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  1. ehh i more so set up the appointment with antonio because i already wanted to get tattooed by him and since my band will already be in frederick that day for recording... why the fuck not? i'll have to check out those guys though. baltimore is only a 2.5 hour drive or so from here so i could always drive down another time. - - - Updated - - - p.s.. posted this in the full backpiece thread but i figured i'd post here too. got this lined yesterday by max kuhn.
    12 points
  2. got this outlined yesterday by max kuhn. looking forward to finishing it.
    9 points
  3. My first trip to Dallas was in 1998 and I worked right near Richard's shop. The owner of the shop said, "come on, I'll introduce you to Richard Stell". We walked over there and they were filming Walker Texas Ranger, Richard was tattooing. I got to meet Richard Stell, Mike Wilson AND Chuck Norris all within 5 minutes of each other. It was the coolest day ever for me. Richard wouldn't stop tattooing for them to film and told them to deal with it and film around him, it was rad. I told Richard that story recently from my perspective and he chuckled. I am very excited to see him on Ink Master.
    7 points
  4. Doug Hardy

    Aloha all-

    Howdy- I guess I should finally get around to my introduction. My name is Doug Hardy. I tattoo at my father's shop, Tattoo City, in San Francisco. I was apprenticed under Michael 'Rollo' Malone at China Sea Tattoo in Honolulu from 1992-1996, then moved to Minneapolis where I worked at Northside Tattoo, The Ink Lab, Uptown Tattoo and finally The Aloha Monkey. After almost 12 years in the Frozen North, I moved back to my hometown to help run Tattoo City and be my father's right hand man after his retirement. I also help with Hardy Marks Publications and try to stay connected with other artists when I'm not wrangling my goddamned cats.
    6 points
  5. @Jennifer Stell Fact: I was pierced by Richard Stell 20 years ago. I no longer have it, but he and I had a good laugh about it while he tattooed me two years ago. (That, I still have.)
    5 points
  6. jayessebee

    Upcoming Tattoos

    I have 2 appointments next month, one with Tomas Garcia and one with Matt Bivetto, I'm taking Oct off haha
    4 points
  7. irezumi

    Ink Masters

    I still stand by my earlier post regarding this; 1) contestants have to tattoo the judges.
    4 points
  8. slayer9019

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Just got a nice surprise today in my inbox. Looks like sometime next year I might be getting tattooed by Thomas Hooper!
    4 points
  9. Jennifer Stell

    Stell Spot'in

    yeah... I'll have a better idea of what's going on with 2013 in December. It's getting to where we can't keep up with it all. . . Or I just have been out of a shop so long I am having to reprogram myself to keep up w/ that, and be good at being on the road still... I know it seems trivial, I just like to be on point, I feel like I am getting thin skinned trying to retain it all: Schedules, appointments, designs, setup, breakdown, taking care of the man, and making sure each client is 100% or more happy with it all, and all the other joys of being a shop owner again, etc... Sound Fun? Haha, it is... Too bad I'm getting old, and can't keep up with the cool kids anymore. Actually thank god for that. Maybe I'll be tattooing or at least painting again regularly by the end of the year. Jen
    3 points
  10. hogg

    Trip to San Fran

    One more thing: don't call it "San Fran." Say "SF" or just "The City." ;)
    3 points
  11. If we can have topics on food, weight lifting, music and "random pictures", I don't see how one thread on piercings is gonna do any harm. On topic, my personal perspective is that I've had piercings in the past, but I get sick of "babying" them - having to clean them meticulously when they get gunked up, making sure I don't lose any bits of the jewellery that might come undone, being careful at shows so they don't get bumped/ripped out - tattoos are only annoying for a week or so while they heal, piercings are annoying forever :P
    3 points
  12. Jennifer Stell

    Ink Masters

    I will say this: Oliver, Nunez, and Navarro work crazy long hours, and deal with bullshit on a level that I would not want to even conceive to sign up for... I was just happy that we got to get over and see Bert, Boltz, and the guys at S.S. in Brooklyn, and make some dough which put us within our mark of shop $tart-up. I got to go see Higgs, Hooper, Kings Ave, Invisible, and even though I'm still tired, we even had a convention the weekend we came back.... It's all worth it, we love tattooing, and this was for Oliver, after everything him and Richard lived out, it's hard for us to say no, making up for lost time... I just wonder how the fuck they are going to edit all the fucks that came out of Richard mouth... PS, Navarro shreds in his room sometimes when they aren't on set... He's good. Most people don't want to disturb him, but they needed him on-set, and they sent Richard to get him... Hahaha... Richard got him.
    3 points
  13. ...when you want to tell somebody "I know the person who got that tattoo" But really, you've only ever talked to them on the internet...
    2 points
  14. hogg

