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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2013 in all areas

  1. A place where tattooers can discuss techniques and information in a private environment away from 'the public'? Sounds great... Wait, I work in one every day. It's called a tattoo shop. Also I travel hundreds, often thousands of miles to go to these places in the real world. They are called conventions. By visiting the cream of the crop of both shops and/or conventions, we grow as tattooers and humans. There is no excuse not to visit if you care about tattoos, tattooing, learning and getting tattooed. LST does something else and does a damn fine job at it.
    9 points
  2. Thanks Graeme. I kind of feel the same way, and am glad you were able to explain it as I struggle without sounding like a snob. Tattooer or not, I think everyone wants a forum that they can both contribute and learn from. The 17th thread about where to go get tattooed in San Diego does neither at this point. Maybe there is a little resentment towards some new people who feel like this forum is some sort of tattoo coincerige service, obligated to hold their hand every step of the way or maybe it's just too much like a real tattoo shop in some ways. I came to this forum as a fluke, stayed here because there are so few people that actually understand or appreciate, tattooing. The people who do have that appreciation are some of the most amazing people I have ever internet met in my life and I am truly lucky to have found this forum. I don't see myself leaving if for just that reason alone, and I am willing to do what ever I can to keep this forum relevant.
    6 points
  3. I'm not sure what you mean by "ethics" here and I'm not sure that it's even my place to be commenting on this thread partly because I don't tattoo, partly because I'm not sure that my contribution to this board, on the whole, has been a positive one, but one of the things that I've found frustrating lately as a "collector" is the number of people coming here wanting quick and easy answers. I think this forum is in a tricky position because on the one hand, it's great that people are finding it and are learning things and getting really great tattoos as a result, but at the same time, I would really like to see this place offer something a little deeper than just how to get a good tattoo. I really like what Stewart wrote about "explorers" and about how learning and discovery are worthwhile pursuits in themselves. Getting tattooed has enriched my life immeasurably because through tattoos I've learned a lot about art and culture, I've met some truly inspiring and amazing people, and I've had what I feel are really profound human experiences and this is all worth the time, effort, and money I've put into it, and I'd like this to be more of a community that fundamentally understands that, rather than just a place for people to come and ask about what to get for their first tattoo and then never return or give anything back to this community.
    6 points
  4. dari

    where did the tattooers go?

    @JAllen, I'm on here a lot less too, due to my work and remodeling the house and general life business, too. I used to read every single word ever put up on this forum, but it was much smaller then. Now I might not get around to reading something until a month or so after it's posted, but I try to get there eventually. I don't think I was on much or at all during the incidents you mention. Our internet was even off for 10 days at one point last summer, it's ridiculous how far behind one can fall from something like that. I don't mean on just the forum, I mean with life's daily business and correspondence. I know it's no giant secret that the whole "instant access" has it's trappings, but it was more debilitating than I'd like. I've always enjoyed your contributions, and I remember you were trying to sell your house and move to Atlanta, right? Obviously, I'm not a tattooer. But my husband is one of the founders of this site, and his intention was never to be on the forum everyday answering questions about bubbling and bleeding outlines and whatnot. It's not that he's not interested or entertained here, he's just busy. Since we've been remodeling our house, his time online has been generally spent researching building radiant heating systems and studying siding installation instructions, or just checking the local lumberyard hours. I also see him on craigslist looking at fishing boats, small ones that won't provide shade for easily sunburned women or hold a lot of noisy children. Every minute of his non-tattooing/drawing or family time has been spent either working on the house if the sun is up, or building machines when it's down. He also made a roses line drawing book, I think the e-book version of it will be on LST any minute now. But he is at the Reno convention right now, and if there's someone he thinks need to be interviewed for LST, he'll bring it back for us. Or maybe he'll just bring back a ton of stuff from Cabella's. So I can answer the question "where did the tattooers go?" for one tattooer only, I'm pretty sure he went to work and will be back soon. Either that, or he's gone fishing.
    5 points
  5. Me too. I imagine that most tattooed people (especially heavily tattooed people) feel the same. Which is why I think it's the job of everybody here at LST to try to be thoughtful, insightful, open and intelligent in what they post outside of the deliberate joke/hang-out threads. I like to goof off as much as the next person (see my twitter feed and instagram comments as evidence) but every time I see "Get a ROA!" in a thread, I stop reading. In-jokes and scene memes can be fun until they get in the way of intelligent discussion. There are a few regular posters who I see get stuck in with jokes but also they give sound advice, get good tattoos and seem to know their shit as well as drop pearls of insightful wisdom they learned from personal experience, not gossip on the internet. Those are the guys who keep me coming back here although I first came for the tattooers.
    4 points
  6. dari

