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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2013 in all areas

  1. Finally @hogg Been waiting for that one. Now I want to see a photo of it besides the killer tattoo you have from Theo Mindell on your other knee ;) Come to think of it, I also have a "not very recent" tattoo that I haven't posted before. Chris Conn, Sekretcity.
    13 points
  2. hogg

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    @Lance, if you have a chance to get tattooed by Horitomo...well, you know how this sentence ends. Have him do your front. Hell, get a big Fudo from him, munewari be damned! You're already weird; embrace it. I might as well jump in here. It's not very recent, but it is my latest. I finished this up with Stuart Cripwell (based on a painting of his) in December, but I never got around to taking pics of it. And I'll just add a disclaimer that it is damn near impossible to photograph a knee tattoo. I swear it doesn't look crooked in real life. :)
    12 points
  3. If it's any consolation, this LST thread is now the first result in google for the phrase 'Paul Cramman Tattoo' https://www.google.com/search?q=Paul+Cramman+tattoo&pws=0 ..above his own facebook page..
    8 points
  4. After three hours on your ribs it doesn't really matter what it tastes like. It only matters that it has alcohol in it.
    8 points
  5. Man this is so dope. I love lady head/lady tattoos. 10 hours in with Rodrigo Melo. Finally finished all the background. Entirely freehanded.
    7 points
  6. my 2 recent pieces by Robert Ryan http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/gallery/showimage.php?i=13077&c=5 http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/gallery/member/12934-gorilla.html&imageuser=4480
    5 points
  7. else


    I wear scrubs at work - because I deal with people and their faces and sometimes "stuff" comes out... That's pretty much what I did tell him! LOL! I told him I wanted to buy a whole bunch more skirts just so I could show them off!
    5 points
  8. else


    I debated whether to put this under "feminism and tattoos" or "tattoos and the workplace" but finally settled here. So... at work this morning I was showing off my new panther to the PTs and OTs when a (male) nurse walked in. He's pretty cool, one of my favorite nurses that works there. At first he was totally complimentary "Look at you! That's ART!! That's AMAZING" and then he says "but you can't wear skirts anymore..." and I must have looked at him like he was completely crazy because he stammered a bit and came out with "you can, but they'd have to be long right? you can't wear anything that would show those right?" I can only imagine that my face was still saying "you are a complete and total idiot". The other therapists all had their eyebrows up to their hairlines behind his back... Every time I saw him the rest of the day he was back to being super complimentary again... I have no idea where he got the idea that I would need to keep my legs hidden from view for the rest of my life. (Oh! All 3 of the brothers that I can only tell apart by their sleeves were super stoked for me! I had to show each of them "one more time" all day long... none of them asked anything about future clothing choices - but one of them did ask "what are you planning to get next?")
    5 points
  9. hogg

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Oh, look. It's @Iwar with yet another mind-blowing tattoo. Who else is not surprised? :)
    5 points
  10. Dan S

    Our bad tattoos

    Hard not to like yer first tattoo. no matter what.
    4 points
  11. Brock Varty

    Upcoming Tattoos

    First sessions with Mr. Flatmo next Monday/Tuesday.... My friend that I was going with had some stuff going on and can't go now. So it's just little old me on the twelve hour drive to Cinci. And...shitty part is we were taking his truck as mine isn't that reliable; now that he isn't going, I had to rent a car. That will run me $300 dollars.
    3 points
  12. little painting i did a few weeks ago. my friend Jimmy wanted this tattooed as part of his weekly support of my apprenticeship, but opted out of the flames.
    3 points
  13. I pretty much just have some random tattoos in varying styles so I've gone to different artists based on their "specialty." I really like going to different artists and different shops, though. For me, getting a tattoo includes enjoying the whole experience of going to a cool, new shop and meeting and experiencing different, talented artists in different towns and locations. Compared to most of the people here I have limited tattoo experience but I've been tattooed by old school veteran biker types, young new school artsy types, a world famous artist, local artists, etc., and have been tattooed in a cool shop in Brooklyn and at the great Hope Gallery in New Haven and Off the Map in Mass. I've been in shops that are private like doctors offices and others where I was just inside the main entrance behind the front counter. Again, for me I love experiencing all these different little things that go with getting a tattoo so I will continue to go to different artists and different shops for my future tattoos.
    3 points
  14. thanks for the thoughtful feedback everybody! we truly cherish your suggestions and are always keen to make LST better and better. We will be upgrading our new user approach soon - and the ideas you have posted here will be carefully considered. I love the 'liked' posts idea - that one hits it on the head, just not sure if it could be automated or not.. off to research!
    3 points
  15. Iwar

