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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Here's what I got this friday: From Cezilia Hjelt. The tiger head is from early 1900's flash that I came across on an exhibition early this year. At the same time I got this from Joel Albertson, classic Dietzel girl, I've loved this design since I first saw it a couple years ago so I am happy to sport it now. Both Cezilia and Joel work at Göteborg Classic Tattooing. If you're ever in Gothenburg, this is the place to hit up. Jonas Uggli Nyberg and Henrik Röstberg works there too, so it's a pretty awesome crew.
    13 points
  2. Got this piece from Chad Koeplinger a couple of weeks ago
    11 points
  3. This is my latest by Stu Pagdin. It's Athena with her owl. The owl was inspired by the look of one of Valerie Vargas tattoos.
    8 points
  4. ian

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Seeing Grime on Thursday... so giddy! :o
    6 points
  5. I got concerned for a quick minute that I was getting too many animal tattoos on one arm. I decided on getting a dagger where I wanted a wolf. I love the dagger, it is totally rad but at the end of the day I would have rather gotten a wolf. Stick with your gut and get what you want. If you start to question the things that you want you are more likely to end up with tattoos you are not completely stoked on.
    5 points
  6. I am taking back what I said about missing healing. After a nice 4 hour session yesterday filling in a huge section of clouds I am now in pain again...
    4 points
  7. done yesterday for my lady friend. She loves moomins.
    4 points
  8. hogg

    too many lady heads....?

    She was the first person I thought of! She has an incredible collection. I think I have 4 or so, and wouldn't mind a few more.
    4 points
  9. I'm convinced that a good part of what passes for journalism these days is basically trolling. A lazy article about tattoos is going to get shared quite a bit on social media, people are going to leave plenty of stupid comments on the article, and the newspaper is gleeful that they just got a ton of hits for an article that took five minutes and no research to put together.
    3 points
  10. Why do these articles keep getting written? If you've read one...
    3 points
  11. JTJTJT

    Japanese Symbolism

    Apparently as long as you take an image from an old school Ukiyo-e print it should fly. Horitaka one of Horiyoshi 3's ex apprentices wrote a book on it. Here's a link to a massive load of them Kuniyoshi Project Link to a good site ????????????? -???TATTOO-??????
    3 points
  12. Ello @Mark Bee I was thinking along the lines of a feather headband which apparently (according to my full and conscise knowledge of Native American culture from one google search ;) ) could be worn by women. Then the man I would like to have a full feather war bonnet. I am getting things because I like how they look but if I can stick somewhat to history then that's a bonus! - - - Updated - - - I would LOVE a pin up. I need to find an artist who is really experienced with them. I'm thinking perhaps Paul Slifer here in Edinburgh however if anyone has any UK suggestions that would be most fantabulous. Gonna have to slow Down my collection. I don't want to fill up precious space too quickly !
    3 points
  13. exume

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Yesterday I drove down to Denver and had a quick consultation with Marie Sena at Dedication Tattoo. Brand new shop, they got a lot of the guys from Th'ink Tank over there. So stoked! After planning, reading, and looking at pictures for two years I can finally get my first tattoo!
    3 points
  14. Living in South Florida for 22 years, I pretty much consider myself a native. And like a native, I take it for granted and bitch about how anywhere but here is better. When I moved back a few years ago, I made a promise to me myself to really try and enjoy this humid paradise. So, today I finally visited the historic lighthouse that is only 10 miles from my house. And then it promptly monsooned on us as we got off the boat on our way back ...
    3 points
  15. Thanks! The lasering will be worth it, nothing worse than having a large tattoo that I hate. Stu Pagdin at Progression Tattoo will be doing my Medusa, he did an Athena on my right leg which I was really happy with cant wait for the 14th
    3 points
  16. Considering going out to try and get tattooed by Todd Noble.
    3 points
  17. Yep two half sleeves one tattooed by Crispy Lennox. The other by @Stewart Robson. Plus many more. They're fast catching up with her shoe collection.:eek:
    3 points
  18. ...when the bar and burger joint next to the shop knows you as a regular and makes your usual before you sit down. Seriously it is getting ridiculous
    3 points
  19. A timely question... There are a few reasons: I never had a 'pen name' and I wouldn't sign Japanese style tattoos with my own name. I wouldn't make a Japanese sounding name or Japanese style name for myself. I never wanted to ask anyone to give me a title. Also I'm not part of any traditional tattoo family structure. While I'm still not part of any traditional tattoo family (The Frith Street 'elite' doesn't count) this year Alex Reinke gave me a tattoo name and senjafuda as a birthday present. So this year I will 'sign' some backs and suits. Particularly the ones that are based on traditional themes or designs, on select customers, by request. Tattoos are usually 'signed' with a senjafuda (more like a sticker) rather than a seal. Recently (the Paris and Edinburgh conventions) I used a banner with my senjafuda.
    2 points
  20. I wholeheartedly agree to the need to respond.. Much like "Jargin" we get really accustomed to how things are done on our end but our clientele are why we are in business -AND they often (especially new to tattoo clients) do not understand our side of things. In a business where much of our trade is guarded we really cannot expect them to... I don't understand the ins and outs of building a house when I talk to a carpenter - Im sure i sound ignorant with questions I ask.. We get a lot of people coming to the shop because we are pretty good about that kind of thing (understanding that they don't really..get it..and thats okay with us we just work with them) when other artists make them feel stupid.. i think the attitude there is a growing issue.. No arguments ment:) all in good discussion.. My pet peeve is when someone tells me they "just want a simple tattoo"...and it is fully geometric and or something that looks basic, but is in no way simple to actually apply.. Which i guess harkens back to tolerance.. lol..which i exercise..with a small eye twitch:P - - - Updated - - - I hate the pretentiousness that is growing in this field... Respect the people who give you a job.. you don't need to take on every tattoo - no tattooer has to do that.. but at least be courteous to folks.. just because you can tattoo, does not mean you gave a god given right to act like you're above the person with the inquiry... that attitude is my #1 issue with the tattooing world..
    2 points
  21. hollyjoybee

