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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2013 in all areas

  1. Whoaaaaooohhh so many amazing tattoos being posted!! Love love love the white tiger and the dragon lamp. I don't know why great tattoos are so romantic, I swear I actually swoon when I see them. Very hard to follow up on these awesome pieces, but I just wanna post this one from yesterday. One session, 3 hours, lots of fun! Dunno what I'd do without such cool clients, they're always the ones with the crazy ideas, I'm just lucky enough to get to draw them :)
    14 points
  2. Here is a nice piece from @Stewart Robson . I had an appointment with him yesterday and that morning my wife said she wanted to get a tattoo. We ran into Stewart on the way into the shop and informed him that we were going to do a walk-in with whomever my be available. He told her that he would do the tattoo. She was a little nervous as this was her first real tattoo. In fact Stewart said to my wife "you look terrified" to which she responded "YES!". So being that she is very comfortable with Stewart, she was VERY HAPPY he offered! This was a cover up of a tattoo that she received when she was 19. - - - Updated - - - Here is the latest on my back. @Stewart Robson really killed it!!!! One more session and this chapter is closed.
    12 points
  3. CultExciter

    Who are you?

    Magical thread. I am kinda glad it got revisited. Virginia born and raised. I grew up on a tobacco farm in southern Virginia right on the North Carolina border. Typical happy upbringing with really wonderful parents. I discovered skateboarding and punk rock and started playing in bands. I went off to college, got a degree in English, and moved to Philadelphia. Hated it and moved to Washington DC. I worked for the feds for a bit, but ultimately went back to school and studied communication design. Now I live in the mountain town of Harrisonburg, Virginia where I work for an e-commerce company. I've been getting tattooed since I was 19, I'm 31 now. Over the past 12 years my passion for tattoos (and tattooing in general) obviously just kept growing. It's the most important thing in the world to me. In January I was offered an apprenticeship working with someone I greatly respect (I say offered, but I had to put myself out there). So now, I'm working my day job and spending all my spare time at the shop, and drawing, and getting tattooed, and drawing. You get the picture.
    9 points
  4. My second tattoo from Frith St., from Valerie last week.
    9 points
  5. Did another 3 hours with @Stewart Robson this past friday. Doing another color session today.
    8 points
  6. Delicious

    1 Year of being on LST

    So, the 18th marked my one year of membership here... I feel like I have changed quite a bit in that time. Definitely had my mind changed about alot of thing, educated on alot of things... I went from one tattoo to 4 (You are all terrible enablers), and generally just enjoy myself and the friends I have made on here. So thanks. You're awesome. I appreciate getting better tattoos.
    6 points
  7. tatB

    1 Year of being on LST

    My one year anniversary of being an active LST member is also soon. I've learned a lot by reading through the threads and watching all the interviews. Most importantly LST gave me the nudge (peer pressure) I needed to go out and fearlessly make appointments for large scale work. LST has also helped me be unproductive at work for at least 1 hour per day....
    6 points
  8. tatB


    this was my favorite part of this fairy tale: "The other two apprentices...."
    5 points
  9. I think I've been on here a little over a year as well and it's really changed my life for the better, too. Now I know what good tattoos look like and who's who in the industry. I don't think I would ever have gotten tattooed by Scott if it wasn't for this forum. And it's been a damn pleasure to browse through here every day. I can't believe there is a space on the Internet that I check every day besides Facebook. You all rock.
    5 points
  10. And now for something completely different. I had this piece done on Saturday. It's a tribute to my pet Sun Conure. Done by Papa Joe Dawson. His lines can be a little quirky sometimes, but that's partly why I like his work.
    4 points
  11. irezumi

    Old tattoo photos

    'Tattoo Charlie' Geizer Charlie Geizer Baltimore, The Block Supposedly the 2nd oldest shop in US 1942 Unknown Jacksonville NC 1952 Dog bites - 3 days prior Spotted in a Dunkin Donuts.
    4 points
  12. speaking as a man, getting tattoos has resulted in me taking much better care of my skin. rarely used lotion and never used sun screen as often as I should have. now i used lotion 2-3 times a day and applied sunscreen (50spf+) every 45 minutes while I was on vacation this summer. healthy skin = better looking tattoos.
    4 points
  13. Brock Varty


    Alright guys. I'm not too far from New Glarus....BRB...confirming troll status.... Had me thinking it was legit until the 3 or 4 sheets of painted flash per day thing.
    4 points
  14. cltattooing

    Who are you?

