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  1. Bob Roberts panther tattooed by Hiro at Spotlight Tattoo. His photo.
    17 points
  2. CABS

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    By Phil Hatchet Yau at Master Tattoo in San Diego, CA. What a rad dude to get tattooed by. I met Drew Linden there too, she's super chill! I thought Phil switched to a rotary at one point, but he was using lidocaine instead (which was awesome). I've met only one other tattooer that uses Bactine during tattoo sessions.
    8 points
  3. This is getting into a lot of things... meaning vs. no meaning (personally I don't care either way but sometimes when people insist on the meanings of their tattoos it does sound cheesy to me), content (too much lettering & bird silhouette explosions vs. battle royales or skulls)... whether people like their tattoos or not being all that matter... But a bad tattoo is a bad tattoo and everybody knows it. Look at the "worst tattoo ever" thread or whatever it's called. Shaky lines, blow outs, bad proportions...those are bad tattoos. I think it's kind of pointless to make fun of the subject a person chooses to get. But, take music--put two people next to each other, one who is tone deaf and can't sing and one who can belt it out from the soul... nobody would say the two are equal. If someone wants to get a lot of text, whatever, that is up to them--I just hope they get it done by someone good. When I was getting my tiger worked on a couple weeks ago, Shawn Barber was next to us doing lettering down a guy's side. It was a LOT of lettering. He did a great job, the guy was stoked. Could I read it? I don't know, probably not, I don't think it was even in English, but in that case I do think all that matters is the guy got what he wanted. I don't think it would have been any cheaper than getting imagery though. Text tattoos seem to take just as much time and effort--they still require excellent line work. As for getting something because it's cheaper, I think that is just sad. It's your skin for crying out loud! Save up...pay as you go...it's worth it!
    7 points
  4. Jason Kelly at Live Free in Atlanta, GA. Nicest dudes. My girl got a sweet hour glass from Miguel O. Back of thigh is by far the worst tattoo pain I've felt. Goes right on to my ass cheek with the tongue, but Jason drew it straight on and was super fast and a true dude to the tradition of tattooing. Walked away with a cool tattoo, some prints from Miguel and a cool ass experience from all of them. Oh yea my appt got delayed because Myke chambers was getting tattooed by Jason. NBD Also, a drunk chick asked to watch me get tattooed so I said yes. She then proceeds to massage me and tries to cop a feel under my shorts all while getting tattooed. Thankfully Jason kicked her out. Fuxking weird
    7 points
  5. TrixieFaux

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Last session on my left arm (#6) coming up this Friday. Bittersweet. :):(:confused:
    6 points
  6. Meaning is 100% a construct though... my knee tiger could represent "courage", or it could be about "my relationship with my mother", or whatever... it might be just that it's pretty frkn awesome to have a big ol' tiger on my knee... the meaning in it is what I want the meaning to be. I could get a tattoo of a hairy ballsack on my thigh and decide that it represents my love of music...
    6 points
  7. else

    Greetings From C-Bus

    I did! Two semesters of the stuff, going on 20 years ago now though. Showing my own nerdiness, I was within 12 credit hours of a degree in Latin once upon a time... Honestly, I'm really glad that didn't work out and I ended up in Speech Pathology instead!!
    5 points
  8. I think Hipsters are the ones getting all the lettering and seem to require all their tattoos to be meaninful and quirky. I have a four word rule. My tattoos should have no more than four words ex Love Thy Neighbor, Sink or Swim, Heads I Win, Hardcore Roadwhore and you should be able to describe your tattoo in less than four words ex Panther, Rock of Ages, Kewpie, Rose, Skull and Dagger otherwise you put too much thought in to it.
    5 points
  9. I got this yesterday from Andrew Conner. The first image was bogarted from his Instagram.
    5 points
  10. We all know I'm just pretending to be tough, though I don't think I'm really fooling anyone.
    4 points
  11. Pugilist