    where did the tattooers go?

    I'm sure there's a place in this world for a tattooer-only forum, and there are tattooers with enough free time to moderate it, but that's never been the intention for LST. From the newbie guidelines - "The goal of LST is to create a positive and respectful place where both tattooers and collectors alike can access a wealth of information about Tattooing, share their own experiences and perspectives, and cultivate valuable relationships within the tattoo community." However, the feature to set up one's own group on LST has alway been there, under the forum tab. Go to the community section, then groups, then create a group about anything you want, set the type to invite only, then invite, discuss, and moderate away. - - - Updated - - - @JAllen, of course, we very much appreciate your contributions. And I can't imagine how much it would suck to be away from your family. Your wife must be much nicer than I am. Regarding technology glitches, the p key and the backspace key on our keyboard were broken for a month before we finally replaced it. So annoying.
    3 points
  7. Thank you Tim Forbus at Acme Staunton. The swallow represents my wife who holds my heart and the three flowers and names represent our three daughters. Size of the flower is consistent with the age of the daughter.
    3 points
  8. This was done last month by Eric Jones at Port City Tattoo. It's finally all healed up. Sorry for the minor glare near the front of her crown.
    3 points
  9. Mario for what its worth you were active when I found this site and I have also read I assume every thread and you indirectly helped me start to get it. I have since lasered my crap and only get good tattooers who care about tattooing to tattoo me. So I can see why you prefer not to post I for one am really glad you have. I thank you
    3 points
  10. funny...i get back on here and i see this and the post speculating about our departure from ctc! ha! one kind of answers the other...it's more a forum for civilians (no offense). i'd like to chime in here and there, but honestly, i'd be more interested in a forum for tattooers only, as i chat with "civilians" all day! but i want to try to make an effort again to be on here more because i do think it's a positive!
    3 points
  11. @kylegrey perfect response. The crux of the matter is that this site is only as good as the things people here say. Lets ALL try to be thoughtful and help others be thoughtful too. Although I can't say I speak for all tattooers... "we" - meaning tattooers, tattoo artists etc. were busy before we joined this site. We're still busy. That's not why we don't post. Switch the focus from 'busy' to ' interested' and think about what keeps people interested. If someone can be entertained by, benefit or learn from someone else, they are interested. Otherwise it's a one-way-street. Entertainment is easy to find on the internet, so that leaves the other two if we're talking long-term. Tattooers is peoples too.
    3 points
  12. Thanks for bringing this up @Shannon Shirley while we've never met, people who I think are awesome tell me that you're awesome. Everyone here should pay attention to what this guy says. I still check the forums every day but I told myself I'd try to only get involved if I could be constructive in some way (even being a dick in a particular way can have a positive outcome). Lately there hasn't been much 'new' information or discussion where I felt my opinion would make any difference. Often someone else gets to the point before I do. I don't want every post I make to be a verbose "Me too." On the other hand... The more help or insight we give, the more help or insight we're asked for. Everyone likes to say they "Did their research" for their tattoo but that often just means looking at pictures in a Google search or checking Instagram. But what about the kind of research where you follow an idea that someone mentioned and find out for yourself? Learning and discovery is fun. Information discovered is more cherished and valuable than information that's spoon fed. Everyone wants a book or website recommendation where the mysteries of life and everything will be explained, with pictures. Explorers will eventually tire of conversing with tourists and consumers but they may feel nourished conversing with other explorers. (I use these terms with their proper, non-insulting intention) If more people try to be explorers (intelectual, spiritual or physical) this site, and the world will be a better place. I've said it before but I don't come here to help with tattoo questions. We have a phone at Frith Street Tattoo. Helpful people are paid to answer it and answer questions. Most tattoo shops work with a similar system. You can get