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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2012 in all areas

  1. Had my appointments with Frank and Sarah Carter today, so i'll crack on with the pictures :) First up a calf piece from Sarah: Then after a bite to eat and a much needed sugar intake, this palm sized space filler from Frank on the inside of my right wrist: I should say i borrowed both images from their respective instagram pages. Not sure if either of them will read this but i have to say they were both great today, in terms of the tattoos done and just making sure i had as good a time as is possible while being jabbed with needles! The art will always speak for itself but not everyone has the capability to make the whole tattoo experience (for want of a better word) a memorable one. And on that note i'm heading to bed, it's been quite a day :D
    7 points
  2. Honestly, what do you need a t-shirt for? I would walk around bare-chested for the rest of my life.
    5 points
  3. Got two little tattoos this weekend at the Portland Convention. A reaper head from Zach Nelligan of Triple Crown and Jelena Nikolic from Chicago Tattoo Company did a traditional butterfly on me.
    4 points
  4. Jennifer Stell

    Ink Masters

    YUP... It's The Walker Texas Ranger Episode: A Matter of Principle... And Richard and I kinda got a vibe that the contestants would be trying to get a rise out of him: Contradictions & EXCUSES we're tiring, Richard really wanted to practice what he preached, manners, restraint, representing Real Tattooers in a positive light...and knowing when your advice or words meant nothing (because the fuckers "KNOW" tattooing), if it so why help them... ? (He didn't want to shit on the floor, but he could have, after seeing the bullshit we did.) I don't know whats going to happen, but I am happy that some real tattoo masters like Rubendall, Richard, and the like,are going to be on the series, it helps make these assholes look bad. (Richard doesn't consider himself a master), he wants to keep learning... And that's the lesson we learned in NYC.
    4 points
  5. bryan burk appointment november 10th scott sylvia on my birthday december 9th michael bennett the day after and chris conn just emailed me back and put me on his list for december. dont even care im going to be broke this winter.
    4 points
  6. Got tattooed by Jesse Gordon yesterday and my bud got tattooed by Lars. Both super sick! Going back again today to get some filler and my other ankle filled in. Inksmith is awesome and all the dudes there. Met Mike Wilson and got my appt for my chest set up dec. 1st. Makes me a little less anxious knowing he's do nice and humble. Side note: as the shop was closing a dude with back piece by Ed hardy from 1989 and a bunch of work from cliff raven, jack Rudy, bob shaw. Needless to say, super rad
    3 points
  7. In the languages section you tick bilingual cause you know some Japanese (tebori), Mexican (santa muerte ),Maori (ta moko) and of course Spanish (Jondix ) .
    3 points
  8. cibo

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    today...2nd session Scott Sylvia...one tattoo turned into a work in progress :)
    3 points
  9. Just got this today from Johnny Bones at Full Circle Tattoo in San Diego, CA. Edit: I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how goddamn classy Full Circle is. They accommodated a rigid schedule for me (I jumped on an airplane an hour after this) and Johnny knocked out a nice little memento under pressure. The shop itself is gorgeous and their crew were nice as can be. Johnny Bones has been guesting there for a few weeks. He works at Mi Familia in Anaheim. He's pretty killer.
    3 points
  10. shell

    Rock of Ages Tattoo Design

    My boyfriend got his front started by the amazing Steve Byrne in December last year- it's since had one session of colour done and will be finished when Steve is in Australia next or we go visit him in Texas.
    3 points
  11. CABS

    Full body suit people?

    I eventually want a full body suit. But I like getting one piece at a time. Can't get a back piece until I start dating someone full-time. Who else is gonna apply lotion for me?
    2 points
  12. Good for you, but, wow. Last Sparrow Piercing. This feels like usenet in 1997. Sorry. There are plenty of places online for this stuff, but nowhere else other than Last Sparrow for serious tattoo talk. Yeah, I'm a dick.
    2 points
  13. kylegrey

    Chest/Torso Tattoos

    Tebori by Nakamura Toshikazu - http://shisei2011.web.fc2.com/index.html
    2 points
  14. Should be able to help...... Is it the Mike Malone Flash you've backlinked to twice so far on ebay? Did you get a chance to read the Newbie Guidelines? Also just food for thought, it may help you sell stuff on LST if you contribute to the site first. LSTers haven't been know to take to kindly to persistent sellers...... PM me and lets see if we can get this squared away
    2 points
  15. Graeme

    Best in the Midwest

    Greg Christian.
    2 points
  16. Scott R

    Ink Masters

    richard stell is chuck norris with a better beard
    2 points
  17. Jennifer Stell