    Cool thread! I never know how much is too much or too little to share when talking about myself, I guess I'll stick to the basics. Um.. I'm 22, born and raised in the SF bay area. I lived in Marin county during my childhood/teenage years, which essentially means that I grew up in the woods, completely surrounded by wildlife. It was pretty awesome as a kid, I mean how cool is it to see a family of foxes trot through your patio? Getting into being a teen, living out there was pretty fucking boring. At the ages of about 13-14, I was enrolled at a private Catholic school (I am not even remotely religious), royally hating all of it, and just discovering punk rock and the local music scene out in the east bay where my dad lived. I think at that point I was identifying more with countercultural aesthetic, knew that I would eventually get tattoos, but didn't know jack about them or what was possible as far as good tattooing. Skip to my junior year of high school, I got the hell out of Catholic school and transferred to an arts magnet program at a local public school. There is where I met my friend Jen, who had an avid interest in tattoos and took me with her to Spider Murphy's when Stuart did her first. I was pretty mesmerized at that point and knew that I was going to start getting tattooed pretty soon after I would turn 18. I can't even tell you how it blew my mind to learn that tattoos turned into scabs, hahaha. That summer, I took a few courses at the San Francisco Art Institute, learned a lot, and was pretty certain that I'd go to art school for illustration and painting when I was done with high school. I did pretty horrible during my senior year, probably on account of not showing up for most of it. Skipped graduation, got my CHSPE, and got my first job the following fall. That winter, I had just turned 18, decided that it was time to start getting some piercings, parents be damned. My mom got a job in the same town as the shop I was pierced at, so we moved there. I didn't know anyone in town, so guess where I hung out? Fast forward a year, my piercer had become my best friend and I was spending all of my time at the shop. I've been artistically inclined for my whole life and have always wanted to make a living through drawing and illustrations. One particularly nice spring day, it just sorta hit me like a ton of bricks that I ought to learn how to tattoo. I asked the shop owner if he'd teach me, showed him my stuff, and he agreed. My apprenticeship itself has enough stories to write a book, so suffice it to say that I moved to Oakland in September 2011 and it was probably the best decision I've made for myself second to learning how to tattoo. I took a 6 month break from tattooing to get settled into the town, and found the job at the shop I'm at now in March 2012. So.. yeah, that's pretty much it, I suppose! Apart from tattooing, I am somewhat of a nerd. I'm married to my PlayStation 2, I like to be in the woods, I like to make food, I like to go to shows, and read. I really want a pet snake again, I want to learn how to shoot, I'd like to get into martial arts, and I want to learn how to play piano again so I can play prog metal and do crazy arpeggios. :)
    4 points
  15. it is, she had her sign in pink.... this much better!!!!
    4 points
  16. cltattooing


    Welcome to LST! So my apprenticeship experience was not too different from what it sounds like you're about to get yourself into. Solid advice: jump ship now, get like 10-20 more tattoos, paint your ass off, and try a better shop. Ideally, a street shop with walk-ins, tons of flash, and artists versed in several styles who do large and small work on a regular basis. I understand that this is rough advice to hear, but I can guarantee that you will have a much easier and much more fun time in your tattoo journey if you take that advice. I fully get what it's like to be young and hungry for it(still am), but you will benefit tenfold throughout the rest of your life if you start out the right way with the right information at your foundations. Or you can do what I did, which is apprentice at the first shop that will take you, start tattooing right away, fuck a lot of people up, not learn shit about your craft, leave half way through your apprenticeship, and then get another job at whatever shop will take you as you figure out how you're going to get good information and further yourself on your own. In the end, whatever you choose to do, it is all going to be difficult. What it mostly comes down to is are you willing to spend the time right now to learn the right way, or do you want to spend the next 5-10 years unlearning what you've been taught and figuring out what's what. Having someone tell you that they will teach you how to tattoo is the most exciting thing in the world! The fact remains that the time spent in a shop for 2 tattoos is not enough time to let you know if it's really something you're ready to be a part of for the rest of your life. Anyway.. sorry for being so preachy. You will decide what's best for you and your life. I wish you the best of luck on this incredible journey that is tattooing and getting tattooed.
    4 points
  17. Its always good to remember that even the absolute best artists are still human, and will make mistakes. Customers who want millimetre perfect tattoos need to be reminded they are put on by hand, not by a laser etching robot, small imperfections don't make it a bad tattoo. I am glad you appreciate that as well!
    3 points
  18. Thanks for the kind words Graeme. After the first tattoo I got (I went in blindly and just got it before doing my research), I was rather upset that everything wasn't perfect, which caused me to reevaluate my artist and go to just about every single shop in my area to look at portfolios. After seeing more of his work and seeing everyone else's work, I really began to appreciate his style, and I love his coloring. So I felt really good going into this session and knew what to expect. With my expectations properly set, I'll have to say that I'm blown away by it every time I see it. There are a few flaws, but I like them. I feel very lucky that I landed in the right shop. It's funny, because 2 months ago, I wasn't even considering a tattoo. I had a small conversation with him while getting my hair cut. He was in the barber chair next to me complaining about the tattoo reality shows. I'm really looking forward to getting more work done by him, but I don't have any pressing design ideas right now. I may just have to get some of his flash tattooed on me.
    3 points
  19. Graeme

