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Latest tattoo lowdown.....
CABS and 16 others reacted to suburbanxcore for a topic
Here's mine of my cats from this weekend with Grez at King's Avenue.17 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 15 others reacted to Eilin for a topic
Got these two pieces at the London convention, Fudo-she-o by Claudia De Sabe (Black Garden Tattoo), Panther-reaper by Bart Bingham (New York Adorned) As you can see I'm very happy with the trip to the convention this year! :D16 points -
Pfew, it's all done! :) Today was the 5th and last session on my 'Tamatori-Hime' sleeve, I expected to sit for like 3 hours to color the octopus, but in the end we clocked in 5 hours of tattoo time... and the chest part was kinda borderline brutal ;-) The orange is looking rather like 'radio-active orange' :) but that will soften up a bit/a lot when it's healed. And now, fill up my back! When i've got some cash again :-))14 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
jade1955 and 11 others reacted to youthcrewalex for a topic
Ryota (@unmon on instagram) did this on me today! love it!12 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Sergiozoolander and 10 others reacted to Wilhell for a topic
Chris Garver did this Tengu on me, Sunday, at The London Tattoo Convention. Picture taken the day after.11 points -
9 points
Worried about tattoo
Cathrine Inked and 7 others reacted to Graeme for a topic
I haven't been getting tattooed for very long and I don't have a lot of tattoos so I don't think that my opinion carries much weight, and nor should it, but can we have a bit of outlaw spirit in tattooing still please? It's cool that the people here for the most part are pretty average people with regular jobs, families, and lives and that the one badass thing we do is get tattooed, and while I can't speak for everybody here, I at least would like it if this part of my life could be removed from the realm of legal responsibilities and obligations and the rest of that dreary world. Take some fucking responsibility for your own actions. If you have any questions about aftercare, especially when you're getting your first tattoo, TALK WITH YOUR ARTIST ABOUT IT THEN AND THERE. Don't wait to be handed a printed out sheet of aftercare advice and then moan about it on the internet when you don't receive one.8 points -
This was just posted a while ago, a tribute video to Henning Jorgensen's 30th Anniversary at Royal Tattoo in Helsingor, Denmark. http://youtu.be/iW0062RoRiY6 points
Worried about tattoo
Diehardonvhs and 5 others reacted to JAllen for a topic
I think the comment quoted below is what prompted a response that may have seemed less than friendly. If you see someone is expressing themselves in a manner that is passionate or you notice that they seem to be already "hostile" and you throw sarcasm into your opinion, just about anyone will not handle you with kid gloves. That's not a forum only situation. "Agreed. You know what else is bullshit? Hospital discharge instructions and lemon laws. I mean, buyer beware. Purveyors of goods and services have no social responsibility to ensure the client's well-being once the transaction is over. Good business practice is for pussies"6 points -
Worried about tattoo
JAllen and 4 others reacted to CultExciter for a topic
If you must be a bear, be a grizzly.5 points -
Your overall look as a tattooed person
Zillah and 4 others reacted to youthcrewalex for a topic
A dude who interviewed adam hays at the London convention asked to take some photos of me as I have been tattooed by him a lot. Here's the photo he sent me yesterday. Little arty for me but you get the idea haha.5 points -
Worried about tattoo
JAllen and 3 others reacted to smiling.politely for a topic
Anyone here know of a tattooer that's been sued for malpractice? I'm unsure it's happened, but with the number of people we have here, and the combined years of experience and knowledge that's floating around, I'd be interested to know. Because the fact of the matter is a medical release for a hospital and a tattoo release form are wildly different, period. A tattoo isn't an appendectomy. I'm sure there are states where paperwork and care and such are actually not legally required, based on what I know about many states' lax licensing laws. In terms of what's legally required for people in a tattoo shop to do for their clients, there's no national legal standard overall, and I'd imagine that if you went from state to state where licensing is more strict, you'd still find heavy variances between what's required. I came into this forum originally asking questions and saying things about which I probably had no right to in a lot of ways, I was treated pretty roughly (far more than anyone in this thread is), and it made me think that I should look at myself and level of knowledge, look at others' level of knowledge, and assess my right to blab away. In almost two years here, I have hardly posted as a result of that. I've been around tattooing literally my entire life... I spent a great deal of my early youth with my parents while they got tattooed in a shop operated by white supremacists and bikers while my father tried to keep the guy that ran the place out of trouble/jail... and realized that I didn't know enough to have an opinion that mattered yet. Still not sure that my opinion matters on a lot of things yet, but I try my best every day to learn. EDIT: for the sake of clarification, neither of my parents were white supremacists. However, in the days of tattooing being illegal, you couldn't be too picky if you wanted a good tattoo. If a guy had a sucky personality, you just had to learn to keep your mouth shut, or not get tattooed.4 points -
