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Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Amok and 19 others reacted to losParanoyas for a topic
Got back on Saturday from my last session on my back from Kore Flatmo. Glad to have this done! The back is no joke... Had an awesome time there as usual and will be back for some cover up work after summer.20 points -
Zillah and 12 others reacted to Brock Varty for a topic
I don't have any normal pictures of me right now. So with great shame, I give you me in my "shop uniform"... - - - Updated - - - I don't have any normal pictures of me right now. So with great shame, I give you me in my "shop uniform"...13 points -
I wanted to post the first pic saying I'm the guy on the left and leave it at that, but I didn't have the heart. I'm the short Filipino dude standing with Japan... my feet are actually just below the bottom of the frame, like Calvin.12 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 11 others reacted to RoryQ for a topic
Drove down to Allstar in Limerick for around midday. I had a quick breakfast first and then threw the car on cruise control for the motorway trip down (takes around two hours from Dublin). There's nothing quite like the sensation of speeding down the country knowing that you're on your way to get some (hopefully) world-class tattoos when you actually should be working for The Man and watching the clock hands tick by. Allstar was the same as when I was there the previous week: Full of guest artists and with a great atmosphere as a result. To be honest I recommend anyone to go there and get tattooed by Ross or one of his guys at any time: You'll enjoy looking at the amazing flash and art collection on the walls if nothing else. Everything from Smith Street / Frank Carter / Nick Colella sheets to one-off signed pieces by many of the greats. Fortified with a large americano I ended up getting tattooed by Chad first, who rapidly elected to do one of the two ideas I had come with: A rock of ages on the back of my leg. I gave him a free hand and you can see the results further down my post. I'm super pleased with this, I feel like he got all of the elements I like about the ROA motif and managed to somehow get them into a leg piece without having it feel crammed. Next up was Oliver Peck, rubbing his hands and querying what I wanted on my other foot (he had tattooed a panther head on the other one the year before). I had originally thought a matching cat head, but he pointed out that really so long as it was the same size I could get something else if I wanted. Taking the hint, I mentioned that I'd always wanted an anvil tattoo, and suggested putting that over some flowers. We chucked around some other ideas, but he seemed stoked to do the anvil so in no time at all I was in the chair for the second time and getting zapped once more. The mismatched size of the images in this post reflects my complete lack of technological know-how, sorry. I tried to get my own photo of the ROA but I practically pulled a muscle trying to get a decent shot of the back of my leg. As a result I've stolen the pic Chad put up on instagram, which is not ideal, but hey - at least it's my leg, right? It's just a pity my calves are so skinny... Years of squatting and you wouldn't know to look. I heard Arnold Schwarzenegger had the same problem in his early days.12 points -
I think I can do this from my tablet. Not sure this will work, I could do with less technology in my life anyway.10 points
I'm the one on the left, this is from my baby sister's bridal shower... Didn't want to feel left out of the mustache club ;)10 points
February 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
Amok and 9 others reacted to jacobyoung for a topic
Figured Id add another Greg Christian piece to this. Super nice guy and blazed this thing in like 45 mins.10 points -
Zillah and 8 others reacted to gougetheeyes for a topic
AHAHAHAHAHA @Iwar beat me to it! - - - Updated - - - Me 'n' the lady from last summer, kinda blurry cell phone pic.9 points -
hogg and 8 others reacted to Tight-Lines for a topic
Ugly mug on the left. Side note: this is about 12ish beers, 4-6 shots of well whiskey and throwing rocks a train for 5 minutes.9 points -
hollyjoybee and 7 others reacted to Iwar for a topic
Am I the only one that made this connection?8 points -
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
el_alquimista and 7 others reacted to Tim Burke for a topic
Greg Christian at Love Hate Social Club London. Such an ace time this afternoon, sounds like he has a fair amount of free spots while he's there... edit: My smartphone is bust, so I robbed this from Greg's Instagram http://instagram.com/gregchristian4130/8 points -
what do you think of Blacklight Tattoos?
