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Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 10 others reacted to MikeL for a topic
Put this up the other day in the full back piece thread and forgot to put it over here. Last session in for 2013 and starting back up in January. All work being done by Rodrigo Melo at Northstar Tattoo NYC. Mike11 points -
SStu and 5 others reacted to ShawnPorter for a topic
I think sometimes that our good friend Scott is too humble to use LST to advertise Yellow Beak Press books. But I don't work for Yellow Beak, so I don't see a conflict in being geeked about a new book release and sharing it with folks here. I think that the Zeis book is one of the top 10 tattoo books at all time and will go down as a classic. Born Weird- it's a much more niche book but honestly, one of my favorite design books ever. I can't even say the title without thinking about the Gillespie Royboy Hotstuff devil. Now they have LOST LOVE coming out for a February 2014 release. Here's the video: I'm super excited about this one.6 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 4 others reacted to deadsp0t for a topic
A better pic5 points -
Upcoming Tattoos
Pleadco and 3 others reacted to suburbanxcore for a topic
One week til my appointment with @Scott Sylvia at the Richmond convention. I can't wait. Then I don't have anything booked til Grez in July. I've gotta set up something fun for tax return time.4 points -
How about an art show?
spookysproul and 2 others reacted to Dumpleton for a topic
Got a little bit weird with this one.3 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
cltattooing and 2 others reacted to losParanoyas for a topic
Getting my leg filled in by Kore Flatmo. I know it's been said many times, but visiting Plurabella is such a freaking great experience. Still have the back of the thigh and the shin to do, but that's all I could take. Day 2 we just worked more on the cover up he's doing on my arm. I dont have any good pictures of that yet.3 points -
Nice, looks like you got him to sign it for you too! :D What a great time that was! Ivar, thanks for giving me the chance to share such a memorable time with you, it was a blast and a time I'll never forget!2 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and one other reacted to deadsp0t for a topic
From tonight.. I know the top of the hilt looks crooked but it's not, just a bad angle. I'll snap more pictures later.2 points -
ahhh, what ever, i go away from this forum. :D Good bye2 points
Do dental hygienist online forums get this same kind of thing? "Long time lurker, first time poster. Just thought I'd join and feel this place out. I bought my own tools, can someone tell me if I'm doing this right?"2 points
Tattoo removal
spookysproul and one other reacted to Gregor for a topic
Self removal maan , this coud be darwin award material if you are not careful....2 points -
Can't remember who initially posted these, but I've had them on my phone at least a couple-three years. Not sure when they were done, but they're old, and by the man himself.2 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
cltattooing and one other reacted to else for a topic
Got this today from Nick Colella at Great Lakes Tattoo I can't say enough nice things about him!! And I'm beyond stoked on my dragon! Completely smitten with the thing! :) (slurped from Nick's instagram) Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 22 points -
Hardy's talk on the black panther tattoo at 2013 Bay Area Tattoo Convention. Kudos to the production team that made this.2 points
Full Back Piece Thread
havetsherre and one other reacted to semele for a topic
This is what I've had done so far. Four sessions; the rose and yet more black went in last Friday. By Grez at Kings Avenue.2 points -
Just remembered that I forgot to post pictures from my visit to LA/SF, but better late than never I guess. My only regret is not taking more. Some spots we visited (Bottom left is @ian (left) and me outside Temple Tattoo) @hogg and I have matching torch and spider fillers... As is that wasn't enough @scottSylvia gave us matching LST ban hammer tattoos a few days later. This is from the first of two sessions I had on my back with Grime. A few souvenirs When I returned to LA Bob Roberts gave me this All in all a great trip, and I cannot wait to visit again next year! I'll try to take more photos then too :)2 points
Lady Heads
Daniel Adam Willis reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
It's funny how when you pick just one basic design the possibilities are endless. So since we're talking about panther tattoos, tiger tattoos, etc., what do you like in a lady head? And who do you like for a lady head? Contemporary tattooer or past tattooer? I'm not a tattooer myself, but I like dark eyes/eyelashes and the heavy makeup/color thing. And lots of dark hair. Bailey Robinson does some really great ones.. http://copperbeehive.wordpress.com/2010/03/02/a-piece-of-you-for-a-piece-of-me/face/ http://copperbeehive.wordpress.com/2010/04/20/i-have-no-idea-what-i-meant-to-be/lady-2/ On the other end of the spectrum I also like Todd Noble's softer ladies: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=497092566067&set=a.468392576067.266608.6204360671 point -
Hello from good old Blighty!!