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I just had the worst heal of my life (which I think probably happened for various reasons not to do with the tattooer)--like today is more than two weeks since I got tattooed and it's the first day that the damn thing looks good again--and have therefore been whining to the mister a LOT lately, you know, the old "why do we do this to ourselves???" stuff. I thought that this can't be worth it. And yet today, looking at how damn cool the tattoo is, and it finally not making me miserable anymore, I started getting the itch again! Already! Messed up. Good thing I have a session on my back coming up in 3 weeks. PS @TrixieFaux - totally bittersweet! I am psyched to finish my back and see what the whole thing will look like, but bummed about the experience itself ending, as it's been pretty great. So I feel you! Enjoy it!
    3 points
  12. I will say that with regard to sleeve length that my left arm is tattooed down to my wrist bone and a properly-fitting long sleeved shirt does cover it, even when reaching. Career-wise, I have to work in short sleeves anyway so if visible tattoos are going to count against me, I've already burned that bridge, and it ultimately comes down to your comfort level with visible tattoos, but in normal circumstances full sleeves can be covered with not that much effort. When I was deciding about length I was thinking 3/4 to a couple of inches above my wrist bone for reasons of concealability, but I was also thinking of what I would do to extend the sleeves at a later date, so I went the full length.
    3 points
  13. 3/4 is definitely the maximum length for me because I like being able to cover up and even with long sleeve shirts a full sleeve would peek out when I extend my arm. Saving full sleeves and hand tattoos for when I'm old and retired... - - - Updated - - - 100% agree on matching styles. It would bug me if the styles weren't similar and the work didn't flow together smoothly. I'm leaning towards returning to the original artist but have 1 or 2 other artist that I might inquire about their willingness to extend existing work.
    3 points
  14. If you have a half-sleeve, and now you want to bring it down to 3/4 then you will eventually want it down to a full-sleeve. Going from half to 3/4 doesn't give the tattooer much to work with. One of my first tattoos was a 3/4 sleeve, and within a year I wanted to bring it down to full, but it took me nearly eight years to do so. The guys at Redemption are awesome so getting good work won't be a problem for you.
    3 points
  15. I get tattooed in Williamsburg and from what I've seen on the people around there there's a lot of hipsters with a bunch of text on them, but there are also plenty of hipsters with some pretty damned amazing tattoos too. Bartenders with Hooper sleeves? Fuck yes. I know we all love to vilify hipsters but I'm not going to blame them for bad tattoos.
    3 points
  16. hogg

    Tiger tattoos

    I'm just much more of a whore than you are, @Lance. And here's the little tattoo I got from Horimasa (at the State of Grace Convention in 2006). He lined it by machine, but shaded it tebori (by hand). Still looks great.
    3 points
  17. Dan S

