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a couple of days ago, some random douche, i mean dude at a local bar asked why i have so many skulls tattooed on me. i simply told him i love death and all dead things and that i'd wish everyone and everything was dead. he left me alone.10 points
August 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
kalknis and 8 others reacted to InMyHeadAche for a topic
Stoney by Steve Byrne.9 points -
Post awesome things you have been doing recently
joakim urma and 7 others reacted to Omar for a topic
Maybe not that spectacular, but I've booked my first 'all-alone' trip. I've always been fascinated by people who travel the world alone but was always afraid that I couldn't handle it. It's just a 5 day trip (to Krakau, Poland, hooray), but it's a big step. And the fact that I'll be able to say hello to Victor Portugal, whose studio is 10' walking from the hostel, is a nice bonus :)8 points -
I keep getting "but it's for life! (repeated 100 times)" remark from my wife...as if that thought had never dawned on me. Because, you know, I can be a little slow at times and perhaps the concept was completely above my head. So my usual response is "well, it's not really for life because I've already lived over half my life and will only be around for another 22 years because I plan on dying at age 65." ...and then silence.7 points
Post awesome things you have been doing recently
joakim urma and 6 others reacted to cltattooing for a topic
Cheers @Graeme, hope they're serving you well! Looking forward to more progress shots :) I hung out with my dad yesterday. We took the train into the city and visited the Asian Art Museum for my first time. It was pretty insane, I must have taken a hundred pictures. Gold inlaid jade, hand carved armoirs, giant painted scrolls with dragons, tigers, roosters, hawks, bears. Samurai armor, wakizashi, Shinto statutes, netsuke, and many, many Buddha statutes. The collection is insane, I highly recommend that any tattoo enthusiast visiting SF should see the Asian Art Museum. Also, I got to hang out with a very cool, VERY intense Fudo Myo-o statue that is almost 1000 years old. The energy coming from it was a lot to take in. It was a combined sense of undisturbed peacefulness and impending annihilation. Which makes sense for a guardian diety, eh. I'll post this for your drooling pleasure and consolidate the rest of the photos to a blog as soon as I can.7 points -
I love that statue, @cltattooing. As an aside, I once got tattooed in that museum. ;)6 points
I think we need to start sharing our scabby pealy healing photos to show how everyone heals differently and how bad it can look while healing.6 points
TrixieFaux and 5 others reacted to iowagirl for a topic
I don't do pictures very often. This was in February, right before we left to go get my cherry blossom tattoos. I'd been so-so eating better, so had lost some weight..which I've moo-latted and pasta'ed right back on. Oh shoot it didn't show. - - - Updated - - - maybe now?6 points -
Here's where I'm at so far. It's still super rough, I need to actually figure out where the light source is and put the highlights and shadows in the correct places, and a million other things, but I'm still working things out and just enjoying it:5 points
Ink Masters
traditional111 and 4 others reacted to BoMcConaghie for a topic
in that horrible chics defense, that johnny dangerously dude is a fucking moron. Anyone who has a mohawk and is not a punk is an idiot.5 points -
I'm seriously losing the ability to tell when people are being sarcastic on the internet because terrible opinions are so common.5 points
I started painting with oils last weekend. I've wanted to for a while now but didn't feel that I had enough space and ventilation to do it before. You gotta die somehow, right?5 points
Post awesome things you have been doing recently
Omar and 4 others reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Omar Comin'5 points -
London Tattoo Convention 2013
Eilin and 4 others reacted to Valerie Vargas for a topic
we sure will. I'm fully booked but he might still hve a couple of spots free. There will also be Stefano, Oliver and Emiliano working at the booth :)5 points -
Opening sterile packages in front of you
gougetheeyes and 4 others reacted to Graeme for a topic
Dude, sentences and punctuation please.5 points -
Post awesome things you have been doing recently
Firebird and 3 others reacted to wee black dug for a topic
I doubt it's all that awesome in the big scheme of things, but Molly (the Big Dug!) was looking pretty pleased with herself last week on the top of Cairn Gorm. Scotland's 6th biggest mountain, no less! I was with her, for the avoidance of doubt. ;)4 points -
slayer9019 and 3 others reacted to HaydenRose for a topic