a helpful answer pretty quickly that way. Even if you're in another country. International calls are not very expensive compared to the price of a tattoo. I come here because I realised that it was a place where professional opinion meant something. I only started typing when I knew that nobody better qualified had answered. The turning point for me was Bryan Burk's post about Japanese tattoo politics. Finally we had first-hand, sensible and interesting information or opinion from a reliable source instead of conjecture or wiki-regurgitation. I knew then that I'd beter keep my mouth (or keyboard) shut unless I was sure I could contribute something worthwhile. I'm aware this approach doesn't make for a lively forum but it was great to see it in action earlier this year when Bart Bingham put a halt to some whining about tattooers drawing directly on the skin with a simple, direct and thoughtful post. Sorry for the lack of links to threads and @ mentions. LST seems to be loading extremely slowly so I couldn't check where stuff was. Other that the fact that one of my favourite tattooers started this site, I still like it that real-world experience holds water over post-count here at LST. I also like it that the mods (well, the one's I've met) are heavily covered with genuinely great tattoos. That really makes a difference.
    3 points
  13. I started on here about a year and a half ago, I would not like to see this site crumble. It seems to me that lately, less and less knowledgable people are commenting,posting etc. It also seems that thier are more lurkers with "I know some shit" attitudes. those that fit this profile should understand that you are ruining this site. This site was started in hope of an intelligent place where some could learn about the nuances of this craft. Stating amateur attitudes on here does not help.Having gotten three tattoos does not make you an authority.
    2 points
  14. I used to belong to an MMA forum, what a bunch of idiots. No one had any respect for anyone and everyone viewed it as a dick measuring contest. In the late 90's I had some friends that were doing tough man contests and kickboxing in Denver area, then they had a couple UFC's in Denver, what can I say i've been a fan, but can't deal with that crowd. I kind of feel the same way with the gun crowd. I like guns, have guns, like talking to real collecters and experts, have no use for the boneheads. This forum is way better than any forum I have been on, and this is the only tattoo forum I use.
    2 points
  15. Got these two beauties this week whilst in Rome. First one by Diego Brandi and the second by Samuele Briganti. I travelled to Rome purely to get tattooed and it was an absolute pleasure to get tattooed by these guys. Was such a fun experience, and they are some of the friendliest, most hospitible guys.
    2 points
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That sucks dude, sorry to hear. next time your just going to have to go in the day before, set up a little camp fire and roast marshmallows till the morning ;)
    2 points
  17. Cult you are about to find out YOU were the first vehicle for influence. It was your post on Boyer followed by drive up the road to Staunton to get inked by Tim Forbus that originally got me looking at their work. After seeing Tim's Sacred Heart and one of his Gypsy Ladyheads, I gave him a call. Since then I have been inked by him twice. He was able to blow me away with my second piece as it was the most important one I'll ever own; it contains my girls names. I told Tim I found him because of this site.
    2 points
  18. @peterpoose It's from these guys not sure which one of them though . GENKO & EN TATTOO STUDIO Web Site
    2 points
  19. I for one have had my tattooer come back to lurking after I told him I drove 3 hours to get specifically tattooed by him based on a reference from this site. I also have come to realize how lucky I am to live in Virginia and have a love for tattoos, especially old school stuff.
    2 points
  20. Moahaha is right! It sounds like every Norwegian gets tattooed like a pro. I haven't quit my job because I love my job for the first time in my life. However, we're moving into a much better place on the first and after we get back from a summer trip are going to look into adopting a dawg. Feeling pretty good myself right about now..
    2 points
  21. Your Mom is HILARIOUS!! :D My daughter was in town a couple weeks ago and we went out to lunch together. I showed her all my new tattoos and she made a comment to the effect of "it's a bad idea for young people to get a bunch of tattoos, but someone as old as you can get as many as you want because you won't live long enough to regret it". So funny!
    2 points
  22. Stewart Robson

