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Got my first skull from Rempe while he was in NYC.13 points
8 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
jade1955 and 6 others reacted to hollyjoybee for a topic
With a little luck the pic above will be the mermaid i had done today by Piers Lee who's guesting at Red Hot and Blue tattoo in Edinburgh for the weekend. I'm really pleased with her.. i especially like the placement... its from wrist kinda wrapping to just below the elbow. I love the tattoo and had a really lovely experience. Piers is a really nice guy and took the time to tell me what was going on and what he was planning to do. He took his time with it and i really had fun :)7 points -
Superstitions and Tattoos
Gpots and 6 others reacted to hollyjoybee for a topic
I believe that was me @Dan S @Delicious To the extent of my knowledge i am the only woman in my whole extended family apart from one cousin (who has a tiny trible symbol on her chest) that is tattooed... That includes men. I started to get the usual grief when i began getting tattooed.. a few colour realism butterflies, a little script that was all seen as acceptable however when i began getting larger tattoos people began to pipe up with their opinions. are you joining the circus? are you going to be a pirate? you are going to look so butch? what are you going to do when this early midlife crisis is over? you look like a lesbian! you WERE such a girly girl and now... etc etc. There comes a point in life when you have to make the choice between expressing yourself how YOU choose to because frankly other people might not be around for nearly as long as your tattoos will be. I've always had hella low self confidence but now when i look in the mirror and catch a glimpse of my tattoos i smile. They make ME happy on MY body. Other people will get over it. Sorry for digressing from the point of the thread. I have had a length discussion about native american indian tattoos at my local shop today and i've realised i am 'supersticious' enough to feel the need to have my indian girlhead and cheif wearing the correct headdress... that's as far as it goes for me though. Tattoos are things i perceive to be beautiful that i want to wear on my body.. n thats about the size of it :)7 points -
Delicious, I can only say the same to you as I said to someone else. Get what you want. If someon else doesn't like it, tell them to sod off. If your family has superstitions based on the belief of the cult they beling to, THEY are the ones that need to deal, not you. .027 points
Finished my chest piece by Nick Rutherford at Third Eye Tattoo ,melbourne on Sunday ,It hurt like all hell could'nt get the best picture of it but oh well.6 points
Superstitions and Tattoos
Gpots and 4 others reacted to David Flores for a topic
@Delicious I would add that just because people love you and our on your side, doesn't mean they know what is right for you. At some point I think we just have to gain the confidence enough to disagree with our family and understand that their preconceived notions of what society deems appropriate is not going to determine your happiness, only you can do that. And disgreeing with them doesn't mean you love them any less, just that you have become your own person. Their is that old saying, you live under my house, you follow my rules. Well I have my own house and I say fuck rules.5 points -
Is it weird that I haven't been tattooed since January and that feels like a really long time? Like I waited EIGHT YEARS between my first and second tattoos, and now three months feels like a long break. What have I become? All that to say that I am looking forward to my appointment at the Rochester convention next weekend.5 points
3 points
Tattoo shops putting on "sales"
cltattooing and 2 others reacted to CABS for a topic
Thanks for the heads up. I might just do that come convention time. But I still want to visit AWR. Hell, I still want to visit Portland. Dan Gilsdorf moved back up so that gives me another reason to visit. And I hear that the strippers are hipsters. Stripsters, if you wheeel. And that there's a shuttle that takes you from brewery to brewery to brewery. If that ain't enough incentive to visit, I don't know what is.3 points -
Tattoo shops putting on "sales"
blacksandtattoo and 2 others reacted to Mark Bee for a topic
The Pearl has a deal on this April. They are offering $100 daffodil tattoos with %100 of the cash going to cancer research. That's a special I can get behind.3 points -
Its been ages since my last tattoo. I had let it slip my mind, but Nikki Lugo from D.C. is guesting at The Pearl this week. I managed to score an appointment tomorrow to get an old school octopus on the inside of my bicep.2 points
I think it's weird that any shop advertises price PERIOD! I mean "discount" could mean "full price" in reality. I think shop specials are fun. Sailor Jerry day, or Halloween or Friday the 13th. Usually things like that, now a days, aren't on the radio or tv and only popped up on Instagram a few days earlier. The only people who'd know are those following anyway. But I've seen "Get $100 of tattoo work for $60!" banners. It turns me off. I'm already like "what would you consider '$100 worth' of tattoo work?" The best artists I know don't go around advertising their prices, they're always fair and awesome and have no need for that crap. I've gotten a few "specials" at shops that I've gotten full pricers from too. Which reminds me, today's Rollo's birthday (RIP) and there's a special going on....I need a baby sitter.2 points
