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Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 24 others reacted to Tim Burke for a topic
New one from Valerie Vargas at Frith St on my calf. Taking pictures of your own calf is a bit of nightmare!25 points -
Valerie Vargas at Frith St Tattoo on my calf.17 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
suburbanxcore and 4 others reacted to Our Endless Days for a topic
those glasses remind me of homer simpson when he has to do jury duty5 points -
Funny story about this... I told this girl I know (not girlfriend) that I was thinking of getting a traditional Jesus head tattooed on my chest. She then goes on to tell me that it would be super awkward for any girl that I end having sex with, because when they look up they would see Jesus. True story.5 points
Raised tattoos inevitable for someone as black as me? So frustrating.
gougetheeyes and 4 others reacted to Deb Yarian for a topic
Genie of the west-- You say that your tattoos raise up where your skin is the darkest, I think this may be because this is the part of your body that is exposed to the sun more often- perhaps? Over the years I have seen my own tattoos, as well as many of my clients tattoos raise up- could be the heat, the sun, irritation etc. But there are specific concerns when tattooing very dark skin.So you are not being paranoid. The tattoo does not lay on top of your skin, but below it- so the appearance of your tattoo is directly related to the color of your skin. Imagine any tattoo on a pale leg, then think of that tattoo with a tan stocking over it,coffee colored, brown and then finally black. It is the same with a tattoo, first applied and then when the skin grows over it. Unfortunately some tattooers make the mistake of applying lighter pigments to darker skin tones. Very often when the tattoo heals it is barely visible. Also many darker skin tones, of all types, are prone to keloid scarring. The formation of raised excessive scarring. My advice to anyone with very, very dark skin is to choose larger, more open, simplified designs with strong bold outlines vs. detailed, convoluted over shaded designs. Good luck5 points -
Here's the latest shot of my progress. Enjoy.5 points
Let's all wish, @hogg a Happy Birthday. Hope you had an awesome day with your friends and family!4 points
Thanks, everybody! I took the day off and spent most of it with my wife and daughter. It involved red meat, red wine, and red velvet cake, so all in all, it was a great success.4 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Avery Taylor and 2 others reacted to hollyjoybee for a topic
http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/gallery/showimage2.php?i=13889&catid=member&imageuser=5080 Due to a last minute change my artist had to rearrange my appointment for today for more arm work.. moments later another of my favourite artists posted up on facebook that he had space today! So off on a wee trip down to newcastle i went.. to Cock A Snook tattoo parlour.. i came away with this beautiful girl.. i love her! please excuse my swollen thing and rather unflattering leopard print shorts sticking out! **edited to add photo link.. i'm too tired to try and work out how to post the actual pic !!)3 points -
Military tattoo regulations
thesandmanisme and 2 others reacted to Deb Yarian for a topic
My husband, Don, was in the army for 20 years. From 82-2002. He retired as an E-8 First Sergeant ( only one rank below E-9, the highest rank one can achieve as an enlisted man). By the early 90s he was fully sleeved, had his back, one side and numerous tattoos on his legs. He also began tattooing less than 1/2 way through his military career and worked both jobs, when able, till he retired from the service and only tattoos now. To my knowledge, he never had any issues and it didn't prevent him from rising in the ranks. I know that during the war in Iraq, the army relaxed it's standards to allow hand and neck tattoos, but has since reversed that. Much of our tattoo business is either army or air force- it hasn't changed much since I started tattooing, years ago.3 points -
Best order for when you tattoo each part of your body?