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    You said the same about the linework on the other tattoo you posted and while I can see what you're saying, there are bad lines that are because the person who did the tattoo has no idea what they're doing, and then there are lines that look like they're handmade and give the tattoo character because this is tattoos and not some sterile photoshop-retouched bullshit, and you got the second, friend.
    3 points
  20. cltattooing


    That's interesting, why? edit: Actually, no.. don't have to justify this. People come here to learn, I'm not a mod, and I don't feel the need to display any sense of importance by telling people off who don't know their dick from their toe when it comes to tattoos.
    3 points
  21. My first bout with college I majored in photography for 2 years and had to do one year of drawing, painting, sculpture classes. There are a lot of great resources outside of the classroom as people have suggested, but I think the best route is to take some intensive studio classes at a college or wherever. I learned sooooooo much in that one year that I can draw the shit out of anything (not trying to brag... But just saying courses are the best way to go if you're serious). And you may get to see naked people which is always a good (awkward) time.
    3 points
  22. Stewart never ceases to amaze me with how damn good he is.
    3 points
  23. Thank you so much!!! I had not thought about that!! OMG THANK YOU!!! Edit: I literally grabbed an ice cube from my drink and set it on my back and got some instant relief, hence the enthusiasm. Seriously - THANK YOU.
    2 points
  24. Yeah :) I am always excited when I start thinking about an idea for a new piece, and since I don't have a ton of friends who are into tattoos, I just come here. I always make my final decisions with my artist, but I like to think (and talk) through my ideas a LOT, and I don't want to bug my artist with excessive questions, haha. And also this :) Also thanks to everyone who likes to chat about ideas - I appreciate you!
    2 points
  25. I support this shop and thread.
    2 points
  26. Good and so versatile too.
    2 points
  27. Congrats!! This place is really really cool. I hope it continues to blaze in its full glory for a long time to come!
    2 points
  28. He told me in an email that it should be out in a week or two. He mentioned the translation was still giving them difficulties. Soooooooon.
    2 points
  29. Just booked with Todd Noble for Labor Day weekend. Can't wait.
    2 points
  30. Ducky15568

    Who are you?

