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Hands On and 6 others reacted to Brock Varty for a topic
I was not saying anything meant to be taken in a demeaning manner. I was making an observation that, in the short while I have seen you post here, that you always seem to actually make sense and take the time to form a complete and whole thought. Even when speaking to people who obviously don't deserve it, you make a solid response. I was trying to compliment you man. @Graeme Our barbarian horde can be covered in tattoos and metal as fuck, right?7 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Snydcat and 6 others reacted to CultExciter for a topic
I won't speak for eveyone @KegRN, but I think tattoos should look like tattoos.7 points -
Here is a nice piece from @Stewart Robson . I had an appointment with him yesterday and that morning my wife said she wanted to get a tattoo. We ran into Stewart on the way into the shop and informed him that we were going to do a walk-in with whomever my be available. He told her that he would do the tattoo. She was a little nervous as this was her first real tattoo. In fact Stewart said to my wife "you look terrified" to which she responded "YES!". So being that she is very comfortable with Stewart, she was VERY HAPPY he offered! This was a cover up of a tattoo that she received when she was 19. - - - Updated - - - Here is the latest on my back. @Stewart Robson really killed it!!!! One more session and this chapter is closed.6 points
You know your an LST member when....
joakim urma and 4 others reacted to Orangutango for a topic
My Girlfriend asked me what happens when I 'fill up' and I immediately was concerned and had to do a mental stocktake of space left and options, then I thought of this thread. I also have an occasional irrational fear of loosing a limb in some random accident and have wondered which one I would prefer based on the tattoos on it alone.5 points -
It's summer so I see a lot of tattoos on the street and I occasionally see "painterly" tattoos with no outlines, etc., and I'm sure they were beautiful when they were new, but they don't hold up. The colors fade, as they inevitably will, and you're left with nothing much. Whereas when you see much older traditional tattoos...eagles, crosses, roses, panthers, etc...even if they're old, faded, the lines have thickened, and so on, I still know exactly what the tattoo is. I think people should get whatever tattoos they want to get, but they shouldn't have the same expectations for the longevity of their tattoos.4 points
I was wondering why clipping my toenails was so painful. ACK!4 points
You know your an LST member when....
cltattooing and 2 others reacted to Vinn for a topic
When on vacation and your wife wants to spend the day by the pool...so you spend $200 on a cabana rental for all day shade. Not gonna feel the sun today, not even once.3 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
el_alquimista and 2 others reacted to Rob I for a topic
This tattoo is stunningly gorgeous!3 points -
nothing could draw attention away from that beautiful bird.3 points
Just cover it with a giant infinity symbol with your significant others name worked in. Wayyyyyy better than the awesome piece that you already have.3 points
Dude, we all believe you have a nice tattoo. I recognize your criticisms, but I'm telling you, the rope and the anchor suit the bird perfectly. The colors don't compete in my eyes, because the anchor is so gray, while the bird is the first thing that draws my eyes. I personally think the rope adds to the tattoo, it creates movement. You did good, don't second guess yourself3 points
You said the same about the linework on the other tattoo you posted and while I can see what you're saying, there are bad lines that are because the person who did the tattoo has no idea what they're doing, and then there are lines that look like they're handmade and give the tattoo character because this is tattoos and not some sterile photoshop-retouched bullshit, and you got the second, friend.3 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 2 others reacted to BrookR70 for a topic
And now for something completely different. I had this piece done on Saturday. It's a tribute to my pet Sun Conure. Done by Papa Joe Dawson. His lines can be a little quirky sometimes, but that's partly why I like his work.3 points -
I personally really like Dana Helmuth's snakes. I'm glad I got him to add one to my back piece.3 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 2 others reacted to cltattooing for a topic
Whoaaaaooohhh so many amazing tattoos being posted!! Love love love the white tiger and the dragon lamp. I don't know why great tattoos are so romantic, I swear I actually swoon when I see them. Very hard to follow up on these awesome pieces, but I just wanna post this one from yesterday. One session, 3 hours, lots of fun! Dunno what I'd do without such cool clients, they're always the ones with the crazy ideas, I'm just lucky enough to get to draw them :)3 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 2 others reacted to jubilantfawn for a topic
My second tattoo from Frith St., from Valerie last week.3 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
cltattooing and one other reacted to HaydenRose for a topic
Personally, I love the rope. I think that's what makes this tattoo. The way it's hanging off of the anchor looks so natural but doesn't take away from the image, which gives you a nice detailed tattoo without feeling too busy.2 points -
You know your an LST member when....