Interesting topic. I'd like to examine the issue from a different point of view, namely, not the traditional asian one that has been discussed already. I'm a young white woman that comes from parents with roots in Nebraska. But I live in California, and this has created me to behave and believe differently than the older generations of my family. They have their own superstitions, not clearly defined but still there. For example, their views of what is womanly, and what religion allows, have passed down tattoo taboos to me that I am afraid to shake. The idea that even the act of getting tattooed is somehow wrong is something I cannot shake from my dad's side of the family, who are extremely religious. Then, once I got over that, I had to deal with what they had taught me was appropriate for women to get put on their bodies, if they dared to get tattooed at all. No woman should get anything too 'manly'. no options left open to me to except pretty flowers, maybe a butterfly, nothing big and would detract away from what a woman was supposed to be and look like. Even then, to them my tattoos would be best if they were covered all the time, unnoticeable and unobtrusive. So that it would seem that I didn't even have them and therefore I would be acceptable to the world. Also, I've been strongly warned by my father that no man wants a woman with alot of tattoos, so I should be prepared. And finally, a woman with too many tattoos looks like a lesbian, so I should be careful. These 'superstitions' if they could even be called that, (I prefer taboos), have lead me away from alot of things I would consider getting tattooed. Nothing that would offend the tastes of my family, while still remaining myself. It's hard. Even now when they look at my tattoos, they only like the one with my grandmother's name. it's safe, its plain, I can hide it and it "has meaning". Everytime they see my Ganesh tattoo, or my Gatsby tattoo, they tell me how pretty they are, but that I shouldn't have gotten them, that it isnt "meaningful"and that I have too many tattoos. I only have 3.2 points
Highlight last year was meeting Thom Devita.2 points
Upcoming Tattoos
DJDeepFried and one other reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
Finally booked session #5 on my arm w/Spencer Briggs...coming up 5/4! ?2 points -
I decided it's nothing but animals for me. My back piece has three. The rest of me will fit 8-10 more.2 points
just realized i haven't been writing in this thread for a while....so happy 420 a couple of days late and here we go, wake'n'bake, black sabbath, morning coffee....2 points
My artist finished the eyes of my dragon last. He said once the eyes where done the dragon is alive and to continue tattooing it would cause the dragon pain.2 points
Mine say "HUMILITY"2 points
An "I don't know" that is going to be super rad though.1 point
Upcoming Tattoos
Mark Bee reacted to hollyjoybee for a topic
i'm back at Red Hot & Blue Tattoo in Edinburgh next wednesday to add another lady to my left arm. My fav artist is off to travel in America for a bit as of June and we want to get a few more bits done before he leaves. Come the last day of May i really am taking a break.1 point -
Tomorrow at noon is the start of the 3rd Annual Daddy/Daughter Tattoo Day for me, and this years should be the best one yet. I can't wait.1 point
Superstitions and Tattoos
tay943 reacted to David Flores for a topic
Not neccesarily just the eyes, but when somoene is getting a backpiece, usually work on filling in the background before the main image, because most people would be willing to walk around with a finished dragon and unfinished background but not vise versa. I personally like what @reverend1 said better though.1 point -
I believe a regular client should be allowed some time slide, I dont think prices should be matched if a new client comes in and drops hints that they have been quoted less, My tattooist started my full day bookings at 1200, now that ive spent so much with him i can get a full day for around the 600 mark, that being said i sit like a rock and i let him run free with it aslong as its bright and colorful lol1 point
Most Difficult Tattoo Spots to Heal
hogg reacted to joakim urma for a topic
Back of the knee was pretty hard for me. I had trouble walking stairs and it would itch badly. I eventually had to have the whole thing redone because it healed so uneven. I think it was partially due to my new jeans being to stiff and full of nasty chemicals, but also just from the spot being really difficult to heal.1 point -
I looked at some artist with her, she liked Manutea from Imago. We shall see in a year ;)1 point
Tattoo shops putting on "sales"
CaptCanada reacted to Dan S for a topic
