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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2013 in all areas

  1. This is from Henning Jorgensen. done at Royal Tattoo. enjoy!
    9 points
  2. Good times, fun conversation, good beer, and great tattoos.
    8 points
  3. hogg

    Do it all again?

    Great post! I haven't moved around as much as you have, but I've certainly had countless jobs and lots of varied interests. Hell, I've studied nine languages. Do you really expect me to have one cohesive tattoo?
    7 points
  4. I had another (relatively small (3.5 hours) session on my Tamatori-Hime sleeve today, we finally got to put some color into it :-) Unfortunatly the octopus will be colored next time, which i think will give a big change as to how everything looks now. And a nice (almost) full body shot :) :
    6 points
  5. okay sorry.. maybe i'll have something new in a couple of months.. - - - Updated - - - Okay here is one of my older tattoos. Not finished.. By Phil Szlosek at Kingsave NYC
    6 points
  6. going to the meeting of the marked convention in pittsburgh on friday. at this point i'm not planning to get tattooed but... more than likely i will. then 2 weeks and i fly out to california and get tattooed by stuart cripwell & alex graham. needless to say, it's going to be a good month!
    4 points
  7. Graeme

    Do it all again?

    I've been thinking about this a lot since watching the Japan Gypsy Gentleman episode and that Vice Horiyoshi 3 interview. One of the things I really took from those Horiyoshi 3 interviews is that he seems to see his life and the pursuit of his craft as being identical, and while I can't quite articulate my thoughts here, it seems to me that there's a connection between that kind of philosophy on life and living and coherent full-body tattoos. Whereas for me, I'm all about farting about. I've travelled a bit, lived in different places, tried different lines of work, I try to be as interested and as open to new experiences as I can, and in a way I think the patchwork look kind of works with that.
    4 points
  8. I have a few opinions about this topic. Now, mostly for lack of funds, I'm currently what would be so cleverly referred to as a plainskin, so perhaps my opinion does not matter. However, as a visual artist and someone who not only has a keen interest in body art but also has born witness to a number of both excellent and terrible tattoos, I'm going to voice my opinion anyway. I honestly feel that the increasing popularity of bad art has more to do with the notion that having a tattoo somehow makes you a more interesting person. I find that there is a correlation between underdeveloped personalities and uncreative, overdone tattoos. I know too many girls who've overheard their crush saying that he thinks tattoos are hot and soon after show up with some flowers on their ribcage, or birds on their feet, or a cliche word or phrase across their wrist. Their interest is not in the tattoo itself, but in the response that having the tattoo will elicit. Of course, that mentality is not exclusive to the ladies, but you get what I mean. I don't believe that there is anything outright wrong with script, but I do think that it is very easy for those tattoos to go awry. I have seen far more, in my opinion, bad text tattoos than good ones. That being said, I plan to work a quote from my favorite story into my first tattoo. I also plan for the script to stand beautifully as a whole, without having to know what it says. Is that uncreative? Maybe it is, but I'm also getting it to please myself, not to be creative. It is my personal belief that a bad tattoo can often be traced back to the person getting it doing so to please other people. Still, I don't think that genuinely loving your tattoo makes it good either. Nothing makes me more angry than when people say that you can't judge a painting because anything is art. There are measurable elements and principles that must be in play in order to define something as being a work of art. Generally speaking, whether the artist is conscious of them or not, the more these elements and principles are being used, the more pleasing the work is to the eye, and if they aren't present at all, then it is not a work of art. The same goes for tattoos.
    4 points
  9. Need to ask my girlfriend if she is cool with eating poutine with tattooed people from the world wide web, but I think she'll be okay with it. I'll confirm later today. Edit: Count me and my girlfriend in! See you on Saturday!
    2 points
  10. My buddy @ian has hooked me up with a prepaid phone that I'll be using for my entire stay. For anyone interested in meeting up while I'm out there, my phone number will be 805-403-2812. Thanks Ian (aka "The Wolf")
    2 points
  11. I'm in, but unfortunately my wife can't make it.
    2 points
  12. I know Frith Street and NY Adorned exist, but I think it's very few and far between that a person that doesn't tattoo understands what it takes to run a tattoo shop properly. More importantly even if "get it' it's pretty hard to gain enough respect that good tattooers would want to work for you and finally most non tattooers in the know understand that just because they can open a shop, doesn't mean they should. The people who don't apply to these three categorieshelp mold the negative stereotype for non tattooers owning shitty shops.
    2 points
  13. I saw an El Monga tattoo in real life the other day and I dig the pictures of his tattoos a lot, but FUCK they look so much better in real life. I need one of those in my life.
    2 points
  14. Oh crap!! Games over!! Hennings tattoos are so amazing!! Real talk.
    2 points
  15. Oh crap!! Games over!! Hennings tattoos are so amazing!!
    2 points
  16. Haters, why? We want to see some new stuff!
    2 points
  17. Guess I'll throw in with my dragon head by Will Lollie at Empire Tattoo. One is my pic, the other was taken from his IG.
    2 points
  18. I hope there are no haters .. but I'm going to post this tattoo again this month!! Haha Done by Tim Hendricks at Gold Rush in Costa Mesa , CA
    2 points
  19. hello! this is my amazing oneshot tiger from Henning Jorgensen! got it done at Royal Tattoo/Helsingör about 6 hours!
    2 points
  20. hogg

