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  1. Peony from Nathan Kostechko at Will Rise in Los Angeles. Photo from his instagram. Slightly modified from an Ichibay flash book.
    13 points
  2. Cork

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    @Wilhell posting his back piece made me curious to look up Marius Meyer. Saw this killer front.
    11 points
  3. I do have to say right off the bat...why the hell do all of these articles always use TERRIBLE examples of tattoos.
    4 points
  4. @slayer9019 I was watching YouTube a couple of months ago and I just happened to watch a video made by this guy Shave Nation Shaving Page. Visit ShaveNation.com - YouTube. He posts some really great reviews of various shaving products and tutorials on shaving technique. I've now gone back to using a DE razor and have spent a shit load of cash on shaving products from Baxter of California & L'Occitane and a nice Edwin Jagger safety razor I only use that stuff at the weekend as a treat as it's expensive. This weekend it's Baxter of California products (how sad is this?). I also bought a straight razor shavette. Cut the shit out myself trying that out. Can you believe I thought that was pretty funny. I will learn though as some of those straight razors are truly beautiful and give the best shave possible. Next on the list though is a decent shaving brush. There is no doubt you get a better shave with a DE razor and like you said it's cheap. The blades work out at less than £3 for 10 and they will last about 8 weeks. I've even started to collect vintage razors from ebay for a display. Watching videos of a man shaving and buying old razors ?????? This is either a healthy new interest or I'm having some sort of mental meltdown :cool:
    4 points
  5. My wife and I did our honeymoon in Stockholm and then Copenhagen a few weeks ago, and while in Copenhagen we both got tattooed by Henric Nielsen at The Sailor's Grave. They do a walk-in Saturday where Henric paints up new flash each week. I got this mandala flower on my left forearm and my wife got a lady head in profile with butterfly wings. It's a really nice shop, and Henric is a hell of a guy. Marija Ripley was also really nice and recommended a pretty great restaurant on the same street as our hotel. Next up...to try and book in with Steve Boltz and maybe get something from Ashley Love.
    4 points
  6. Finally got around to getting a descent, healed picture of mine. posted it on IG earlier, it constrained it till you cant see it all. It was done by Paul Pearson at Tried & True Tattoo in Smyrna , Tn
    4 points
  7. heres mine by Rich Hardy
    3 points
  8. SStu

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    That's one of the craziest SOCKS I've seen!!
    2 points
  9. Topping this thread for a new myth I heard last week. I just started getting acupuncture done, and I was chatting with my acupuncturist about my tattoos when she mentioned that they generally avoid putting needles anywhere where there is coloured ink. (Ironic!) I was like, "really?" and she admitted that there is no evidence whatsoever that there was any danger of performing acupuncture on tattooed skin, and she thought it was kind of stupid too, but that people just followed this rule to be safe. Has anyone else heard this? This came on the heels of a really dumb inflammatory article in a shitty newspaper here in Montreal that talked about how dangerous it is for women with lower back tattoos to get epidurals. I find this medical hysteria with no actual evidence very strange.
    2 points
  10. You could add some really cool geometric patterns in the style of Tomas Tomas, Hooper, or Jondix around it. Thats pretty much all I got.
    2 points
  11. i spent pretty much all day wednesday getting tattooed (slightly dramatic it was about 7.5 hours all in) and i felt like i had been actually hit by a bus yesterday. Was absolutely fine getting tattooed. Expected to really struggle but it was fine but when i woke up the next morning. Wow. i have a face full of coldsores so i spent most of yesterday resting and trying to eat good food. i'm now healing 3 relatively large tattoos at the same time so it'll be interesting to see if this has an effect on how well and how long i take to heal!
    2 points
  12. kylegrey