TattooedMumma reacted to Melvyn Johnson for a topic
Hello all… …so a brief introduction, I'm 27 and live in London England working as a graphic designer / illustrator. So glad to found a site where tattooers and enthusiasts can come and talk. i don't have many friends who are into tattoos (apart from my wife) so would be cool to meet up at conventions talk, drink and chill. Also I love the insightful but down-to-earth interviews with artists I admire and hope to be tattooed by some day.1 point -
Bearded Ladies: Disney edition
Duffa reacted to cltattooing for a topic
God bless the internet. That is all. Your Favorite Disney Princesses With Beards1 point -
Any metalheads out there?
slayer9019 reacted to JAllen for a topic
I swear I posted a reply to this but don't see it showing up. Mustve messed up! I like what I heard, I'll have to see if I run across that album in the used racks. I've like most of what no fashion records puts out, so no suprise that's who put this out. I've also always found the way swedes approach just about every genre to be pretty compelling.1 point -
1 point
Hello and welcome. How recently did you get the tattoo? I ask because it's really difficult to judge things like "mushy" linework until the tattoo is healed and settled in a bit. I know that when I've had healing tattoos that sometimes lines look like a bit of a mess, like they're blown out, but they're totally fine once the tattoo is healed.1 point
My first
daveborjes reacted to HaydenRose for a topic
This is exactly what you should do. However, I had a similar reaction when I had my inner bicep done. I stopped washing it a million times a day (only in the morning and at night) and stopped putting any creams or lotions on it. I also had to change the soap I was using to the dove white bar. I've said this a few times throughout this forum, but aquaphor does not work for me as well as it does for others. As you get more tattoos, you will find what works best for you from trial and error. With that said, I would suggest laying off the aquaphor and see if it gets any better.1 point -
1 point
hogg reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
YES. Following 'em on instagram under lostlovebook for updates.1 point -
Yesssss, i have been looking for this thread! I am three weeks into healing my calves and chest from SFO and I have never had anything ITCH so bad ever.....like catch-myself-scratching-in-the-middle-of-the-night-while-I-am-sleeping itchy. I walk around all day like Tyrone from the Chappelle show. Ima go and buy the anti-itch Aveeno today. I'll let y'all know how that goes. On the plus side, I have a new empathy for crackheads. Ummmm, that's good right?1 point
In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.
slayer9019 reacted to tatB for a topic
just patting yourself on the back for a job well done.1 point -
My first
daveborjes reacted to Brock Varty for a topic
Looks to me like you have some bruising going on. The inside of the bicep tends to do that. If you are concerned at all, I emplore you to consult the person that did the tattoo. They will know how your tattoo and how their work heals the best. The person who did the tattoo will always be able to give you a better answer than any of us.1 point -
1 point
Looking for info to complete my Oni tattoo with Bonji symbols for water and earth
Mike McBastard reacted to hogg for a topic
This is fantastic advice.1 point -
The ED HARDY Thread
cltattooing reacted to Wilhell for a topic
This picture posted Jill Bonny on her Instagram-profile 36 weeks ago. The man on the left is the same person you can spot in Ed Hardy's Tattoo Time - Music & Sea Tattoos. The back is from 1980 and still looks absolutely amazing.1 point -
Plainskins say the darndest things...
The Tig reacted to heathenist for a topic
I was making a joke by suggesting that the only reason someone would get tattoos is to appear tough, and therefore it should be a good thing that people think you are tough because of your tattoos. Admittedly, these types of jokes don't work well through text (in fact, I've found that even in person people often don't catch my sarcasm). If we really wanted to look tough, we'd be getting shitty tattoos that nobody would bother us about (mayber because they would feel threatened). Instead, like an idiot, I just have to go out and get tattooed by good artists, and then I get old ladies bothering me about them in grocery stores and shit.1 point -
Plainskins say the darndest things...
spookysproul reacted to heathenist for a topic
Wait, so if you didn't get tattoos so people would think you were tough, then... why?1 point -
November 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
gougetheeyes reacted to Blian for a topic
Oneshot from Marius Meyer. Pretty happy about this one.1 point -
Looking for info to complete my Oni tattoo with Bonji symbols for water and earth
Mike McBastard reacted to exume for a topic
Go see Joel D. Long in Boulder1 point -
How about an art show?
