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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2013 in all areas

  1. I definitely agree. You are nailing it, Carolyn. Richard Smith did this cool ass reaper on my thigh, and he can't be older than 25 or 26. As a 24 year old, I enjoy getting tattooed by people close to my age. When he put this on me he said he had been tattooing for two and a half years.
    8 points
  2. exume

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Getting the lady a gift certificate to Lifetime Tattoo in Denver for christmas, she'll probably make plans with Marie. I'm not sure when I'll have the extra scratch to get in for myself again but hopefully soon.
    7 points
  3. HaydenRose

    Book thread

    I agree with everyone that printed books > e-books. However, in order to read stealthily at my desk job, I get e-books through amazon and read them on the cloud reader. I get to read for 4+ hours a day and my boss thinks I'm hard at work. Win-win situation. When I'm on vacation I always buy books in print, usually used copies through amazon for like a $1.
    7 points
  4. I'm a few sessions into my front piece with Horitomo. Here's the latest. And yes, everything in this picture is to scale.
    7 points
  5. a1steaks

    Full Back Piece Thread

    My wife got a bit more work done on her back. Started some shading and coloring. A bit dark up there because she is covering up a righteous old piece! - - - Updated - - - I got a bit more work done too. Getting close.
    7 points
  6. Wilhell

    Upcoming Tattoos

    October 2014: Chris O´Donnell - thigh, Timothy Hoyer - calf and Tim Lehi - upper arm. Fuck, can´t believe it yet..
    6 points
  7. Have not posted for a while but had to show my new piece off! Done by the very talented Valerie Vargas
    6 points
  8. Zac Scheinbaum at Saved. I believe he's only 23 or 24.
    5 points
  9. Graeme

    Finger owl tattoo

    Hello and welcome to LST. You should take the advice of your tattooist. That's the sort of tattoo that looks cute on pictures on the internet but it will in no way hold up.
    5 points
  10. I am a stout appreciator of the holiday season. My house smells awesome, the shop has christmas lights up, and we're getting a little tree! I have also just put an end to a really unhealthy relationship that I've been engaging for like 6 years, and while part of me is sad, the bigger part is like FUCK YEAH, I'M FREEEEE
    5 points
  11. thats awful.. Her tongue looks like a tiny dick..
    4 points
  12. My second or third visit to Kings Avenue Long Island, I had the pleasure of sharing a LIRR train ride back into NYC with Zac. He's got full sleeve from Rubendall. This was before he started at Saved. I now see everyone's influence in Zac's work from Tamez, O'Donnell and especially Hooper. Really cool kid.
    4 points
  13. 4 points
  14. Will Sheldon at Saved is great too. Good things always going on at that shop.
    4 points
  15. Concurred. Phil Szlosek is putting out some great work and learning from the awesome Kings Ave crew: Tattoos by Philip Szlosek Instagram
    4 points
  16. irezumi

    Book thread

    AGREED!! I can't read books on a screen, it just doesn't work for me. Does anyone remember this place called the library? It's this building that has lots of books and will even order books from other libraries for you. And the best part is that they let you borrow them for free!! Whoa. I know that the post is about some 'unpublished stories only available online' but it applies to everyone that downloads books instead of holding a book in your hands. Nothing is like the smell of aged paper.
    4 points
  17. suburbanxcore

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Note to self: do not enter tattoo of the month contest in October 2014.
    4 points
  18. Hey. HEY! For some people that is a normal sized dick.
    3 points
  19. rads

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Fingers crossed I'll be heading to Frith Street this weekend to book an appointment for the new year. Think I'm going for a Rock Of Ages on the back of my calf :-)
    3 points
  20. Szazi suit sir !! tattooed by Ivan Szazi , Four Elements Tattoo Studio Brazil .
    3 points
  21. The best advice for any thread on this forum but this subject especially. And greetings welcome to the spot.
    3 points
  22. hogg