    Upcoming Tattoos

    All this back session talk is giving me back piece envy!
    2 points
  22. Russ

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Next session on my back with Valerie on Tuesday I too am excited :D
    2 points
  23. The Presenter's name is Waldemar Januszczak There's a bunch of stuff on Youtube if you search for his name.
    2 points
  24. Ben87

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Next session on my back with Filip on wednesday :D
    2 points
  25. I really wish people would stop being so PC about stuff. When will people just look around and accept that this is how the world is.
    2 points
  26. It really pisses me off when people say shit like this!! :)
    2 points
  27. @hollyjoybee Check out Ritchie Clark's pin-ups or girls in general for that matter Tattoo Studio in Liverpool, Classic Electric Tattooing | Forever True
    2 points
  28. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/gallery/showimage2.php?i=13964&catid=member&imageuser=5080 So i'm still epically failing at being able to include images in my post....i should probably go and read the instructions or something *hangs head in shame* This is a cover up of a colour realism piece i had started and never finished. It wasnt a bad tattoo as such.. it just wasn't me. I'm SO pleased with the progress of the cover so far.. can't wait to see him once he's done! Being done by Dan Hartley at Cock A Snook Tattoo in Newcastle :)
    2 points
  29. i'm with @else ... as a woman who has a naturally slow metabolism..my weight fluctuates quite a lot.. add into the equation i have a fair bit of junk in my trunk i'm naturally prone to lumps and bumps... i'd rather they were gorgeously tattooed lumps and bumps though :) everyone is different though of course though @sbhikes and tis your right to not be tattooed wherever you please! I will eventually have a sleeve but it's made up of individually done traditional style pieces which i will then bring together with some fillers. I'm almost certain you will be able to make out each individual piece :)
    2 points
  30. I don't want to digress from the point of the post.. however since i started getting tattooed my style has changed, i wear different clothes in a different style. I'd say i show more skin then i used to. Not really to show off my tattoo's (which i am totally in love with and so proud of) but because i'm more comfortable in my own skin now i think... and men with shaved legs can be pretty hawt if you ask me :P
    2 points
  31. Why? You pay all that money for them, might as well have them look sharp. People shave their face everyday and its just a stupid face with no cool tattoos. - - - Updated - - - I don't think she posts here, but she posts on another messageboard I frequent. She also just got her leg lined with a skull and snake from Chris O'Donnell. Oh and she is a really good artist (not a tattoo artist) to top it off.
    2 points
  32. I agree completely, and try to do so at every opportunity!!!
    2 points
  33. In my opinion, one cannot have enough lady heads! They're my favorite. I only have three right now but plan for many, many more! Planning on getting my next one soon from Jason Minauro. Which reminds me, I need to finalize that shit ...
    2 points
  34. @hfs40000 Just shave it all.
    2 points
  35. ... when your hitchhiking through Europe and you look forward to meeting someone you've only shared a few messages with on LST but based on your shared passion for tattoo's you know it will be awesome! @Johannes next weekend I start the drive up north so hopefully in 1-1.5 week i'll by in gothenburg!
    2 points
  36. I think it kinda goes back to the whole "old people with tattoos" thing. Eventually everything is going to get wrinkled or saggy or misshapen somehow. Nothing stays in exactly the spot it started out in. I figure I might as well have a bunch of pretty stuff to cover up the parts that I don't love. Value added. That way, instead of looking at my thigh and saying "ewww, look at that lumpy thigh", I'll look at my thigh and think "awww! look at that kick ass tattoo!!!"
    2 points
  37. No. Get what you like, and if someone else doesn't like it, tell 'em to sod off.
    2 points
  38. They would've only loved you more if they were leather. "Just put the quarters in my pouch.."
    2 points
  39. heres mine by Rich Hardy
    2 points
  40. Getting into lining my paintings strictly with a brush:
    2 points
  41. sbhikes