    pharaohshorses back sept10

    Pharaoh's Horses
    2 points
  23. dari

    where did the tattooers go?

    @David Flores and @Graeme, I loved what you both had to say. I was never on a forum before this one, so of course I took it very seriously, but there are lots of people who join all kinds of forums for things they're only moderately interested in, it seems. I remember Bubbleberry mentioning that he was on lots of forums and that none of the others were as serious or hostile as us. (Clearly my interpretation of his words.) I recently joined a gun forum because I needed info on something any gun enthusiast would consider rediculous. But guess what? Someone else had been foolish enough to ask the question, and there amongst the "I smell a troll" and "show me a picture of the gun and the blonde" jokes, my answer was there. I won't be posting there, but I might go back and sniff around for already posted answers when I have more really, really, really dumb questions.
    1 point
  24. Shaun1105

    Hi :)

    Frith St. Tattoo you say? No need for anyone to chime in with a good artist then! :) Seriously, you are in good hands. You may not be able to exactly visualize what you want right now, but with the reference and ideas you've got there the artist you end up working with will give you an excellent tattoo. Who are you booked with, if you don't mind my asking? And of course - Welcome to the forum!
    1 point
  25. Pacem

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Got my latest tattoo started this past Friday. Not the best pic. I pulled it off his Facebook. After 4+ hours he still wanted to finish the shading and fix some lines he said, but I was done and couldn't go anymore. I have my 2nd appointment in 2 weeks, and my 3rd two weeks after that so it wont be long to finish. I suspect he will finish the shading and stuff and move on to do some of the colour next time. I am really, really happy with how it looks. Done by Jamie Macpherson @ Unity Tattoo in Vancouver, BC
    1 point
  26. ian

    where did the tattooers go?

    When I joined the forum there were a good amount of tattooers here as well as 'collectors' that for the most that had a good idea of the ethics of tattooing. Of course we want the forum to grow and in the growth you'll get some advanced collectors but you'll also get many newbies. I get the feeling that the tattooers that post/used to post here don't have time or just don't want to educate the public on tattoo ethics, especially after tattooing all day. I did see @The Hyena over the weekend, super cool dude with some amazing flash he was selling, and I told him it's be nice to see him around here more often. He said he's going to make an effort to post more. No offense to anyone but maybe a lot of the recent topics are too ridiculous for advanced tattooers to want to bother with and may actually be a turn off to them...
    1 point
  27. Duffa

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    If memory serves correct it is Genko - - - Updated - - - @Reyeslv soooooooooo... wheres the photos? Don't leave a brother hanging! (and no doubt the rest of the forum)
    1 point
  28. JAllen

    where did the tattooers go?

    Hey @dari, I know exactly what you mean. My computer died last summer so I can only check stuff here on my phone or at the shop. The house remodeling is a full time job too, and trying to fit that around working a job is consuming. Yep, I'm still trying to sell the house and get back to Atlanta. Last year was a pretty crappy year altogether but hoping something happens so I can get moved. I'm usually pretty patient but I miss my wife and kid. Thanks for your kind works, greatly appreciated.
    1 point
  29. Saw this on instagram, fucking awesome ! Love all of Iain's work.
    1 point
  30. SStu

    Reference material.