    Greetings From C-Bus

    Ah, smart and beautiful...what a combo!
    2 points
  18. Totally Graeme, I hang it on Alberta St where all the hipsters have Dan Gilsdorf and Cheyenne Sawyer tattoos and drink craft beer. I think everyone in Portland is a hipster in some persons eyes.
    2 points
  19. My name is Jose Carranza ,I am a tattooer and I am a 100% hand made tattoo machine fabricator. I'm in pacific grove California and can be found on instagram and facebook under Carranza irons , I been in this fourm for little over a year but I guess I have to introduce myself again. Follow me here or on any social media networking or on my site at Carranzairons.com, thanks.
    2 points
  20. Mr. Flores, you are a huge asset to this community. Every one of your posts in this thread is real solid advice and commentary on tattoos and its culture. New people, listen to this guy! You can't get this insight anywhere else on the internet!
    2 points
  21. It really depends on the artist, some really do not like adding or continuing other peoples work, whereas others will give it a shot - it depends if what you already have fits the style of the new artist, and if they think it is done well, and will compliment their own work! If it is the koi sleeve you have in your folder then you shouldn't have a problem, it looks really nice, fingers crossed you find a great artist who works in that style who is willing to do it!
    2 points
  22. The way I got better tattoos was continually seeking out people that have more knowledge than me about tattoos, listen to what they say, pay attention to what they do and visit the people and the shops they talk about. People get bad tattoos because they don't do these things and they think they have it all figured out before they walk into a shop right down to how much the tattoo should cost. You don't have to be artistic or cool or even special to get a good tattoo, and having a good tattoo doesn't make you speical either (despite what your mom told you) you just have to be smart and humble enough to let the people who know what they are doing do their thing and be open to their ideas.
    2 points
  23. I don't like this complaining about price nonsense. Yes, large tattoos can be very expensive (though because you're not doing them in one shot you're stretching that cost out over months) but there are a lot of truly great, even world-class, tattooers who do amazing small tattoos that aren't going to break the bank. It's a matter of doing your research and finding those artists, and the great thing about tattooing right now is that there are SO MANY great tattooers out there, and making tattoos a priority in your life.
    2 points
  24. Always excited to see the internet working correctly. May as well share my LST success story, ha. I always wanted a tattoo, but all around me I always saw garbage, so I only had really dumb ideas for pieces I wanted done. I also spent all my money on drugs and booze so thankfully none of my bad ideas came to fruition. After I got sober I started thinking more seriously about it and during my research found LST and some blogs with quality work, I finally realized how awesome tattoos could be, versus the shit I see walking around town. Almost done healing my first piece, super excited to collect more!
    2 points
  25. Terrible cell phone picture, a little red n bloody, but you get the idea. Yesterday was a blast -- ran into @Perez and an hour or so later got one knee webbed. Hopefully we can knock out the other one next week or soon.. Thanks again dude, you're the best.
    2 points
  26. Figure as it's up on Xam's Instagram I'd throw this progress shot here too. Colour in a couple of weeks, got all the black done in basically a couple of hours earlier today at The Family Business in London. Man has that shop changed since I was last in a couple of years ago, it's at least doubled in size with a new brighter, modern feeling area built out into the next door shop. Tons of artists there as well now. Photo by xamthespaniard • Instagram
    2 points
  27. At last my koi with Japanese maple sleeve is finished and pretty much fully heeled. The work was done by Mo Coppoletta from the Family Business in London, done in seven sessions between December and May. Pictures also posted on the May tattoo contest thread elsewhere on this forum.
    2 points
  28. TrixieFaux

    East Coast Newbie

    Well...it might hurt a little...
    2 points
  29. hogg

    Greetings From C-Bus

    THREAD JACK! I'm a massive language nerd. Majored in Spanish, minored in Russian, and have studied French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Cantonese, Portuguese and Japanese along the way. I'm jealous that @else and @semele have studied Greek.
    1 point
  30. First one's I ever saw were the two my dad got in Viet Nam. Though he later tried to have them removed and was left with some sweet scars. First time I saw people that made me want to have tattoos was 1981 when the Stray Cats played Fridays. I knew at that moment that someday I would be covered with them.
    1 point
  31. starting a big tiger head on my lower belly tomorrow with antonio roque. not looking forward to the pain but it'll be nice to start filling my torso up a little more.. after that i'll only have both sides to fill in and i'm NOT looking forward to that at all..
    1 point
  32. This whole thread has become redundant to some degree, but I would like to point out that if someone wants to come in and get a nice tattoo, let's say a lady head, panther, or maybe a skull and dagger, and another person comes in and wants a paragraph of lettering on them, I guarantee you the person who wants the lettering is going to end up paying more for their tattoo. Maybe we are the only shop like that, but Ashley is happy to draw as much fancy custom script as you want while you wait, but he charges accordingly.
    1 point
  33. tattood by me (mike harris) at churchyard tattoo studio in hitchin, hertfordshire englad
    1 point
  34. Jennifer Stell