    Upcoming Tattoos

    My wife is booked in with Capilli Tupou on Sat. the 14th, and I just saw that he had some cancellations that day. One email later and now we're both booked with him for the 14th. :)
    2 points
  21. Thanks everyone for the input and support! I just completed the sleeve this past Saturday. When I go in in a few weeks for the final final touch ups I'm gonna have him clean it up and tighten up the black around the edges as suggested. Here's a few pics of the final project....let me know what you think.
    2 points
  22. Johannes

    Do it all again?

    i'd only have color realism stuff on me. maybe some small script all over my ribs.
    2 points
  23. tatB

    Re-wrapping tattoos

    I usually weep moisture/plasma for the first 24-48 hours.
    1 point
  24. Some of the guys in Kuniyoshi's Suikoden prints have bellies and they all look bad ass. So why am I going to the gym everyday? Think I'll head to the ice cream isle today instead. And I can't wait to see your back colored, @Cork. Same for a lot of you who have posted your backs.
    1 point
  25. CultExciter

    Do it all again?

    @hogg @Graeme Amazing. I've never envisioned it like that before. Rings incredibly true and makes sense for the diversity of tattoos we have.
    1 point
  26. Graeme

    Art Tattoo Montreal 2013

    I need to organise this and make a reservation...I was out of town last weekend so I haven't had a chance to do that yet, but I'm going to get to that. Oh hell, let's do that now. Saturday evening poutine at Poutineville, let's say at 8pm unless anybody has any objections/tattoo appointments/etc. Who is in, are you bringing your partners, friends, etc? Reply here.
    1 point
  27. Mark Bee

    Art Tattoo Montreal 2013

    In 3 days I'll be speeding eastbound on the 401. Feels like the week leading up to Xmas when I was a kid.
    1 point
  28. Oh wow, the artistry in the last one is pretty phenomenal. Gorgeous! here are some Japanese skins:
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Lots of LSTers have Montreal or London convention plans this month so this could be a fun month with lots of one shot pieces entered into the contest.
    1 point
  31. You paid how much????? I had my baby in a friend's kitchen for $20!
    1 point
  32. Ha-ha. I don't think he's trying to reinvent the wheel as much as he's saying, "Aw, man. It's too hard to learn how to carve this thing until it's round. Maybe I can just charge twice as much and say it's punk rock to have fucked-up, bumpy wheels that don't roil."
    1 point
  33. BoMcConaghie