    Hello everyone! After reading peoples stories about who they are, I thought I should share with you Who I am. Im not the best at talking about myself, as i find myself to be uninteresting and dumb. My name is Derek, I am currently 21. I grew up in a small town (pop. around 3000) in Montana. As a kid i had never really seen tattoos or anything like that but when i did they were usually on old military guys, looking back those tattoos were some of the coolest. I loved playing football and snowboarding when I reached high school freshman, but by my sophomore year I had knee problems and had to have surgery on my left knee. After i healed and everything was gravy I started doing sports again, only to have problems in my right knee. Countless doctor visits later I found out i had a tumor in my right knee. summer before junior year is when I got another knee surgery to remove the tumor (it was in my bone) and get a bone graph. Junior year is also when I found out my mother had lung cancer and met the love of my life. So of course I started getting wasted every weekend to push away bad thoughts about cancer and my mom. During my senior year after about a year of Chemotherapy my moms cancer had spread to her liver. The doctor gave her a week to live. Me and my family were there till the end. I had never lost someone close to me before so I didn't know what to do. It was good to have support from my Girlfriend and family. After my brothers and sister left and things were going back to "normal" (like they ever could) my dad passed away 10 weeks after my mom from a heart attack.(enough talking about this stuff.) The summer after graduating high school i got my first tattoo as a memorial for my mother, I wish i had researched it more because im not too happy with how it turned out. I love it but it needs to be better. (ill have it redone with the artist who has done all my work since.) After the summer i moved out of my hometown (too many good memories to stay around and feel sad) to go to college. I will be starting my third year this fall to be a nurse. I just want to help people, on an emotional level as well as physical. Something doctors cant do as well as nurses. Since starting school I have had 24 plus hours of work done in two years. I finally had my chest piece finished, and have a 1/4 sleeve (idk what else to call it). Now i am as happy is i can ever be, im getting married in one week to the love of my life. Sorry for the long post, like i said im not too interesting its hard to write about myself. Here is a picture of me and my Fiance.
    2 points
  31. Haven't posted in awhile, iv'e been busy lately. Anyway, finally couldn't take it any more. I went back and had my chest eagle colored today. Tattoo by Paul Pearson.
    2 points
  32. You nailed it, @Lance. Jill's work is super clean, well thought-out, and just beautiful.
    2 points
  33. True enough. I hate when people say "but tattoo artists HATE it!!" about something. Here's something: Some tattooers are douchebags. Them being a tattooer, even a GOOD tattooer, doesn't make them right or profound. It makes them another asshole with an opinion and there's nothing special or unique about having one of those. If you think you're a collector, you probably are. It's a way to describe what you do- collect tattoos from people you dig. I collect toys. I collect dvds. I have a lot of passion when it comes to my collections; I think about which swatches to buy, know when some obscure film is going to be released on dvd, read articles about toy production. I guess if you looked at it like that, I collect tattoos too. I find myself interested in the whole culture of it, not just "gettin' a new tat'. Verdict: It's not bad to be called a collector/call yourself a collector. It's not bad to not WANT to be called a collector/call yourself a collector.
    2 points
  34. askass

    Old tattoo photos

    This one came into our shop in San Antonio the other day. Said it was done in Connecticut around 1985. Could not remember the shop name or tattooer's name. Also... Have you guys checked out @vintage_tattoos on Instagram? It's run by 2 english dudes so there's a lot of english stuff but if you tag them in an old tattoo they repost it. It's pretty bitchin' - - - Updated - - - Don't know why that uploaded sideways... Oh well. - - - Updated - - - Met this guy outside of my old apartment here in San Antonio... I had a bunch of pictures of him... But they're not on my phone anymore... Ill try to see if I can find them on my computer.
    2 points
  35. I have a yoneyama snake in my leg as filler, he also did a hermit crab/skull on the side of my knee. Two of my favourite tattoos! I usually never post my own tattoos but Williams work needs showing off
    2 points
  36. Great Lakes opened up yesterday. How many of you heathens stopped in and got tattoos?
    1 point
  37. Been a fan of these guys for a really long time and I finally get to see them!! SO excited.
    1 point
  38. Graeme


    Maybe your priorities are different than mine but if I'm going to waste my time on things like that I want it to be on somebody else's time.
    1 point
  39. When you (speaking as a woman) love shaving your legs and keeping them lotioned.... because then your tattoos look great.
    1 point
  40. I got my first tattoo in 1999, lived behind a tattoo shop in a basement apartment. You used to walk in there and you had to wait in line, you didn't come back a month later to get a consult, and you couldn't even book an appointment, you waited till your name was called in a sea of people and if you didn't pick something off the wall, it better be something the tattooer wanted to do, or the tattooer would move on to the next person and you waited for nothing. I feel like my version of "tattooing" is different than is portrayed on tv or even some degree on this site at times, although there is a lot of good on here and I enjoy the discussion and the people here. We don't just get to see the cool parts and get the gratification of a new tattoo. Hanging out all day waiting for someone to walk in the door that isn't going to waste your time and possibly spend money. Knowing that 99% of tattooers are just trying to make a living and deal with whatever walks in the door that day and don't have a tv show or a year long wait list.
    1 point
  41. I'm sure ultimately people would leave the final production up to the artist, but it never hurts to get multiple opinions from people, and the internet is a great place to do that. It also could just be that the planning phase of getting a tattoo is exciting. Maybe people just want like minded people to talk about it with. I am in that phase right now and am surrounded by friends and family that have no interest in tattoos and most actually have a negative opinion about it. There is literally no one to share my current obsession with aside from you kind strangers. I understand your point, but I just thought you were a little too hard on the person.
    1 point
  42. Wow! Maybe this topic should have a more detailed explanation as to what type of tattoo advice we are allowed to ask about. The current description "Ask questions about tattoos you already have, or want to get, etc." Would lead me to believe this question was perfectly acceptable. Or maybe you are just having a bad day?
    1 point
  43. Well seeing how I've only been tattooed by one person so far, and I'm about 40-50% there, should I continue to get more, I might as well go all in. Jill Bonny. She's not as flashy as some but that's what I like about her work. It's solid and detailed just enough without going overboard with excess. It retains a bold look and has a style that I feel relates to the flatness of the old prints. I really like that about her work. And she's cool too. Also once upon a time when you get briefly introduced to Tim Hendricks and he sees your tattoos (and finds out it's all been done by Jill), then tells you, " You're a tattoo artist's dream client.", well you should probably listen to those words and follow through. If I cloned myself or had a twin. Horitomo.
    1 point
  44. It doesn't matter what you call yourself or what others call you........just get good, solid tattoos....and enjoy yourself while you are doing it!
    1 point
  45. i'd love to hit this shop up. i don't even know which one of those dudes i'd get tattooed by. they're all pretty excellent.
    1 point
  46. slayer9019