cltattooing and one other reacted to tatB for a topic
I've had irrational thoughts about losing a limb too and I always imagine myself asking the doctor if I can keep the limb after that amputate it. A tattooed limb floating in fish tank would make a great conversation piece.2 points -
Born Weird
semele and one other reacted to Orangutango for a topic
Had a quick look through this recently, cat sheets were undoubtably the weirdest of the lot.2 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
gougetheeyes and one other reacted to beez for a topic
Thank you so much!!! I had not thought about that!! OMG THANK YOU!!! Edit: I literally grabbed an ice cube from my drink and set it on my back and got some instant relief, hence the enthusiasm. Seriously - THANK YOU.2 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
gougetheeyes and one other reacted to BrookR70 for a topic
Thanks for the kind words Graeme. After the first tattoo I got (I went in blindly and just got it before doing my research), I was rather upset that everything wasn't perfect, which caused me to reevaluate my artist and go to just about every single shop in my area to look at portfolios. After seeing more of his work and seeing everyone else's work, I really began to appreciate his style, and I love his coloring. So I felt really good going into this session and knew what to expect. With my expectations properly set, I'll have to say that I'm blown away by it every time I see it. There are a few flaws, but I like them. I feel very lucky that I landed in the right shop. It's funny, because 2 months ago, I wasn't even considering a tattoo. I had a small conversation with him while getting my hair cut. He was in the barber chair next to me complaining about the tattoo reality shows. I'm really looking forward to getting more work done by him, but I don't have any pressing design ideas right now. I may just have to get some of his flash tattooed on me.2 points -
I've always seen us as the barbarian horde. Just saying.2 points
speaking as a man, getting tattoos has resulted in me taking much better care of my skin. rarely used lotion and never used sun screen as often as I should have. now i used lotion 2-3 times a day and applied sunscreen (50spf+) every 45 minutes while I was on vacation this summer. healthy skin = better looking tattoos.2 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Reyeslv and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Stewart never ceases to amaze me with how damn good he is.2 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and one other reacted to MGblues for a topic
Haven't posted in awhile, iv'e been busy lately. Anyway, finally couldn't take it any more. I went back and had my chest eagle colored today. Tattoo by Paul Pearson.2 points -
Snakes snakes snakes
Machcekborrach and one other reacted to Badtaste for a topic
I have a yoneyama snake in my leg as filler, he also did a hermit crab/skull on the side of my knee. Two of my favourite tattoos! I usually never post my own tattoos but Williams work needs showing off2 points -
2 points
biggest myth? tattooed people are cool lmao2 points
Tattoo Myths and Misconceptions
Zillah and one other reacted to ShawnPorter for a topic
Armbands that connect are bad luck. Variation: Armbands that connect can cut off the circulation and your arm will fall off. Face/hand/neck tattoos are illegal. I always feel bad posting right after Stewart. He goes into so much detail that it makes my two sentence posts seem lazy. Perhaps by mentioning this fact it will add a little bit of 'meat' to my post and make it seem like I have more than a ten word vocabulary.2 points -
based on the work you have gotten from him so far i think it is safe to trust him 100% and ask him for suggestions.1 point
Think I am going to get a tiger snake combo next, got a thing for snakes1 point
CultExciter reacted to suburbanxcore for a topic
Mike did my friend's chest. I haven't been in the shop, but from the pictures on IG, it looks beautiful. I'll be especially curious to see who they get guesting through there.1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Bunny Switchblade reacted to KYboy for a topic
I've been tattooed mostly out of his shop right across the river in Covington. I've never been tattooed by Dana but it's on the plans for this fall.1 point -
