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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2013 in all areas

  1. Got this From Phil Hatchet Yau at Tahiti Felix's Master Tattoo while visiting San Diego this weekend. One-shot, 4 hours. Very happy with it. Super cool tattoo shop, with tons of original flash from the 50's and some from even earlier. Phil is super nice and seems like a great dude.
    31 points
  2. My girlfriend and I got 'honeymoon phase' tattoos from Nic Lynds in Austin while we were on vacation. This one is hers. Mine is the same just harder to shoot.
    22 points
  3. I guess this is probably a bad month to enter given how great the tattoos posted so far are. But I see that as a good thing, it just means more people are out getting great tattoos. Anyways, I've already posted this in he latest tattoo lowdown, but here it is: Phil Hatchet Yau at Tahiti Felix's Master Tattoo, 4 hours, one-shot:
    19 points
  4. Got this from Bailey on Saturday.
    15 points
  5. cibo

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    2nd session w/Scott Sylvia...done...
    15 points
  6. Here you go, on my left thigh, koi, water and cherry blossoms done in Japanese style by Henning Jorgensen. Not completed yet and also now connected to my back piece project. Will eventually get a piece on my right thigh to balance things out. Maybe a tiger or dragon or both.
    15 points
  7. In progress by jess yen. Thx for looking.
    11 points
  8. Cork

    Thighs Thighs Thighs!!!

    Always grateful for an opportunity to show my Stell baku. For the OP, it took about 5 hours, pain wasn't too bad. I'd much rather do another thigh tattoo than another session on my back.
    10 points
  9. I have posted these before, why not post them again. Greg Christian, left outer thigh Stevie Edge, right outer thigh
    7 points
  10. I am not patient enough to wait until my tattoo is done or even healed to post so here are some progress shots. Went for about 6 hours yesterday shading in the raven with Kim Saigh. It was fun, as always. Kim is so humble about her own work, always talking about the tattooers she admires. Well, I think she's right up there with them. The cat wanted to be in 2 of these pics and the daughter wanted to be in the other. :D
    7 points
  11. Aw, @Cork, I totally ogled your baku while waiting for mine. :) Re: spasming, yes, I find the involuntary twitching tough with thigh tattoos. It helps to be in a position where you can "brace yourself" better. Re: healing, my thighs have randomly been TERRIBLE to heal. None of them have healed perfectly (I have six one shot tattoos on my thighs at this point, I think?). They have generally taken me at least a full week before the swelling goes down enough that I don't grunt from sitting down or standing up. Mostly the imperfections from my shitty heals are minor, but two of them, very sadly, healed super super badly, and it bums me out. I don't know why I have such a hard time with my thighs, as generally I think I heal things ok. After all that complaining, I will say that I have found my thighs to be pretty painless, although I have yet to have the back of my thighs done. The only shitty parts for me so far have been at the edges - near the knee ditch and near the crotch, but even then it's such a small spot that you move on quickly. My usual thigh schpiel is that I LOVE getting tattooed on them, HATE healing them.
    6 points
  12. Is this kind of comment really necessary? LST should be a welcoming place for everybody who is genuinely interested in getting good tattoos, and I don't see any purpose in being a complete dickhead to somebody who comes here asking for a little bit of advice.
    6 points
  13. I know your pain,when I was getting my sternum done I had to stop my tattooer and told him I had to go to the toilet... I just stood there looking in the bathroom mirror asking myself "what the f**k am I doing to myself" hahah such a goose.
    6 points
  14. ironchef

    Thighs Thighs Thighs!!!

    Thanks! I actually have three koi from Henning, the two on my thigh and one on my left arm. I'm a big fan of his koi and they bring back fond memories of when my late grandmother used to buy goldfish for my brother and I when we were kids. Now I know goldfish are more kingyo than koi, but they fit the same style for me.
    5 points
  15. DevilMan