This, and also what Dave Borjes said: If you're an adult you should be capable of asking a question or picking up the phone like an adult (not a dig at the OP, btw, she did contact her artist one way or another). Sure, it's good for a shop to make sure the clients knows about aftercare- that's beyond dispute. But it should also be a given that people have a responsibility to make it their own, and speak up themselves if they're in the dark. After all, it's even free... The idea that tattooists better watch out and ensure they do enough hand-holding with their hapless clients, or else those clients are going to lawyer up...well, there may be people this stupidly litigious out there, but they should have to wear badges so that people providing a service in good faith can avoid them.4 points
Worried about tattoo
CultExciter and 3 others reacted to Hospitelli for a topic
I'd imagine that if people decided to leave an artist simply because after care instructions were not given that a lot of prominent and well respected artists would be out a ton of customers. I know I've only been verbally told about how to care for a tattoo once and that was when I got my first one. Also, if an artist sees that you are heavily tattooed I doubt your going to get the spiel about how to care for it seeing how you have done this before. With that being said if you are worried about how to heal or the current state of your new tattoo is it that hard to contact the shop and or artist about your situation? I'm sure if you did that they wouldn't hesitate to give you further instruction and or even tell you to come down so that they can take a look at it. In all honesty, that is the best thing you could of and should of done.4 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Sergiozoolander and 3 others reacted to jade1955 for a topic
Got this Namabuki from Henning Jorgensen on Saturday.4 points -
Got this Hannya from Mike Rubendall yesterday at the London convention. I love it. [/img]4 points
Your overall look as a tattooed person
daveborjes and 2 others reacted to Cork for a topic
I was just going to cut my own. I read a little on it yesterday and all it is is a piece of fabric 10-14 inches wide and 3 yards long.3 points -
September 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
gougetheeyes and 2 others reacted to DevilMan for a topic
Edit : 5 hours of chest stabbing doesn't help for your mental status, i posted my picture in the old topic :rolleyes:3 points -
Is the link not working for anyone else? Very curious to see this tattoo!3 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
kylegrey and 2 others reacted to JoelRhys Dudley for a topic
http://distilleryimage4.s3.amazonaws.com/5e53b864294111e3bcc022000a1fbb0e_8.jpg the photo quality is terrible but i got this little gap-jammer from Marcus Kuhn at the london convention this year its based off of a picture from some hori chiyo drawings...also its a self taken photo of the back of my arm in a bathroom with a terribly bright light but you get the idea. by the way the gypsy gentleman really is a True Gent.3 points -
Let's make this a thread about tattooers who haven't been tattooing for very long who you are excited about. Here are some pictures stolen from Maud Dardeau's instagram. She tattoos at Tin Tin Tatouages in Paris and has been tattooing since 2011, and is already super impressive. I would absolutely get tattooed by her: Instagram https://www.facebook.com/MaudDardeauTinTinTatouages3 points
wasn't planning on getting anything at the convention this weekend but had to jump at the opportunity when marina inoue had some free time on my inner wrist3 points
3 points
I know @peterpoose shared this on another forum a while ago, but damn that is some impressive work for only a year of tattooing! Her name is Line Mariëlle Kloosterman2 points
Tattooing for only a year
Diehardonvhs and one other reacted to ironchef for a topic
One more to my list of fairly new but amazingly talented tattooers: Wendy Pham! I love her creatures and critters and she's a great artist: Conspiracy Inc.: Wenramen WENRAMEN2 points -
Plainskins say the darndest things...
slayer9019 and one other reacted to ClintonStitch for a topic
I'm fairly new to having tattoo's but having been getting this a lot recently, I'm also from Glasgow and as you know nobody does drunk arseholes like Glasgow and just the other week I had some drunk at a bus stop grabbing my arms asking where and why I got my Tattoo's - what made things worse is he was grabbing at one that was still healing. Saying that a similar thing happened with a smoking hot girl at a Nightclub a few weeks ago and for some reason I didn't mind as much!2 points -
Some fantastic Japanese pieces in here lately!2 points
Awesome idea @Graeme !! There's a young guy on Instagram that I follow who goes by the moniker: Akuma Shugi which I think is a cosplay tag or nickname. Anyways, he's putting out some really fun tattoos. Appears to have started 2010-2011 but I can't find solid info. I believe he tattoos out of the UK. https://www.facebook.com/akuma.shugi AKUMA SHUGI Then there's Anna Day from Australia. Lots of black and grey line and dot work. Looks like she started 2008? https://www.facebook.com/annatattoos Anna Day | Westside Tattoo And also Tamara Lee. Mike Rubendall picked her out as a rising star in tattooing. She does great dotwork. Started 2010 Dotwork by Tamara Lee https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tamara-Lee/2999856200534142 points
Tattoos and the workplace
slayer9019 and one other reacted to bulldog for a topic
My industry is picking up so I'm going ask some of the managers\directors i do work for what they think about me getting my hands tattooed and how they feel about them personally and professional. Wonder what there replies will be in this day and age?2 points -
Worried about tattoo
cibo and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
I'm a big fan of putting a pillow case over the area and slapping the shit out of it. - - - Updated - - - I also just made a Firestorm reference in my office, no one got it...2 points -
So I found myself near The Pearl today, and this fun little Bert Grimm flash happened, thanks to Tim Pausinger:2 points
Who do you think deserves some recognition?