I know what you mean about your leg "catching" is it like where your hip connects to your leg? My right leg does it when I do leg lifts in yoga and actually was super painful and stuck the last time I got tattooed. As for DVDs, I frequent yogajournal.com. I've done their 21 day fitness challenge which has a lot of ashtanga and faster paced practice. Right now I'm doing the regular 21 day challenge at intermediate and it has a wide range of styles and intensities. I think both of those you can buy as DVDs, but I'm cheap, so I just store the videos in my email. @Delicious, check this video out. The great thing about yoga is size doesn't matter! And you can start out just doing 10-15 minutes a day and work your way up.4 points -
Post awesome things you have been doing recently
cltattooing and 3 others reacted to Graeme for a topic
It's so fun. And yeah, really hard too and something that rewards patience, which is also hard for me (but probably good) but I'm really enjoying messing around and trying things out. Thank you as well to @cltattooing for giving me some advice and tips about oil painting.4 points -
Post awesome things you have been doing recently
cltattooing and 3 others reacted to Mark Bee for a topic
I'll be leaving for Chicago with my wife in a few days. Then back to town for a week before heading the the Montreal Tattoo convention.4 points -
When I met my husband, he had just a couple of tattoos but planned to get much more work, while I was untattooed and planned to stay that way. We were both fine with that situation, and it didn't figure into our attraction for each other. A few years after we married he confided to me that although he was still fine with my lack of ink, he did find tattooed women to be very attractive, and sort of sheepishly and politely asked if I would consider getting one. This was not something I wanted to hear, but I love him, so I asked him to tell me more. He said that he always found tattooed women to be extremely attractive, and sexy. I could see that it was something he really wanted. I asked him what what he would like for me to get and where, and he said he'd like something feminine wrapping around my upper arm, sort or of a quarter sleeve. I really had no interest in getting a tattoo, certainly nothing that large, and especially not in such a visible location. But we discussed it. I heard his desire, and he listened to my objections. I understood that he would find a tattoo on me to be attractive, and he understood that I was very, very reluctant. He said he would accept a "no" if that is how I felt. But I told him that I would think about it. I gave it a lot of thought and decided I wanted to please him if I could. I examined my tattoo objections, and realized that it was the visibility that bothered me. After a lot of thought I decided that I would be willing to step out of my comfort zone and get a tattoo, but in a “non-public” location. We compromised, and I got a a tattoo on the front of my hip where it would not be seen even if I was in my normal one-piece bathing suit. It made him very happy, and I was happy to be able to please him. Most importantly, it was MY decision and I did not feel forcibly coerced into the tattoo. And just to show you how things can go unexpectedly: He soon extended his tattoos slightly into fairly modest shoulder/sleeve caps, and surprisingly decided that he was finished, and didn't want any more tattoos. For me, it turned out that I loved my tattoo – so much so, that I now have eight, with no further prodding from my husband, including two including two half sleeves! In the end, hubby got the arm tattoo on me that he originally wanted, and much, much more! I am now planning a full back piece, and I'm sure I will get more after that. And now I'm pestering him to get more ink, because I think it is pretty attractive on him too! I think that now if, heaven forbid, something were to happen to my husband, and I were to settle down with someone new, he would have to be tattooed. It is big part of my existence now, and I have come to find tattooed men to be very attractive. I don't think an uninked man could truly understand or appreciate me now.4 points
Best post tattoo care?
beez and 3 others reacted to HaydenRose for a topic
I have finally perfected my method. Leave the bandage on overnight. Wash ASAP with un scented dove white soap. Let it dry out the first day. No touching or washing, just let it relax. If its settled down and gets dry I start using LUBRIDERM (why did I never try this magical lotion before?!?!) the second day. Then basically wash and lotion once a day, letting it dry at least 1 hour after washing before putting lotion on. Twice if it gets crazy, scary dry and cracking. I tried dry healing but it cracked too much and pulled ink out. I was frustrated because I have never found a lotion that agreed with me, but Lubriderm is incredible. It's like putting nothing on it and I don't feel like I'm smothering my tattoo with a pea size amount of lotion lol. This is my first tattoo where (so far) I haven't lost any color!!!! Yay!!!!4 points -
I'm going to India in October/November! (!!)4 points
Plainskins say the darndest things...