    Ink Masters

    I will say this: Oliver, Nunez, and Navarro work crazy long hours, and deal with bullshit on a level that I would not want to even conceive to sign up for... I was just happy that we got to get over and see Bert, Boltz, and the guys at S.S. in Brooklyn, and make some dough which put us within our mark of shop $tart-up. I got to go see Higgs, Hooper, Kings Ave, Invisible, and even though I'm still tired, we even had a convention the weekend we came back.... It's all worth it, we love tattooing, and this was for Oliver, after everything him and Richard lived out, it's hard for us to say no, making up for lost time... I just wonder how the fuck they are going to edit all the fucks that came out of Richard mouth... PS, Navarro shreds in his room sometimes when they aren't on set... He's good. Most people don't want to disturb him, but they needed him on-set, and they sent Richard to get him... Hahaha... Richard got him.
    2 points
  18. Yup... Richard and I were in NYC last for this and the Smith Street Guest Spot... It was interesting, but painful... Next week, is the Traditional Round. Richard is the Guest Judge... And, he ripped into everyone, and even snapped at Navarro, but in the end. They signed up to be judged, and so they were.
    2 points
  19. finally getting my back started on tuesday by max kuhn. my band is recording in frederick, md next month so i also set up an appointment with antonio roque for while i'm down there.
    2 points
  20. When you don't think it's weird that your instagram is full of pictures of men's asses.
    2 points
  21. might as well have another crack, Tattoo around the clouds and Kraken is fresh/swollen in this pic. Tristan bentley, Ocean ink Sydney Australia
    2 points
  22. David.... Unless you go by the name of Stewart you did not offend me one little bit. I actually liked what you wrote.... You express your opinions quite well ( which i admire since i am trying to learn the language and all..). My artist does the tattoos, his wife the piercings. Very talented people. Scary a little, but they laugh at my accent and make me repeat things all the time. Merde....
    1 point
  23. While I am far from full coverage I can say I am actually moving along way faster than I had thought. My first ever tattoo session was June 1st of last year. Since then I have gotten a pretty large area of my body covered already (you actually have seen some of that transformation in person haha). In a year and a half I have already covered half a calf, one bicep, and my entire one thigh. While far from body-suit territory, in the time it took, it went way faster than I had imagined. At the rate I am booked out getting tattoo (every 2 weeks minimum) I am going to be on track to get covered before I am 30.
    1 point
  24. Didn't know FredNeck had any decent shops! Checked out Antonio's tattoos on the Black Label website, looks like he does pretty decent traditional stuff. I'll have to check 'em out next time I'm down that way visiting my folks.
    1 point
  25. rozone

    Ink Masters

    Purely out of curiosity, I just watched the first two episodes of this season. The thing that bugs me the most about it is that they give the winners of the "Flash Challenges" the ability to assign all of the "Human Canvases" to each tattooer. What this means is that they are purposely trying to make their competitors put on bad tattoos that they know they can't pull off so that they can further themselves in the competition. They're actively trying to get the clients bad tattoos. I mean, I understand that it's a competition and money is at stake, but these are tattoos. People have to live with these for the rest of their lives and I think it's a total dick move to completely neglect to think about the client's happiness and their right to get a good tattoo. Like it was said earlier, this is just a TV show. There is good and bad associated with it's impact, of course, but ultimately it's aired for entertainment purposes and not for promoting artistic integrity. That's their prerogative and that's fine, but I think it's incredibly irresponsible to participate in fostering a culture where people get shitty tattoos on purpose. That's never cool, and that's where I take most issue with this show.
    1 point
  26. @kylegrey my good man, my room mates just gave me the weirdest looks when I burst out laughing at that. "Spanish" lmfao Well played sir, well played.
    1 point
  27. Donn

    Ink Masters

    Richard actually was on Walker Tx Ranger twice. We took pics of Chuck in the shop and I am not sure what happened to them.
    1 point
  28. Reyeslv

    Ink Masters

    I will now watch my first episode!
    1 point
  29. When you're so psyched to go to yoga because you'll be able to look at your own tattoos in the mirrors throughout the class. It's also a good place for planning out your next one(s)...
    1 point
  30. when you spend money on say a digital camera and think man thats an hours worth of tattooing with...... i did this tuesday when spending $165 on a camera
    1 point
  31. Not that anyone cares, or should, but, for the record, given my minimal experience with the guy, I have nothing bad to say about Chris Conn. And I'm a grouchy hypercritical misanthropic bitch.
    1 point
  32. When you erase your internet activity because of the amount of forum post so your spouse doesn't know you wasted the whole day on the internet. When you have line drawings of filler tattoos in your wallet just in case you find yourself in a situation to get tattooed.
    1 point
  33. --when plainskins have no idea who/what you are talking about. ever.
    1 point
  34. At least I talked THIS one into doing it right!!!
    1 point
  35. gougetheeyes

