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Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Duffa and 11 others reacted to joakim urma for a topic
This is what happened to me today: Rudy Fritsch, of course. I encourage anyone who as a chance to get something from this man, very inspiring and unique in every way. Well worth the trip to Trieste (nice town!) where his studio is. I think that's it for me, no more tattoos until spring. Ciao! edit: not really necassary to comment on how much I love this tattoo. I do. A lot.12 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 8 others reacted to MikeL for a topic
A few more hours put in on my back piece. Also did last night background from under the pits on both side to mid rib cage. All work being done by Rodrigo Melo from Northstar Tattoo NYC. Super stoked at the progress. Mike9 points -
Post awesome things you have been doing recently
daveborjes and 6 others reacted to Delicious for a topic
Finally got a new laptop, so guess who can finally start being a part of the forum again?! It's nice to actually have a computer again7 points -
eventhough I agree with this to some degree, it's not a spa. I want people to be comfortable but also sometimes I may pick music that I am going to work best to that particular day. in regards to feeling someones personal chi, they best keep it in their pants. that's gonna cost extra and i don't think my wife is going to go for it. petting someones chi. that's like 2 steps above and handjob.7 points
2013: The Bay Area Convention of Tattoo Arts
Gregor and 5 others reacted to cvportagee for a topic
My wife and I will be in and out of the convention all weekend. We would be down to meet up whenever. Unfortunately, we will not be getting tattooed. My wife had an appointment with @Valerie Vargas but had to cancel because she is pregnant. (A very positive thing coupled with a bit of disappoint in not being able to get tattooed.) Anyways, I look forward to meeting everyone.6 points -
Please read the FAQ for new posters.5 points
Man I love this tattoo done by Chris Anthon. I would love to get something like this on my back or front. Only problem is I have a session booked for a similar design on my forearm.5 points
Tattoos and the workplace
trill and 4 others reacted to heathenist for a topic
This isn't super related to the thread, but kinda. Anyways, a few days ago I noticed a pretty nice looking rose tattoo peaking out of the shirt sleeve of the professor who I'm a TA for, and I asked him about it, something like "Hey I saw you had a tattoo on your bicep earlier, I didn't realize you had any it looks pretty nice." And he tells me that he has that one and another one, a panther on his other arm. So I knew he lived in San Francisco for a while, so naturally being the tattoo nerd I am, I ask him where he got it. Apparently, in the late 90s he just happened to walk into Ed Hardy's Tattoo City and ended up getting a crawling panther from Tim Lehi when he was working there. He said at the time he had no idea who Ed Hardy was or anything. He was also pretty surprised when I started nerding out about how big of a deal Tim Lehi and all those dudes who were at Tattoo City at the time are now (Dan Higgs, Tim Lehi, Jef Whitehead, etc). Anyways, the tattoo is pretty rad and it blows my mind that there are so many people out there who just stumble into getting amazing tattoos with no idea that the artist might be one of the most well known and respected in the world, meanwhile, I (and probably lots of others on this forum) spend hours and hours and hours looking up artists in different cities, traveling 10+ hours in a single day (some of you are flying halfway across the world) just to get tattooed by these very same artists.5 points -
Ink Masters
Kurgana and 3 others reacted to ShawnPorter for a topic
I think that Nunez made an absolute ass out of himself on the finale.4 points -
to me that's the cool part of actually leaving the house, going to a shop and seeing what's out there. so many people are timid or worried about getting some "mindblowing" piece from someone who's got a waiting list and a ton of internet recommendations that they never take a chance. it's one of the coolest things about tattooing that so many people are missing out on. you'd be surprised at how many amazing tattooers have zero internet presence and are close by but it seems like many folks would rather do whats easier and safe.4 points
Ink Masters
Jennifer Stell and 2 others reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Joshua Hibbard = STANKMADE y'all will figure that one out...3 points -
Tattoo Soundtracks
TrixieFaux and 2 others reacted to bugxjuice for a topic
I have no idea what any of this means. Chill, non-chill, as long as it's good, I probably won't mind or care much. Like JAllen said above, it's not a day spa, it's a tattoo shop. However I would be pissed if I had to listen to Alanis Morissette while getting tattooed, and would heavily question the taste and values of the tattooer/shop that put it on.3 points -
Hello and welcome. It's always kind of weird to hear people say that they aren't *that* kind of person who gets covered in tattoos because, well, what kind of people do you think we are? Most of us are just more or less regular people who have chosen to decorate our bodies in a particular manner. I'd also say that most of us never intended to get covered in tattoos, it's just something that happened as we got tattooed and fell for the art, the experiences and stories, and the community surrounding tattooing. There isn't anything else, at least that I've experienced and had a part in, however small that is, that matches tattoos. There's also a thread here about wolf tattoos that will hopefully provide you with some inspiration.3 points
I think commas are the least concerning of the issues here...3 points
No luck on the German connection but found some nice botanically tinted George Burchett stuff. Just wasting time really! Finally have my appointment on Thursday. - - - Updated - - - http://www.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2234/2482649571_356637f725.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.photoree.com/photos/permalink/5404722-9209225@N06&h=500&w=395&sz=237&tbnid=M5WkfY7PLas1jM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=71&zoom=1&usg=__eh0BOGwlouZfcamL0P8zPnZuhC0=&docid=_lF7GOS5wXWhhM&sa=X&ei=sWJdUpevKOGc0QXp7YDoBQ&ved=0CDQQ9QEwAQ3 points
3 points
Hi from Orlando, choosing between two artists for 1st tattoo!
