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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2013 in all areas

  1. Yay! finally finished by upper back today :D I'm sooo happy :D :o By Valerie Vargas at Frithstreet tattoo
    19 points
  2. I am more than happy with what came out of my trip to Amsterdam. Kim-Anh Nguyen did this tattoo at the wonderful Salon Serpent. Photo taken by her and stolen by me.
    13 points
  3. Might aswell throw this in here, crossing my fingers! This month has stiff competition :)
    9 points
  4. slightly intimidated by the talent in this thread but none the less here are a few of my more recent ones
    8 points
  5. Brock Varty

    Hey Everyone! =)

    Everyone gets shit for being tattooed from someone in their life. They can fuck off for all I care. Tattoos don't change who you are. Congrats on the new piece and welcome to the board.
    6 points
  6. Deb Yarian


    I'm@debyarian and @eaglerivertattoo on instagram. See you there
    6 points
  7. Getting into lining my paintings strictly with a brush:
    5 points
  8. Scott Ellis- Triple Crown Tattoo Austin, TX Pic with better detail:
    5 points
  9. Bunny Switchblade

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I'll be heading to Long Island, Brooklyn, & Queens the weekend of May 3-5th to hit a bunch of street shops and pick up a tattoo by Peter Giaquinto! I will probably visit with Cliff White, Richie and Mary Montgomery, Mike Perfetto, Tony Polito, Steve Delgatto, Ronnie Dell'Aquila, and.....Rich Fie and hit up all of their shops (minus Tony P.'s of course) and do some amount of hanging out but not sure if I will add any more work from them! I may hop over to Staten Island to Marvin Moskowitz's shop too and get tattooed but I am mostly concentrating on the Brooklyn & Queens areas AND I do love an awesome street shop! I may also pay a visit to Smith Street and see who's there that day too! If anyone has any other suggestions for me to visit then please don't hesitate to speak up.....especially if they are close to any of the other shops I am gonna hit in Brooklyn & Queens! I had some airline tickets I needed to use so NYC was the place I decided to use them on for a mini tattoo trip......I'll try to remember to take some photos!
    5 points
  10. I'm a patchwork quit when it comes to tattoos....all different styles and none of it planned out! Just get tattooed by the people whose work you like.....and don't worry as long as you like it!
    5 points
  11. hollyjoybee

    Hey Everyone! =)

    Hi Tammy! Welcome to the forums.. i'm relatively new to posting myself but a long time lurker :) So far i only have my legs and arms tattooed and the legs have definitly been harder to heal. Our bodies do a pretty awesome job of doing the whole healing thing though so just keep it mosturised and clean and i think you'll be just fine! I'm a wee bit older than you (27) but if it's any concillation i'm getting a lot of grief for being tattooed too. Someone just told me an hour ago if i carry on i'll end up looking like a lesbian and then who'd want me... (firstly what's wrong with looking like a lesbian anyway and secondly why would i want someone who didnt appreciate my tattoos?!) Life is for living right now.. not for worrying about what our ankles will look like when we are 90. Frankly i'm gonna be wrinkly anyways so it may as well be pretty wrinkles :) I saw an old guy on the bus today and he had a swallow on his hand and it looked totally awesome.. all faded but still a beautiful outline. I almost went and complimented him. Ignore people, enjoy your life and enjoy your tattoos :)
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    You mentioned maybe a snake but you couldn't think of how a small one would work? What about some William Grimshaw flash?
    4 points
  14. else

    Hey Everyone! =)

    I spend the majority of my time with old folks, and I don't think their tattoos look bad at all!! Faded yes, but bad? No way!! Everyone's skin sags. I'd rather have faded sagging tattoos, than be a sagging plainskin. Gonna sag either way. People spend way too much time thinking about how tattoos look on old people.
    3 points
  15. hogg

    Upcoming Tattoos

    14-year-old me is biting his tongue over here. Apologies.
    3 points
  16. Graeme

    Hey Everyone! =)

