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Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 11 others reacted to tatB for a topic
Chris O'Donnell: Blog Chris O'Donnell Tattoo funny enough he just posted a few photos of my hannya sleeve that he finished back in April. going back for one more session to fill in an empty spot on my inner arm.12 points -
If you could pick one tattoo artist...
gougetheeyes and 9 others reacted to hogg for a topic
I refuse to play this game. Entertaining thread, but I'm at three dozen artists now. I can't imagine sticking to one.10 points -
If you could pick one tattoo artist...
Brock Varty and 8 others reacted to Lance for a topic
Well seeing how I've only been tattooed by one person so far, and I'm about 40-50% there, should I continue to get more, I might as well go all in. Jill Bonny. She's not as flashy as some but that's what I like about her work. It's solid and detailed just enough without going overboard with excess. It retains a bold look and has a style that I feel relates to the flatness of the old prints. I really like that about her work. And she's cool too. Also once upon a time when you get briefly introduced to Tim Hendricks and he sees your tattoos (and finds out it's all been done by Jill), then tells you, " You're a tattoo artist's dream client.", well you should probably listen to those words and follow through. If I cloned myself or had a twin. Horitomo.9 points -
Lady Heads
jukeboxromeos and 8 others reacted to jacobyoung for a topic
I posted it in the Tattoo of the Month contest but I got this one done by Adam Warmerdam a week or so ago. Some of the best lady heads out there right now, I'm sure it helps having Chris Conn upstairs.9 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 7 others reacted to Orangutango for a topic
photo stolen from his blog, still pretty red.8 points -
July 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
Eilin and 7 others reacted to jacobyoung for a topic
Got tattooed by Adam Warmerdam last week. So I'll throw this in the mix.8 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
KYboy and 4 others reacted to Bunny Switchblade for a topic
Went to Ohio from July 10th - 17th and was tattooed by Debra Yarian, Don Yarian, Dawn Marie Cooke & Mike Fite at the Cleveland Tattoo Expo on Friday and Sunday......and went down to Youngstown to be tattooed by Debbie Lenz on Saturday! Also went down to Chillicothe and saw Matt Griffith.......out to Cincinnati to visit with Dana Brunson......and we stayed with my Sis, Tracy Nicole, in Marion, OH! Was a really fun week of getting tattooed and visiting with friends and I am looking forward to planning another tattoo road trip somewhere in another couple months if all goes well!5 points -
daveborjes and 3 others reacted to Graeme for a topic
@Kevbazz Flash are the sheets of designs hanging on the walls of tattoo shops. I feel that you see a lot of medieval-style stuff on sheets from the 80s. Greg Irons did some cool dragons. Bill Baker's flash from that era has plenty of things in that vein. Go to a shop that's been around a good while and flip through their flash racks and you'll likely find all sorts of good stuff. I'm not saying that you need to pick something off the wall and get it as-is, but these are all designs that have been drawn specifically to work as tattoos so I would suggest at least using them as inspiration.4 points -
I was lucky enough to get tattooed by Valerie Vargas the other day as planned. Left arm. Elbow upwards. Should be finished early September.4 points
daveborjes and 2 others reacted to tatB for a topic
@Kevbazz what about this example by Josh Mcalear at Redemption Tattoo Josh Mcalear: Dragon and Knight3 points -
Yep, because when I've gotten my blood drawn or needed a shot it looked nothing at all like this:3 points
daveborjes and 2 others reacted to BAM773 for a topic
Here is the start of my dragon sleeve. I am very excited for my next session. Will be black and grey with some red accents and continue up to my shoulder. Work being done by Carter Gillis @ Designs by Dana in Cincinnati.3 points -
Hi to all the artists and canvases!
daveborjes and 2 others reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Hi! Welcome! Hello! First lovely piece of advice, don't refer to yourself as a "canvas." That said, please stick around. Lots of good tattooing talked about round these parts.3 points -
Who do you think deserves some recognition?
trill and one other reacted to Avery Taylor for a topic
I really like Sean Baltzell's tattooing. .@seanbaltzell_tct (seanbaltzell_tct) 's Instagram photos | Webstagram - the best Instagram viewer2 points -
I want to be you when I grow up.2 points
2 points
"Tattoo Collector" ?????
Illiad86 and one other reacted to Bunny Switchblade for a topic
It doesn't matter what you call yourself or what others call you........just get good, solid tattoos....and enjoy yourself while you are doing it!2 points -
Another Introduction
tattoocrab and one other reacted to tatB for a topic
a 3 hour drive is a relatively short distance to travel for a tattoo.2 points -
If you could pick one tattoo artist...