daveborjes and 2 others reacted to tatB for a topic
welcome! 2 great artists. the solution to your dilemma is to get a tiger from mike wilson and horses from david bruehl.3 points -
Hi, and welcome to LST :D I'd vote David Bruehl, i'm travelling to Orlando in March and i'm planning on taking a trip down to Tampa to get something from him :) And, first tattoo, Go Big!! In the grand scheme of things 2 hours travel is diddly squat. Where abouts are you planning on placement?3 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
cltattooing and 2 others reacted to heathenist for a topic
Dude that tiger is one of my favorite tattoos ever, no kidding you want another from him. I say fuck it and get another one, some other variation naturally, but who gives a fuck, it's going to look awesome.3 points -
@else, haha yes I do remember that. did I mention i have actually two sets of bars? haha :)3 points
Ahhh... by now everybody here knows I'm a sucker for the bars, eh?? ;)3 points
Tattoos and the workplace
Colored Guy and 2 others reacted to slayer9019 for a topic
This for sure. I just talked to a friend of mine that got 2 shit tattoos because he was afraid to go to a "big shop" aka the place I do. It took a long phone conversation to convince him the tattooers are people too and to just come with me when I get tattooed. Hell I even offered to walk him to three other shops I like in the area. Maybe it's just me living through him because I am locked into two huge tattoos. Most of the fun is all pre and post tattoo. Actually getting tattooed sucks3 points -
3 points
Hi there! I'm Dan, currently a student in Orlando, Florida. Currently working on getting my first tattoo. I did a great amount of research using this awesome forum, and from there I went through portfolios all around my area. Especially the artists recommended on LST. Now, I am choosing between two artists: Mike Wilson & David Bruehl :cool: I really like both of their oriental-mixed-with-neo/traditional styles. So my main requirements are that I want that oriental/traditional or similar (or something even more creative/unique?) style in the tattoo of a horse and a tiger. Preferably yin-yangish in pose, and I dislike anything cartoony. Are there any reasons you can come up with based on my desired basic design, that would make you choose one artist over the other? I've heard Mike Wilson can do everything, but I've also seen great things in David Bruehl's instagram. Or should I just flip a coin? :cool: Edit: Side question. Would that design (horse and tiger) be able to done (well) in a medium tattoo or require a large tattoo? Or, would it be able to be knocked out in a single 3 hour session? I'm willing to go for multiple sessions, but both artists are (just 2 hours) out of town so I'll have to plan ahead in my calendar more if necessary.2 points
Here is a picture of a lion tattooed on my friend's father. He got it done in San Francisco in 1975, got the colour redone in out west in Canada in 1985.2 points
Ink Masters
Kurgana and one other reacted to ShawnPorter for a topic
Pretty much every time he opened his mouth. Hibbard was created and encouraged by the producers- believe it. For Nunez to call him out re: "real" tattooers implies that he (Nunez) isn't selling out tattooing as well. But hey. S'long as the check clears, right?2 points -
Ink Masters
Kurgana and one other reacted to cltattooing for a topic
I completely agree. I don't even care who reads this, I think that dude is a talking dickhead. Like obviously both Oliver and Chris are well-versed and talented tattooers, but I think the crucial difference between the two is that Oliver is pretty comfortable in his position, whereas I feel that Chris is always kind of pushing it in your face and the finale was a fantastic example of that.2 points -
October 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
slayer9019 and one other reacted to kohen for a topic
this was done by me (kohen meyers) at dogstar tattoo company durham n.c. on a buddy of mine2 points -
hogg and one other reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
Welcome dude, sounds like you've put some thought into your prospective tattoos. Have you started looking into shops yet? If you're not too far from Luxembourg check out Dan Sinnes' place Electric Ave.2 points -
I think that living in SF has a lot to do with this. :)2 points
its awesome that you came down to these 2 guys for your first tattoo. @David Bruehl has done 3 tattoos for me and he quietly kills almost everything he touches. Mike is a guy who seems to come up in conversation often when other tattooers talk. You have done very well !2 points