    Stell Spot'in

    I don't know where exactly I should post up.... But, the party is next weekend, I am keeping my word to my old man... I'm on a flight to JAX, FL... to get the artwork, and taxidermy, and neon, and home furnishings with two fellow Texans in tow.... This last week has been a true testament to the saying Mi Vida Loca.... The only thing I am thankful for is the tattoo family that has created a protective circle of love and support around Richard. It's opened his eyes as well as mine to how precious life really is, and how we are blessed. Crazy. Mad. Love. Love. Loyalty. Respect. Take care of tattooing, and it takes care of you. It's TRUE. Making this last run is about all the energy I have left, then I want to party.
    1 point
  35. In Atlanta GA. And got tattooed by Jason Kelly. Had to wait behind myke chambers to get finished first (no big deal). But I got a snake/skull combo on the back of my thigh and it fucking sucked. The tongue goes right onto my ass. I now see (a glimpse) into the pain of an ass tattoo. The guys at Live Free are stand up guys and was quite possibly the best experience at a tattoo shop I've had. Ill post a pic at the end of my vacation with more details. I do think ill be taking a tattoo hiatus after this considering I've gotten tattooed almost every month this year. And rents due so that's kinda important I guess.
    1 point
  36. Perez

    The ole spider webs

    Terrible cell phone picture, a little red n bloody, but you get the idea. Yesterday was a blast -- ran into @Perez and an hour or so later got one knee webbed. Hopefully we can knock out the other one next week or soon.. Thanks again dude, you're the best. No you are
    1 point
  37. Here is a pic of my chest piece that the magnificent Chad Koeplinger did last night at Congress Street Tattoo.. I absolutely love how this came out. It hurt more than I thought it would, and I thought it would hurt a lot. Jason Scott and his wife Kim sat nearby the entire time and offered great moral support. It was an adventure. Definitely biggest tattoo that I have and by far the most painful. But, it was definitely worth the pain. Apparently Chad is coming back to Congress St soon and will color it then. I have to say, he is one cool dude, and was amazing through the entire process. I absolutely love the design he came up with. I will get my back done by him when that time comes. sorry for the sideways picture. That crap annoys the piss out of me. Pulled the other pic from Chad's instagram to show it properly.
    1 point
  38. tatB

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    terrible photo and taken on the 3rd day of healing but here is my latest by Steve Byrne:
    1 point
  39. Daryl's tattoos are killing it. That whole shop is rad these days. I need to get my act together and get tattoos from Josh Stephens and Mike Adams.
    1 point
  40. ironchef

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Today's shenanigans in NYC or better referred to as tattoo fan Heaven! First a stop by Invisible NYC to check in on my friend getting work from Chris Garver: Then some work on myself by Mike Rubendall at Kings Avenue Tattoo Manhattan (more photos in the back piece thread): Finally, Chris O'Donnell working on a grim reaper thigh piece at Kings Avenue as well (Grez and Rubendall in the background:
    1 point
  41. Got this from Valerie yesterday! Got it as a walk in, i had only gone in on the of chance somebody had space, Right place, Right time I suppose!
    1 point
  42. My grandad (who died when i was 6) was in the Navy and i can remember sitting on his knee when i was about 4 tracing the swallow on his hand with my fingers while we watched the Disney version of Robin Hood. its actually my earliest memory :) When i began getting tattooed i knew i'd want a swallow and i do have one on my forearm. No one else in my family has any tattoos, it was only him.
    1 point
  43. my fathers tattoos by Dennis Cockell in soho a dragon and a cobra! was lucky enough to get the same cobra from Dennis last year
    1 point
  44. Juan Pardo

    Shaking Hands Design

    Thanks for the idea!
    1 point
  45. I un-wrap it after an hour, have a hot shower and wash it with anti bacterial soap. Dry myself off, a light coat of Bepanthan and thats it. I dont let animals touch it or let it knock on things. Put Bepanthan on it and wash it morning and night for about 4-5 days and by then its usually completely healed. If I was tattooed with a pneumatique gun, its healed in 2-3 days 100%.
    1 point
  46. I usually keep the wrap on until I get home/two hours after the tattoo is finished. Then frequent showers with dial and light A&D ointment. Whoever said "bacteria death trap" hit the nail on the head. Let your tattoo breath.
    1 point
  47. I finished this about a month ago. Just got prints made through Shirts and Destroy. Ron Henry Wells | Webstore
    1 point
  48. Skate design I did for TNS Industries
    1 point
  49. JAllen


    1 point
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