    Cool old cars

    Not what I expect to see parked in my hood
    2 points
  13. I've started buying a few here and there from antique shops, with plans for the future to try and restore them as best I can, then set up to use them. Thankfully, with a background in fine art sculpture, I know a lot about finishing steel and honing blades... casting new scales in various resins would even be pretty simple. I also made a sculpture of one from cast aluminium and birch plywood that opens to be 12 feet long.
    2 points
  14. I'm such a sucker for guest spots. If I see an artist I like coming through town, I'll try to secure a spot even though I have something already booked close to that date. That's usually what happens. Or if an artist is relocating for good, I'll try to get booked with them too before they leave. But sometimes when I travel, I try to get more than one tattoo (to make my trip "worth it", get my moneys worth, etc.). I honestly had no idea what the norm was for healing 1 or multiple tattoos. Sounds like most people heal 1 at a time, which is good because that's what I'm starting to do. When Forrest Cavacco tells you that you're going to fast, then maybe I should pump my brakes, take his advice, and slow it down a bit. If I see a guest artist coming into town and I already have an appointment booked for that month, then I'm just gonna have to miss out.
    2 points
  15. Might as well post this here too even though the shit posted so far has been ridiculous.
    2 points
  16. Thought I'd see if there was any shared interest in my new in straight razors and double edge safety razors. I personally like it better than the regular razors and it is hellva lot cheaper when you shave your face everyday and your entire one leg every other week to get tattooed/drawn on. I know my father got a kick out of it as he grew up on them and "moved off of the ancient technology" Anyone else use em?
    1 point
  17. I understand very little about acupuncture, but she said it wouldn't be a big deal because most points for treatment are mirrored in other parts of the body, so if the place she wants to put the needle is inked, she would likely have another spot that she could put it. But yeah, she also kind of shrugged that the whole thing was kind of silly, so I was like "dude, if you at any point need to put a needle in one of my tattoos, you have my blessing, I really don't care."
    1 point
  18. ie: National Enquirer style journalism
    1 point
  19. Many thanks for the advice. Much appreciated. - - - Updated - - - Loving this thread lots of really great links.
    1 point
  20. Hey hey, don't hate on us journalists. :) I'm the most tattooed in the newsroom, but there are a few others with visible tattoos in both newspapers where I work. I'm neutral about the article itself ... Seemed fair enough. And the images themselves do too, considering if you look around the office you'll likely find a shit ton of crap rather than all our beautifully adorned limbs and body parts. Haha.
    1 point
  21. To be clear, when the paper talked about "how dangerous" they said that if you get an epidural through a coloured tattoo YOU WILL DIE and then two thirds of the way through the article said that there is actually zero evidence in the medical literature to support that.
    1 point
  22. I haven't used this service, but was really looking into getting a straight for a while, but decided to wait until I had more time and money, but I came across this site which is very reputable in the straight razor community, this guy restores vintage straights and sells them really cheap. The only catch is that you don't know what you're getting in terms of how it looks. All you know if that it's probably a good beginner razor and it's already properly honed and in good condition. Also sells really affordable strops and brushes. Whipped Dog Straight Razor Shaving Equipment I've been using a DE for the last 2-3 years and I'm very happy with it. I highly suggest getting a shower mirror and shaving in the shower, it makes shaving out of the shower seem terrible. EDIT: DON'T SHAVE IN THE SHOWER WITH A STRAIGHT RAZOR!
    1 point
  23. Nate is the man! such dope work and a chill dude too. he just recently lined my arm, we're working on a sleeve
    1 point
  24. hogg

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Yeah, that is one of the craziest torsos I've ever seen.
    1 point
  25. Amazing! So classic.
    1 point
  26. Love me some straight razors. Funny story, one of the very first guys I was tattooed by -- Matt Lautar at Great Southern on Rt. 1 in MD -- gave me my first straight razor. We were talking during the tattoo and I mentioned being intrigued by them, etc. and when we finished up he opened a drawer filled with old ones. He fished one out and said, "Ok, here you go, this can be the start to your collection." I've gotten a few since then, a couple from my grandfather and another from a friend. Had 'em all hanging up and then we moved so now I gotta find another spot for 'em. The weird thing is that I love shaving and all those products and would love to get a nice razor but I usually have a beard... so I never really get to use all the fun stuff! Maybe this summer. Art of Shaving has some great stuff and I know this place had a beginner's package deal on straight razors that included a how-to but I can't seem to find it now.. Vintage Straight Razor | Home | VintageStraightRazor.com
    1 point
  27. i had my first experience of going anywhere near the armpit or inside arm on wednesday and for me so far that was definitly the most uncomfortable feeling ive had when being tattooed so far!
    1 point
  28. A while back I found this guide to getting started http://boingboing.net/2012/08/25/switching-to-a-straight-razor.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+boingboing/iBag+(Boing+Boing)
    1 point
  29. Got to spend the past 3 weeks back home visiting my parents while doing a rotation in neurology. I was also able to take in a few ballet classes at my old studio, turns out that I can still function reasonably well en pointe!
    1 point
  30. Wilhell

