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Full Back Piece Thread
Boxing Gloves and 13 others reacted to Takeaway for a topic
I'm a new poster here, and thought i'd say hi in this thread. My backpiece, finished a couple of months ago, by the amazing Stewart Robson of Frith Street tattoo. It was an absolute pleasure getting this piece, and getting to spend time with such a knowledgeable and insightful guy; an experience I was very lucky to have. Excuse the inlarged instagram pic, it's all I have14 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 9 others reacted to kimkong for a topic
got this little grimm-tiger back in march from jelle nelemans10 points -
A Formal Introduction....
Delicious and 7 others reacted to Hospitelli for a topic
Where are my manners? I've been posting in the forum and I have yet to introduce myself, so here goes nothing. I'm 23 years young and as I've said before currently live at home with the parents in Central Jersey and work in NYC. Growing up I always admired tattoos and wanted to get one mainly because of my fathers small winged dragon that he has on his arm that he got when he was young (wish he'd let me snap a pic). Once I turned 18 I knew I was going to get a tattoo it was just a matter of who, what, where and when. If there was one thing I did know..... it was that I wanted a quality tattoo and was interested in Japanese as I was just fascinated by the imagery and artwork. A few years ago I eventually found out about Kings Ave and just loved Justin Weatherholtz work so I booked an appointment for my first tattoo..... a calf sleeve. I told myself and more importantly my mother that it would be my first and last tattoo. A year later I got an Oni on my other leg from Justin. A year after that I'm currently getting a half sleeve with a chest panel from O'Donnell with upcoming tattoos from Chad Koeplinger, Henning, and Rubendall. So much for only one tattoo. Pics below!8 points -
Here we go. Apologies for the suit...unfortunately my plans for world domination have gone to shit so I still have to work for the man. Really cool experience. Can't wait to read the book. Ed was super nice and friendly.8 points
first post! continued getting my leg tattooed with only black traditional work. this one is from alex wild. i hate getting my legs tattooed (especially the shin) + healing is not that fun :rolleyes:8 points
Chris Conn is back!
cltattooing and 5 others reacted to David Flores for a topic
Funny you mention short, for the longest time I used to think Chris Conn was really short because I always saw this picture of him hanging up in the drawing room. Until one day someone said he is sitting down dumbass.6 points -
Artists who copy tattoos/styles
Italianbunny and 5 others reacted to Pleadco for a topic
Hey now people, let's all calm down. There is nooooooo reason to use harsh language like "Bieber" in here. We're all friends. Sheesh.6 points -
Chest/Torso Tattoos
cltattooing and 3 others reacted to rarehardtofind for a topic
El Carlo recently finished my fiance's chest...4 points -
Getting some more work from Trevor McStay tomorrow. Finishing off my calf and possibly doing something on the knee. I don't know what to do on my knee, but I do know I want it to be quick.4 points
Some crappy phone pics of my Lehi tiger. He is being mean to a dragon.4 points
You know your an LST member when....
SacramentoDan and 3 others reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
The new yoga teacher doesn't know your name yet, so refers to you as "Miss Tattoos" during class.4 points -
A Formal Introduction....
cltattooing and 2 others reacted to tatB for a topic
awesome pieces so far. as for "just one tattoo"...at the end of the day when all your tattoos are connected into one cohesive body suit it will just look like one big tattoo.3 points -
Too Many Tattoo Machines??
Stax138 and 2 others reacted to David Flores for a topic
If you have more tattoo machines than clients, that is too much. Guy who tried to be a tattooer I know, worked one day a week had to bring his own clientele, always had a new machine to show off, never had anyone to tattoo.3 points -
@kylegrey - good spot! It is indeed, 'the Carving Bear', done in the manner of a printers stamp in white ink over the black wind bar. I think it's the second time he used it, the first time on an as yet unfinished Kintaro backpiece.3 points
NYC Area meetup
Bunny Switchblade and 2 others reacted to xmowglix for a topic
I'll be in NYC that weekend getting tattooed by Grez.3 points -
A Formal Introduction....
