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  1. irezumi


    Same site has a bunch of other rad sweaters
    5 points
  2. i entered the top part last month now i am entering the bottom part. done by jeff gogue. sorry for the blurry pic and this pic was taken the day after so it wasnt "fresh"
    4 points
  3. Here is my back-piece from @Stewart Robson Started - 11/25/2011 Completed - 11/24/2013 The tattoo has 78 hours in total.
    4 points
  4. Holy shit the never ending stream of tattoos continue. Mind boggling. And to think I was even gonna attempt to enter one of mine. Keep em coming!
    3 points
  5. Funny thing is one time I was at a public function couple of years ago and there in my official government capacity. Think town hall style type of meeting. Most times these things are pretty civil with people inquiring about quality of life issues and who is responsible for such and such. This go around I get the luck of the draw and it's a tow truck driver (a business type which my agency regulates and oversees) and he's laying into me saying how terrible we are and I'm sitting up there all high and mighty and looking down on him cause he's an average working joe with tattoos on his arm. I told him he was wrong and we treat everyone fairly and he was mistaken if I'm judging him on his appearance. He continues to rant and said he noticed me sneering at him when he first walked into the meeting and gawking. I tell him if I was staring, it was probably more in admiration of the artwork on his arms and I basically tell him he is unfairly judging me based on my professional appearance to which I take off my suit jacket and role up one of my sleeves to expose my 3/4 sleeve. Couple of people in the audience laugh, some applauded. He catches me at the end of the meeting and apologizes for pre-judging me and states he's just frustrated with the regulations thats putting a strain on his business. I give him my card and tell him to call/email me so we can discuss his concerns further.
    3 points
  6. I got this from Chad Koeplinger earlier this year. I love it, and I want to share it with you:
    3 points
  7. Saw this on FB today.. Kick ass piece and awesome to see it getting recognition!!
    2 points
  8. hogg


    Ha! Shredders is where my buddy/coworker scored a rad black metal snowman/burning church sweater. @cltattooing, now you know.
    2 points
  9. slayer9019


    I was actually going to put an order in for one of these a few weeks back. I love that damn thing.
    2 points
  10. real meta


    Krampus rules. Here's a cool Krampus tattoo by Steve Byrne:
    2 points
  11. Thanks mate, interseting stuff. I also really like the small tattoo under the sleeve. My tattooist told me about this tradition, not many people are aware of it so it is quite rarely seen especially by western artists. Here is mine Now I am considering these type of roasary/beads.
    2 points
  12. Hey guys, here is a link to the Catclaw Blog that shows the progress over the first two days if anyone is interested 2日続ã‘ã¦ï½œCATCLAW TATTOO-Z I'll wait until I get home and see if they have posted the final pick and I'll put it up :) After some sight seeing today I feel like a grandpa but I think I need a nap lol. I fly out tomorrow and should be hitting it, but I am buggered!
    2 points
  13. I sat in the chair for 4 hours last nite having an old fu-dog freshened up. My forearm is still swollen and bruised up here and there. I have the 2nd appointment for early 2014 to finish the whole forearm. Rob
    2 points
  14. First time posting hopefully I uploaded the image correctly. Finished this little guy in the summer.
    2 points
  15. Enjoy! Japanese Tattoos: From Yakuza to Artisans, Aesthetes - Scene Asia - WSJ Don't miss the links on the gallery and also I think the book is being released this month!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Dave Sobel

    Free Tattoos

    My understanding of the shutdown in NYC from reading what has been said by a few tattooers that were tattooing back then is that it was due to to there being an outbreak of hep in the navy (nationwide according to Jerry) that the navy passed the buck on to tattooing across the nation. NYC tried to get the tattooers there to get together to come up with a set of reasonable health regulations, but since there was so much in-fighting and territorialism between tattooers there, that they wouldn't come together so the city just shut it all down. I believe it was both Crazy Eddie and Stan M that were quoted as saying that. Tattooing was regulated or shut down in many places across the country at the same time, which tends to support Jerry's story. Anyway, this guy in the article is a turd regardless, and is doing a dis-service to not only our trade, but to his "friends" as well.
    1 point
  18. A few more. Really considering having this done around my wrists, but can't decide if it would look right with what I already have.
    1 point
  19. RoryQ