Aussie Tom and 2 others reacted to lving4today for a topic
I'm really stoked on getting my legs done first. I wish I would've just started there to begin with at Least the bad tattoos wouldn't be obvious. But after seeing all these badass tattoos on my leg, I just can't stop looking at em. Ill get my right leg completely finished then finish my torso then save back for last, in hopes of being closer to someone I can commit multiple sessions to. My arms more than likely will be last of all because I love the appeal of not telling I have a lot of tattoos.3 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
slayer9019 and 2 others reacted to Orangutango for a topic
Got these two from Oliver Christenson at East Brunswick Tattoo today, sorry for the poor photos.3 points -
The most awesome thing I've done in a long time:D3 points
I started wearing a shirt and tie to work for no other reason than I reached a level of maturity where I now realize that the nicer I dress the easier it is to convince other people that I know what I'm talking about (even when I don't have a clue).2 points
Morten Transeth at Blue Arms tattoo in Oslo did this on my shoulder on saturday. Super happy with it!2 points
April 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
bongsau and one other reacted to lving4today for a topic
Lost my LST shirt so maybe my tiger can help out. Tony Hundahl - Rock of Ages Austin, Texas - one shot2 points -
I have religious tattoos, and I am an agnostic with strong atheistic leanings. But what seems to me is that the meaning of tattoos seems like such a big deal nowadays. Almost like as if someone needed to explain why did they get every single piece they have, and if they fail they'll be seen as a frivolous person. I believe that images have a power of their own, that cannot be properly put into words. This also happens with with tattooing, there are images that have been tattooed over and over again, which no one can properly pin down as to when did people start getting those tattoos and what do they mean. But they have such a visual impact that carry on it's wordless appeal and make people keep on getting them tattooed. And with religious images I believe it's the same, even tho some images now have been associated with this or that specific religion, they have been around for aeons. There are crosses in a lot of religions, there are many cults to female deities virgin Mary like, there are many saviour like characters in several religions like Jesus and Gilgamesh, and so on. So getting a religious tattoo can be an identifier for some people, showing their devotion to a specific religion, but it can be so much more than that... particularly if it's done by a good artist. It gets on my tits when people are more interested in the meaning of a specific tattoo, than in its wordless impact that goes well beyond meaning. And sorry for being so pedantic...2 points
Hey guys, I've been researching my next piece and I think I've narrowed it down to the idea of a Yoshitoshi print titled "Gosho Gorozo Battling a Shadow" from his book 28 Famous Murders. I love the image, but I'm not keen on getting a piece where I don't have a pretty clear understanding of the story. I've attached a photo of it for reference. I think someone could create a really awesome interpretation of the print, mixing wind bars into the shadow, etc. I'm no expert by any means, so I'm looking for a little bit more of an explanation on the background of the print. From what I've found that the print references a play by Kawatake Mokuami titled "Gosho no Gorozo" and I've found loose translations of what this print depicts, but I thought I'd consult the experts here to see if anyone can give some more insight. Thanks in advance. Also, I'm not opposed to suggestions of other woodblock prints that you think would make for great ideas for a piece as a 3/4 sleeve and chest plate.1 point
That would put the scriptural idea of Jesus being the groom and his church being His bride in a whole different light.1 point
April 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
David Flores reacted to ManSkirtBrew for a topic
Yes, that was me. I'm in the process of getting my brewery started. And yes, I do like beer!1 point -
ChrisvK, yeah it'll be pretty nice til then! just let me know when you're over here and we'll get that beer!1 point
Legendary Female Tattooers...
cltattooing reacted to Graeme for a topic
What about Painless Nell? Stoney mentions her a few times in Stoney Knows How and her name comes up from time to time when reading about the old school. Not really sure when she started tattooing, but she was tattooing in the 40s. She had a shop in San Diego, Tattoo Archive has an address for her in San Francisco, and I think Stoney mentions her tattooing in St. Louis. Lucky's Tattoo Museum has a bunch of her flash available to view online here, but you have to find her name under "flash by artist name" because I can't seem to link to it directly: Lucky Supply Tattoo Museum And I found this picture here, which is of a tattoo done by her in the 50s.1 point -
Best order for when you tattoo each part of your body?
hollyjoybee reacted to Just Alex for a topic
My order so far has been right upper arm, back, right thigh, left upper arm. Next piece will hopefully be my stomach, between just underneath my 'pecks' (or skinny moobs might be more apt) to just above my navel. Then left chest plate. Completely unstructured progress, but I am just getting what I like, as and when it appeals. No grand plan, but getting more focus on getting high quality work as I get older and learn more!1 point -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
slayer9019 reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
Dude, dang. I don't know how you'd classify this but all that solid black looks super heavy -- in the good way of course. And @Bunny Switchblade haha awesome! Did the join up thing a few months back, fun little piece!1 point -
Legendary Female Tattooers...
Jennifer Stell reacted to Infernum for a topic
Kari Barba! way ahead of her time, and still kicks ass!!! much respect! Outer Limits just celebrated their 30 anniversary last week.1 point -
1 point
Legendary Female Tattooers...
Jennifer Stell reacted to Deb Yarian for a topic
I don't think anyone mentioned-- Ms Sofia (formerly Ms Deborah formerly Mrs.Inksmith) she began a little over 30 yrs ago and is a super tattooer!!! - - - Updated - - - Thank you for the kind mention, Jennifer, and for including me in any thread that has "legendary" in it's title.ha ha. - - - Updated - - - It is a small world Shawn! Where and when and what did I tattoo on your brother?1 point -
Plusieurs gens d'ici sera à la convention cette année et j'espère qu'on peut tous se rencontrer pour une bière ou quelque chose à manger...il y a un thread ici pour ça: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/lst-get-togethers-tattoo-conventions/3808-art-tattoo-montreal-2013-a.html1 point
Relationships and tattoos
captaincabinet reacted to Just Alex for a topic
My missus isn't tattooed, but I was when we met and I have had two fairly large pieces since. I am also planning my third and she has offered to buy my fourth (since we met) on our honeymoon (just so happens an artist I LOVE now works in a city SHE loves!). I don't think she will ever get tattooed, and as attractive as I find it I could never push her to make that decision either. We like what we like and part of what makes our relationship work as smoothly as it does is that we accept everything about each other. Happiness reigns! haha..1 point -
where did the tattooers go?