    New addiction; piercings

    He tattooed a spider lady on the side of my knee two years ago (it's in my gallery) and pierced my nurple in the before time.
    2 points
  15. Pugilist

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Honestly, it has been a hellish couple of weeks in terms of work and insane schedules and blah blah blah but @Graeme and I are going on a tattoo road trip to New York this weekend and that is totally, totally, getting both of us through the week. Tattoo anticipation is a great coping mechanism during times of stress! :)
    2 points
  16. Jack

    Trip to San Fran

    Go to Spider Murphy's. Go to Spider Murphy's. Go to Spider Murphy's. Go to Spider Murphy's. (not for Japanese stuff, but so i can get tattooed vicariously through you)
    2 points
  17. I am going to be tattooed by Frank Lee next if he ever finally makes it up here....lol! We've been talking about it....he just needs to come up to Baltimore soon is all..... Okay.....don't fall out of your chairs.......I have no other plans to be tattooed right now other than that......lmfao
    2 points
  18. CaptCanada

    Best stage dive? Yes.

    D you should be banned just for posting that..... Hella troll
    2 points
  19. I'm wildly in love with you right now. Found last years thread... My buddies and I were the 1% and waltzed around downtown Oakland for a few hours hammered.
    2 points
  20. rozone

    Ink Masters

    Purely out of curiosity, I just watched the first two episodes of this season. The thing that bugs me the most about it is that they give the winners of the "Flash Challenges" the ability to assign all of the "Human Canvases" to each tattooer. What this means is that they are purposely trying to make their competitors put on bad tattoos that they know they can't pull off so that they can further themselves in the competition. They're actively trying to get the clients bad tattoos. I mean, I understand that it's a competition and money is at stake, but these are tattoos. People have to live with these for the rest of their lives and I think it's a total dick move to completely neglect to think about the client's happiness and their right to get a good tattoo. Like it was said earlier, this is just a TV show. There is good and bad associated with it's impact, of course, but ultimately it's aired for entertainment purposes and not for promoting artistic integrity. That's their prerogative and that's fine, but I think it's incredibly irresponsible to participate in fostering a culture where people get shitty tattoos on purpose. That's never cool, and that's where I take most issue with this show.
    2 points
  21. Jennifer Stell

    Ink Masters

    YUP... It's The Walker Texas Ranger Episode: A Matter of Principle... And Richard and I kinda got a vibe that the contestants would be trying to get a rise out of him: Contradictions & EXCUSES we're tiring, Richard really wanted to practice what he preached, manners, restraint, representing Real Tattooers in a positive light...and knowing when your advice or words meant nothing (because the fuckers "KNOW" tattooing), if it so why help them... ? (He didn't want to shit on the floor, but he could have, after seeing the bullshit we did.) I don't know whats going to happen, but I am happy that some real tattoo masters like Rubendall, Richard, and the like,are going to be on the series, it helps make these assholes look bad. (Richard doesn't consider himself a master), he wants to keep learning... And that's the lesson we learned in NYC.
    2 points
  22. kylegrey

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Fuck yes Freddy Negrete is the man .
    1 point
  23. SnowyPlover

    Upcoming Tattoos

    +1 Looking forward to seeing. This thread does nothing for self control. I'm waiting for a inbox surprise. The wait is part of the whole thing... I like it as much as I hate it.
    1 point
  24. Budget cuts. Police departments in the UK had something like 20% of their budgets cut, so I am guessing that a stricter policy on tattoos could potentially force people out of the police? Though I can't believe that there are so many cops with hand, neck, and face tattoos that it would actually make that much of a difference.
    1 point
  25. hogg

    Trip to San Fran

    Actually, Theo Mindell does really, really beautiful Japanese stuff.
    1 point
  26. Just a heads up: Tattoo City will be in full force again with Mary Joy and I tattooing all 3 days. Kahlil should be there one day as well, but unfortunately Jen Lee won't be able to attend. My father will be at the convention on Saturday and we will have more of his original art and prints for sale. Hardy Marks books also at the booth!
    1 point
  27. Check out Classic Electric Tattoo in Frederick, Md..........Dave Kruseman's shop Olde Line Tattoo is like 30-40 minutes from Frederick in Hagerstown, MD.....and the shop Jason Reeder is in, Incognito Tattoo is in Greencastle, PA about 50 minutes from Frederick! Baltimore & DC are within striking distance as well! There are a lot of great artists you could hit within an hour drive of Frederick! @gougetheeyes ...... when you come down this way hit me up and I will give you a list of artists to check out if you want! I really need to ride out and see Clay at Black Label to say hi.....I pass through there all the time and have never stopped in to see the shop!
    1 point
  28. Mr. Smith