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @SStu - Hahahah! period?
    1 point
  31. Shoulder to shoulder - ship on one side, lion wave on the other.
    1 point
  32. You're talking about this with your artist, which is what you should be doing. Soliciting advice from complete strangers on the internet is weird, and quite frankly, if you need to do that you probably shouldn't be getting tattooed anyway.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Only healed two simultaneously a few times. Such a pain.. Were you getting multiple tattoos done at conventions or just makin' it raaaaiiin when you stopped by the tattoo shop??
    1 point
  35. motsimus

    Video Game Thread

    yeah I've just started playing Tomb Raider and its really good , so action packed.
    1 point
  36. Wilhell

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Some progress on my Marius Meyer back
    1 point
  37. Brock Varty

    Video Game Thread

    @Mark Bee When I play the new maps this weekend...i'll post up a little mini review of them.
    1 point
  38. @SStu like this?
    1 point
  39. The funniest part of my recent trip to NYC was when Mike Rubendall introduced himself to me. "Hey man, I'm Mike." I had to stop myself from getting all star struck and saying, "Uh, yeah dude, I know." I cannot stress enough how everyone at Kings Ave is so completely genuine and polite.
    1 point
  40. Might aswell throw this in here, crossing my fingers! This month has stiff competition :)
    1 point
  41. Remember the saying " It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand"? i think that may be part of the issue in a mixed forum. So, i'm going to use that metaphorically. in a mixed forum, people can talk about cultural and political issues,personal musical and literary tastes and all contribute and all gain from the experience--- but as soon as one person starts talking about bigotry that they, as a black person- have encountered, or have a question about hair relaxer, a division occurs. I think many non-tattooers , certainly can empathize with tattooers about an issue specific to them--- just like many tattooers can still relate to non- tattooers in matters of , let's say design,artist shop choice etc. But when you get to a certain point that division can occur. Just my thought on what may be going on.
    1 point
  42. The most awesome thing I've done in a long time:D
    1 point
  43. there are seriously so many awesome tattooers that are gonna be there, that i don't know who the hell else to get tattooed by, @mario desa you included. - - - Updated - - - do it do it
    1 point
  44. Dennis

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Horitada Shige
    1 point
  45. http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/gallery/uncategorized/10817-rock-of-ages-.html Done by Jason Brooks back in 07. My thigh.
    1 point
  46. I've always liked Tim Pausinger's tattoos (I believe he's working full time at the Pearl Harbour Gift Shop in Toronto these days). I'm not sure what it is about them, but I think his work has a real style of its own - always some cool touches or a different way of looking at a traditional subject. He's got a couple of cool ROAs in his instragram feed: Traditional, but he does his own thing with them. I like the way he illustrates the women too... Here's one:- I kind of like 'em because they look like they're leg pieces also... For those of us who can't fit a ROA on a back!
    1 point
  47. Just Alex

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    I love this piece by Matt Hart at Inspirations Tattoo Studio, Leeds, UK I love the soft colours and full coverage of it, think it looks ace. When I get my chest done I would like a bit more symmetry personally, but still think this is the bomb!
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. Abellve

    Cool old cars

    Nice stuff on here. I guess if it's open to bikes too, I'll throw mine in the mix. 66 Triumph Trophy with its newly painted tank, used to be black.
    1 point
  50. Nick Colella

    Celebrity Tattoos

    9 times out of 10 that script is going on the ribs. it all started when the idiotic "tramp stamp" was coined, that screwed up everything. the lower back was a cake walk to tattoo, the ribs suck for microscopic letters
    1 point
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