    It all depends on how specific a piece you want to end up with. If you're letting the artist have free reign and you're both familiar with the image(s) you want done, then no reference materials would be needed. If you like a specific style of Oni or dragon or samurai or you want a specific pose or other prerequisite that you want incorporated then you should bring that. Otherwise you can browse his porfolio and indicate which pieces really hit home with you so that he understands how to proceed with a drawing.
    1 point
  31. slayer9019

    Quit Smoking

    The weird thing is this was the easiest time I've ever had not smoking. Only a couple blips of cravings. I still have partial packs scattered around the house/car and probably half a carton sitting on my dresser. The only major difference between this time quitting and the ones in the past is I really just got fed up. I wasn't quitting for single reason like cost, health, girlfriend, family, etc. I just simply didn't want another cigarette for whatever reason. One weird thing I have to get used to is actually being able to smell cigarettes now. Before I could never actually smell cigarettes, smokers or pretty much anything to tell you the truth.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. I wanted to address the forum as to not let speculation get to out of hand. I am actually amazed that anyone is concerned about me leaving Chicago Tattoo and the amount of support and well wishes i have received is very humbling. I want to thank everyone for reaching out. I spent ALOT of time at CTC ALOT! from the first time I walked in at 15 with Erik Gillespie and was promptly told to leave to the last 18years (almost half my life) I have been in awe of that place. In awe of the history, the stories, the people, the friends, the tattooing, the flash, the neighborhood. Everything was just amazing to me. I always wanted to be there. Always. I treated it as my own and most people didn't even think otherwise. I have met some of my dearest fiends through there and through tattooing and I owe a lot of gratitude to the institution that I believe I helped build and to the owner Dale Grande. Like all people my needs started to change, my family started to grow and my career really started to get in a great groove. It seemed like the hardwork I had put it was paying off but there where issues that needed to be addressed at the shop that couldn't be resolved. I've sat on this decision for quite some time actually over a couple years. I've done a lot of soul searching and confided in my closest colleagues and friends and especially my wife on what to do and I came to the decision to leave Chicago Tattoo. I wanted to move on still in love with tattooing still in awe of the history and still amazed at 18 years of amazing times some great some not so great. I have a lot of things in the works. Nothing to crazy or unexpected but I can say that I will continue to stay to true to tattooing and what got me to where I am without tattooing I couldn't say where I'd be.
    1 point
  34. Here is the latest on my backpiece from @stewartrobson Did 5 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Sunday. Actually tapped out on Sunday, it was a long week of good eating and drinking and it caught up to me. It's 47 hours of total work so far and it will hopefully be completed in October. Pic is from Stewart's IG. Photo by stewartrobson • Instagram
    1 point
  35. Quick update of more work from Rubendall on my collaboration backpiece. His attention to detail is fantastic and looking at his water makes me sea sick! More to come before I take a break over the summer. Hope to see Henning soon to continue the upper portion of the backpiece. Enjoy the pics folks. FYI, there's some work that's still healing and of course new work. Will have fully healed pics in a couple of months.
    1 point
  36. Here's my anchor!! We went a lot bigger and more colorful than I thought we would going in... Love it! :D
    1 point
  37. Kev

    where did the tattooers go?

