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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2013 in all areas

  1. Got this a couple weeks ago from Nikki Balls in D.C. Still a little shiny, and not a great pic, but you get the idea. Thanks for looking.
    15 points
  2. got this hot momma a few weeks ago from eli quinters
    15 points
  3. Amok

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    New one done today by Stevie Edge
    14 points
  4. got this dagger from jaie devore a few weeks ago
    14 points
  5. [/img] Finally figured out how to post correctly.. Apologizes !! Tattoo by Chris Garver , Invisible NYC
    12 points
  6. Tough month to enter, but here's my newest. By Stevie Edge @ Hunter and Fox in Sydney.
    10 points
  7. I love the tebori work of the Horitoshi Family from Horitoshi 1, Horimitsu, ShunHo, and Shinji Horizakura. The depth of the black wind bars are amazing the colors are so vivid and bold. However my favorite tebori tattooer is actually US based now, Horitomo. I feel he is doing his best works these days and hoping one day to be able to get something from him:
    9 points
  8. @Cork Three sessions down and probably a third or more done? I'm filled from the bra line up. Three more sessions before the end of January and then I'm gonna give myself a little break. I've got my progress up over yonder: Flickr: Please wait...
    9 points
  9. My first tattoo was a big thigh piece, and I just got my other thigh done this weekend. Experienced twitching both times. However, the first time was much more painful than this past one. The outline wasn't fun but the shading was a breeze. Here they are, the first one isn't in a style I'm super into anymore, and I'm not too crazy about it anymore, it's not bad it just doesn't fit with what I'm going for anymore. Maybe one day I'll have it covered or reworked or something. I don't regret getting it, because it helped get me into tattoos, and really it's not a bad tattoo, just not what I would get now. Here is my latest one, which I've already posted in 2 other threads in the past couple of days, but whatever, done by Phil Hatchet Yau:
    8 points
  10. Wilhell

    Preferred tebori styles

    Horimasa Tosui from the Horitoshi Family is my favourite. In my opinion his doing some of the best Tebori oneshots (and big work) in the business. It´s very easy to recognize that his master is Horitoshi 1; These are 12 years old. Look how bright they still are; I got this one from him earlier this year: I also love alot of other Tebori-artists, some of them are mentioned over here. Horizakura, Horitomo..
    7 points
  11. Graeme

    Preferred tebori styles

    This in-progress bodysuit is pretty breathtaking: By Horimatsu
    7 points
  12. We already have several threads about bad tattoos, could we keep these kinds of posts to those threads? There are a lot of places on the internet for laughing at bad tattoos, and very few places where people with real knowledge and experience can talk about, post pictures of, and give people advice about good tattooing, so let's keep the board mostly focused on that.
    7 points
  13. just got this done at Aces tattoo in Denton.
    7 points
  14. Enjoy! Japanese Tattoos: From Yakuza to Artisans, Aesthetes - Scene Asia - WSJ Don't miss the links on the gallery and also I think the book is being released this month!
    6 points
  15. Amok

    Thighs Thighs Thighs!!!

    Got this one today. It was the easiest tattoo I've had so far in regards to pain. I wouldn't be worried about the front of the thigh.
    6 points
  16. Got this From Phil Hatchet Yau at Tahiti Felix's Master Tattoo while visiting San Diego this weekend. One-shot, 4 hours. Very happy with it. Super cool tattoo shop, with tons of original flash from the 50's and some from even earlier. Phil is super nice and seems like a great dude.
    6 points
  17. I just visited with Henry over on Broadway and bought an amazing drawing from him. There are over 70 drawings available and they are reasonably priced from $100-$350 there are some jems in there. check it out.... Goldfield's Tattoo Studio
    5 points
  18. Got this from Bailey on Saturday.
    5 points
  19. My girlfriend and I got 'honeymoon phase' tattoos from Nic Lynds in Austin while we were on vacation. This one is hers. Mine is the same just harder to shoot.
    5 points
  20. I like Horimitsu of the Horitoshi Family a lot. His colors are also very vivid and bright. His designs take on an abstract approach at times to traditional Japanese tebori themes. I've follow his Instagram religiously. Missed out on an opportunity to get tattooed by him at this past NYC Tattoo Convention. Hopefully he'll come to the next one!
    4 points
  21. Got this a week ago. Instagram
    4 points
  22. Summed up perfectly
    4 points
  23. @cibo This is was my father's, which he gave to me.
    4 points
  24. I like the work of Nakamura Toshikazu also and it's a little different in style from the others above . Here's a link to his site and if you want to view his portfolio click the first grey box with Japanese writing in it , he's also on IG . Also I've previously posted pieces from him in the chest / torso thread . http://shisei2011.web.fc2.com/
    3 points
  25. cibo