spookysproul reacted to Graeme for a topic
This is a not very good picture of what I've been sporadically working on for the past couple of months. When it's finished I'll try to get better pictures: This is my first attempt at working with oils, other than a little bit of dabbling with it when I took art classes as a kid, but I don't really count that. I'm pretty happy with some things with this painting, but beyond my obvious technical limitations, it has quite a few significant flaws that have largely to do with me being too excited to start painting that I didn't properly work out a sketch beforehand and figure out composition, perspective, light sources, use reference, etc. My next one will be better.1 point -
Bonji are the Japanese reference for Sanskrit characters from esoteric Buddhism. I'm sure if you Google the elements, you should be able to find it. Also if you find yourself a good artist well-versed in Japanese tattoos, chances are they can help you locate the bonji characters you'd want in a style that you will like.1 point
Looking for info to complete my Oni tattoo with Bonji symbols for water and earth
Mike McBastard reacted to Kage for a topic
I'm not clear of you mean kanji or not, but the best reference for Oni demons that I know is the Oni Demon Scrolls book. Mezurashi Books might be a good place to look for reference material. Hope that helps some.1 point -
Upcoming Tattoos
MadeIndelible reacted to ChrisvK for a topic
It's been 5 months since my last tattoo. Maybe even 6 months have passed, not that good with remembering dates n stuff. The next onewill be the 27th of december. I miss the exciting feeling you get right before the needle hits for the first time. It feels like a mix of being scared and happy or something. Anyone else crave to relive this moment as often as possible? I know when i got my first tattoo 2 years ago people told me to accept being addicted but I didnt know that I would look forward to the process, just the finished result. Am i just weird? :D1 point -
November 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
real meta reacted to heathenist for a topic
Thanks! Actually, what I originally thought I was getting was a full scale fight between the two animals, but the morning of Phil called me up and asked if it was cool if we did a close up because he thought it would be better to capture the details in the expressions on the faces. And while it made me a little nervous to change it up like that, it definitely paid off and I super glad I took his advice. So let that be a lesson: LISTEN TO THE ARTIST!1 point -
Full Back Piece Thread
str8shuutr45 reacted to MikeL for a topic
Been 2 sessions since my last update on my back piece. Saturday was my last for 2013 and going to start back up in January. All work being done by Rodrigo Melo at Northstar Tattoo NYC. Mike1 point -
have been waiting a year for Martin Lacasse to guest at Congress St Tattoo in Portsmouth, nh. So worth the wait. I love this tattoo and Martin is a super cool dude. An amazing experience!!! Longest session i've ever sat through, clocking in at 4 and 1/2 hrs. Pics are a bit bloody, but i think the detail still shows.1 point
Upcoming Tattoos
MadeIndelible reacted to Rebushido for a topic
o cool man! yea im so fucking stoked on it! heres a picture1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 reacted to xmowglix for a topic
Here is a terrible photo of what I got from Tony Nilsson while at NY Adorned over the weekend. Great dude and a really humble young tattooer. I'm stoked I went and got something from him while he was here in the states. Being that I really don't post all that much I've gotten a little behind, but I have some new stuff from Grez, Steve Boltz, and Bob Roberts that I'll try and get some photos of as well. It's funny because I am not a fan of forums or posting pictures of tattoos online in the slightest, but there is something so enjoyable about this site that I find myself always coming back and wanting to share. The tattoos that have been getting posted all over this forum are really mind blowing. There's too many people to mention, but I've been real jealous lately browsing around. Hopefully, whatever I throw up someone enjoys 1/100th the amount of how I feel about the O'Donnell or Rubendall (just to name a few) pieces that I get to see on here.1 point -
Lady Heads
Avery Taylor reacted to Lotus for a topic
Chad K, two years ago. - - - Updated - - - My other forearm done as part of sleeve by Ross Nagle,tattoo done approx two years ago.1 point -
Dropping the Bomb, how your parents found out about your first tattoo!
Killercook76 reacted to Tim Hendricks for a topic
I was 15 and I forgot to bring my clothes into the bathroom with me to shower(so I was fully dressed when exiting). I went out to get my shirt and my mom saw the tattoo on my arm. After gasping she said, "well I guess I should've expected this". Soon after she kicked me out of the house. Four years later she let me move back in for a little and let me set up a 'home studio' in the garage and even tolerated all the cholos coming over to get tattooed. Very hip lady1 point -
Lady Heads
Guerillaneedles reacted to Bryan Burk for a topic
All that being said, I think it takes a lot of hard work to get good at doing it on the level of the people mentioned in this thread. It's a kind of tattooing that doesn't allow much room for error, and I respect the amount of work all these people have put into getting ladies faces down It's a little more complicated than copying chris or things from magazines. I can guarantee that for every head we see that looks "good enough" or "looks like a Conn girl", these guys did 3 or 4 that they weren't happy with, that are living on people as we speak it's easy to say that someone just "copied a piece of Sailor Jerry flash" onto someone, but if you've ever tried it, you know it's a little harder than it looks. I've fucked up countless girl heads trying to even get in the ballpark of people like Valarie or Uzi, and in the end I always come to the same conclusion: they've simply put much more time in with the pencil than I have Garver, Jack Rudy, Cartoon also do really great ladies1 point -
Liner for Sonny Tufts
Mikeywales reacted to jinxproof1996 for a gallery image
1 point