blacksandtattoo reacted to Kev for a topic
That's where I've been: Although, once again, I'm not a tattooer. But fishing has become my latest obsession in the last six months.1 point -
Homemade and Jailhouse Tattoos
Dude reacted to thesandmanisme for a topic
7 years. That's a long time. The longest stretch for me was 2-1/2. Im done, not goin back, too old for that crap.1 point -
Saw it....enjoyed it. Wish they talked a little more about mike brown rather then a passing sentence but good stuff.1 point
While most of my body is still empty space, this particular empty space was bothering me the most... Drove up to Toronto yesterday and had this sparrow/rose done by Tim Pausinger. It was my first time at that The Pearl Harbor Gift Shop - what an amazing place! All three of my tattoo experiences have been great but The Pearl was on another level (maybe due in part to me being more experienced at getting tattoos also) of cool. Definitely now going to be my default recommendation to anyone who asks me where they should get tattooed. If they don't want to drive an hour and a half then they just don't want it enough ;) edit: Just wanted to add that this was my first tattoo since joining LST and my first chance to post in this thread. Looking forward to many more.1 point
April 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
Kai Eirik Espedal reacted to Rebushido for a topic
ok mine is frome Chad Koeplinger! done at invictus /Oslo a few days ago!1 point -
Collecting different styles
Genie of the West reacted to JeffK for a topic
I have a few tattoo's that don't "match" the rest. I didn't get them because the style was hot at the time (it wasn't) I was just 20 and that's what I was into. Then what I was into when I was 30 was different. I think about getting them covered, but it's like why? It's a road map of my life (lame way to put it, I know, it only sounds cool if you're a Russian prisoner) and so it's just what I was into when I was that age. I get more OCD about colors matching than styles on a certain limb or part. I also prefer, for myself, patchwork style. A ton of random tattoos, vs. 1 big sleeve or piece. Except the back, that large slab of skin with no nipples was made for 1 big ass tattoo.1 point -
Religious tattoos...on the non-religious
gougetheeyes reacted to Kahlan for a topic
Considering it's extremely personal anything one would choose to have tattooed on themselves.... But there's always that particular group that I find drains the true meaning of where these ancient symbols come from. This group I'm referring to are ones that partake in 'trends'. I mean at the very least, it's respectful to research the core of these cultures and beliefs... My favourite is seeing the Lotus flower... which is supposed to have profound meaning without explaining...but seems like no one knows anything about it anymore.1 point -
Sleeve length
slayer9019 reacted to Graeme for a topic
Mine ends at the wrist. I was thinking of having it end a bit higher, but I thought fuck it, I'm well-established in a career where tattoos aren't an issue, and while there are going to be plenty of circumstances where I'll want to keep them covered, if my shirt rides up and shows a bit of my sleeve it really doesn't matter.1 point -
If people around you are judging you based on a little bit of tattoo peeking out from under a sleeve, then you're most definitely hanging with the wrong crowd.1 point
1 point
1 point
I give you the original Ronald Macdonald. I know this is a picture thread but. Scary shit...........1 point
Areas of your body you WON'T tattoo
slayer9019 reacted to Perez for a topic
I have a really nice portrait of my grandma on my shoulder Alex McWatt did. When I went to get vaccinated for HBV the nurse insisted on putting the needle right in my grandma's goddamn forehead!1 point -
Dumb Hipster Tattoos
Genie of the West reacted to ShawnPorter for a topic
Sorry about the double post. My internet is being weird. It's wearing a v-neck shirt and SWEARING it likes Die Antwoord.1 point -
Dumb Hipster Tattoos
Genie of the West reacted to ShawnPorter for a topic
So a few months ago I started noticing this weird hipster trend of posting photos of oneself with a nosebleed. It was all over the social networking sites. Just random bleeding hipsters. I thought it might be a cocaine reference, but it turned out that hipsters are just fucking stupid.1 point -
Dumb Hipster Tattoos
Genie of the West reacted to Tight-Lines for a topic
I wonder what that kid with strength on his chest can bench, BRAH?1 point -
Dumb Hipster Tattoos
Genie of the West reacted to jade1955 for a topic
So for this to work you have to keep the beardo in tow for the rest of your life?1 point -
Areas of your body you WON'T tattoo
Ducky15568 reacted to hogg for a topic
No hands, neck, face, scalp or junk. I'm tattooed just about everywhere else, though (but not fully covered). I still have the front of both thighs and one knee open. Just little spots elsewhere.1 point -
Tattooers with little to no tattoos
Genie of the West reacted to hogg for a topic