    "Tattoo Rescue"

    of course there will always be exceptions. Ny adorned comes to mind. but so do countless other hot topic outlet tat shacks across the country. The second example that cltattooing gave seems to be the norm. People worried about the bottom line and little else, well maybe what color vinyl sticker to put on their hummer so everyone knows they own a tat shop. I personally will never work for someone who does not tattoo. I dont see the point. What can you learn from them? The vast majority of new people in this business have a very long or very short road ahead of them. Its up to the individual if they want to take control of their career and push themselves to improve everyday. Or you could just get a "neck blast" and some sick "hand jammers" so everyone knows you are one of the cool kids and pump out mediocre heath ledger portraits till its time to get a real job. I read on Tim Hendricks instagram something to the effect of there is no room in tattooing for mediocrity. I agree wholeheartedly be it tattooers or shops. If you arent willing to dedicate yourself get the fuck out. - - - Updated - - - Im a very positive person and not trying to be an asshole but any thread about a reality tattoo show is bound to go there!
    1 point
  34. Pleadco

    "Tattoo Rescue"

    No offense bud, and I do understand your perspective. You have a right to express your opinion, just be prepared when the boomerang comes back at you :)
    1 point
  35. BoMcConaghie

    "Tattoo Rescue"

    Guess that would depend on what your idea of success is. The fact that your friends shop is owned and run by a non tattooer makes it the opposite of a success. Its not always about money. Sometimes its about maintaining perspective in a time of bullshit reality tv and interlopers trying to burn tattooing for every dollar they can while the "fad" still lasts. Sometimes its more about what you put into tattooing than what you take out. Something that a non tattooer will never be able to do.
    1 point
  36. hogg

    Do it all again?

    More about this, please. I'm intrigued. - - - Updated - - - And to answer the question myself: I definitely have a patchwork quilt goin' on, to borrow Bunny Switchblade's term. Sometimes, I meet a guy who has all Horitomo work or a a full body suit from Horitaka and I wish I'd gone that route, but honestly, I love the experiences I've had meeting different artists and collecting the way I have. So in the end, I probably wouldn't change anything.
    1 point
  37. Pleadco

    "Tattoo Rescue"

    It's a perfectly reasonable thing to say. Tattooing isn't the vehicle/computer industry. It has until recent years largely been ran by by a small microcosm of craftsmen/artists, rather than a committee running focus groups and assembly lines. The lamentable thing from my perhaps limited perspective is the advent of people who don't truly understand how it works influencing it. If it were the vehicle industry though, I much prefer the old days where the cars were crafted with care, by hand, and had much more flare/personality. The mass produced cars of today might be safe and comfortable, but they don't make you smile the same way that 66' corvette cruising down the road does.
    1 point
  38. Broken skate deck I painted for an art show recently... no one bought it, so I guess it's going on my wall now.
    1 point
  39. Awesome! It is an honour to win against so many tattoos that I would love to have myself and given what people have lined up in September, I can't wait to see what next month's competition brings!
    1 point
  40. Suppose I should include the chest piece
    1 point
  41. tatB

    Do it all again?

    only one thing I would do differently... use the re-wrap healing method on all my tattoos, it would save me from some healing struggles I had with my first few. edit: and book appointments with rubendall 4 or 5 years earlier.
    1 point
  42. Therinx

    Do it all again?

    I'd have started sooner so i'd have more now. :D
    1 point
  43. Yah mo b there.
    1 point
  44. I am in for the 19th.
    1 point
  45. Invited my lady as well. We'll probably be the least tattooed people there, hope you all don't mind.
    1 point
  46. Guero

    Rock of Ages Tattoo Design

    Rock of ages, probably my favorite tattoo design. Many of you have probably already seen mine in my introduction thread, but I'll make it official here. Done by Juan Arreguin (El Super) here in Leon, Mexico at Superfly tattoos.
    1 point
  47. my advice is draw more from life and less from tattoo flash. example: It's a lot easier to draw a good traditional tattoo style eagle if you understand the anatomy of an actual eagle as opposed to if you try to draw one based on someone elses already skewed anatomy.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. @irezumi sent me this today:
    1 point
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