    I agree, I'm REALLY into this season. Also, that scene last night with the horror maze house and dude in the viking helmet or whatever it was was (while a bit ridiculous) definitely the most terrifying scene of the series so far.
    1 point
  29. Avery Taylor

    Ink Masters

    I think they should have to tattoo the producers.
    1 point
  30. Abellve

    halloween 2012

    Whisky with my wife, stack of horror movies, chasing away candy-beggars who don't know what no-porch-light means...oh, and pumpkin pie.
    1 point
  31. CultExciter

    Ink Masters

    I'm caught up thus far. First things first. YEEEEEESSSSSSHHHHHH. I feel like a Jewish Grandmother. All this and that. Ptooo. Anyhow. All this forshadowing...Jesse Smith and his colorbombs will win. Even though he has no tattoos and can't really compete with what we really think a tattoo is. At least he's from Virginia. That grandest state in the Union.
    1 point
  32. slayer9019

    halloween 2012

    You know what would be fun for halloween? Getting a tattoo!
    1 point
  33. Natveggie45

    halloween 2012

    Brock.... Lets switch places; my teenage son and daughter are having friends over. A bunch of 15 and 16 year old screaming and listening to crappy music....if i hear Bieber or "Call me maybe "one more time i will scream.
    1 point
  34. rozone

    Trip to San Fran

    I second this. Best dude and best tattooer.
    1 point
  35. Yessir - can do: Gallery > select your image > look down below the description to the right > Receive Email Updates Unfortunately, there's no way to turn this on for all of your images, so you have to do it individually for each one. You can subscribe to comments for any image in the gallery this way. Also - it only does email, not 'notification' at the top.. Let me know if it's not working for you.
    1 point
  36. I don't carry assisted types anymore since they confiscated mine twice when I lived in Newark (bastards!). Apparently in the fantastic state of NJ they fall in a grey area. If I am in NYC or in a suit I carry this little guy otherwise I got this guy and I always keep a fixed blade/leatherman in my jeep and carry those when I am out of urban areas. Nothing beats a kabar when you actually need to do anything with a blade.
    1 point
  37. Scott R

    What's your EDC knife?

    i like your style! MAchete!
    1 point
  38. pardon the IG filter
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Didn't know FredNeck had any decent shops! Checked out Antonio's tattoos on the Black Label website, looks like he does pretty decent traditional stuff. I'll have to check 'em out next time I'm down that way visiting my folks.
    1 point
  41. Zach Nelligan put a reaper head on me at a convention this weekend that has been in my wallet just waiting to get tatttoed. Also was able to get a little tattoo by Jelena Nikolic, the newest member of Chicago Tattoo Company.
    1 point
  42. eisen777

    Ink Masters

    Yea...now i am actually looking forward to watching the show just to see the Stell episode. More real tattooer guest judges would be good for that show.
    1 point
  43. When you don't think it's weird that your instagram is full of pictures of men's asses.
    1 point
  44. The Bay Area Convention of the Tattoo Arts is coming up, we'll be setting up at Temple Tattoo in Oakland for a couple days prior to the show, and then Electric Oni in Petaluma a couple days after... Time to reconfirm or setup appointment time/days with me ... And we're packing light so if there is a painting you're wanting, or a print in mind, drop me a message.
    1 point
  45. irezumi

    Lost Tattoo

    Gonna mention Owen Williams. Excellent at jap stuff, and a well-rounded tattooer for sure. I'd get something from him if I was able to/still had enough room left. Owen Williams and Trevor of course. That's a no-brainer win.
    1 point
  46. Lochlan

    Lost Tattoo

    Some damn good advice here! I removed those back links cause they are nothing worth while that will help the world of tattooing and its customers
    1 point
  47. Mr. Smith

    Lost Tattoo

    Buying tattoo designs online is a scam. Do what everyone else here has said and find someone who makes Japanese tattoos that you really like and describe what you liked about that design to them. You'll end up with a way better tattoo than if you brought in a design that you're married to (which may not make a good tattoo at all) because you paid for it. Don't be afraid to make a long trip...I routinely drive 8+ hours round trip to get my back worked on, and have driven a lot more than that and crossed borders to get tattooed by people I dig. Tattoo road trips are a blast.
    1 point
  48. Cork

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Horiyoshi just blew up instagram. In the meantime, here is some of his other stuff.
    1 point
  49. chrisnoluck

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    here's my chest.. i don't think i've posted it in here yet. done by brandon montero
    1 point
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