    finer things in life

    Zippos from Vietnam more here
    3 points
  26. Cork

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I had to sign up for Flickr to see it. Worth it.
    3 points
  27. Look up the Gypsy Gentleman and watch all of those, well worth it Also check out the interviews on here Scott Sylvia's interview is great if you have plenty of time to watch it.
    3 points
  28. I guess this is probably a bad month to enter given how great the tattoos posted so far are. But I see that as a good thing, it just means more people are out getting great tattoos. Anyways, I've already posted this in he latest tattoo lowdown, but here it is: Phil Hatchet Yau at Tahiti Felix's Master Tattoo, 4 hours, one-shot:
    3 points
  29. Dear admins, if this is too basic a question for a thread, or if it has been covered elsewhere please delete it. Until very recently, I appreciated Japanese style tattoos, but was totally uninterested in getting them. It probably had lot to do with growing up in Tokyo and living here again now. Ever since a tattooer friend recommended (or implanted the idea of) getting a thigh done tebori "for the experience," I've been semi-obsessing about it. Who are your favorite tebori artists and why? It seems the styles, from the width of the windbars and palette, to drawing styles, are so varied. Do you like the artists doing classic work or the younger artists making "innovative" work? Some younger Japanese tattooers seem to be heading in a SSTP direction of simplification, where ultimately, classic tattooing, whether Japanese or American, becomes almost the same (except in subject matter). Some others' works seem too anime-influenced for my tastes. Even among older artists of a similar region, there's also a lot of variety. For example, Horitoshi I's work looks completely different from Horikyo's works and they are both Tokyo-based. Just curious about all your opinions. Horikyo Horitoshi 1
    2 points
  30. @semele I've got a bailey buffalo as well -- come out to the next NYC meetup!
    2 points
  31. Man there ara so much good artists and masters i would have a bad time picking only one of them. my right arm will be japanese style, and i think for the moment Horimitsu from the Horitoshi family is my favourite.
    2 points
  32. I can't believe that no-one has mentioned true love yet, a great tattoo show from Italy. Great tattoos, no drama, and a good host that is getting tattoos as the show goes on. It's too bad that was short lived.
    2 points
  33. semele

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Thanks! Grez is doing it.
    2 points
  34. Getting tattooed right now - DOESN'T HURT. Pic of outline in my gallery - can't figure out how to link it here from my phone.
    2 points
  35. Cork

    Thighs Thighs Thighs!!!

    Always grateful for an opportunity to show my Stell baku. For the OP, it took about 5 hours, pain wasn't too bad. I'd much rather do another thigh tattoo than another session on my back.
    2 points
  36. Another by Jess Yen! Still needs one more small session(finishing toad detail), but we are mostly there! Done at the London Tattoo Convention over a couple of sessions.
    2 points
  37. I have posted these before, why not post them again. Greg Christian, left outer thigh Stevie Edge, right outer thigh
    2 points
  38. In progress by jess yen. Thx for looking.
    2 points
  39. cibo

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    2nd session w/Scott Sylvia...done...
    2 points
  40. Here you go, on my left thigh, koi, water and cherry blossoms done in Japanese style by Henning Jorgensen. Not completed yet and also now connected to my back piece project. Will eventually get a piece on my right thigh to balance things out. Maybe a tiger or dragon or both.
    2 points
  41. Dumpleton

    How about an art show?

    Had another crack at the boxer guy, and attempted a couple more new ones. The girl I found on an old circus poster. Time to start another.
    2 points
  42. 49531

    How about an art show?

    anyone here into printmaking? i found photos of some work i did a year or so ago this was the biggest silk screen print i've ever done. its about 1 meter wide and 1 and a half tall from what i remember ive done a bunch of lino cuts, etchings and woodcuts as well. it's been a while, i'm craving the craft
    2 points
  43. So many killer tattoos so far, and I don't want to win, but just to make things fun, I'll throw this one in the ring: Done by Chad Koeplinger at the Montreal convention in September. Also because of this forum I have this impression that Scandinavia is full of super nice people with jaw-dropping tattoos.
    2 points
  44. I thought we could post pics of upside down tattoos here :) I have seen so many names on wrists upside down but this..... wow....
    1 point
  45. My thigh piece is a riot of bad ideas so I wont share :) still got another thigh waiting though ...
    1 point
  46. I generally have this bad habit of walking around with too much cash or leave it in my car. Am I a target? Not really, unless you like to get shot. After my appointment, I like to stay around as they close up the shop just in case. Rob
    1 point
  47. @WideOcean, can't you just go back to the polite and serious plumber? I think humility and sensitivity go an awful long way. If your chinese is terrible, maybe he could speak with you in private instead of in front of other customers? I also expect my tattooers to know which elements will and won't work. My husband (who won't tattoo me 'cause I'm a pain in the ass) will be the first person to tell me if I'm "trying to shove 3 lb. of shit in a 2 lb. bag." Or he'll ask "How big do you think your arm is?" when I'm telling him my ideas. I'm sure the tattooer meant no harm, maybe it was a culture/language thing, maybe he misunderstood what you were asking about the added element? Either way, I'm not sure it matters if he's pompous or you're paranoid, you need to be comfortable. Customer service matters. I've never gotten a tattoo from someone I didn't like, enjoying someone's company and conversation make the time go faster. (Unless you're married, then dinner and a movie will go much better than a tattoo.) I say go back to the plumber or find another plumber. You don't need a souvenir of an unpleasant experience covering valuable real estate. That's like hanging a picture on your wall that you don't like from someone you don't like just in case they visit your house. How about just not letting them in? Go get the positive experience you deserve. - - - Updated - - - @HaydenRose, that color thing would've made me insane. Mr. Color Guy should know what looks good. I made a tattooer back out some lime green on something and replace it with pink, and you know what? The lime would've been cooler. If my dentist asked me to pick the shade on a fake tooth to match the others, I'd find another dentist. Of course I'll ask for certain colors/ color themes, but it's their job to know their stuff, my job is to shower, brush my teeth, and not jump around all over the place.
    1 point
  48. I thought I'd throw up an old tattoo just go giggles, since I don't think I ever did in the contest. Regino Gonzales Invisible NYC
    1 point
  49. Dumpleton

    How about an art show?

    Made a new one. Sorry about the bad photo.
    1 point
  50. Jojo Ackermann

    japanese inspired tattoo

    another tattoo highly inspired by the japanese/american style.
    1 point
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