bongsau and 6 others reacted to slayer9019 for a topic
I think its against my motto for getting tattooed and that would be "more black."7 points -
7 points
TattooedMumma and 5 others reacted to ChrisvK for a topic
Figured I might as well show my mug This sexy beast is me Edit: holy shit that picture turned out a bit bigger then planned, sorry!6 points -
gougetheeyes and 5 others reacted to Dhopper for a topic
Here is a picture of me! Here is a newer one in the middle.6 points -
Decision Process
Jack and 4 others reacted to Brock Varty for a topic
When you are drawing your tattoo, how do you know what is tattooable and what isn't? Just because you are an artist, doesn't mean you know what makes a good tattoo; in fact, if you make a tattooer tattoo something exactly as drawn, you could be hurting your chances of getting a rad tattoo.5 points -
TattooedMumma and 4 others reacted to RoryQ for a topic
My local pub at Christmas. They're not hipsters being ironic with the dressers and glittery Christmas tree btw... They just have lots of old tat around the place.5 points -
5 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
Kingdomhearts25 and 4 others reacted to Androosh for a topic
The blue one is fresh. Done by RJ Hitchcock at American Graffiti. He also did the red one...both are from Higgs flash. The crappy pic doesn't do it justice.5 points -
TattooedMumma and 3 others reacted to Brock Varty for a topic
You can picture me as Burt Reynolds with a better mustache until I can get some pictures up.4 points -
4 points
ThaliaCamille and 3 others reacted to eisen777 for a topic
I looked up a picture Thomas took of my tattoo a few years back when it was in progress. - - - Updated - - - One of those arms is covered up...the other arm is being worked on. I still dislike most of my old arm tattoos.4 points -
And here I don't even have a hip pic that's less than ten years old. So...this is out in Washington state last year, near Sequim at a place called Eddy's Hook. And this is the ancient version...I THINK this pic is from about 96, 97, like that.4 points
February 2013 Tattoo of the Month Contest
Brock Varty and 2 others reacted to DennisSmyth for a topic
Here is a homer pigeon on a friend Big Rob, his grandfather raced pigeons in the old days in Philadelphia Done by myself at Tattoo Alley in Horsham, Pa3 points -
Tattoo Nightmare!
joakim urma and 2 others reacted to Delicious for a topic
Lucky I found this thread! The other night I had a dream I went to go get a tattoo with my sister. I don't remember what I asked for, but when it was down, it was a purple new school rabbit on my shin that faded to the right, which lead to a mermaid tattoo that looked like it was drawn by a child. No outlines, no black, choppy colors. I start freaking out on the tattoo artist and he told me you get what tattoos you deserve. I was screaming that he ruined my leg, who the fuck wants a hybrid rabbit/mermaid in two vastly different styles??!!3 points -
TrixieFaux and 2 others reacted to reverend1 for a topic
You have to wait until the tattoo is finished next week. Im not promising a parking garage, but i will do my best to HOLD IT DOWN.:p3 points -
ThaliaCamille and 2 others reacted to eisen777 for a topic
If those pictures weren't online I wouldn't have.......it's strange even on a tattoo board I feel strange posting Half naked pictures. Still best picture is 90ds @DanS that's badass.3 points -
Shannon Shirley and 2 others reacted to David Flores for a topic
We are all one face tattoo away from a lucrative modeling career. I kind of like this thread, gives me something besides an avatar to associate people with.3 points -
Tattooing armpits and nipples
bongsau and 2 others reacted to Stewart Robson for a topic