Ahhh... my first "one true love" had two sets of bars as well :) Bestill my teenage heart!!!2 points
Welcome! For the side question, ask whoever you choose to get tattooed by what they recommend. And yeah, you can't go wrong with either Mike Wilson or Dave Bruehl, congratulations on doing a good job with your research and let us know how it goes!2 points
I'd go with David Bruehl, but that's just because he's from the same town as me, and I've seen a bunch of his work in person, more than anything else. I'm actually in discussions with him for a piece... currently delayed because I'm on a longer contract than normal and it'll be awhile before I can get to Florida. - - - Updated - - - Oh! And welcome!!! :)2 points
just took a look at my arm and it's more: 7seconds logo, anti cimex reaper, g-anx bird and a shitty skull design thing with my old band logo and shit. shit.2 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
gougetheeyes and one other reacted to bugxjuice for a topic
I got some Higgs flash put on me the other day. It's the little flaming sword, I'm not gonna bother with a picture since most of you have probably seen it before. It's on the back of my knee, a little off center so it's not quite in the ditch, but it was still pretty tender.2 points -
Tattoos and the workplace
tatB and one other reacted to heathenist for a topic
Not sure I feel comfortable asking him for a photo just yet, but maybe sometime in the future.2 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and one other reacted to itsC4 for a topic
Tiger kneecap by Destroy Troy. Timeless Tattoo Kansas City, MO This was done earlier this summer. Awesome dude. I cannot wait to get some more work done by him. If you look closely there's a scratch on the bottom right, that happen a week before the tattoo and was not done during the session. Split in to two 2 hour sessions, with a short touch up afterwards. This was taken directly after the second session, I just can't seem to get a better picture than this. I highly suggest getting a tattoo from Troy if you're ever in the KCMO area.2 points -
I'd say if you're worried something is too masculine for you, then it's not the right tattoo for *you*. If it's right for *you*, it shouldn't matter if it's...I don't know, what's masculine, a big ole monster truck? If that's what you like, then that's what you get. and if someone says they don't like it, then you say "Yes, well, maybe it's not your taste, and that's fine. I happen to think you're a fucking knob, however I have too much tact to say it." And then you punch them in the throat.2 points
1 point
General Movie Thread
cltattooing reacted to Johannes for a topic
@cltattooing, need to check those out....used to watch shitloads of kung fu movies a bunch of years ago...mostly older ones, much cooler choreography and the sound fx!!!! gotta love it!!1 point -
Oh aye that's a tough tattoo man !!1 point
Tattoo Soundtracks
daveborjes reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
Melissa Etheredge and the Indigo Girls? I was pretty psyched when I was up at Spider Murphy's over the summer that within the first 10 minutes of my tattoo, I heard an old Bowie song and a BRMC song... two of my faves. Always comforting to hear some of your favorite music while getting tattooed. Seemed like they probably had pandora on, I don't know. There was some Black Sabbath, Black Keys, and some "classic rock" at my last session here in LA and that's all fine with me, too.1 point -
1 point
Being done vs Waiting, and collecting
joakim urma reacted to WeRnDoG for a topic
I have two painful areas left and im done,although I want to start laser on my left sleeve but only after those areas are finished.... Ribs, god damn ribs!!!1 point -
And here is my entry for this month, my 'Tamatori-Hime' sleeve (the one with the octopus ) that we finished today (with a bit brutal 5 hour session. This sleeve (and my other sleeve) are made by Bonel from Corazon Santo tattoo studio in Arnhem, The Netherlands.1 point
That's me! Pre-Flatmo sleeve last summer!1 point
"Now suck in your gut!"1 point
When I was growing up my granny and grandpa had a bunch of black light posters in their basement from when my mom, aunt, and uncle were growing up and one of them was of a panther and I'd say that stuff like that is probably the main underlying reason why I'm drawn to a lot of this imagery in the first place. So yeah, not a diss at all!1 point