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Ended up booking in with Frank Carter this coming January at FST. Can't wait to get tattooed there, having heard and read so much about this shop over time. Hopefully just going to pick something out of flash or drawings.
    1 point
  20. Same artist. I've got four fairly large pieces from her so far and now she's working on my back right now. It's very important for me to feel comfortable with the person and we definitely have this kind connection.
    1 point
  21. When you really get off the beaten-path in the US, you either see people with bad tattoos or no tattoos. So anyone with good artwork on them stands out. My son went to an upstate NY school for a while. There were 2 tattoo shops in the town and we stopped in. Man... they were turning out some awful work, but they were busy all the time. Rob
    1 point
  22. Colored Guy

    Facial Tattoos

    I used to see this guy years ago in unemployment. He had a big panther head on his cheek, real old school style. This was in 1980. Small wonder he was in unemployment all the time! Rob
    1 point
  23. I've seen them in my tattoo books in pairs, not really enough room for another one. I shoulda thunk it out a little better back in 1982. The rest of my tattoo work is fairly new, this was the oldest piece on me and it was getting hard to make out the features on it. The hair could be a little finer now that I look at it, I'll discuss it when I go for round II with my artist.
    1 point
  24. ChrisvK


    I bet this is the time of the year when child therapists make all their money
    1 point
  25. cltattooing


    Oh shit, those are cool. Might have to start a painting!
    1 point
  26. ChrisvK


    with a bit of luck i can snap a pic tomorrow. They got the tongue rolling out of their mouth n everything
    1 point
  27. ChrisvK


    Living in austria puts me smack down in Krampus territory. In the bakery/cafe where I work we've sold hundreds of krampus cakes, chocolate thingies and whatnots. Some of the cakes were creepy as fuck and for some reason the little kids love them. They would make for good tattoos tho!
    1 point
  28. @TaeTae There's a cool one in Mike Rubendall's portfolio page 4 http://www.kingsavenuetattoo.com/artists/mike-rubendall-g4/
    1 point
  29. That turned out great, but I think the original looked really fuckin' cool for a thirty year old tattoo! I really dig how the long fur looks when it's a little "blurred" from old age too. I would definitely have kept it if that was on my arm.
    1 point
  30. I have a large peony to the side of it now (see above), done less than 2 years ago. The original tattoo was done in late 1982, almost 31 years ago! Fortunately there wasn't much dark shading in it and the brown went right over the black hair. The dog itself is a light purple, which will come out when it heals up. The flowers will be done in pink and other colors and I'm going for the sleeve. It was done at Studio 69 on Long island, NY by Gina Sherry. I have forged a great relationship with her over the years. She was totally psyched to do it and we made up a lot of the details as we went along. Rob
    1 point
  31. This is my favourite. Chris Trevino is a machine.
    1 point
  32. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Amazing! I doubt I will ever do my hands but if I was going to do them I would want him to do them.
    1 point
  33. Duffa

