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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2012 in all areas

  1. Hi! First, I want to say that I really appreciate this forum. I've been intensively lurking here for a few weeks now and I love how sincere and respectful (most of) the posts/posters are. It seems to be a rare thing in forums like these for people to be genuinely helpful, nice, and laid back :) So, Thanks to all of you who are here and contributing in such helpful ways. I have this disorder which is causing the motor nerves in my legs to die off. This, of course, means that the muscles in my legs are working less and less and less... and it hurts. For the past 2 or 3 years, as it's been getting noticeably worse, I've been HATING my legs. They let me down. They are betraying me by failing and by robbing me of my ability to do the things I used to love to do and the things I dreamed of someday doing. A few months ago I started dreaming about getting more tattoos. (I have two now. Old. Not the best quality maybe but I love them anyway :)) I am planning now to start tattooing my legs. Sort of a "value-added" idea I guess. Over time they're becoming less functional, but maybe more beautiful? Definitely MINE. And... total bonus... instead of feeling self conscious about people watching the way I walk I can choose to believe that they're admiring my tattoos! So. That's it. That's why I'm here. I am excited to start.
    17 points
  2. From Iain Mullen today. So happy with it! Had a great time and it wasn't as horrible as I had imagined going over the elbow.
    15 points
  3. slayer9019

    "The Sitdown"

    Ran across this interesting little teaser on youtube for an upcoming documentary on NYC tattooing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OApQA-ZPaoc Featuring Richie Montgomery, Pete Giaquinto, Ronnie DellAquila, Mike Perfetto and Tony Polito Got another trailer here Looks like it's going to be released early 2013 sometime.
    10 points
  4. Throwing in my tattoo in the hat. This was done by Eddy Deutsche a week and a half ago.
    9 points
  5. kylegrey

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Todd Noble
    6 points
  6. MGblues

    Full Back Piece Thread

    I posted a crappy photo in the Latest Tattoo Lowdown thread a a few days back. I finally got a good picture of the progress on my backpiece. One more session to finish the two angels and tidy a few bits up and it should be complete. Tattoo by Paul Pearson.
    5 points
  7. irezumi

    Tattoo age on VBS

    Any art collector that hasn't considered buying some of his work is failing.
    4 points
  8. Brock Varty

    "The Sitdown"

    "How many people would go under if they couldn't get pre-made needles anymore?" "A lot" "This table wouldn't" That exchange is fucking gold.
    4 points
  9. Doesy

    Tattoo age on VBS

    Tattoo Age | VICE Thom is Up.
    4 points
  10. Three words: Japanese squid pants. And welcome!
    3 points
  11. on breaking in to the business of tattooing. A good laugh. Contact me at [email protected] for availability$20 shipped in the US $25 outside of the US
    2 points
  12. This kills me , follow the evolution of a Bob Roberts Battle Royale backpiece complete with soundtrack ... The Battle Royale Tattoo by Bob Roberts
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. TrixieFaux

    Tattoo age on VBS

    About to watch this. Gotta say--I love the pics of Daisy on Instagram that @Graeme and @Pugilist put up--she looks like the sweetest thing. Love the cat pics too, of course, being that's mainly what I post as well, but that is a special dog.
    2 points
  15. I would say the subject matter they paint is very similar and the color palette as mentioned, but Conn's stuff has so much more going on and is looking for a much bigger effect. Cleen looks like he is trying to keep it simpler. If he was trying to rip off Conn, I think he would make his paintings a little busier, try to incorporate background elements that Conn uses. I think clearly Cleen has been influenced by Conn, but that can be said for pretty much this whole generation of tattooers. Same with Dan Higgs and even Aaron Coleman, I see a lot of these guys in the tattoos people do everyday, and I don't think people are ripping it off, they are just doing what they think looks cool.
    2 points
  16. Chris Trevino, Jason Brooks, Tony Hundahl, Jay Chastain. Chris will have the longest waiting list, but he is probably the best non-Japanese Japanese tattooer in the world. Jason Brooks is fucking incredible and unique. Jay Chastain is also a great tattooer. I just got tattooed by Tony about three weeks ago, and he told me he is usually only booked a couple of weeks in advance. I got a hannya mask from him and it is really nice. Ben Seibert works with Jason at Great Wave, and he is getting to be as good as the rest of them. Paco Cendon is also in Austin and does great work. Also Rock of Ages just posted their upcoming guests which are Matt Arriola, Thomas Hooper, and Robert Ryan.
    2 points
  17. justcallmematt

    "The Sitdown"