    Our bad tattoos

    Thanks. This was my only tattoo for seven or eight years, so it actually has a weird sentimental value to me now.
    3 points
  16. jade1955

    Upcoming Tattoos

    My rickety old back held up. Got this from the very talented Jordan Teear at Frith Street yesterday. He got an amazing amount of work done in three hours. All done without a break. To say I'm thrilled with it is an understatement. Amund Dietzel dragon
    3 points
  17. Starts tonight. Its going to be sick. Anyone going?
    2 points
  18. The book came today. Looks like it's never been opened. @irezumi @ShawnPorter No "Tattooed print", but the autographed note to the previous owner makes up for that. ;)
    2 points
  19. Hello, my name is Jonny Lashley. I'm a tattooer from Nashville Tennessee. Ive been tattooing for 9 years and work at a shop in East Nashville called Kustom Thrills Tattoo. I love bold powerful tattooing and I like to party. You can get at some photos of my work at jonnylashley.com . This site looks great and dont really know where to begin. Cheers! -jonny lashley
    2 points
  20. Dan S


    Tell him to wear his own damn long skirts.
    2 points
  21. Guys it is available on the Amazon store (kindle). If you want to read it online use: https://read.amazon.com/ Tattoo Culture Magazine #1: Nicki Kasper, Crash, Jeff Gogué, Freddy Negrete, Mike Rubendall, Robert Ryan, Valerie Vargas: Amazon.com: Kindle Store
    2 points
  22. Brock Varty

    Need cover up help!!!

    Hi @Bsmith5 How are you? I see that you have received a tattoo you don't care for...that sucks. If you are not happy with your tattoo, there is no information on the entire internet that will equal what a good tattooer thinks when seeing it in person. If you are so unsatisfied with the tattoo...maybe you should talt to the person that tattooed you and see what they think. This is a pretty tight community and we would love to have you here. I think everyone would agree with me that we would like to get to know you a little first, before offering any specific answers to questions. Again, welcome, now lets see you participate!
    2 points
  23. My first real commision I finished last night....went a bit crazy with the Paynes Grey!
    2 points
  24. God I hope this magazine goes to paper. I love having something tangible. That's why I still buy books and CD's. Besides, trying to read this on an iPhone even thru bifocals is an exercise in futility.
    2 points
  25. I agree with the liked posts idea too. for a newbie, it means they either said some interesting, or non spammy things, or that they got a kick ass tattoo that people liked. Either one is positive reinforcement for good behavior ;)
    2 points
  26. Damn Iwar! Stop raising the bar! Guess it's off to get another appointment setup.
    2 points
  27. Lance

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Big ol Fudo huh? Like this one? Damn good! .@horitomo_stateofgrace | I tattooed eyeballs today. #fudo#fudomyoo | Webstagram - the best Instagram viewer
    2 points
  28. Iwar

    Our bad tattoos

    My first tattoo, done in the late 90's. The original design was for my dad's one-man guitar repair business called "the guitar doctor". It was based off of the ambulance symbol, only with a guitar neck and two snakes instead of one. Judging from the borderline he put there, I don't think Grime liked it very much, haha. It's not going anywhere though.
    2 points
  29. bulldog

    Our bad tattoos

    @TrixieFaux not too bad at all, i'm still easily winning with my POS!!! ha ha you say cover with a panther, i need to try a picture of my worse tattoo which has in fact been covered with a panther. :p - - - Updated - - - @CultExciter Yea think that being mike Malone flash counts that out ever being that bad....;)
    2 points
  30. Downloading it on my phone right now. Also I have an Android tablet that I recently got as a gift and don't really know how to use yet, does anybody know how to get this on there? It doesn't show up in the Google Play store when I search for it, but it doesn't show up in the App Store either (I had to get iBooks first), so I assume that I need to download some kind of reader to get it? They should just print a paper copy of it so morons like me don't get confused.
    2 points
  31. waverly