There's a shop in South Beloit, not far from here, that has a big sign out front, "Tattoos from $40, piercings from $10". You just know it's a high-class operation...I was thinking of blowing off Nick and going to them exclusively. Not.1 point -
Most Difficult Tattoo Spots to Heal
hollyjoybee reacted to Eskimette for a topic
front of my hips (hipbone to hipbone lettering and swallows) was difficult due to jeans chaffing, sitting creasing etc... I actually took a big maxi pad and put it o the inside of my pants facing my body to stop things from rubbing..odd I know, but it worked.1 point -
Even when i plan a tattoo, it usually doesn't have that much thought involved, you know I just pick an image and then add the names of every person I know below it and then we are good to go. But seriously I have been planning a pretty tattoo for some time now and am for once proud for coming up with my own idea, I just haven't been able to get around to doing it, I have been starting at line drawing for months, just need to get started. But at this point I still have a dragon to finish on my thigh and an appoinment Matt Arriola in late June before I can even get started.1 point
Upcoming Tattoos
CABS reacted to cltattooing for a topic
Getting tattooed by George Campise at the end of May, that's been on my mind for the last couple of months.1 point -
Upcoming Tattoos
SStu reacted to joakim urma for a topic
Next one two weeks from now. Rock of ages, with the cross up side down on the side of my thigh. By Peter Lagergren at Malmö Classic. Going to be a fun one and the last before summer. Hey, do you guys get tattoos in the summer time too? Being from sweden I can't really afford to miss out on the few months of sun bathing, swimming and outdoors skateboarding so I choose not to get anything new between late May and late August1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 reacted to smoz for a topic
Further work in progress, nearly finished, koi and Japanese maple leaves by Mo Coppoletta from The Family Business in London ...1 point -
@hollyjoybee I dare say you would/should get extra for undercracker nail services (at least a decent tip!) and I'm pretty sure @SStu and I will be in sometime in the near future to get our nails done lol1 point
Thread for posting in while inebriated.
tatB reacted to hollyjoybee for a topic
i'm off my face on hot chocolate googling back pieces. hardcore.1 point -
San diego tattoo artists/tattoo shops
SnowyPlover reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Matt Brotka is moving out to Full Circle Tattoo here shortly. That is a win for California!1 point -
Walk in style by Wade Hex at Port City Tattoo in Long Beach, CA. I had no idea what I wanted to get. First thing that popped into my head was "geisha lady head". What a stacked crew over at Port City. Vastly underrated. I'd love to get tattooed by anyone at that shop... Eric Jones, Tom Moser, Uzi, Jack Mauk, Renan, Wade Hex... heavy hitters.1 point
Tattoo shops putting on "sales"
blacksandtattoo reacted to reverend1 for a topic
I want a discount tattoo as much as I want a discount parachute. That being said, I support the charity, Friday the 13th, and other fun special things that shops do.1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
dirbab reacted to hollyjoybee for a topic
http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/gallery/showimage2.php?i=13964&catid=member&imageuser=5080 So i'm still epically failing at being able to include images in my post....i should probably go and read the instructions or something *hangs head in shame* This is a cover up of a colour realism piece i had started and never finished. It wasnt a bad tattoo as such.. it just wasn't me. I'm SO pleased with the progress of the cover so far.. can't wait to see him once he's done! Being done by Dan Hartley at Cock A Snook Tattoo in Newcastle :)1 point -
If anybody was maybe a little bit hesitant about going, they just announced that Filip Leu and the Leu Family Iron are going to be attending this year. I am super excited for this!1 point
I thought this seemed relevant to the conversation. Here's a photo I noticed on Mr. Robson's Instagram from a few weeks ago of extending a half sleeve into a full. From the looks of the half sleeve, thoughts of extending it might have been brought up at the time because it looks like it ended in a way that made it easy to extend seamlessly.1 point
Valerie Vargas at Frith St Tattoo on my calf.1 point
April 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
Dumpleton reacted to David Flores for a topic
I just want to point out it's only 3 days into this thing. It will take a lot to win this thing with what has been posted. We have to take some pride as a community in the level of tattoos our members end up with.1 point -
..the side of your fridge looks like this:1 point
Zach Nelligan peacock
SailAwayTattoo reacted to Kev for a gallery image
1 point -
1 point
Or maybe he's gonna put an N on that pinky then paint all his fingernails black?1 point
1 point
Knuckle Tattoos - Best you've seen or your current fav?
Eskimette reacted to deaddreamnation for a topic
my favorite is on this chick here in town that reads: BEAT KIDS. pretty funny. Mine say open eyes.1 point