    Finger owl tattoo

    Best week of your LIFE.
    3 points
  23. el twe

    Book thread

    Oh, there's no way I'm going to read a book online. I downloaded the .pdf of Three Stories so I could print them out, still has nothing on a real book but it's better than my shitty laptop screen. And I understand the reluctance to read something that Salinger didn't want published, but I love seeing some of the "behind the scenes" works of favorite artists, whether it be bootleg demos from musicians, sketches from fine artists, or these short stories. For those of you who don't wish to/can't read these stories, there's supposed to be a line-up of new material in the coming couple of years that Salinger and his estate wish to be published.
    3 points
  24. Graeme

    Book thread

    My library even has that Ed Hardy dragon design book.
    3 points
  25. My Bloody Valentine - m b v I don't know if I've really listened to anything else that was released in 2013. For a good part of the year I was pinching pennies to pay for tattoos and that made my budget for buying music basically nothing. Maybe I'll try to come up with a list of the records I was most into regardless of release date.
    3 points
  26. suburbanxcore

    Book thread

    Since watching the Salinger doc on Netflix, I've been re-reading some of his stuff. I just read Raise High the Roofbeams, Carpenters, and I'm making my way through Nine Stories. Some of them I revisit regularly (For Esme and Teddy, for example), but others I haven't read since high school.
    3 points
  27. Pleadco

    Japanese Ghosts

    Art by Stace Forand from Waterstreet tattoos in Vancouver BC.
    3 points
  28. ironchef

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Friday the 13th tattooing at Kings Avenue!!! Sorta... Short 4 hour session today with Mike Rubendall at Kings Ave in Long Island. It's been freezing cold in NYC and I braved the train ride out to Long Island to continue work on my back piece. Added more color to the dragon. Here's the report. Enjoy! Alpha Omega original hanging in Rubendall's room. Details and colors are AMAZING!!! Straddling the chair and about to throwdown: And the results from today's work: Really digging the vivid colors: Slowly coming together: And of course I couldn't go home without grabbing these. I have a copy of the Fingerwave Book which these prints were made for. Saw the original hanging in the shop. LOVE the waves and happy that I own some Rubendall waves on my backside, hahaha
    3 points
  29. ...so on wednesday i flew out from germany to poland to meet up with one of my favorites, rich hardy. he started my back piece...and i`am more than glad that i chose him - i`m absolutely in love! one the one hand it was such an amazing and satisfying experience for my mind but on the other hand it was so horrible for my body. i wouldn`t call myself a pussy when it comes to tattooing but this time i was almost ready to start crying and stopping this whole thing; but somehow i made it through. :)
    3 points
  30. In the storm of crap, sometimes it's nice to recognize the newcomers who are doing well and give us things to look forward to for the future of tattooing. Here are some tattooers who have been at it 5 years or less and are doing some really great work. Feel free to add! Olivia Olivier Mom's Body Shop, San Francisco Austin Maples Idle Hand, San Francisco Alex Matus Oakland, California John Lupo Avanti Brisbane, Australia Hannah Louise Clark Rain City Tattoo Collective, Manchester UK Maud Dardeau Tin-Tin Tatouages, Paris
    2 points
  31. For those of us into neatly categorizing and wrapping up the year, I thought this may be a good place to discuss music of 2013. What did you find yourself listening to most? I suppose it'd be proper form for me to start. 1. Self Defense Family – Try Me 2. Restorations – LP2 3. Touche Amore – Is Survived By 4. Comadre – s/t 5. Mark Kozelek and Desertshore – s/t 6. Paint it Black – Invisible (generally I do EPs separate, but this is too good) 7. Into It. Over It. – Intersections 8. A Wilhelm Scream – Partycrasher 9. Iron Chic – The Constant One 10. Deafheaven – Sunbather edit: I also just realized there's a typo in the subject line. Damnit.
    2 points
  32. suburbanxcore

    Book thread

    Man, I never thought of it like that. I'd say a solid 50% of my library comes from books I bought for less than $5 in college. Apparently my spare bedroom is a disease factory. Thanks @daveborjes. Hahaha. I guess now that you mention it, I'm thinking of the flagged book at Brentanos in Seinfeld...
    2 points
  33. All the younger dudes at Inksmith and Rogers kill it on the reg, also Tyler Monaghan has been doing real well lately. personally my favorite younger tattooer is Frank William from Great Lakes Tattoo.
    2 points
  34. last nights efforts few nights ago
    2 points
  35. keepcalm