    Ed Hardy ROA Book Question

    I have the tattooed one and the regular and I don't know if I would part with the regular one for $129.00. It was a struggle to buy it back then at the regular price!
    2 points
  32. hogg

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I love everything about that dragon, but the solid black tail is especially doin' it for me.
    2 points
  33. Robert Ryan posted this on his instagram today and it made me think of this thread as it shows both an aged realistic tattoo that didn't have enough black in it and a blastover that does.
    2 points
  34. @Dan S Fuckin hell Dan only just saw this. That is so good. - - - Updated - - - Amund Dietzel dragon. Tattooed by Jordan Teear, Frith Street Tattoo, yesterday.
    2 points
  35. Got this elephant head mandala from Seth Wood on Friday at the Star of Texas convention in Austin. Couldn't be happier with it and with meeting Seth.
    2 points
  36. Hey! I just noticed that I'm a "regular" here now... ex-lurker no more!! What if people had to have at least 10 posts and... at least 3(?) or 5(?) "liked posts" before they could start a thread... certainly no one would "like" one of the obviously spammy posts that people have been rushing through to get to 10. It might force people to be more thoughtful...
    2 points
  37. Dan S


    Getting stares because you're wearing something that has traditionally been jailhouse art, or other "outsider" type work is entirely on the wearer. To the people who have traditionally gotten things like spiderwebs, walls, teardrops, etc., they are specific indicators freighted with much significance. I'm not saying don't get 'em, just to expect the stares and attitudes. .02
    2 points
  38. The who, what, where, when, and why of your latest tattoo? Pls include a picture as well as we would love to see it!
    1 point
  39. Nice pieces...I really like yours @captaincabinet
    1 point
  40. Johannes

    Trash Polka?

    fuzi....could we please never mention him again on this forum? i kinda wanna punch him in the eye for doing what he does. skin molester! he's in sweden now i read somewhere...should i go and punch him in the eye?
    1 point
  41. Ever since I was a little kid I had told my parents I was getting tattooed. My parents used to buy me temporary tats all the time and I loved them. Still I waited until I was 19 to get my first. My parents are really cool but... what Momma don't know won't hurt her. I decided not to tell them. I didn't live with them or anything so it was easy to hide. I got a few more small tats, then a chest piece, then a piece on my ribs. One year my parents took us all to the beach, and there wasn't any way in hell I wasn't going. I knew I had to tell them and just wussed out. So that first day on the beach I threw my shirt off and just waited. My sister starts crying, my Mom starts cussing me asking if they're real, and my pops just called me a "dumbass" for wasting my money. It was awesome. They all got over it and while they still aren't the biggest fans of tats they respect mine and respect the fact that I have good tattoos. My mom did make me promise her that I wouldn't tat my hands or neck. I'm starting to regret that as my open spots are slowly getting filled but a promise is a promise.
    1 point
  42. CultExciter

    Our bad tattoos

    This is probably worst tattoo I have. It's Mike Malone flash (which rules) but it's got some holidays. Oh well. It's still tough. Especially with that kitty cat scratch!
    1 point
  43. i got another 2 hours in on my back today.
    1 point
  44. Jiro dreams of sushi is a great documentary. Headhunters - if you can deal w subtitles it is a great flick. - - - Updated - - - I didn't know it was on Netflix! I streamed the entire series through hbO go Really good series. Mrs and I went back to parks and rec from season 1 and are really enjoying it
    1 point
  45. Well I'm glad yesterday is over. Session #1 of 13 with Mike Rubendall
    1 point
  46. You can't go wrong with a Sacred Heart, it's just classic. I'm particularly fond of the one on this H20 album cover, done by @Scott Sylvia himself, 15 years ago? Shit, we are getting old.
    1 point
  47. torchie

    dragon backpiece

    Finished my back earlier this month not the best pic but thought I'll share.
    1 point
  48. Rebushido

    Marius Meyer

    1 point
  49. Tim Hendricks


    1 point
  50. Bryan Burk

    Lady Heads

    I'm a little biased on this one, but I work with a kid named Adam Warmerdam who draws and paints some pretty ladies
    1 point
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