I would never get tattooed by someone who had no tattoos--or even just a couple--but I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Horiyoshi II (Tamotsu Kuronuma--no relation by blood or lineage to Yokohoma Horiyoshi III) had no tattoos himself. The story, or at least the story I've heard, is that he learned the trade from his heavily tattooed father, who taught him on the condition that he would not get tattooed himself due to the severe prejudice in Japan against tattooed people. He is the one exception I can think of. Based on the work he put out, and the extenuating circumstances behind his lack of tattoos, he gets a pass. (Not that the late great Horiyoshi II gives a shit about what some gaijin thinks of him.)1 point -
Feminism & Tattoos
Zillah reacted to SilentEcho for a topic
Props to my wife for starting a really interesting topic! It is interesting to see the response out there. I am not a fan of the "if you have tattoos, then you waive your right to privacy." My own mother said that to me once. No one waives their right to privacy simply because they decide to decorate their body with something they warrant as attractive or has some meaning to them. It follows the rule your parents taught you as a child: It's impolite to stare. I don't have that many tattoos [yet], and the few I do have are hidden on a general basis. That being said I don't have to endure the same stares, comments, and criticisms as those that are heavily tattooed. Especially the ladies out there. But, when people find out I have tattoos, I am generally bombarded with the "what is it; where'd you get it; what does it mean?" questions. I don't have a problem answering but, I have yet to get to the point of people stopping me every twenty feet to ask about them. The notion, I think, the ladies have to deal with is three-fold. First, there is a preconceived notion that women are supposed to be sweet and demure; and tattoos seem to be counter-intuitive to those of this frame of mind. Most of the controlling interest in society is still of the generation, or a strong product of that generation, that women are supposed to behave lady-like. They do not think that a woman can have tattoos and still be lady-like. I know that may sound hyper-conservative, not to mention horribly sexist, but I challenge you to look at it from this point of view. How often, ladies in particular, have you gone on a job interview and accidentally flashed a wrist tattoo? Did you notice if your interviewer changed demeanor once they saw it? If things were going so well, then the tattoo was revealed and you didn't hear back from them; why do you think that happened? Unfortunately, not matter how the culture may be changing, the corporate world is still controlled by those that have an issue with tattoos in the workplace; especially ladies with tattoos. Second, tattoos on a woman are like adding flourish to art work. As an artist, the feminine form is a masterpiece. There is a reason why they are called the fairer sex. Everyone, regardless of gender, enjoys looking at women. We like how they move, and look. It is a subconscious attraction. When we watch the Red Carpet specials we are there to see the ladies in their expensive gowns, and fabulous hair styles; and comment accordingly. We only notice men if they have a strong charisma, charm, or personality; which is what makes them truly attractive. Otherwise men fade into the background. Humanity has admired a woman's beauty since the stone age. Why do you think that there are more works of art about women than men? Look at the Masters and their portfolios. More often than not women are a prominent focus to their work. Add tattoos to that subconscious attraction and you create a monster that will stop at nothing to absorb every curve and detail. That is what creates the people that ogle as a tattooed woman walks past. Finally, the last reason is actually quite horrible; but I think it is truthfully worth mentioning. The final reason is that society thinks that a woman that has tattoos is only in it for the attention. Like I said, it is heartless, as I know most women are not of that mindset when they get tattoos. For some reason there is a preconceived notion, again among the older crowd and their lackies, that women who wear "girly" clothes [i.e.: tank tops, skirts, sleeveless dresses, etc] and reveal their ink are being show-offs. I, in no way, agree with this statement, and I do think that the dynamic is changing, but there are a few hold-outs that feel this way. I want to go on record to say that the above is just guess work on my part. I am not omniscient and do not know what people are really thinking. I am only going on what I have gleaned from conversations with people over the years about the topic; and what I see on a daily basis. Observations and opinions run rampant and, like artistic critique, everyone's interpretation is different. I am part of the culture and, along with my wife, feel that this is a topic that needs to be more openly discussed to break down the perceptions of others; especially the individuals that find something taboo about our artistic expression. It has been said here before: If we can change one person's perception of tattoos, then we have moved a step in the right direction.1 point -
good client behavior
ChrisvK reacted to Tight-Lines for a topic
I think urinating on myself and constantly moving is best behavior... Right?1 point