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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2012 in all areas

  1. Just got back from jacksonville. Super fun trip and got some super fun tattoos from Jesse Gordon at Inksmith and Rogers on 3rd street. First of the trip. Basically said dagger with something weird. we got weird Little drawn on filler the next day a print he gave me Was going to get another one on my ankle, but unfortunately was too hungover to withstand too much Also, going back to get eagle/snake on my chest by Mike Wilson on Dec 1st.
    18 points
  2. I know a guy who got a body suit in one session. Tattoo courtesy of Ross Carlson Artwork Rebels, I think he had only been tattooing a couple years at most at the time.
    12 points
  3. Iwar

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Little filler I picked up at Blue Arms tattoo here in Oslo a month or so back. Tattoo by Christoffer Wøien, design by Bert Krak.
    11 points
  4. 3sixteen - Singularities - Thomas Hooper
    6 points
  5. Good for you, but, wow. Last Sparrow Piercing. This feels like usenet in 1997. Sorry. There are plenty of places online for this stuff, but nowhere else other than Last Sparrow for serious tattoo talk. Yeah, I'm a dick.
    6 points
  6. Got two little tattoos this weekend at the Portland Convention. A reaper head from Zach Nelligan of Triple Crown and Jelena Nikolic from Chicago Tattoo Company did a traditional butterfly on me.
    6 points
  7. kylegrey

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Tebori by Nakamura Toshikazu - http://shisei2011.web.fc2.com/index.html
    5 points
  8. bleakandblue

    Hi everyone

    hello, i'm Kim-Anh Nguyen. i work in Geneva Switzerland and also at Jolie Rouge Tattoo, london UK.
    4 points
  9. cibo

    halloween 2012

    aka how i spent my sunday evening... making werewolf paws, one more part of kid's costume done... what are ya'll doing for halloween?
    4 points
  10. hogg

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    @lving4today You are doing it right.
    4 points
  11. lving4today

    Recent Regrets

    I regret drinking too much tequila and whiskey last night and throwing up all over Jacksonville last night. - - - Updated - - - I regret saying last night twice in my post above
    4 points
  12. asradin

    Full body suit people?

    I don't think I'm consciously trying to get covered quickly and I'm far from fully suited but I have gotten a (I guess) a large amount of work done in a short time. I got my first tattoo about 4 years ago but didn't properly get into tattooing until 3ish years ago. Since then I got my upper arms done, my entire front torso, my back, both my feet, a large part of my lower legs and also most recently my right knee. I don't have a time limit, I guess I'm just following the advice I got from Dante when I first went to Frith St which was "get tattooed by as many people as you can, whilst you're as young as you are" I'm going to be taking a break because of work but I still plan on getting tattooed as often as I can. I can't remember which thread it was posted in or who said it but I agree with the statement: It's not a race, it's a journey and enjoy it whilst it lasts...
    4 points
  13. Bump again. Was reading the Nick Rodin interview in the last TAM where he was talking about hurrying to get a ton of tattoos when he was just starting out.. and I remembered Oliver Peck saying a similar thing, how he always wanted full coverage and how they had to hurry up and knock it out (and then TAM graced us with funny n00dz of the two).. but it got me wondering about how other LSTers are faring -- are people on track? Does anyone else have a timeline? Does anyone else give a shit? Tougher if you're not a tattooer, it seems. I'm coming up on the big 3-0 and not nearly as "done" as I'd like to be. Always said I wanted my back started by 30 but it's comin down to the wire and I got bills and all the bullshit I didn't have when I was 18, 21. Need to knock out some big stuff this year to keep on track! Get my priorities in order!
    4 points
  14. I will be including all of the artwork from Kore and any photos; in-progress, during tattooing, or otherwise. And yes, I have watched that interview. It is one of the reasons I am so happy in my decision to work with Kore. He mirrors all of the traists that I respect in a human being and to be honest, I feel like he is an example of how someone should conduct themselves. I should have the preliminary study back from him in the next few weeks. Tim, my local dood, is going through how we are going to connect the back to the torso with Kore on the phone later this week. So after that, I will slowly have some updated art work to show. First sitting with Kore is in January. Tim and I are driving down to Cincci and both getting work on for two days each.
    3 points
  15. As soon as I hooked up with Kore Flatmo it was over. There was no way I was going to get major work from him and not go huge. I am in the planning stages of my entire body minus my arms right now. Kore is doing my back/ass/right leg. My good friend and local tattooer is doing my left leg/torso. We are just waiting on a study from Kore to actually start planning for my left leg and torso. I figure if my current financial situation sticks...with back and forth trips to Kore 2 or 3 times a year....I will be fully covered in 5-7 years.
    3 points
  16. I figure enough people liked this in the Latest Tattoo Lowdown thread to warrant an entry here. Done by Johnny Bones at Full Circle Tattoo in San Diego, CA. Johnny be good!
    3 points
  17. Jennifer Stell