    Full Back Piece Thread

    My wife's Phoenix backpiece was finished today at a convention, she (and I) are real happy with it (well, after it's healed ;-) ) Backpiece was made by Bonel of Corazon Santo here in The Netherlands, which did my two sleeves, and is probably starting my own backpiece in februari :cool:
    4 points
  16. Another by Jess Yen! Still needs one more small session(finishing toad detail), but we are mostly there! Done at the London Tattoo Convention over a couple of sessions.
    3 points
  17. I can totally see that. My college has a koi pond and everytime I walk by I always love to stare at them. I will admit to making them fight over a chocolate chip cookie once, not my proudest moment. Koi are very beautiful.
    3 points
  18. My weak spots seem to be thighs, the fleshy parts:-)
    3 points
  19. Hello Lilly and welcome to LST. I'm curious about your idea of starting with something, as you put it, "generic" as your first tattoo because it sounds like you have grander tattoo plans. If you want something bigger and bolder, start by getting something like that. As for the ideas you have, I don't think they would make for good tattoos. White ink tends to age poorly, and if you're concerned about keeping your tattoos concealed--and I think this is a totally legitimate concern, especially because you're young and you don't know what your life is going to bring you--there's a lot of space that is easy to keep covered by clothing on your torso and upper thighs. The Peter Pan one could be done well, but you'd have to go a lot larger than the side of your foot. You could do a nice thigh piece of that. If you let us know where the middle of nowhere in Canada is, I'm sure we can recommend good artists near you.
    3 points
  20. So many killer tattoos so far, and I don't want to win, but just to make things fun, I'll throw this one in the ring: Done by Chad Koeplinger at the Montreal convention in September. Also because of this forum I have this impression that Scandinavia is full of super nice people with jaw-dropping tattoos.
    3 points
  21. I guess I will throw my in progress piece done by shige this monday at diamond club tattoo into the mix
    3 points
  22. Cork

    Thighs Thighs Thighs!!!

    Yes, very jealous of her baku.
    2 points
  23. ShawnPorter

    Moon tattoos

    There's a long story about the 'why' of us getting that particular design... To condense it- when we started dating a mutual friend told us that our being happy was 'just the honeymoon phase. don't worry, it will pass' and we were blown away by how snarky and shitty a comment it was. So we started joking about getting a tattoo that was ambiguously a nod to Honey Moon Phase as a bigolfuckyou joke. I've never gotten a tattoo with a partner before and when we were discussing it we decided not to add initials or date or anything to 'play it safe' but ultimately it was a really great experience.
    2 points
  24. This totally reminds me of @Pugilist's thigh tattoo. Both awesome
    2 points
  25. I had some of those twitchy moments too. Hahaha not exactly sure why? My other side I didn't have anything like that happen... As far as healing goes I did develop a decent size scab. I did fall out in about 2 weeks so no big deal. My recent session is healing a lot better! This time is used Tegaderm . For me Tegaderm heals your tattoo smoother and softer. The flaking and peeling isn't so dry and comes of in bigger pieces.
    2 points
  26. semele

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I had to reschedule my last session on my back with Grez due to trouble with my flights, so I'm heading back to New York for that Friday, if the gods of airline travel smile upon me this time. I also have a couple of awkward spaces on my left leg now, which is setting off my tattoo OCD, but those are going to have to stay awkward for a while.
    2 points
  27. yay!!*high 5* me either!!! I was starting to think I was the only one in the world :) - - - Updated - - - this reminds me also of people who wear band shirts but have yet to hear the music. or can only name 3 of their hit titles that any window licker could point out - ...
    2 points
  28. Reyeslv

    Hello! Newbie here!

    @diabeticwolf Welcome to LST, how did you find out about the site? This is a great place for reference materials and a whole bunch of people that love tattoos. If it's knowledge you seek, you will find it here!!
    2 points
  29. I'm good on the fleshy parts, but where those little ridges of bone shoot out from the pelvic bone... Christ, that hurts.
    2 points
  30. Yesterday morning at 7 AM my girlfriend, my cousin, and myself drove down to Richmond to get tattooed by Max Kuhn. It was my 3rd session on my back and we got about 4 more hours in on it. My girlfriend got her stomach finished My cousin came along and got his 3rd tattoo. I just took him to get his first back in June or July from Shrewsbury, then he got tattooed by Lowercase J last month.
    2 points
  31. Apologies for the janky-ass picture, I had to take it myself. It's on the back of my arm so it took a lot longer than it should've to actually get the fucking thing in the shot. :p
    2 points
  32. Here are some photos from my session on Thursday with Henning Jorgensen at Kings Avenue Long Island. Brutal 6.5 hour session. Filled with involuntary leg twitches/spasms, especially when Henning worked on the area above the tiger's ear/shoulder. Henning was a true professional and always told me I was doing great even when I thought I was sitting terribly. And @ironchef sent a few encouraging texts that helped me get through it. A full day session is no joke, the last hour was a huge challenge and I eventually had to tap out. A humbling experience. The plan is to finish it next fall with 1 session in Montreal and 1 session in NY. Also I plan on getting a hotel for all future sessions because 8 hours of round trip driving and 6.5 hours of tattooing is too much for one day. I felt like I had very serious hangover the following day.
    2 points
  33. Gregor