CABS and one other reacted to Avery Taylor for a topic
NO GUTS NO GLORY Tamara Santibanez does some great stuff.2 points -
I just got turned on to David Parker in (of all places) Pflugerville, Texas. Instagram His work is so damn good. I have always hated skin rips, but his make me want one.2 points
1 point
Thanks for posting this. I saw an IG post about it, but forgot to go back and find the URL.1 point
1 point
Dana Helmuth wants me to get a fundoshi for my next back piece session since it's going to be more ass work. We'll see if a picture ends up in this thread....1 point
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
ironchef reacted to suburbanxcore for a topic
Thanks, man. I'm thrilled with it. I actually already have another idea that I'm working on for my next appt with Grez in July. He's obviously super talented, but getting tattooed by him was a great experience. Good dude, easy-going, great stories.1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
peterpoose reacted to Amok for a topic
@peterpoose it seems like you're half naked on every website I visit. Not complaining, just sayin'1 point -
1 point
Plainskins say the darndest things...
JBluewind reacted to Ali Holloway for a topic
From the older people in town who know what I looked like when I was a kid:You were such a pretty girl, why did you have to ruin yourself like that? Personally, I think I'm pretty freakin hot now, where as I had very low self esteem prior... My mom: You need to think about how your appearance is affecting your child. Ummm, I'm on the school PTO, involved with her girl scout troop, and she has tons of friends...so tell me again how I'm ruining her life?? My dad (trying to make me promise not to ever get tattoos): That dragon you thought was cool when you were a teenager won't be so cool to you when you're grown... I'll give you that one Pops! My 15 year old dragon tattoo really isn't as cool to me now, lol1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Hospitelli reacted to tatB for a topic
I could argue that Chris O'Donnell's hannya masks are better. But I have 3 of his on my arm so my opinion is a little biased...1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Shaun1105 reacted to ShawnPorter for a topic
Robert Ryan. Outlines started. The head of John the Baptist as an oracle of divine prophecy.1 point -
I saw this on Instagram yesterday. I'm way into it.1 point
September 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
heathenist reacted to chrisnoluck for a topic
posted in the lastest tattoo thread but i figured i'd give it a shot in here as well. by Stuart Cripwell @ Spider Murphys this past thursday.1 point -
My latest is only a few hours old. Is this the first LST-themed tattoo? If it is, I also know who got the second (only moments after me): Courtesy of Mr. @Scott Sylvia himself. PS Like this or feel the ban hammer.1 point
Yesterday. (I got a lot done this week!) Panther head + rose (and a smattering of stars and dots): Again by Eddie Martinez, Supergenius Tattoo1 point
Your overall look as a tattooed person
keepcalm reacted to slayer9019 for a topic
This thread needs more pictures!!1 point -
Your overall look as a tattooed person
Dennis reacted to Diehardonvhs for a topic
I would absolutely, 100 times out of 100, go for one coherent backpiece. Arms and legs look great (to me) with small pieces all over, and also look great with one well thought out, flowing sleeve. When it comes to the back though, it just looks so wrong (to me) with small pieces here and there, or even filled up with different pieces. I guess it's because it becomes very cluttered and unreadable, the back is a canvas that you can use for one big striking image, it seems like a waste not to use it for its full potential!1 point -
Phoenix Tattoo
Lotus reacted to David Flores for a topic
I think the reason there are so many Phoenix tattoos, is the same reason there are so many eagle, panther and pin up girl tattoos, because they make a good tattoo. I have never been one for getting tattoos with meaning, but in this case it's a good tattoo idea and it holds meaning to you so it seems like a win win situation. Just make sure you get it as big as you can, make it powerful and bold. That guys portfolio that was posted earlier in the thread looks like he would do a good job, some nice work.1 point