    I haven't been doing much lately other than work and wedding plan (next week's the big day!) I have found time to get tattooed ( thigh panel by Scott Ellis) but the process has been moving slowly because I wanted to be healed for the honeymoon (beaches and diving and stuff). I'll be back in full post mode in a few. I know this is titled "where did the tattooers go?" not "where did the postaholics go?", but someone mentioned non-tattooers so I thought I'd chime in since I was around;)
    1 point
  38. All right, let me try to get the pictures right in here then. The work was done by Dutch Cooke, over at Immortal Ink in Clinton, NJ. As I said, I've always wanted tattoos, but could never decide on what I wanted. Getting the brewery started, along with a shift in the way I look at tattoos, finally got me decided on hop vines. These pictures are about 4 hours after the work was completed. I spent 2 1/2 hours in the chair to get this far, and have another session in a few weeks for color and shading. I'm really pleased with how it came out, and how he made my vision fit my body. I can't wait to see it done, but I'm really, really not looking forward to shading that collarbone! Freakin' ouch. It's still a little bruised up. But it seems to be healing well--no blood, and very little ink loss on the inside of my clothes. Comments are welcome. As it's my first, I'm still learning what to expect. -Joe
    1 point
  39. I am new to this. I am still trying to figure out the format, so I have not dug very deep yet. Most of the things Ive read do sound like counter talk. I get enough of that and have nothing to add. Some of the threads i have read(the ones i get the most out of) are a little out of my league and if i had something to add, its already been added. I do have some things to discuss, but they seem to come too close to giving away information to whoever may be on here. I own and am the sole tattooer at my shop and I am at a turning point in my ten year career. I have a customer base that needs education, but shows potential. I have nobody around me to take advice from, but I know I have a chance to bring real tattoo culture to my town. I am hoping this site fills some of those gaps for me and, in turn, I can find folks I can trust with advice i have to give. I am a tattooer and i am here, learning the ropes and waiting for my turn to contribute. Thanks for this.
    1 point
  40. Since there are obviously going to be far more tattoo collectors in the world than tattooers (especially good ones!) then as time goes on and the site grows the posts by tattooers will become (relatively) fewer and farther between. That's even if every one of them was as active as they were when the site first started out which for reasons already mentioned is unlikely. I for one am always excited to log in knowing that there is going to be good discussion of quality tattoos going on. That there's a chance one or more of the best artists in the world has shared or contributed is a bonus and is what makes this forum great.
    1 point
  41. Hello everyone, this is my first post here on LST, I'm a tattooer from California and have been curious to come on the LST forum and see what it had to offer. I do believe a controlled and open-minded forum is such a great tool to educated and enlighten folks to some of the nuances of the tattoo community. As I began to read this post, I hoped, that I would find there are still tattooers with a voice contributing to this site. I find it absolutely refreshing to see that, not so far into this Post, a well respected and talented tattooer, @StewartRobson posted an articulate and well thought out reply. I look forward to 'exploring' the forum more and also contributing where I can. Thanks! Joe
    1 point
  42. One day when you have a sleeve or two and 30 other tattoos you'll be able to say 'this was my first'
    1 point
  43. bulldog


    Valerie Vargas
    1 point
  44. So I finally watched this shit. And with as.. confusing (?) as it was, it's more sad than anything. Girl was obviously super fucked up and has a ton of shit she's dealing with and to me, it's more infuriating that this was "a thing" and a "sensation." I don't really have a good response here.. I hope she's figured out how to wipe.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. Iwar

    Battle Royale

    Marius meyer - 2010/11 - Invictus tattoo Tattoo
    1 point
  47. I was visiting my parents with my new baby. I leaned over the crib and they saw it. I just remember them shaking their heads. My dad was from a NY blue collar Irish Catholic family and my mother from an upper middle class Jewish family. My parents were pretty liberal thinkers but for them a tattoo was more of a class thing. Even though tattooing eventually became my life it was never anything I shared or share with them. When my father was hospitalized with a terminal illness I stayed with him and tended to his needs till he died. I wore long sleeves so that he wouldn't see my tattoos on my arm--- just in case he would make a deathbed request that I not get any more tattoos. I've come to the realization that my mother's inability to understand,like or appreciate my tattoos is not very different from my inability to accept her dislike. Recently she also was hospitalized and I told her not to worry that I would get on a plane and be by her side In the morning ( even though my untattooed brother lives within an hour of her) What did she say? "Cover your tattoos!" I've come to realize that many people when looking at tattoos can not see content, skill,quality. When I first started getting tattooed my mother said to me that she didn't wnt my life made harder because of my tattoos and people judging because of them and I said that if people were going to judge me by the way I look they are not the people I want to be friends with anyway. My mother's attitude has really helped me in my own relationship with my children. how to be more accepting of their appearances.
    1 point
  48. Valerie Vargas


    1 point
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