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I love his portfolio! Really excited about this - my first time traveling to get work done. I'm hoping to get a lady head of some nature -- I have a concept that I'm going to pitch to him & I hope he's into it! I have to decide where to put it, too :/
    2 points
  36. 49531

    How about an art show?

    real solid work everyone. keeping me motivated! quickie from this morning, shitty webcam photo as always
    2 points
  37. No problems, great thread. I just wanted to make sure credit goes where it's due. Matt is a great artist and an even better person. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    2 points
  38. suburbanxcore

    Book thread

    @el twe, I downloaded those right around Thanksgiving but for some reason haven't brought myself to read em. Kinda feels weird. And I think I'd hate reading em on my computer screen. And @irezumi, I think "For Esme" might be the perfect short story.
    2 points
  39. a1steaks

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Thanks! Jason Kundell is doing the work.
    2 points
  40. ironchef

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Not just yet. We still have various spikes and the back bone (horns/scales?) the horns on the head, the tongue and teeth, the eyes, some more flames, the pearl/orb and the spikes on the tail end. I'm sure there will also be some touch ups and embellishments as well. Funny thing, Rubendall had a client in the morning and he was filling in scales on a dragon and then in the afternoon is me and...filling in scales on a dragon. I asked him if it gets tedious or if he just gets tired of seeing the same thing. Mike said he loves it and each one is different. No cutting corners or trying to make due here, just doing what he loves. AMAZING to be part of that creative process.
    2 points
  41. A few new ones... just have Instagram photos, unfortunately. The rose and mini-bodysuit are 5"x7", the Rock of Ages is 11"x14".
    2 points
  42. Who: Jamie Greaves What: Awesome snakiness When: Today - 12.13.13 Where: Real Art Tattoo, Leicester, UK. Why: I love snakes...and this is my third snake tattoo. I wanted something traditional and this is my most traditional piece yet. Gotta say though...It hurt like a bitch and I felt like a real pussy for a lot of the time, really struggled to get through it! Hope you guys like! P.S. Photo courtesy of Jamie as well, taken from his instagram.
    2 points
  43. Wilhell

    Preferred tebori styles

    Horimasa Tosui from the Horitoshi Family is my favourite. In my opinion his doing some of the best Tebori oneshots (and big work) in the business. It´s very easy to recognize that his master is Horitoshi 1; These are 12 years old. Look how bright they still are; I got this one from him earlier this year: I also love alot of other Tebori-artists, some of them are mentioned over here. Horizakura, Horitomo..
    2 points
  44. 1 point
  45. Fixed! Great thread by the way!!
    1 point
  46. JimmyS

    Lost Love book

    this looks awesome, good job guys and bravo yellow beak press
    1 point
  47. ironchef

    Preferred tebori styles

    Here's my stab at it. Let's start at the top row from left to right: Gobu sleeves (five tenths) with hikae (chest plate), Shichibu sleeves (seven tenths) with hikae, classic munewari with gobu sleeves and thighs or basically a gobu munewari, next is a variation of the munewari with hanzubon (shorts) where the inner thigh is completely filled in with tattoo work, full body suit or donburi soushinbori with nagasode (long sleeves), the back piece diagram is kame no koh (turtle back) then the last suit is a shichibu munewari (seven tenths).
    1 point
  48. Colored Guy

    what's it mean?

    Yup... someone always says they know where it can be done for virtually nothing. These idiots have no knowledge of shop minimums and hourly rates... at least in a real shop and not a corner of someone's kitchen. Rob
    1 point
  49. Shaun1105

    Rock of Ages

    by Joe Ellis
    1 point
  50. jinxproof1996

    Fastest tattooers?

    i think its important to see the tattoos of some of these "fast guys" healed. cause i have seen plenty of a few of them and they are rough. and it wasn't entirely the fault of the person healing it.....
    1 point
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