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  1. not the most recent but got this back in december from jaie devore haven't posted many pictures of my tattoos but here you go looks a little crooked in the pic but not when my arm is down
    19 points
  2. Today was the third session on my Tamatori-Hime sleeve/chestpiece. It took 5 hours to put in some background on my upper arm :) (There is some old kanji on my upper arm that's in the process of being covered) And this is the complete picture of how it is now:
    12 points
  3. Mike Wilson did this last friday at inksmith & Rogers wraps abit :P
    10 points
  4. I had this tattoo done on my leg yesterday with Heinz at Black Garden in London
    10 points
  5. Got this little guy done yesterday. Fun tattoos are fun.
    9 points
  6. WeRnDoG

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Really like this back piece from Matt Mooney. The skull is very Grime I think but he definitely has his own thing going on which is dope.
    5 points
  7. hogg

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    You dirty, dirty man. :) Super cool pit ya got there. And @dooktruck, THAT thing is electric! Seriously powerful tattoo.
    5 points
  8. Matt Howse did this on me yesterday at Fortune Tattoo here in Portland and yes it is right up in my business.
    5 points
  9. gougetheeyes

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Just saw Tomas Gracia is going to be over on the east coast in October.. Might need to make an appointment for somethin' outer spacey!
    4 points
  10. Got this Devil Head by Ben Fraser at Good Luck tattoo, went in with a couple of mates and we just picked some flash off the walls , It was a good day today.
    4 points
  11. David Flores

    Rotary vs. Coil

    I don't think this thread could teach someone to tattoo, but if someone came in an requested to get tattooed by a rotary I would be besides myself that they thought they had a say in the matter. Why can't tattoo machines, be magical devices conjured up in secret lairs with parts unknown to modern man. I have been tattooed by a rotary machine and i guess at times it was less painful than a coil, but not rainbows and unicorns better, and after two hours it sucked just as bad. Tattoos hurt
    4 points
  12. Shit very cool stuff going on here! @dooktruck thats an awesome tattoo! And @jade1955 LOVE IT! Can't wait to see both of you at the London convention and get the chance to see your pieces in person! Woho! :D
    3 points
  13. Some great stuff booked in there. I'm looking to get a Namakubi (severed head) on the back of my leg. Fingers crossed for you.
    3 points
  14. Several years ago I had a sweet little first-grade student of mine tell me, "tattoos are evil". That's what her very religious mom had told her. I didn't want to go against her mom by saying too much...but I did say something like, "Well, they are just pictures. Can pictures be evil?" She looked thoughtful and we left it at that.
    3 points
  15. note to self go get boobie tattoos ASAP
    3 points
  16. Got started on this last week. It's going to be a long term project but at least it's finally started.
    2 points
  17. Avery Taylor

    Book thread

    I missed this post. I read that book a few months ago and loved it. The writer is Canadian and mutual friends with some friends of mine. They gave me the book, and I read it in a couple of days. I am pretty sure that John C. Reilly bought the film rights to it so you should expect to see it as a movie.
    2 points
  18. @jayessebee, myself, and my friend Chris are going be hanging with him in DC. I'm not getting anything, but I'll live vicariously through them.
    2 points
  19. A Piece Amy artists wife is doing.. She is amazing
    2 points
  20. Gaaawd!!! So many cool tattoos being posted in this thread lately. I absolutely love this one!! Been thinking of shunga for my own pits for a while (although I once swore i'd never get my pits done. Ha!) but I'm not sure if I have the balls to get that type of imagery tattoed on me yet.
    2 points
  21. Defo getting one of these aswell @jade1955
    2 points
  22. Dude, that's awesome!! If your other tattoos are half as cool as that one please feel free to post more ;)
    2 points
  23. Thanks, Nothing secret, but Matt said as soon as he gets back to San Rafael they are working on volume 2
    2 points
  24. This is a photo taken by my friend, @Iwar, right after Marius Meyer did a hell of a oneshot on me. I was almost dead, at least very close to fainting. Haha! See a better picture of it in the august contest. The front is just a collection of good and bad tattoos. Some day the owl is going to taste the laser..
    2 points
  25. Brock Varty

    Rotary vs. Coil

    I endorse this statement.
    2 points
  26. You should be used to it by now? The skull is pretty cool, I will say that. There has to be a common ground, I mean the skaters didn't care for the BMX kids, but they could agree they hated the rollerbladers, we just need to find the rollerbladers.
    2 points
  27. Namakubi is a great choice! Jørgensen makes them incredibly good. I was actually talking with @Iwar, about getting a Namakubi from Matt Beckerich from Kings A. as a backup-plan if the other appointments goes to hell. I really like his way to do them. Do you have a plan b if Jørgensen don´t have any cancellations? Fingers crossed for you too man!
    1 point
  28. I'm happiest with whatever gets the job done more efficiently.
    1 point
  29. slayer9019