gougetheeyes and one other reacted to ironchef for a topic
I dream about being tattooed by Shige, Horitomo, any of the Horitoshi family, Wendy Pham and a whole slew of other artists. But I am very happy with the tattoo artist who started me on my journey, Henning Jorgensen. He's introduced me to a world of great artists who are as genuine and humble as he is. He's given me beautiful artwork that I'll treasure for a lifetime and just an awesome guy to chat with about life in general. Henning loves tattooing and that's something that I admire about him, his passion for his work. Mike Rubendall is the same way, hence why he and Henning are such good friends. Same minds gravitate to one another. I'm lucky to have work from both and will continue that trend.2 points -
@SpaceGuerrilla listen to @Pleadco and don't worry about immediately fixing this tattoo. spend some time checking out artists in your area and maybe even get started with a new piece on the other arm. i recommend checking out Kore Flatmo https://www.facebook.com/pages/PluraBella-Studio-Kore-Flatmo/197233313366?group_id=02 points
Big scheme of things bud, it's not a huge deal. You've got many years and options ahead of you, so just take a deep breath and try not to sweat it too much. Glass half full is that it's easily covered by clothing until you fix it if that's what you want and you presumably have a ton of other space on your body to cover with really killer tattoos. Start diving into the art and culture and you'll be so into what you are getting next that you'll most likely forget what was bothering you in the first place.2 points
1 point
Getting another 4 hours in on my dragon tomorrow night after 14 hours in the car to pick up the kiddos. I told my wife we need to be back in enough time for me to shower, eeek!1 point
1 point
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Bunny Switchblade reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Such a tease @Bunny Switchblade, we want pics! - - - Updated - - - It looks like you were at his studio, that place is so nice.1 point -
Thanks for the welcome. I have been pretty lazy lately reading all of the fascinating things on this forum. I have learned all sorts of new terminology, like flash, and whipshading stretch marks, and warped tour body suit. Speaking of which, I had no idea the label hipster was an insult. I guess I didn't know what a hipster was... Maybe I still don',t but I do know now why my brother was less than enthused about me using the term to describe him once.1 point
Hi to all the artists and canvases!
haleybeans reacted to KegRN for a topic
I saw them use the term canvas, in reference to the person getting tattooed, on TV the other day. I had never heard that before.1 point -
Orangutango reacted to Graeme for a topic
I have a real job where I work with my hands and don't have a computer, I don't have time for this nonsense.1 point -
If you could pick one tattoo artist...
ironchef reacted to Killercook76 for a topic
Yeah maybe.. i have an appointment with Garver in september. Probably gonna do a cobra on the other side of ribs. Also I have Tim Hendricks next month. after that it will probably be a while until i get a new tattoo.. probably :P1 point -
If you could pick one tattoo artist...
ironchef reacted to slayer9019 for a topic
If you did that would be a killer combo next to each other, Garver/Regino combo! Do it!!1 point -
NYC Area meetup
G.Uristti reacted to Bunny Switchblade for a topic
I am not going to make it unfortunately.....just flew back in last night from Ohio and seem to be developing a summer cold of sorts! I did get to hang some with @G.Uristti at the Cleveland Tattoo Expo last weekend some!1 point -
If you could pick one tattoo artist...
gougetheeyes reacted to Joe Shit for a topic
If it was just on who's work you like the best at this time,I would also say Seth Wood.I love his style.And I love Regino Gonzales Japanese work,& b&g work.I wish I could start over with a blank canvas,I would like to get a bodysuit from these two guys.1 point -
If you could pick one tattoo artist...
gougetheeyes reacted to smiling.politely for a topic
If I were to stick to just one, it would only be if I were doing a full Japanese bodysuit. That being said, it would be a very difficult choice between Stewart Robson, Mike Rubendall, and Horitomo... I'll say Stewart, though. Once my front is finished and my back is at least outlined, I plan on having Stewart and Mike each do a leg from thigh to knee, so I hope to have at least have a good chunk of tattooing from each of them.1 point -
If you could pick one tattoo artist...
gougetheeyes reacted to slayer9019 for a topic
Easy choice for me, Regino Gonzales. Just about all my tattoos are from him, and I plan on going to him until he retires or I run out of space, whichever comes first. His style is a 100% match for what I like, and he seriously puts down a killer tattoo whether its a more simple traditional tattoo (like my gypsy lady) or a huge super-fancy tattoo like my entire leg dragon/Raijin tattoo he is still working on. I've seen a ton of his work from just being in the shop, plus my friends get work by him, and I can say he nails every style amazingly. Another big contributing factor is Invisible NYC. I cannot say I've been in a better shop. Even from day one everyone was super cool. Every time I go there it feels more like visiting a friends house than going to get tattooed. I will say that a very close second would be Stewart Robson, for very much the same reasons, he is just too far away.1 point -
You need to come out to the LST NYC get together this weekend and show this tattoo off. The colors and the design are SUPERB!1 point
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 reacted to semele for a topic
I can't sing her praises enough, and I am so, so, soooooooo stoked on this piece, so here is my finished leg by Stephanie Tamez. Such an awesome person, and I'm gonna miss spending so much time at Saved! Except for a couple details, everything here is healed. Definitely one of my favorite tattoos.1 point -
Is there any etiqutte left when it comes to where you can open a shop?
daveborjes reacted to cltattooing for a topic
I think that if people still act with courtesy in mind, it exists. My own personal opinion is that it is a low blow and incredibly rude to swipe business from people that you look up to.1 point -
1 point
Face tatty's like whoa
Fala reacted to cltattooing for a topic
Arrrghhh this makes me so upset!! I truly believe that anyone who is in tattooing "for the money" should get their thumbs broken and be forced to wear a necklace of garlic for the rest of their lives cause fuck vampires. Like.. tattooers possess an incredible amount of power over people, and it really isn't something to be taken lightly. Facial tattoos change peoples' lives in a very significant way, and to me, the idea of being like "yeah I'll do that, never have to think about it again, walk away with $500 tonight" is pretty disgusting. Like, really.. can breaking thumbs be a thing again please?1 point -
Do you really not know? Oh, to live in Virginia...*drifts off wistfully*1 point
Was it the Best Salesman Ever? http://youtu.be/14LpxQWDlAg1 point
apprentices gone wild
daveborjes reacted to Colored Guy for a topic
Pretty young to be a total douche.... I had to work at it! CG1 point -
Gypsy lady
Traditionalcharlie13 reacted to slayer9019 for a gallery image
1 point -
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1 point