indifferent to how the things you say make other people feel. It's clear that you don't feel you need to consider the views or needs of other people, so what makes you think anyone is going to comply with some grandiose demand to help you erase all signs of your presence on the forum? Since you've got here you've repeatedly demanded advice, opinions and validation, and yet readily admitted that you couldn't care less about the community here. I suspect that there are probably enough kind-hearted posters and admin here who genuinely try their best to help out everyone, irrespective of how badly they behave, that you'll linger on here for another while. For a while. Eventually, though, with any luck, one day after furiously alienating the hell out of yet more people who try to help you ..... BANG!!! It'll be a ban-hammer right between the eyes. And maybe after that, from time to time, when things are really slow we'll go "Remember old Matthew Thomas? I wonder if he ever got that star fixed...".
    4 points
  31. Yeah at this point I see someone who clearly has no intention of listening to well-given advice and continues to act like an ass with little respect towards the community or the people involved in it. Stop giving this idiot advice and let him continue to use words and phrases like gun and 'get your ink game up' so that any professional tattooer can see the kind of moron they are dealing with. You have completely exhausted any sense of patience and help or advice I have for anyone at all much less on the internet. This is where I tell a customer "it's clear you are in the wrong shop. I'm sure you will find someone out there that will give you what you want. Good luck and good bye." It's clear you are on the wrong forum. I'm sure you will find plenty of forums on the Internet that will tell you the advice you want to hear. You know, one of the only reasons of giving someone like this much time and patience is only because Ian recently made a post about how we need to be kinder to new people here. It's hard to be nice to people and give this much credit when they act this stupid. "This why we can't have nice things"
    4 points
  32. Cork

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Looks great Peter! Ugh anxiety. I have my next appointment in a couple hours. I'm always afraid I'll tap out after 45 minutes, haha. UPDATE From Dana's Instagram and then a closeup from my wife's personal collection. ;)
    4 points
  33. Jason Ochoa - GreenPoint Tattoo, Brooklyn. Straight off the wall, great guy!
    4 points
  34. polliwog

    Who are you?

    I feel like my intro thread was pretty terrible (nervous questions about first tattoo etc) and I've been wanting a do-over, so here goes: I'm Rebecca and I live with my SO outside of Boston, MA. I've worked at a bookstore for almost 8 years and am a college dropout, though I might go back full-time someday. (I've only done a handful of night classes since leaving.) I'm not really an artist - not a good one, anyway - but I do like to write. Almost anything can and will pique my curiosity, especially if there's some tricky technical element to it, i.e. fixing up old stereo equipment. I've always been fascinated by tattoos but didn't really do anything about it until last year. I have a lot to learn. I love beer and funny English novelists and bands with large, convoluted back catalogues. I am pretty shy and socially awkward but would be interested in seeing some of your work in person, if there's ever a northeast US get-together. ...and here's a picture of me in footie pyjamas surrounded by books, because every picture of me is as terrible as this one.
    3 points
  35. olekingkroll

    How goes it?

    Hello. I'm new to register but have read through the site once or twice. I'm a tattooist from Daytona Beach and I signed up so hopefully I can further advance and insight into the trade that I love and respect. I'm looking forward to some good conversations and I promise to always to stay respectful and humble in any posts I will be involved in. Thanks for having me.
    3 points
  36. Everything on the internet stays FOREVER.
    3 points
  37. The main issue I have (as a tattooist) with certain slang terms is that they instantly identify someone as a kitchen wizard, or someone who is happy to frequent scratcher shops. I've worked hard to get where I am, damn hard, and a large part of that was learning about the history and tradition of the craft. Through this, I've developed an overwhelming respect for the ancientness and significance of what we do, as both tattooists and tattoo enthusiasts. This respect makes it impossible for me to use terms such as 'inked' 'tatted up' and 'tat gun', simply because it demeans what I have worked so hard for (and continue to bust my balls at). I'm not really bothered when customers use them because the majority know no better as they haven't had the insight and learning I have, nor do the majority care (they just want to get tatted up). That's cool with me. They've just accidentally come to a decent tattooer and will end up with a better tattoo than they probably deserve. They pays their money, they makes their choice! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    3 points
  38. this month's contest is brought to you by Ron Henry Wells.
    2 points
  39. I was just thinking about this thread a few days ago.... It doesn't deserve to die! I'm doing Westside for Skinny Bastards again, on the third week. Been doing prowler pushes or sled drags 2-3 times a week for conditioning, but not much, I'm horribly de-conditioned. I like home training too, but I only go through a few weeks of it before I start to get cabin fever and crave going to a gym full of people. Then I go to a gym, get angry at people curling in the squat rack while wearing parachute pants and backwards caps, realise that I am a mysanthrope and I go back to my house for another cycle of hermit training.
    2 points
  40. LOL that's what I'm doing, including overnight stuff if I find I can't drive home after (I couldn't the first session). Don't forget to add appropriate battery chargers! I'm going to call ahead and see if they have a microwave - I'd like to bring a mug and bags of tea to keep the core temp up.
    2 points
  41. @Matthew Thomas, if you want to leave, obviously that's your choice. However, if you spend some time reading and paying attention on this board, there really are knowledgable and helpful people. Rather than immediately get defensive or jumpy, take the time to see what people are saying and where they're coming from. There's a lot of good that comes from this board, so see what you can learn.
    2 points
  42. Impulsive tattoos are just as meaningful as the well-planned ones. That is the beauty of tattoo...the meaning evolves day to day. And other times they don't need to mean anything.
    2 points
  43. Booked in for a 6-7 hour session for my second sitting. First one was 3 hours. Hope it's doable!
    2 points
  44. I'll do that only if you follow the very good advice given to you on that other thread and cover up that janky star with a really nice sleeve.
    2 points
  45. I can now change my answer from 2 hours to 5.5 hours. Never thought I'd make it through that long of a session, but it was surprisingly very easy.
    2 points
  46. Admins, can we change @peterpoose 's status from "contributor" to "manimal"?
    2 points
  47. A healed shot of my Back piece:)
    2 points
  48. You can be disloyal to the guy you work with--assuming you aren't married to him. There's a whole wide world of amazing artists out there...but only limited skin space and cover-up-ability...
    2 points
  49. Forcing myself to use more black or learn how to use it better. Feel like I am improving but still have plenty to learn thats for sure.
    2 points
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