Hospitelli and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Hey dude! We've met! I had just finished my leg with Chris O'Donnell and my pal was getting tattooed by Tony Hundahl at Kings Ave. You were starting your half-sleeve with Chris. Good to see you on here!2 points -
Thank you to all for the kind words, it's my pleasure to wear this piece. Although any props really should be directed Stewart's way, all I did was lay there!2 points
Artists who copy tattoos/styles
polliwog and one other reacted to David Flores for a topic
A number of years ago a tattooer here in Portland did a tattoo on one of the trailblazers. That player had a contract with a local company called Nike. Pretty soon the players tattoo was being used for shirts, and even window decals. Tattooer sued, settled out of court, for years I was behind this guy getting his money for Nike ripping him off. That is until recently when I was shown the design in a Dover Clip art book you can buy at any bookstore for $9. It just showed me that a lot of the times I don't really know the origin of design, and people don't really create everything they tattoo. There are definitely a few examples on this thread of people shamelessly ripping off tattoos, or at least to the best of my knowledge that is what I perceive it to be. I just think iin general I see people getting called out for stuff neither person created and people claiming stuff they didn't do. Do we owe the guy who did the flower exploding birds the first time royalites, what about the first script carpe diem? Even the best shops do dumb stuff that people bring off the internet, I have seen it with my two eyes. I just wonder where we stop giving credit and start. If it's a dumb tattoo or insignificant tattoo is okay? If it's not done by someone with recognition it's okay? If you can do it better it's okay? Is it okay as long as they aren't a tattooer. I don't know? But saying theft is theft is quite an understatement.2 points -
Artists who copy tattoos/styles
TrixieFaux and one other reacted to DJDeepFried for a topic
It is unethical and perhaps immoral to "steal" someone else's tattoo design -- particularly if you are tracing it and/or passing it off as your own. Unless it is a piece of flash that you have purchased (or traded for or received as a gift). Certain designs are so old or common or general that they can reasonably be said to have fallen into the "public domain," e.g., Day of the Dead skull, Rock of Ages, etc. Of course, artists with their own personal style have put their "stamp" on things, but copying this can be said to be paying homage -- imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and all that. So far no one has been able to copyright a tattoo design and those who have tried -- like the Mike Tyson/Hangover case -- have settled out of court as far as I know. Whether this is a good or bad thing is open to debate. In short, no copyright -- and certainly no laws -- have been broken, and no one has filed a successful civil suit against anyone or proven monetary damages in a court of law. Theft, morally or ethically -- maybe. Legal, no. The rest is semantics.2 points -
If I walk in to a record store and choose to spend my $20 on a Justin Bieber CD instead of the new Bluejax CD, am I "taking food from your mouth" or am I simply choosing not to give you food? Because one of them is clearly theft and one of them clearly is not. If I buy the Bieber CD (or don't) and just download yours, your situation is the same - no one has taken anything from you. Copying someone's tattoo almost certainly deserves a good ass kicking. Depending on your moral system, it may indeed be a corrupt thing to do. But it is not theft, and though breaking copyright is considered a crime, it should not be. Let's look further at what extending copyright to works of art/craft like tattooing would do. Under current copyright law, protection lasts for the life of the artist plus 70 years. If that's how it was back in the day then none of us would be able be wearing Pharaoh's Horses tattoos if the original tattooer didn't license the image. And even he wouldn't have been able to tattoo it without the permission of the original artist (John Herring Sr. [maybe] for you trivia buffs). What if someone copyrighted the idea of putting a dagger through the head of an animal? After that it could be a particular style of rendering lady heads or roses. Next thing you know the only option for all of us is text tattoos of bible verses and portraits of our own kids. And infinity symbols. Thanks a lot, copyright. Further reading on a bit higher level than the simple (but catchy) ditty in my youtube post previous: Against Intellectual Property.2 points
I think it's a wonderful way to memorialize those you lost. Do you have an artist in mind? Maybe whoever could help finish it out for you? My dad was a Marine in Vietnam, so I have a particular affinity for that branch of service.2 points
2 points
You know your an LST member when....
semele and one other reacted to slayer9019 for a topic
I couldn't get a free sailor jerry tattoo at one of those event things because apparently a 2x2" tattoo "wouldn't fit". Needless to say the tattooers looked at my like I was high.2 points -
Full Back Piece Thread
Zillah and one other reacted to introspect for a topic
I frickin love this back piece by Diego Azaldegui. Hoping to get something similar myself soon. - - - Updated - - - Beautiful Kannon back piece by Horiyoshi III2 points -
Ed Hardy - Wear Your Dreams: My Life in Tattoos Book Signing
reverend1 and one other reacted to slayer9019 for a topic
If it ain't a metal shirt, I'm not wearing it.2 points -
Tiger tattoos
The Tig and one other reacted to Avery Taylor for a topic
As requested here are a couple of photos of my Chris Garver tiger.2 points -
El Carlo Aloha Tattoo Spain2 points
...you get stressed thinking about what you will do when you have no empty space for new tattoos even though you still currently have plenty of space.2 points
Tomorrow is a free afternoon without the kiddos, so I was planning on visiting a few shops around the Seattle area. I don't have anything scheduled, but I'm excited to just check out the shops and chat with any artists that are available. I have a lot of open space that I would love to fill up with different styles :) John Fitzgerald | Aaron Bell's Slave to the Needle . I really like John's work and wanted to talk to him about a back piece. On a side note, the last time I was at Slave to the Needle, Aaron Bell was there and steered me away from a really terrible collage back piece I was thinking about. Phew! https://www.facebook.com/LibertySeattle/photos_stream I haven't had a ton of up close exposure to american traditional, but I've been wanting a ship and kraken on my right calf. Seattle Tattoos | Jackson Street Tattoo Co. Scott Falbo | Apocalypse Tattoo I was also told to visit cicada in north seattle :). There are a lot of other suggestions that I would love to follow up on from http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/3532-shops-pacific-northwest.html . If anyone has other must-go-to places, I would love to hear about em! The family and I are traveling down to Oregon next month, and we will be making a few strategically placed pit stops while down there :) Have a great day folks!1 point
Hello Gang!!! Former Jar Head in need of some input
hogg reacted to Marine Sniper for a topic
Semper Fi Gunny!!!! HAHA... yup... ya can't beat the Remington M4... I was with 2/6 S.T.A. Platoon. I still today keep my skills sharp. Took my kids to the range last weekend as a matter of fact. My daughter is something to be reckoned with... Thanks for your input, I will get this put together sooner than later now that the ball is rolling....1 point -
1 point
Too Many Tattoo Machines??