    Welcome Tammy. The lower leg can be a difficult spot to heal, so just be patient, keep it clean, don't baby it too much, and you should be okay. And yeah, a lot of people have stupid opinions about tattoos and the worst thing about it is that they think they have this completely original and brilliant insight when they tell you that your skin is eventually going to sag. Fuck 'em.
    3 points
  17. Genie of the West--- You make the assumption that I don't eat properly or excercise. I'm 5'2 --- I'd like to be taller, that's not going to happen. I had my thyroid surgically removed because of thyroid cancer and I must take medicine, which keeps me in a hypothyroid state. I will never be thin. That being said, we must work with what we have. If you want your tattoos to be as outstanding as possible, working with your skin color and tone, Then I suggest a clear easy to read design, in black- whatever the genre. And I will wear clothing that best suits my figure! Also, extreme as it may sound- on my husband's recent trip to a laser treatment practitioner,to remove a tattoo, they discussed the different settings necessary for light and dark skin tones. Laser treatments are available for evening out uneven skin, spots,blotches, vitiligo etc. perhaps laser treatments are a viable option for your darker areas, so that your tattoos will be more outstanding.
    3 points
  18. Terrible Instagram photo, but I left my camera at work. Finished this 16"x20" sheet that I've been working on for a week or so today.
    3 points
  19. see, there's the up-side!
    3 points
  20. I popped into the Pearl Harbor Gift Shop today to get a couple little ones done. (And by popped in I mean I got to the shop an hour and a half before opening to ensure I got a sitting - sigh.) Here are my two latest, both by Dan Innes. Nothing too fancy or complicated, but both are images I've admired for quite a while. By the way, The Pearl has just hired Nathan Draper ( http://www.nathandrapertattooer.com/ ) Great tattooer and from what I've heard, a really awesome guy as well. I'm looking forward to getting something done by Nathan.
    3 points
  21. The beauty of snake tattoos is that you can put them anywhere. They fit in any space. I only have one snake tattooed on me right now, and this is not nearly enough. Need more snakes.
    2 points
  22. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    In retrospect, this post is actually pretty funny. Three days ago your "creative well is empty" and now you have two new tattoos. Awesome.
    2 points
  23. I liked for the tattoo, but also for the boxers.
    2 points
  24. Johannes

    Speaking Up

    the dark one, cthulhu fucked things up i guess.
    2 points
  25. eilin....i mean, come on! it's really amazing. those colours...congrats! and marky bee, you just keep on truckin' and i like it!
    2 points
  26. limitations are a great source for creativity, its a matter of perspective sometimes. you could do real bold traditional style tattoos with hatch "shading" like a wood block print and utilize some solid black in places. or use pacific tribal design elements with art deco structures. ive tattooed some really dark complected folks as well and theres still cool stuff you can do.
    2 points
  27. We make this joke a lot too. :) I married a dude with no tattoos, but then, well, y'all know the end of that story. All that to say that "plainskins" aren't necessarily plainskins forever!
    2 points
  28. Delicious

    Upcoming Tattoos

    So I have finally decided. Lady head, somewhere on my body. Was thinking Lady Liberty on my calf or a blue cheeked lady on my chest.
    2 points
  29. I think everybody associates impulsive with "right then and there", so mine may not be as impulsive. A friend of mine says, "you should get something that says i'm from florida, like the gators logo". i say, "that would be mad cheesy, but id get a sick gator tat!".......a month later i have a giant gator on half of my body by Seth Wood
    2 points
  30. My wife and I got tattooed by Matt Arriola yesterday. The tiger was three sittings, but only took about three and a half hours.
    2 points
  31. New one from Valerie Vargas at Frith St on my calf. Taking pictures of your own calf is a bit of nightmare!
    2 points
  32. My missus isn't tattooed, but I was when we met and I have had two fairly large pieces since. I am also planning my third and she has offered to buy my fourth (since we met) on our honeymoon (just so happens an artist I LOVE now works in a city SHE loves!). I don't think she will ever get tattooed, and as attractive as I find it I could never push her to make that decision either. We like what we like and part of what makes our relationship work as smoothly as it does is that we accept everything about each other. Happiness reigns! haha..
    2 points
  33. I have a few tattoo's that don't "match" the rest. I didn't get them because the style was hot at the time (it wasn't) I was just 20 and that's what I was into. Then what I was into when I was 30 was different. I think about getting them covered, but it's like why? It's a road map of my life (lame way to put it, I know, it only sounds cool if you're a Russian prisoner) and so it's just what I was into when I was that age. I get more OCD about colors matching than styles on a certain limb or part. I also prefer, for myself, patchwork style. A ton of random tattoos, vs. 1 big sleeve or piece. Except the back, that large slab of skin with no nipples was made for 1 big ass tattoo.
    2 points
  34. hollyjoybee