    This looks awesome!
    2 points
  18. @slayer9019 I just found your holiday sweater. Slayer | Christmas Holidays Jumper | Jumper | Officially Licensed Music T shirts, Hoodies and other merchandise.
    2 points
  19. I sat for 7 1/2 on my ribs, well technically I sat for 2 1/2 and then drank a pint of vodka and slept for the next 5. I'm the worlds biggest sissy, really I'm like a 3yr old girl with a skinned knee when I get tattooed it's horrible. The next longest was 4 1/2 by Eric Inksmith last year. It was right before he started touring, his first time using disposables, on my calf. I tried to crush my skull by squeezing my temples to distract myself. It was right before the state fair, I had to stop and buy a cane at walmart, my leg was so swollen I could barely walk. The longest I ever tattooed was in my first year, payday weekend at Ft. Campbell, tattooed from 10am til 4am, with only breaks to setup and break down. My hands were numb from my fingertips to my elbows.
    2 points
  20. Since we are talking about Austin, why not Jason Brooks, I have been looking a lot at his stuff lately. Or Scott Ellis at triple crown. I also think it's important to be patient to find a good tattooer, that you like to cover your tattoo and give you a tattoo you can be proud of. On the other hand, I can also understand not wanting to wait a year to get tattooed and there are plenty of guys who do top quality work who don't have huge wait lists. Whatever path you choose i hope this thread has helped.
    2 points
  21. Graeme

    "The Sitdown"

    A bunch of guys who have been around a long time sitting down and talking sounds good to me.
    2 points
  22. Courteousness is key. It shouldn't matter who you are, how many tattoos you have, what you're getting, etc., you should be treated with courtesy. There are so many great tattoo artists out there that I can't be bothered by getting tattooed by someone who is rude or is a dick. It's also bad business sense. A couple of years ago my wife @Pugilist emailed a very good local tattoo artist about getting a tattoo (for what it's worth, it wasn't the easiest tattoo request) but instead of just saying that he wasn't interested in doing it, he sent a really assholey reply...though, curiously enough, he didn't actually say he didn't want to do it. It was probably good in the long run that he did that because that got her looking into travelling for tattoos, which led her to Stephanie Tamez at Saved who is completely amazing both as a tattooer and as a human being, and who is now doing a full back piece on her. There's a few thousand dollars that the first guy potentially deprived himself of. Obviously, that courteousness goes both ways. To me, that means appreciating the fact that tattooers are often busy and might not respond to my emails as quickly as I'd ideally like, that appointments often run late, that when they suggest something it's often to make a better tattoo, and so on and so forth.
    2 points
  23. started today with my boss... we decided that since we put a backpiece on my chest, we should do a chestpiece on my head. EDIT: just realized i forgot to mention... by Josh Cruse, of JP Cruse Professional Tattooing, in Wichita, KS. i'm used to posting things to my friends on Facebook, where i don't have to clarify as much.
    2 points
  24. Awesome ! even if this is your only tattoo IMO well worth it to be wearing good tattoo. Nice to see your so open to suggestions and taking sound advice!
    1 point
  25. Hahaha damn its sold out!
    1 point
  26. MIKE GIANT « REBEL8 Mike Giant posted a couple of pictures of Chris tattooing his head.
    1 point
  27. If you want your head tattooed get your head tattooed. I don't have mine tattooed, but I have seen it done, and the recipient didn't seem to be doing that bad.
    1 point
  28. Thanks guys, and I shot both of the artists suggested in the previous posts an email and I'll wait and see what they say. Sorry if my writing earlier was hard to read, I was posting on my iphone.
    1 point
  29. I would say the wait for a good tattoo seriously outweighs getting a third coverup! I would forget about assuming and shoot an email/phone call his way and see what the wait is, or even if there is any significant wait time. You never know he could be available, at least maybe for an appointment to see what needs to be done. While I am far from a tattooist I can say it does like kinda light which does work in your favor. That being said, there might be other good artists in your area as well. @CultExciter I forgot the "I" in that statement. I missed it
    1 point
  30. Doesy

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I'm leaving for New Zealand tomorrow. Getting my thigh tattooed by Simon Erl on Saturday, sight-seeing for a week and then starting colour on my back with Jelle on the following Friday!
    1 point
  31. What makes you want to tattoo your head when you haven't even finished your arms?
    1 point
  32. I don't know how serious you are about the cover it up part, but if he's thinking about covering it up, his wrist is the wrong place to get it. He should write the script on his wrist with a magic marker and spend a few days seeing how he likes it before he gets it permanently tattooed on.
    1 point
  33. RoryQ

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Consultation at Yellow Blaze tomorrow. Glad I'm not under the needle till the weekend- couldn't sleep last night due to the time difference. Got out of bed and went for sushi at Tsukiji fish market at dawn.
    1 point
  34. asradin

    Lower leg tattoo

    The best way I have found to heal lower leg tattoos is straight after you have it done take an anti-histamine and then once you are home try and keep the leg raised as much as possible. I sleep with my legs above my head when healing lower leg tattoos. I also take one anti-histamine a day until it's finished scabbing. I dry heal so all of my tattoos scab a lot but I've never needed to have one touched up. Oh and FYI I got 6 lower leg tattoos in as many months plus my knee and this method has healed them all perfectly and without any real tenderness
    1 point
  35. here's my new one from duncan x, from a bruegel engraving
    1 point
  36. cwbyht

    Any metalheads out there?