tatB reacted to Old Rose Tattoo for a topic
I agree with you on that. If you have more machines than clients then there def is something wrong!1 point -
1 point
@Takeaway Is that Stewart's tattoo signiture on the back of your leg I spy ?1 point
I'll be at the NYC meetup in 2014 when I get tattooed by RG!! HAHAHA.1 point
How big will it be/where is it going? - - - Updated - - - I googled the song, have never heard it. Would be nice to be able to fit a name on the tags, for sure. Or on the helmet-don't you guys put your first initial/last name on the front? Tried googling fallen soldier tattoo, but I just get all emotional sooo I clicked out.1 point
Hello Gang!!! Former Jar Head in need of some input
Marine Sniper reacted to donbcivil for a topic
Wow, that sounds like a fantastic idea to me. Looking forward to seeing it progress! Nice sketch work too. I wish I could do that... - - - Updated - - - And thank you for your service.1 point -
The only justification you need for getting tattooed is that you like tattoos and want one. You said in another thread that you live really close to Good Point Tattoo, right? They do some great work, I'd suggest stopping by there, taking a look at the artists' books, and chatting with them in person to get a feel for them. If you have some reference to bring in of things that you like with the understanding that the artist will take that and interpret that, then all the better. Anyway, you seem like you're going into this with a great attitude so I hope you get something awesome. Welcome to LST.1 point
A bad suggestion?
thesandmanisme reacted to slayer9019 for a topic
@thesandmanisme there is also the possibility that people might not want to share their numerous reasons. As far as the ones I've seen generally they are identifiers of some type, etc, etc. Usually a bit more personal, I'm guessing.1 point -
Full Back Piece Experience Thread
havetsherre reacted to hogg for a topic
Your butt muscles are too big to be relaxed. Try a horse tranq.1 point -
Looks great, ironchef. I have 2 and I am pretty jealous of yours. I'll trade you a signed one for 2 of your out of print ones :P1 point
Artists who copy tattoos/styles
Brock Varty reacted to cltattooing for a topic
I really hope that nobody opens the copyright can of worms onto tattooing... imagine all of the published reference images or commercial imagery that's used in tattoos. Even if the suit is between two artists, I feel like it would set a precedent for larger entities to totally shit on the tattoo community.1 point -
I've got a Tim Lehi tiger on my right forearm. One of these days I'll get off my lazy ass and post a pic.1 point
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
suburbanxcore reacted to CultExciter for a topic
I was waiting to post this until it was healed up and haired over. Chris O'Donnell. Completed at Saved Tattoo, Kings Avenue, and Chris' private studio.1 point -
May 2013 TOTM
Johnnick24 reacted to ironchef for a gallery image
1 point -
Artists who copy tattoos/styles
Zillah reacted to Orangutango for a topic
I think the majority of responsibility lies with the artists, I'm not absolving clients who say I want exactly this tattoo, but I suspect most of them think what they are getting is more original than it is. Instagram needs a #shouldhavegonetoshige hashtag.1 point -
Custom Built Tattoo Machines by Kevin Riley
Abellve reacted to smiling.politely for a topic
Bought my first set of machines from Kevin recently, after starting to see some incoming cash flow during my apprenticeship. They run like a dream... definitely going to have to get some more from him. (they were the Minor Threat ones he posted a bit ago, if you're wondering)1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
suburbanxcore reacted to youthcrewalex for a topic
Go this sunday from the Awesome and generally super cool Beaux Brady on sunday to go with my other hand he did.1 point -
Awww! @Delicious and @Pugilist Thanks guys! It's incredibly difficult to get a good picture of my own legs though!! And... I've still got some big ol' spaces... When I look at them I see so much that's left to be filled LOL!! - - - Updated - - - By Paco Cendon at Electric 13 in Austin. Aside from the AMAZING snake he put on me he was so fun and easy to sit for, can't say enough nice things about him! The full snake is on his Instagram, the face is my favorite :)1 point
1 point