    Ink Masters

    You guys can PM each other to plan a meetup where you can hug it out -- or Guy will just stand you in front of his bathroom door and shoot you with arrows :D
    1 point
  36. just to throw this out there. i was talking to my daughter yesterday while she was drawing. and she told me that what she was drawing was a tattoo. so i said cool i didnt realize it was a tattoo and her was response was "of course daddy, it has black in it" i never told her that it was her own observation, needless to say i was extremely proud of her. so after all that could be said about what lasts or not i can say this. if a 5 year old can come to that conclusion on her own that its only makes sense to have black in tattoos then i conclude whether things stay or not it belongs there.
    1 point
  37. Adam Elkins


    Hey. Thanks guys. I've been very lucky. I planning on taking some decent pics of all my tattoos soon. At the moment all I have are shitty phone pics. You can see my backpiece (in progress) on the second episode of Valerie's Tattoo age (I'm the guy at the end). Here is one of my tattoos by Valerie http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/gallery/showimage2.php?i=4458&catid=member&imageuser=211
    1 point
  38. Duffa

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Just got this bad boy from [MENTION=2486]lukemuller[/MENTION] over at http://www.facebook.com/truelovetattoobrisbane Leg is a little swollen at the moment but nothing out of the ordinary :) I'm f**king stoked. We had no idea what Luke was going to throw down beforehand, I had some ideas but nothing concrete and then I remembered a new painting he'd done, and the fact that I have no cats on me yet, the above plan was hatched and goodtimes where had by all ;)
    1 point
  39. It's a very fresh photo.....and not even a good one....but I had Dana Helmuth tattoo me this past Saturday at Read Street Tattoo and he decided to add a dragon head and claw in the area I had saved for him! :)
    1 point
  40. by Johannes from Black Stallion Tattoo / Good Faith Tattoo in Boston/Brookline, MA
    1 point
  41. Here is my snake/panther combo on my right forearm. I was taking these pics at my office desk. 4 years old now. Wow. Andrew Conner. Harrisonburg, VA.
    1 point
  42. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=537755179583877&set=a.197285293630869.58055.145111408848258&type=1&theater This is my right arm shortly after my last session. Some parts are still raw in the picture. The back of my arm is a cover up of some shitty script... The artist is Tim Morris at A Brand New Tattoo in Eau Claire, WI. I am honored to be friends with him. He is an amazing person and really solid tattooer.
    1 point
  43. Speaking of Rock of Ages with a twist, here's one from Jeff Zuck's Instagram.
    1 point
  44. irezumi

    Art thread.

    Bath salts was my favorite
    1 point
  45. Dean Denney, Anonymous Tattoo Savannah, Georgia. Cap Coleman:
    1 point
  46. 75xs670

    Chris Conn is back!

    Supply and demand! It is fuckin Chris Conn and he will have no problem getting business, and considering there are mediocre tattooers charging $200 an hour it seems like a bargain to me, but heck I got 3 tattoos from him back when the hourly rate would get you one piece. But lets face it getting tattooed by the likes of Deutsche, Sylvia, Lehi, Wilson etc they get twice or more done in an hour than most would do in 2 so it halves the hourly rate anyway, Chris is not fast but is he is super efficient!
    1 point
  47. I was around a lot while Ed was getting that bodysuit. He had no tattoos and decided at 50 (or close to it) years old that he wanted a nine dragon bodysuit. It took almost two years of him flying to Austin for a week at a time. I am pretty sure that he told me the backpiece took five straight days.
    1 point
  48. Paul Shachtman

    Mike Malone Flash...

    I collect Malone crap. "Bull's Eyes and Black Eyes" is an excellent primer, not to mention a steal compared to what other tattoo books go for. Like someone said, if you keep your eye on eBay, reprints, sometimes painted by others, show up. I got ten high-quality reprint sheets of lined and shaded stuff for about $60 on eBay a few years ago. I'd like to get a look at anyone's Malone tattoos, if they're willing to post them. Here's what I got from him: Facebook Facebook Funny, looking at that Malone skull again, struck me further just how minimalistic that tattoo is. Seth Ciferri did a spider near it at one point, and described it as being "belligerently simple", or something up that vein. It's like a skeleton in cool boxers.
    1 point
  49. Well thats just my humble opinion! Partially biased, got my very first professional tattoos by him. As far as his influence on me as an artist...I feel destiny had a reason for me, in my total tatoo obliviousness, on my very first attempt to find a shop, just stumble in to one of the most legendary shops of all time and get tattooed by one of historys best. His shop wasn't the only one I have seen full hand painted, but like you said the effeciency and layout of the designs made China Sea the ultimate street shop in my opinion.
    1 point
  50. Valerie Vargas


    1 point
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