    Ink Masters

    YUP... It's The Walker Texas Ranger Episode: A Matter of Principle... And Richard and I kinda got a vibe that the contestants would be trying to get a rise out of him: Contradictions & EXCUSES we're tiring, Richard really wanted to practice what he preached, manners, restraint, representing Real Tattooers in a positive light...and knowing when your advice or words meant nothing (because the fuckers "KNOW" tattooing), if it so why help them... ? (He didn't want to shit on the floor, but he could have, after seeing the bullshit we did.) I don't know whats going to happen, but I am happy that some real tattoo masters like Rubendall, Richard, and the like,are going to be on the series, it helps make these assholes look bad. (Richard doesn't consider himself a master), he wants to keep learning... And that's the lesson we learned in NYC.
    3 points
  18. Probably consuming alcohol dressed in an unusual outfit.
    2 points
  19. This. I'm still pretty new to getting tattooed and I've already gone from thinking that everything about tattoos is the coolest thing in the world to thinking that tattoos are still the coolest thing in the world, it's just sort of unfortunate about the getting them and healing them part, and as I'm planning on starting some big work in the next year I expect that my opinions will change again, and that I will lament ever getting involved in this thing that involves me getting repeatedly stabbed with needles in my ass crack. That said, I really like what was said above about the experience of getting tattooed and getting to meet people who really excel at what they do and really getting something from that energy. I love the way that when I look at my tattoos that I can remember the experiences around them and getting them (for example, around a year ago I was in NYC on that freakishly really snowy day at the end of October and because the weather was so miserable and people were cancelling their tattoo appointments I managed to get a walk-in at Smith Street and got that classic wolf head with its tongue hanging out the side of its mouth from Eli Quinters and when I look at that tattoo I remember that day really sharply, though I probably would have otherwise forgotten about it) and I want to continue having those experiences as long as possible because they've been some of the best and most important experiences I've had in my life. Which isn't to say that getting a cohesive bodysuit wouldn't be this really amazing, transformative experience, because I'm sure that it absolutely is.
    2 points
  20. Scott R

    Tattoo age on VBS

    awesome stuff I watched freddy corbin 1-4 again
    2 points
  21. hogg

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    As a point of clarification, tebori is hand tattooing. "Te" is Japanese for hand and "bori" (from "hori") is carve or engrave.
    2 points
  22. Jojo Ackermann

    big cobra

    big cobra
    2 points
  23. Lochlan

    Full body suit people?

    You've watched the Kore Flatmo interview right? I would enjoy seeing a work in progress thread of this body suit for sure once it gets going!
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Adam Elkins

    When you got tattooed

    I had always been interested in tattoos. My grandfather had tattoos from the time he spent in the navy. They were old and most of them had fallen apart but they really grabbed my attention. I held off getting tattooed when I was younger because my dad had insisted that I waited until I was certain that I wanted to get tattooed (I wasn't going to argue with him). I got my first tattoo when I was 25. A sailor jerry swallow by Stewart Robson. Since then I haven't looked back.
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Graeme

    Full body suit people?