    Just curious what is the name of this small custom shop.
    1 point
  47. Pleadco


    This. Welcome to the site though, and best of luck to ya!
    1 point
  48. ChrisvK

    Who are you?

    After reading everyones stories i feel obligated to share my own. Well here we go. I'm Chris, a 19 year old kid from Leiden, The Netherlands. High-school for me started being the worst time of my life. Being a metalhead since the age of 9 I went to high-school as a 12 year old chubby kid with long hair and a squeeky voice. Since i was the only longhaired metalhead 12 year old the bullies thought of me as an easy target. This led to delving deeper into my music and finding hardcore. Looking back to that time i'm just glad i stayed true to who i am despite all the shit i got for being me. Forward to 16 years old. The hair and the squeeky voice were gone, the bullying wasn't. One day i had enough of it and went apeshit crazy. The little 12 year old turned into a 1,85m high 83kg heavy mass of hatred. No one messed with me after that. Met awesome friends in classes and been hanging out with awesome people ever since. Lot's of parties, lots of concerts. Good times. After high-school i went to University to study law. After 2 months i realized it wasn't for me. Not only was it boring as fuck, the entire system was just build around being a lawyer that makes money of off unfortunate people and i was surrounded by the most self centered people i have ever met. Dropped out and started working at an indonesian take away place where i worked till last summer. I also did and still do vollunteerwork at a homeless shelter. This is where i found what i want to do in life. Helpin people. Started college this september to be a social worker and aced my first testperiod. For aslong as i am into metal/hardcore i've been into tattoo's. All my favorite artists and bands had tattoo's. They were badass, therefor tattoo's are badass. I had to get tattoo'ed. Luckily I waited till I was 18 years old and went to a good local shop. This was last year. I got the crest of the city i grew up in on my left calf. This city gave me my friends and made me who i am. Everything that happened to me happened in this city and it just felt right getting the crest permanently on my body. More tattoo's will definitely follow in the future but at the moment I simply can't afford quality work. Take care, Chris
    1 point
  49. slayer9019

    Who are you?

    My name is JP. I am a software consultant that travels globally. I am the only creatively challenged person in my family (family of artists) which to this day irritates me quite a bit. I enjoy collecting books, weapons and weird occult stuff. Metal (Cannibal Corpse, Bloodbath, Dark Throne, etc) is where my music tastes are greatest followed by classic piano. I truly enjoy cigars and craft beer but despise nosy people and politics (this mostly includes "office" politics). I hope to retire at 40 and build one-off race cars for the rest of my life.
    1 point
  50. Joe Shit

    Who are you?

    My life seems boring compared to most of you.My name is Joe,and i sit in front of the computer all day,and post on tattoo forums like this.I was born in Trenton NJ,it's the Capital.We have a famous bridge that say's Trenton Makes The World Takes.I don't know what they mean by that,but I'll tell you Trenton does make some of the nastiest hookers on the east coast.I got my first tattoo at 23yrs.old,and i was immediately hooked.I drive a truck for a living..I like to travel,and love going to NYC. I like to take long walks on the beach at night,and dream about Bo Derek running toward me with her arms out..If any girls are interested in this let me know,we can recreate that scene from the movie.
    1 point
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