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Well LST, I am happy to announce that after a brutal session we have finished the motif on my back! Not going to lie there where some moments when I wanted to tap but half way through Hiro dropped into the shop just to see it completed and that gave me what I needed to keep on keepin' on. All I heard was the door open and the war cry of "No Pain, No Gain". I nearly laughed but figured it wasn't the best time. Funny how the little things can keep you motivated and focused. I would have been pissed if I was so close to finishing and tapped on the final leg. I'm so wiped out but am also on that high that's probably going to keep me awake most of the night lol. Don't worry I'll post pics as soon as I can ;) and @RoryQ I don't think there will be any hard liqour tonight, I am well and truely spent.
    1 point
  34. WOW we are off to a GREAT start!
    1 point
  35. Just finished last night! Chris Garver , Invisible NYC Timeless tattoos Rock!!
    1 point
  36. I got this Cowgirl head from Rich Hardy while he was doing a guest spot at Third Eye Tattoo about a month ago.
    1 point
  37. Tattoo shops smell like the best smells in the entire world. Aaahhh, I miss the shop!
    1 point
  38. On my recent trip home I had the usual light-hearted debates w/my mom over tattoos. We were talking about me wanting to change schools and she said I couldn't get a job at another school w/these tattoos. I said that I keep them covered w/long sleeve shirts. She said, "You can't wear long sleeve shirts all the time in LA!" I explained that yes, I already do...we have air conditioning. Blah blah blah. So then later, she tells me that Adam Levine was voted the sexiest man alive. I asked her if she agreed with that assessment and she said, "Yes." I said, "But he has tattoos!" And she goes, "He's an entertainer, not a kindergarten teacher." Oh lordy. I knew she already had a double standard about it being more ok for men to have tattoos than women. Now I see, it's also ok if you are an entertainer. I told her he is a grown-ass man and I am a grown-ass woman and that my job requires me to be an entertainer most of the time, too. Then MIL told my hubby that if we keep getting tattoos we won't be able to move back to Boston. Oh parents. They are so silly. We are in our forties and these are the conversations we are having!
    1 point
  39. Duffa

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Cheers @Iwar it's good to be back my friend!! And since you asked so nicely, another travel blog it is haha. Well that was just over 4 hours of "fuck me" lol. 2 days back to back is no joke at all ( @Reyeslv you are a machine) but we got a lot done. Horinao thinks we might even be able to finish on Thursday if we make the session a little longer - and hells yeah I'm keen for that! He's kept the colour really traditional and no bells or whistles but that's fine by me, the original image is perfect anyway (in my eyes at least) @cibo y'all will have to wait until I at least get back home to be able to upload pics ;) but I won't keep you guys hanging. here's a link to the catclaw blog from yesterday http://ameblo.jp/catclaw-tattoo-z/entry-11716915808.html
    1 point
  40. Is it a LST record that a tattoo of the month contest only lasted 9 minutes?
    1 point
  41. Alright... here goes nothin. Pharoah's Horses tattooed by me, finished in October.
    1 point
  42. ShawnPorter

    The ED HARDY Thread

    That's Fred. And Higgs, also by Hardy.
    1 point
  43. So the knee torture is finally complete. My knee/thigh demon by Matt Van Cura done at Invisible NYC.
    1 point
  44. i travel a lot to get tattooed. sometimes i get tattooed by someone multiple times, sometimes i get tattooed once by someone and then don't really have the opportunity to get tattooed by them again because they live across the country.
    1 point
  45. Shaun1105

    June 2013 TOTM

    By Joe Ellis while he was guesting at Lab Monkey Tattoo
    1 point
  46. I usually tell people that I got mine so have something to look at if I forget a magazine when I go to the bathroom.
    1 point
  47. It could be because I'm a long-haired and bearded burly dude with skulls tattooed on my arms, living in a place where I feel I see more tattooed people than non-tattooed people, but I don't really experience people asking me about what my tattoos mean. I think that women on the whole get this a lot more than men. People mostly leave me alone. I was a little bit concerned about getting "what does it mean" questions about my (in-progress) sleeve because there's a specific visual reference there that I don't really want to explain, but thankfully the raven's head there is hidden by a t-shirt so hopefully I'll mostly avoid that question while I figure out a stock bullshit answer. I have nothing against tattoos with meaning (for that matter, I have nothing against tattoos without meaning either) I just think that the way most people go about getting a "meaningful" tattoo is all wrong. From what I've seen on the internet, the "meaning" takes priority over the strength of the image, and that's all backwards. You're going to associate your tattoos with whatever meaning you choose to give them anyway, there's no need to have hidden initials or a representative number of flower petals or whatever there. I spend too much time looking at pictures of tattoos on the internet.
    1 point
  48. Ursula

    Facial Tattoos

    Face tattoos can be the worst or the best thing ever. Just don't be the guy doing the type of shit in the first photo!
    1 point
  49. mario desa

    Dan Higgs

    higgs is a talented, eccentric MAN. not a divine guru. this whole "cult of higgs" that has sprung up the last few years is fucking stupid.
    1 point
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