    I can't wrap my head around going from no tattoos to a full bodysuit in two years, and the sort of thought process involved in that, but that is fucking rad.
    2 points
  28. If we can have topics on food, weight lifting, music and "random pictures", I don't see how one thread on piercings is gonna do any harm. On topic, my personal perspective is that I've had piercings in the past, but I get sick of "babying" them - having to clean them meticulously when they get gunked up, making sure I don't lose any bits of the jewellery that might come undone, being careful at shows so they don't get bumped/ripped out - tattoos are only annoying for a week or so while they heal, piercings are annoying forever :P
    2 points
  29. While I am far from full coverage I can say I am actually moving along way faster than I had thought. My first ever tattoo session was June 1st of last year. Since then I have gotten a pretty large area of my body covered already (you actually have seen some of that transformation in person haha). In a year and a half I have already covered half a calf, one bicep, and my entire one thigh. While far from body-suit territory, in the time it took, it went way faster than I had imagined. At the rate I am booked out getting tattoo (every 2 weeks minimum) I am going to be on track to get covered before I am 30.
    2 points
  30. CABS

    Full body suit people?

    I eventually want a full body suit. But I like getting one piece at a time. Can't get a back piece until I start dating someone full-time. Who else is gonna apply lotion for me?
    2 points
  31. BMEZine.com and Modblog... Best places online for piercers...
    2 points
  32. I wanted to post that from the set of flash I have ever since the thread started, but I didnt want to post any flash before it got tattooed.
    2 points
  33. Had my appointments with Frank and Sarah Carter today, so i'll crack on with the pictures :) First up a calf piece from Sarah: Then after a bite to eat and a much needed sugar intake, this palm sized space filler from Frank on the inside of my right wrist: I should say i borrowed both images from their respective instagram pages. Not sure if either of them will read this but i have to say they were both great today, in terms of the tattoos done and just making sure i had as good a time as is possible while being jabbed with needles! The art will always speak for itself but not everyone has the capability to make the whole tattoo experience (for want of a better word) a memorable one. And on that note i'm heading to bed, it's been quite a day :D
    2 points
  34. SStu

    Snakes snakes snakes

    Speaking of Senor O'Donnell, here's the latest from his instragram:
    2 points
  35. The Bay Area Convention of the Tattoo Arts is coming up, we'll be setting up at Temple Tattoo in Oakland for a couple days prior to the show, and then Electric Oni in Petaluma a couple days after... Time to reconfirm or setup appointment time/days with me ... And we're packing light so if there is a painting you're wanting, or a print in mind, drop me a message.
    2 points
  36. I searched and couldn't find anything. What stuff has been blowing your mind lately? (other than the fact that there hasn't been a thread about this yet) Matt Mooney Ron Henry Wells Chad Koeplinger
    1 point
  37. phickey

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    I'm having a hard time figuring out what I want to do for the appointment with Aaron Coleman, I was thinking panther head with a dagger through it and a cobra.
    1 point
  38. It depends on how creative and articulate you are.
    1 point
  39. CeeDub


    Hello all, new to the forum, found it by googling random tattoo topics. Hoping to check out some cool ideas and maybe get some insight on different tattoos and placement of tats. I'm a fan of getting inked and hope to connect with like-minded individuals!
    1 point
  40. Brock Varty

    halloween 2012

    Wallowing at home in my misery of no friends and no fun.
    1 point
  41. Scott R

    Snakes snakes snakes

    @Jojo Ackermann has a killer cobra uploaded in his gallery.
    1 point
  42. Scott R

    halloween 2012

    last i was told I was going to be one of the 7 dwarfs, flynn ryder or a princess :(
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. ...aaaaand @Pugilist is quite possibly going to a conference next year in Oklahoma. Guess I need to figure out what I want from Richard Stell.
    1 point
  45. Not that anyone cares, or should, but, for the record, given my minimal experience with the guy, I have nothing bad to say about Chris Conn. And I'm a grouchy hypercritical misanthropic bitch.
    1 point
  46. I second, or third, or whatever the inside upper arm, near the arm pit. I did the right inside upper arm and then the left the very next day and it killed me. Got thru it though and now every where else is a breeze.
    1 point
  47. nick razzano

    heart locket

    "i want a heart locket on my ribs." alright, sounds good.
    1 point
  48. ben stone

    img 0576

    1 point
  49. one day i hope to have a near full coverage. just working on it one tattoo at a time. im only 22 so ive got plenty of time.
    1 point
  50. Stewart Robson

    pharaohshorses back sept10

    Pharaoh's Horses
    1 point
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