    Well I'm old school. Grew up with Sabbath and Priest, and that's who I still listen to. Also love newer stuff like Avenged Sevenfold.
    1 point
  37. Some killer stuff in here! for perspective: Done by Greg Christian while he was in NYC at Wooster St Social Club I had made this appt a while ago and was really looking forward to it. Thought for sure it would get canceled after the Hurricane happened and flooded the city, leaving downtown Manhattan without power all week. Luckily, Greg made it to NYC last minute and I got this tattoo from him a day after the power came back on. It was a really cool ending to a very shitty week. Very fortunate.
    1 point
  38. Was talking to a buddy the other day who got tattooed by him a few weeks back and it sounded like an awesome experience. And you're exactly right.. for those that want it, go get it! For those that don't, you have nothing to worry about.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I would like to point out that exactly 7 months later, I now have a chest tattoo. Never say never ;)
    1 point
  41. I prefer the pea-cocking aspect of visible tattoos. Attract mates and deter foes.
    1 point
  42. Aaron Coleman (not sure if these have been posted before or not?) Immaculate Tattoo - Home
    1 point
  43. Tim Hendricks


    1 point
  44. the problem is in my opinion is that just because there are more and more tattooers everyday the ratio of hard working creative and original ones are falling off.. part of self promotion is you have to make yourself and your work public. if not no one outside your town would really get to know your work. its obvious valerie is an amazing tattooer, with that comes all the no tallent as clowns who rip everyones shit off. i think its sad that people arent just willing to sit down and learn to draw a girl head with an animal head of their choice. instead to rip it off. then there is the part of a customer wants the exact thing. fine . try to steer them away but if they are persistant dont fucking publish it on the internet.... i love how people are called out on it...
    1 point
  45. Jaycel, I got the tone of your post and the intention. Although the intention was sincere enough, It's great that you realised, or have started to realise that the principles of most other crafts can seem to be applied but don't translate well to tattooing. Mostly because tattooing is a permanent mark that somebody has to live with and carry with them every day of their life - There is a responsibility that comes with that, although I'm reluctant to discuss it (and other subtleties of tattooing) with non-tattooers as it's easily misunderstood and mis-used by laymen. The reason any discussion of this type is met with hostility from tattooers is firstly because of the responsibility I mentioned and unlike other crafts, tattooing has magnetic attraction for people who wouldn't involve themselves with any other craft-based endeavour. Many of these people are not prepared to undertake the work necessary to create good tattoos. They are only prepared to do the steps they think are necessary to make sick tats. Here's the bit that may get me some shit. Getting an apprenticeship isn't the holy grail. An apprenticeship from a shitty tattooer is worse than no apprenticeship at all. What's that you say? No good tattooers are prepared to teach you? Well there's a reason for that. That doesn't mean you should let an incompetent fool enable you to become a more inexperienced incompetent fool. This is the part non-tattooers ignore when they spout on and on about 'sticking it out and finding an apprenticeship, doing it the right way' It's not right if you are taught wrongly. Many many shitty, inexperienced tattooers have an apprentice. Some of those apprentices have a lofty sense of self-worth and think they are 'real' tattooers because they cleaned the toilet of a shitty tattooer for months. Eventually the work you create and the way you conduct your affairs becomes more important then the way you got there. Mel, I seriously doubt that your dad could make a shitty machine better. Maybe better looking or better constructed, but without knowing how to tattoo, or having a great tattooer teach you. It isn't possible to make a tattoo machine work well. If someone came to me asking for an apprenticeship with pretend tattoos drawn on a mannequin, I wouldn't take them seriously at all. An apprenticeship isn't an art school mixed media project. There are a million smaller things to learn before you get to that point. If any budding tattooers/apprentices read this, the important thing to remember is - Never take advice from someone who isn't a tattooer. Even better, don't take advice from someone who isn't teaching you.
    1 point
  46. Scott Sylvia


    what the hell are you people talking about? fuck i am clueless.
    1 point
  47. Mr. Frog


    1 point
  48. jeremy ross


    9 x 12
    1 point
  49. Elloise.Grace


    1 point
  50. "I fed a fish to pelican in Frisco Bay.."
    1 point
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