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Haha, Now that's a different thread entirely !
    1 point
  35. hogg

    Hey Everyone! =)

    Welcome, and good luck healing your tattoo. I know that the ones on/near my ankles were the worst to heal.
    1 point
  36. Congrats @Eilin, its very pretty
    1 point
  37. vPooch

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Wow that looks amazing! Sent from my XT910 using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  38. @youthcrewalex lovely stuff. I will send that trade to you this week, been hectic!
    1 point
  39. else

    Lady Heads

    @Delicious , maybe I'm just partial to his work, but even before I saw Steve Byrne's name next to it I liked the "Heart Broken" girl the best. I think she's "practically perfect in every way."
    1 point
  40. gougetheeyes

    Speaking Up

    So when are you starting your backpiece?! Kidding, welcome!
    1 point
  41. Yesterday the rain in Philly was crazy and my jeans got soaked commuting in. So I spent three hours at work in my underwear. Dealing with vendors. USPS. Staff. I was going to put a tie on, but that would have been weird. Random musings.
    1 point
  42. oldmansea

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    This is my Torso, still to much skin.....:confused:
    1 point
  43. HaydenRose


    During my travels today I realized North Arlington is different from Mount Arlington, so I apologize! You actually live really close to me haha
    1 point
  44. Valerie Vargas at Frith St Tattoo on my calf.
    1 point
  45. I started wearing a shirt and tie to work for no other reason than I reached a level of maturity where I now realize that the nicer I dress the easier it is to convince other people that I know what I'm talking about (even when I don't have a clue).
    1 point
  46. This is quite an interesting topic for me. I've recently (well about 7 months) come out of a ten year relationship. During this time i had a few small tattoos. Rubbish ones that i got when i was 14 and doing it to be cool. My ex doesnt have tattoos and when he's seen my recent coverage he is disgusted by them. Which only serves to make me certain this is exactly what i want! I find tattooed and heavily tattooed guys attractive. I really love their choice to express themselves in this way and generally (not always) they have far more interesting stories to tell. So for me right now in my life i couldn't see myself with a person with no tatttoos...or someone with really bad tattoos.
    1 point
  47. Bardun

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    To day I had my final touch up session for my sleeve, and after many hours we were finally done with my sleeve :cool: The artist is Noi Siamese III at 1969 tattoo in Oslo (I tried to show some pictures earlier in this thread, but something went wrong, hope its ok that I try again, and sorry about the large images..)
    1 point
  48. kylegrey

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Hori Tsuki Kage aka Shad
    1 point
  49. Have you seen those identical twins with the same tattoos? Hooper did some of them, I think they have a bunch of Duncan X tattoos...all that kind of stuff. It's weird. I'm going to try to find a picture. - - - Updated - - - Here they are: http://www.th-ink.co.uk/2012/07/15/thomas-hoopers-tattooed-twins-jordan-and-caleb/
    1 point
  50. Rock of Ages to me is what i associate with the perfect iconic tattoo image. its amazing it has drama, faith, beauty, adventure all the right workings that make for a perfect tattoo, i got one from Hardy in 2000 its rad ill post pics later
    1 point
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