    Rotary vs. Coil

    I've been tattooed with a few different rotaries and regular coils. I think it is more of a mental thing than anything. I did really like when my artist was using a very particular rotary machine because it was deathly silent. I do remember that after 2 hours with the quiet rotary the sound of a coil machine was quite jarring, especially because I generally get tattooed with nobody else in the shop so there are no other noises.
    1 point
  30. Looking forward to seeing all your collection aswell :) @Eilin
    1 point
  31. How do you think I feel. My tattoos are a dragon and a tiger.
    1 point
  32. Wow. Just.... wow. So i'll be tortured by a cat, a fox, disembodied wings, two birds and a baby devil in diapers. Interesting. So alot of peeps are going to get tortured by Jesus!
    1 point
  33. CultExciter

    The ED HARDY Thread

    My first exposure to Ed Hardy was later than most, but I'm a little younger than the tattooers I look up to, and they are one or two generations behind Ed. I remember buying the Tattoo City portfolio with Bruno, Snodgrass, and Clifton Carter. Those two ape/skull/morph tattoos that Ed showcased in the beginning blew my mind, which was further blown when I was told that those were done without a stencil or drawing. So raw and exciting, and simply brilliant.
    1 point
  34. ironchef

    Full Back Piece Thread

    I like the Guyver painting on the left...oh the memories
    1 point
  35. I will be there. I have a shop 8 miles from the convention. In Breckenridge
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. hogg

    Yo, LST!

    Welcome! Any friend of Iwar and Wilhell....
    1 point
  38. My girlfriend, @Ninab, is now booked in with Civ and Stuart Cripwell for the convention, and I am still waiting for a confimation from Mike Rubendall and Ichibay. What do you want from Henning Jørgensen if he gets a cancellation, @jade1955?
    1 point
  39. @ILikePie, it's great to be enthusiastic about something. When you like something, you like it. I think it doesn't receive as overwhelming of a response here because tattoos like that lack longevity. Bold will hold my friend.
    1 point
  40. I like having tattoos so some people automatically assume shit about me. This way I can weed out the stupid assholes from the people who are, seemingly, worth dealing with. They don't need tattoos to be worth dealing with, just not assume stupid shit.
    1 point
  41. Duffa

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Haha at least one of us is! I shouldn't say that, I'm stoked also just know this is going to be some next level pain.
    1 point
  42. JustDave

    Full Back Piece Thread

    This is becoming something of a habit for me to say, but.......... Here is something a bit different to what you regularly see on this site. I know it isn't going to be to everyone's taste, in fact the artist has a bit of a love/hate style. The only tattoo that means something to me as it represents my working life. (most of my tattoos are simply because I like them). The artist is Gray Silva who is based in Nottingham UK. This was my second tattoo, after a crappy Taz that I picked off the wall when I was 16. Took around 50ish hours in sessions between 3-7 hours and around 18 months to complete due to financial restrictions and various other reasons.
    1 point
  43. You do know all you can see of the cat is a closed box, right?
    1 point
  44. Should work for me, too!
    1 point
  45. semele

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Yesss, but if you are anything like me, that is EVERY tattoo. I'm traveling so I was offered full-day sessions, but I only took half-days, and four hours is about as much as I have in me these days. I envy your local-ness, can't want to see it!
    1 point
  46. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    It's going to be a tiger vs snake battle done by Dave Cummings at PSC Tattoo. I am super psyched. @semele My only consolation here is that I'm getting tattooed locally this time so at least I can do short sessions...though maybe I want to do longer ones just to get it done and over with? Am I going to have another one of those moments where I am getting tattooed thinking that I picked something incredibly stupid to be into?
    1 point
  47. wee black dug

    Cat Pictures

    At the last count as well as two dogs, we've got five cats, which is really a few too many, but it's not all our fault - one or two of the cats are technically strays that decided to move in. :confused: Still I've always liked this photo, taken about 8 years ago now. The big one was called Tiny, and we got him from the rescue centre when he was about 17. He was supposed to be a committed "outdoors only" cat - the Centre had changed their policy and weren't going to let any of the animals roam about any more. They were all going to be confined to pens, so they wanted to rehome the old man to somewhere he could get fed, but just live outside. Hmmm. From the day we took him home, he never ventured out of the house for more than about 10 minutes at a time. He was virtually blind, and entirely deaf, but as you can see he was quite long suffering with the homeless kitten that we "adopted" a couple of months after his arrival. That's another story though. Tiny passed on maybe a year after that, but Lara the kitten is still going strong!
    1 point
  48. iowagirl

    Book thread

    I've not watched the Dome tv show..I just can't bring myself to, even tho I enjoyed the book. I thought the ending was...I dunno, maybe need to read the book again to know if I was happy w/it or not. I don't generally like the film adaptations of his books. I've tried to watch The Stand a few times and just get ticked so I don't bother anymore. I was so angry after watching The Mist I called my mom in tears. Seriously if I'd had SK's number I'd've called him up and given him the what for. I do thoroughly enjoy the Gunslinger books tho. I dig all the stuff that threads back to his other works. The ending on that tho...mmm..dunno. I believe I muttered the phrase m'f'er when I got to the end. I like short story (is there one or two, I forget) in one of the compilation books, that is another side story of Roland. Cell I liked, and Full Dark No Stars and Just After Sunset. I just dig him mucho. I like sci fi/fantasy stuff a lot too.
    1 point
  49. Welcome to LST, Kris! Thanks for sharing some killer work right off the bat.
    1 point
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