JBluewind and 3 others reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
Can't make this shit up. Two recent conversations from the bar. Number One! Me: What're you up to tonight? Girl: Well I supposed to get tattooed but my tattoo artists rejected me! Me: What?! What happened? Girl: (Pulls out a piece of paper with a crazy long math/physics equation and begins to unfold to show me.) Well, I was supposed to get this on my finger, but-- Me: (Bursts out laughing) Yeah, that ain't going on your finger... Girl: He laughed at me, too! Me: Yeah. Sorry to laugh, it's just so long you won't be able to get it that small and still see what it is. What about on your arm, or wrapping around your wrist? Girl: Yeah, that's what he suggested, too. Especially because it's my only tattoo or whatever. But I'm a programmer and I want to look at it while I'm working at the keyboard. He also suggested that I shouldn't get it in white. Me: White.. ink? Girl: Yeah. Because it's for me. And I don't want anyone else to just be able to see it like that. Me: Sounds like maybe you should think about it some more.. After that initial talk we had a pretty cool conversation about the equation and the dual reality somethingorother it pertains to. She was a super smart person in that realm for sure. I left her with the suggestion of getting a cat in a box as a much cooler design (part of this theory about a cat being in a box with the lid closed and there being two realities..) but she was pretty set on the equation. Number Two! The set up here.. it was late, this chick was at the bar for a while so obviously a little drunk. Girl: Hey, you get your tattoos here? Me: Yeah, mostly, at this point kind of all over. Girl: Where should I go? Me: Hard to go wrong in this neighborhood, Three kings, Eight of Swords, Adorned, Saved... Girl: Are they open? Me: When...? Girl: Now. Me: It's almost two in the morning -- no shops are open right now. Girl: Really? None?? Me: You could go into the city and check out West 4th St. but I really encourage you to not do that. Girl: So.. there are no tattoo shops open in Brooklyn right now is what you're telling me. Me: That's what I'm telling you. Girl: (Takes her drinks that I made her and begins to walk away.) Fuck this borough. And I thought that would be the end of it! She came back and wanted to talk some more. Girl: So, it says XXSHOPXX is right off of XXSTREETXX -- is that close by? Me: It's not far but I'm telling you it's not open. Why don't you just wait? Girl: YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. My friend over there is only in town tonight and we won't be in the same city again for like maybe a couple years. Me: Well that might work better, you can both get great tattoos in your respective cities and they'll probably be way better than trying to get it in at like 2 AM. You could get something awesome! Girl: Nope, you don't get what I'm saying. Me: (Past the point of patience and I can't walk away because I'm making them another round of drinks.) It sounds like you probably shouldn't get tattooed. It sounds like a bad idea is what I think you're saying. Girl: Well aren't they all? Me: I'm sorry..? Girl: All of this (pointing to my arms) -- you can't tell me any of this is actually a good idea. Me: Did you really just say that? Girl: Well, I mean, come on.. when you're 90. They're going to look like shit. Me: No, they're going to look awesome and I'm going to be an awesome 90 yr old with tattoos that I didn't get at fucking two in the morning. This is going to be your last round, I'll have the server bring your check over and you can still make it over to West 4th, the cab ride shouldn't be much more than $20! Girl: Whatever. Me: Have a good night! Good luck! Hope I'm not sounding like too much of an asshole.. My bar persona is always ten thousand times nicer than my real life demeanor but this second girl really pushed it. I'll put up with a lot of idiots and I know how to handle plenty of bullshit but when you outright insult me in my own bar..? You're done. I hope she went and got tattooed.. everyone gets the tattoo they deserve!4 points -
kylegrey and 2 others reacted to HaydenRose for a topic
This thread may die a quick, boring death, but I thought I'd give it a try... I have been practicing yoga on and off for about a year or so now. When I was younger I gave it a try, but it never stuck. From a young age for about 10 or so years I studied ballet and other forms of dance, but eventually lost interest not by choice, but from going to college, moving a lot, being poor, getting out of shape, etc. So about a year ago, frustrated with all of my attempts at fitness (walking, running, gyms, kickboxing, etc.) I decided to revisit yoga and WOW did I fall in love. I was amazed with the benefits I felt instantly and also how applicable my history of dance was. Since then, I've been practising at home off and on (mainly breaking for tattoos) and really working on bringing it into my every day life. Yoga is so vast, and extends way beyond the asanas, so its been a big life changer for me as I immerse myself in it. A possible goal for me is to *maybe* get to a point where I can study to be a yoga teacher and incorporate it into my counseling practice with youth. I have met a few tattooed people who are instructors and enthusiasts. So there must be some involved in LST's growing community. I'm not sure what sort of thread this will or will not turn into, but perhaps it can be a place to share our experience and practice of yoga, share tips and resources for yoga, and refer fellow yogis to studios and teachers nearby.3 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 2 others reacted to cltattooing for a topic
@BrianH that's a great idea! Looking like shit exactly as it should look like shit :)3 points -
"Does your mother know you have those?" (I'm 47 years old btw) Answer: "My mother's dead ma'am. Her skull is on my back." (not really, but i felt like messing with her) :D3 points
London Tattoo Convention 2013
rads and 2 others reacted to Brock Varty for a topic
Heck of a Frith St. turnout...you all better take advantage of that shit!!!3 points -
What paint are you using? looks clean I am not a tattooer either, just enjoying painting it is keeping me out of trouble. - - - Updated - - - Here is one I finished recently, Managed to spill some ink on it and then this happened dont look at it for to long or you might get sick Ha Ha. Another dagger effort.3 points
Plainskins say the darndest things...