    Madrid - El Bara , Robert Hernandez Barca - Victor Chil (amaaazing) , Jondix What a great place to go for a wedding. Try and get to a football game while you are there !!
    2 points
  34. showing progress on my back done by jess yen. i lost count but i think we are about 25hrs or so in.
    2 points
  35. Okey, this is my last try for a while. Done by Mike Rubendall in the end of September.
    2 points
  36. I will give this month a shot with my healed Fudo Myoo-girl done by Claudia De Sabe, at this years London tattoo convention! Yet another girl head in my collection and it's definately not the last! :eek:
    2 points
  37. peps1

    Reference material.

    Um sorry for not replying earlier, i don't get on much, anyway this is a photo from 2months ago. The rest of the blackwork is just about done. The artist is Kian Forreal his website: Home | Authentink Studio - Traditional Japanese Tattooing by Sydney Tattoo Artist - HORISUMI - Kian Forreal & Crew Sydney Tattoo Shops & Sydney Tattoo Studios AustraliaAuthentink Studio – Traditional Japanese Tattooing by Sydney Tattoo Artist & Here is the picture i dont have a current one so this will have to do, i will probably take one once the the blackwork is finished..
    2 points
  38. Iwar

    New do

    Not ours
    2 points
  39. Doug Hardy was here the other day and told us about being in a bar talking to a guy who struck up a conversation with him about his tattoos. At one point the guy said, completely seriously. "Y'know I always wanted to get a tattoo, but I never knew anyone that died." Thanks TV.
    2 points
  40. So if you are thinking about getting tattoos on your feet, he's some friendly advice: 1) Most important, only do one foot at a time. Your foot is going to swell and hurt like hell for a couple of days, you want at least one good foot to hobble around on. 2) Starting the day before hydrate as much as you can, drink tons of water and cut out the salt, continue this for a couple of days after your tattoo. Good hydration reduces swelling and swelling seems to be the biggest issue with the foot. 3) Make sure you have a minimum of two days off after your tattoo. You do not want to wear shoes until the swelling goes down. 4) When you get home elevate your foot, lie down on the couch, turn on the TV and get your foot as high up as you can. Once again helps prevent/lessen swelling. 5) Fill a ziplock bag with ice and keep it on your foot for as long as you can stand it, continue this every few hours for the first two days. Yup, you guessed it....swelling. 6) Motrin is your friend eases the pain and reduces swelling. If you haven't figured it out, swelling with feet tattoos is a bitch!!! Hopefully this advice will help you out. Now, if you get a dime sized star tattoo, you can probably disregard everything I said. Kevin
    1 point
  41. got this dagger from jaie devore a few weeks ago
    1 point
  42. MoistTowelette


    i second victor chil.
    1 point
  43. MikeWheeler

    Moon tattoos

    I did this Firefly Tattoo, and it has a moon in it. Figured it was relevant
    1 point
  44. I really regret now that I've spent years trying to become a good artist and consider going to study fine arts for a couple years before even looking into an apprenticeship. Man, I could have started tattooing BEFORE I learned how to draw! Who knew? Next stop, ebay! I seriously don't understand how people can be such idiots. I know the part of your brain which makes you aware of the consequences of your actions isn't fully developed as a kid, but these people are adults! Come on. Get tested! For.. Everything.
    1 point
  45. Erin chance and chelsea shoneck are 2 of the most amazing artists to come out of va!
    1 point
  46. The other med I like during/after a brutal tattoo begins with and X and ends with and anaX.
    1 point
  47. rozone

    September 2012 TOTM

    by Mike Rubendall
    1 point
  48. The comments at the bottom of the article are equally terrible from narrow-minded individuals...
    1 point
  49. Lol I was talking about that the other day in conversation with a few people. I was like "Why the hell do people get their last names tattooed on themselves?" Then someone in the group said they had their lastname on their back. Whoops!
    1 point
  50. Well then what is it about people these days that they walk around with so many sob stories that they absolutely have to put on their bodies with typewriter font? I mean, my cats and dogs have all died, my grandparents all died, and in my 20s I walked around with dysthymia like nobody's business but I never once wanted to tattoo a word on myself about it. I went to meetings instead.
    1 point
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