I'd say it's more "normal" to tattoo armpits than Nipples. I've tattooed maybe 10-15 pairs of armpits. from palm-sized to full coverage. Your question @peterpoose is similar to asking "Will the hair grow back on my arm?" your skin and it's function will not change. It may be a little more sensitive for a while but armpits heal fairly quickly. Nipples are less common. I prefer the look of a tattoo that goes around the nipples if it's designed correctly. I've yet to notice anyone have loss of 'function' with tattooed nipples. They don't hold pigment quite as well as other areas, much like an elbow or knuckle. you can get the pigment to stay but you're not going to be able to have a mini portrait there. One thing to bear in mind: You can tattoo anything. yes, ANYTHING. Yep, even that bit you're thinking of. Yup, even that other bit. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=lucky+diamond+rich&aq=f&oq=lucky+diamond+rich or Shannon Larratt is Zentastic › The Sleeper Has Awakened Now the question is, will it look good? The answer, as ever, is to go to someone who has healed examples of the type of thing you're looking for but some areas of skin won't ever hold finely detailed tattoo designs.3 points -
Zillah and 2 others reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
Ok fine @reverend1 here is a screen shot I just took of my Facebook profile pic...our whole family! Me, Stella, and @DJDeepFried taken at a cafe just a couple weeks ago! :-)3 points -
So in October I decided to grow a bit of a beard.3 points
3 points
TattooedMumma and 2 others reacted to MGblues for a topic
I a'int too proud to show my ugly mug. My girlfriend got me to wear this stupid hat on Christmas day. Some of you saw it on IG anyway.3 points -
3 points
TattooedMumma and 2 others reacted to David Flores for a topic
You mean you're not Bryan Burk? - - - Updated - - - Here is a mini photo montage of me.3 points -
what do you think of Blacklight Tattoos?
Brock Varty and one other reacted to Dan S for a topic
Been in a few jernts where the tattoos dint glow in the dark, but the people wearing 'em did.2 points -
what do you think of Blacklight Tattoos?
KeithReed and one other reacted to Tight-Lines for a topic
There is no such thing as a bad question. Except questions questioning the legitimacy of glow in the dark tattoos. Those are always welcome to promote ridicule.2 points -
Maker's Mark diluting their booze
David Flores and one other reacted to Dan S for a topic
Maker's MArk got hit the same as most other companies making bourbon, by an unexpected, radical increase in bourbon consumption. There are something like 116 premium bourbons out there now, and more being drunk than ever before. According to the guy making the projections for MM, they got so radically oversold that it was just a question of trying to satisfy most, if not all, of their market. But it sucks. Never really thought of MM as "premium" bourbon when I drank, I'd just as lief have Old Granddad-at least you were getting an honest glass that way.2 points -
I thought this is a forum for good tattoos. Why is this even a question?2 points
Damn you public school system.2 points
@xmowglix "Chaos A.D." is definitely a good spin. I got my elbow done last night and we listened to Slayer's "Season in the abyss" three times in a row. I was so completely zoned out I had to ask who we were listening to, even though I've heard that record a ton. Felt like a dipstick.2 points
Latest tattoo lowdown.....
losParanoyas and one other reacted to Graeme for a topic
I love that! Edit: the tattoo, that is2 points -
Good call! @David Flores I turned 47 today, and I'm one beer away (eh maybe 2 or 3) from a lucrative modeling career! I quit giving a shit about what other people think of me quite some time ago. :)2 points
Hey All!
hogg and one other reacted to Brock Varty for a topic
We would still like to see your work. A tattoo is a tattoo no matter who made it. There is a story and memory made with each one. If you want to share, we would love to see them.2 points -
MsRad and one other reacted to CultExciter for a topic
Them shits are Warby Parker's! Should I just submit myself to the "Dumb Hipster Tattoos" thread? Goddammit.2 points -
what do you think of Blacklight Tattoos?
joakim urma and one other reacted to TrixieFaux for a topic
One of the main things I like about my tattoos is being able to see them.2 points -
TattooedMumma and one other reacted to semele for a topic
I'm not an expert on etiquette by any means, but I've never minded the couple times it's happened to me. Anyway I look exactly like this.2 points -
Had my first Saturday off in months. Was able to catch a walk-in with Brad Stevens at NY Adorned - very fortunate. Got this pretty lady to cap my left shoulder. here's a photo of it from his instagram.2 points
2 points