Yeah :) I am always excited when I start thinking about an idea for a new piece, and since I don't have a ton of friends who are into tattoos, I just come here. I always make my final decisions with my artist, but I like to think (and talk) through my ideas a LOT, and I don't want to bug my artist with excessive questions, haha. And also this :) Also thanks to everyone who likes to chat about ideas - I appreciate you!1 point
I checked their website as well and I didn't think any of the work was atrocious , I even thought some of it was pretty good ( not my style at all though) but the lines and colour seemed pretty clean , I don't agree with the tattooing after 3 months thing but hey you're your own person and you don't have to listen to anyone, good luck for the future1 point
Personally the most fun I have had getting tattooed was with Tristan Bentley, Tristan would be my choice. TRISTAN BENTLEY . TATTOOER1 point
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
cltattooing reacted to Reyeslv for a topic
Did another 3 hours with @Stewart Robson this past friday. Doing another color session today.1 point -
@keepcalm is a tough cookie, she can handle it :)1 point
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
KYboy reacted to Bunny Switchblade for a topic
Went to Ohio from July 10th - 17th and was tattooed by Debra Yarian, Don Yarian, Dawn Marie Cooke & Mike Fite at the Cleveland Tattoo Expo on Friday and Sunday......and went down to Youngstown to be tattooed by Debbie Lenz on Saturday! Also went down to Chillicothe and saw Matt Griffith.......out to Cincinnati to visit with Dana Brunson......and we stayed with my Sis, Tracy Nicole, in Marion, OH! Was a really fun week of getting tattooed and visiting with friends and I am looking forward to planning another tattoo road trip somewhere in another couple months if all goes well!1 point -
If you could pick one tattoo artist...
gougetheeyes reacted to Jack for a topic
Robert Ryan. Ever see something of his that didn't stop you dead in your tracks? I rest my case.1 point -
I was riding the bus to work this morning and even though the bus was full and people were standing, there was one empty seat...the one right next to me. I believe it was @CultExciter who once said on here that the purpose of visible tattoos was to attract mates and deter foes, so I'm halfway there.1 point
I've booked an appointment with Chad K there in August, and I'm trying to work in an appointment with Mario Desa as well that same week.1 point
You know your an LST member when....
hogg reacted to cltattooing for a topic
When you're constantly crab-walking up stairs because of your fresh thigh/knee/ditch/calf tattoos.1 point -
Had Chad K. finish my eagle this past friday night at Congress Street Tattoo in Portsmouth. Love it. So glad it's over.. A brutal couple of hours, but so worth it.1 point
July 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
Kai Eirik Espedal reacted to Wilhell for a topic
Tebori by Horimasa Tosui in his private studio in Amsterdam. The baku was done at wednesday and the pictures are taken today (sunday).1 point -
You know your an LST member when....
Johannes reacted to cltattooing for a topic
when you have a folder on your hard drive titled "machine porn" which contains multitudes of photos of beautiful/interesting/antique tattoo machines.1 point -
1 point
almost every person who comes in wanting a "home made" tattoo covered will state that "the guy tattooed my friends and there tattoos looked good, so i don't know why mine looks so messed up" their tattoos were messed up too, you just aren't stuck looking at it all day, everyday.1 point
Knuckle Tattoos - Best you've seen or your current fav?
suburbanxcore reacted to Tight-Lines for a topic
There is a guy on highway 1 by Monterey and Pacifica who runs a BBQ place on the side of the road. He has "PORK RIBS"on his knuckles. He is big and scary so I have not taken a pic yet. But I will try next time I go there.1 point -
Knuckle Tattoos - Best you've seen or your current fav?
el_alquimista reacted to Dean Schubert for a topic
Here's a set I've done within the last year. An appropriate one for election day. And, if you cross the hands, it says Free Feel. How cool is that!1 point