Graeme and 2 others reacted to carmen1979 for a topic
These are all awesome. My plain skin husband (I don't really like that phrase either, but he won't care if I use it) now even says to people, when they ask why I have a piranha on my arm.."because it's awesome!". Gotta love a non tattooed person who gets it.3 points -
One of the cashiers at my favorite local pho place asked me how many hours my tattoos had taken, and how much I thought I had left. So I gave her my vague estimate and she said, "But that's like ten whole days. ...Can you shower with those on?" What?3 points
Its going to be a tough month trying to knock off @Graeme 's sleeve!!!3 points
Guero and 2 others reacted to PascalDBras for a topic
Thanks man. There's so many tattooists and shops these days, but I want to try to be around the ones maintaining traditions and raising the bar3 points -
3 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 2 others reacted to cltattooing for a topic
Apologies for the crappy picture, I screenshotted this from IG. I'll post a better picture tomorrow, but check it out! By Sean Perkinson at FTW in Oakland. Steve Boltz flash.3 points -
Okay @SStu I bet you wouldn't get something from that Born Weird book. I DARE you to. Did I do that right, guys?3 points
Plainskins say the darndest things...
kblood and 2 others reacted to CultExciter for a topic
My grandmother and I were chatting yesterday. She's 90 years old and is one of the most important people in the world to me. Well, we were talking about life, work, and how my apprenticeship is going. She looks at me and asks "Would you tattoo me? Right here, a big butterfly, and you can use this mole as the head of the butterfly." I'm still grinning over that.3 points -
@gougetheeyes PRECIOUS!! Thanks for sharing those man. I thought you handled them both very politely. I on the other hand just got torn a new asshole by a good friend for telling his new girlfriend exactly what I thought of her "tribal cat with tiny footprints" tattoo idea. I'm usually very polite and careful not to offend in situasions like that, but I was way too drunk to sugercoat it at the time it was brought it up.3 points
Ah what, the hell, I'll give this a try this month. This was done by Thomas Hooper in five sessions between October 2012 and June 2013, mostly at Saved but with one session at the Rochester Convention:3 points
Tiger tattoos
real meta and 2 others reacted to jacobyoung for a topic
Kelly Edwards does super nice tigers3 points -
Video from Asian Art Museum: Shige, Horitomo, Horiyuki, Horitaka, Horiyoshi 3-related
Machcekborrach and 2 others reacted to hogg for a topic
In 2008, the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco invited Horitaka of State of Grace to participate in their MATCHA series. Horitaka not only gave a lecture on Japanese tattooing--he also tattooed a client in the museum, as did Horitomo, Horiyuki (aka Jill Bonny), Colin Kenji and Shige (who was also accompanied by one of his clients). Horitomo put in a few hours on my arm, then worked on Khalil Rintye's ribs for a while. It was a very odd experience. I've been tattooed at conventions, but this was very different. At conventions, most of the attendees are tattooed. At the museum, that was not the case; tons of people were coming up and asking me all kinds of questions. (If only I'd brought earbuds--plugged into nothing--I could've played it off like I couldn't hear them.) In the end, I was happy to participate. Until last week, I never knew there was a video of the event. Check it out: at 3:40, you can see me and my buddy Clem comparing open spots on our legs. Clem's the guy with the huuuuuuge Jeff Zuck panther on his back (as well as lots of other awesome stuff). But my favorite thing about this is that the top youtube comment says, "0:59 is that Ami James?" :D3 points -
tatB and one other reacted to PascalDBras for a topic
My name is Pascal. I started my apprenticeship a year ago at age 25 with a good friend and well respected tattoo artist, but due to unforeseen circumstances he was unable to continue my training. For a fresh start and to show respect by not working in another shop nearby I recently moved to melbourne and enrolled in creative arts at university. I am spending some time building my skills and a strong portfolio before I approach quality shops here to complete my training in ideally an old school and traditional apprenticeship like the one I started. I really appreciate the last sparrow interviews for the insight into the journey many established artists have undertaken, and a perspective on how the industry has changed in the last few decades. It's humbling, frightening, and inspiring, and I look forward to learning more. Thank you2 points -
2 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
cltattooing and one other reacted to deadsp0t for a topic
My buddy calls it the ugly phase ;)2 points -
What Inspires You?
else and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Alphonse Mucha Egon Schiele Any of the Italian masters Basil Wolverton R Crumb Ed Roth Albrecht Durer Gustave Dore to name a few.2 points -
2 points
Arrrrr matey. Don't forget to breathe!2 points
Ink Masters
Brock Varty and one other reacted to cltattooing for a topic
@reverend1 & @iowagirl those are both good points. I need to keep reminding myself that reality tv has nothing to do with reality.2 points -
Please dare me. Please. I dare you to dare me.2 points
August 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
McAstronaut and one other reacted to Wilhell for a topic
This monster of a kirin is a oneshot from Marius Meyer.2 points