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I'm getting my 20-year-old ankle bracelet of small flowers covered on Monday night! Bigger flowers.
    1 point
  42. I'm new here..I love that this thread exists.the end.lol
    1 point
  43. My job is different than most people's.
    1 point
  44. For all of the people with non-tattoo enthusiast friends ( @HaydenRose and @Mark Bee) I suggest just going! Hell I wouldn't be against a small LST meetup! Hey @gougetheeyes maybe it will be more than just us this time!
    1 point
  45. How about a full pin up to change it up slightly. I got two pin ups, two lady heads and two eagles. I just get my favourites when I where I want.
    1 point
  46. My wife and I got tattooed by Matt Arriola yesterday. The tiger was three sittings, but only took about three and a half hours.
    1 point
  47. @Hogrider I'm by no means an authority on this stuff, but I'm travelling along the same road you've just started... Part of the reason you can't find what you're looking for is because you're looking for literal or binary meanings. Most of the images you've seen tattooed are taken from Japanese and Chinese folk tales or religious stories. Imagine of you asked someone regarding western cultural art or tattoos: 1) "What does it mean when there's a guy hanging on cross with his arms outstretched?" 2) "What does it mean when there's a woman in blue holding a naked baby" 3) "What does it mean when the muscle-bound guy in the black mask overpowers the brightly dressed skinny man in the clown makeup. The answers depend on your level of interest/sympathy and how abstract or literal you want to be: 1a) It's Jesus. His father, God, sacrificed him to atone for the sins of the world. 1b) The wearer has faith in a religious power higher than himself and possibly feel kinship with or sympathy for the figure and character of Jesus Christ. 1c) The wearer wants to be forgiven for past wrongdoings. 2a) It's Mary, Jesus' mother. The baby is Jesus. 2b) She's a figure of worship because some people believe she should be revered because God chose her as the vessel for his earthly offspring. Her cloak is blue because traditionally goddesses were associated with the moon and night sky. Sometimes it has stars on it. Christianity adopted this symbol to make it easier for people who held older religious beliefs to adopt the new faith. 2c) The wearer may have sympathy or empathy with the concept of being the vessel for divine power or lineage. Also this symbol can have an added element of sadness because we know the eventual sadness and loss of a mother witnessing her only son be sacrificed for the good of mankind - possibly a greater sacrifice than Jesus, some might say. 3a) It's Batman, he's fighting the Joker. 3b) Batman is a symbol of vigilante justice. He works outside of recognised laws to bring justice to a world crippled by wrongdoing. 3c) This scene is a metaphor for the darkness of repressed homosexuality and it's power to overcome the sinister flamboyance of non-hetro feelings. etc, etc. In short, think about what you want your tattoo to 'mean' or 'say' - tell that to a tattooer who knows his stuff and let them find a story or theme that fits your idea. Or just pick one you like from a woodblock print. I try to tell people all the time that western traditional tattooing has just as much symbolism and poetry but nobody will listen. It's all sex, death and the struggles of humankind. Good luck.
    1 point
  48. I don't that's always a pre-requisite to have both arms finished before having 'permission' to do other spots. I did the entire back of my head when I was heavily tattooed already but in as far as visible tattoos I had a left arm sleeve and nothing on my right arm at all. The people that tattooed me even back then were friends that knew my commitment level and didnt try to talk me out of it. As far as pain level goes, I mentally prepared myself for the worst tattoo I've ever had and that made it easier to deal with when it turned out not to be. IMO my side/ribs were worse, armpit was worse, ass-cheek was worse.
    1 point
  49. Stewart Robson

    pharaohshorses back sept10

    Pharaoh's Horses
    1 point
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