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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2012 in all areas

  1. Iwar

    Chris Conn is back!

    @Dhopper I got tattooed by Chris back in June. When he announced his comeback he also mentioned that his hourly rate would be $500. Do you think Chris would appreciate that I openly named the price of my tattoo and how long it took to finish on a public internet forum? This is what I wrote in another thread after my visit with Conn: “I won't elaborate much on my stay there, but it was probably the most memorable tattoo experience I've had. I left LA with much more than just a new tattoo, and I'll remember that visit the rest of my life. If someone still is on the fence because of his price, don't be. You'll get your moneys worth, and a whole lot more. That's my opinion anyways.”
    9 points
  2. not the same as the random image thread. this is for posting pics you took on your phone. my porch has crabs. 3rd one I found. how the fuck does that happen? jumbo shrimp - - - Updated - - - Yes, really real. Happened at the previous shop I was at. So dude walks in with a guitar strapped to his back, bible in hand, his pants hanging low enough to see pupes, and basically looks like a weirdo nerd gone Falling Down (you know, with Michael Douglas?). Anyway, he asks about getting tattooed and writes down this semi-long list of bizarre phrases and math equations and shit; 'glue on guitar' 'my left nih' (>btw, I just figured out this was probably his spelling of 'my left KNEE'<)and like 5 other phrases I can't remember. So as one of us is preparing this, he uses the bathroom. When he comes out his face is all wet; I ask him if he's alright. He says "yes I was just getting a drink." pause. I said "why is your face all wet?" repeats that he was getting a drink. longer pause. at this point everyone is kinda watching this exchange. I said "from the toilet?" half-joking.... "yes" non-chalantly "I don't believe you..." he goes back in there and STARTS DRINKING. Long enough for me to snap this picture. double triple whoa. I was speechless for a second. "Dude, you need to get out of the shop; that was pretty fucked up. You really need to leave" Dude says OK and leaves. Holy what the fuck. Best thing that happened that week.
    7 points
  3. When you erase your internet activity because of the amount of forum post so your spouse doesn't know you wasted the whole day on the internet. When you have line drawings of filler tattoos in your wallet just in case you find yourself in a situation to get tattooed.
    4 points
  4. Can't say for sure about hwat methods were used but I don't think they were usually just straight cut-off. I know that the salt-removal method goes way back, and lemon-juice, and I've read accounts of dilute muriatic acid being used to "crumble" the skin so it could be, basically, scraped off. I did see an ex-member of a fairly large 1% Patch have his club tattoo-full forearm, removed with a wire brush in the parking lot of a bar. He did it willingly, I guess it beat the alternative!
    4 points
  5. Just got this today from Johnny Bones at Full Circle Tattoo in San Diego, CA. Edit: I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how goddamn classy Full Circle is. They accommodated a rigid schedule for me (I jumped on an airplane an hour after this) and Johnny knocked out a nice little memento under pressure. The shop itself is gorgeous and their crew were nice as can be. Johnny Bones has been guesting there for a few weeks. He works at Mi Familia in Anaheim. He's pretty killer.
    4 points
  6. guys, i did not know there was a whole section with a TON of interviews that I haven't seen. I've seen Stewart and Chad's interviews. Fuck, i'm so excited right now. I've got some may interviews to watch.
    3 points
  7. Was talking to a buddy the other day who got tattooed by him a few weeks back and it sounded like an awesome experience. And you're exactly right.. for those that want it, go get it! For those that don't, you have nothing to worry about.
    3 points
  8. --when plainskins have no idea who/what you are talking about. ever.
    3 points
  9. Hey D, Did you read all 14 pages of the thread. I think that most people were pretty on board with Chris and what he is charging. A couple of people felt it was too much, but most seemed to understand, and at least two people on here have already gotten tattooed by him. I don't think that anyone was all that negative. A couple of people said they don't get what is so special about his tattoos, but they were not nasty about it. Maybe I am misreading something in your post, but I am not sure what about this thread made you feel like people where talking shit about Chris.
    3 points
  10. Mr. Smith

    Bryn Perrot

    I apologize if anyone has posted about her on here before and all of that, but I just stumbled onto her art through an Instagram hole. She makes woodcuts based on tattoo imagery, and HOLY FUCK, I'm blown away. As soon as I have some extra cash, I definitely want one (really, all of them) for my collection. Bryn Perrott Edit: Son of a bitch. I misspelled her name in the thread title.
    2 points
  11. when you spend money on say a digital camera and think man thats an hours worth of tattooing with...... i did this tuesday when spending $165 on a camera
    2 points
  12. hogg

    Random Cell Phone pics

    This thread should just be called " @irezumi isn't on Instagram."
    2 points
  13. A bigass crawling panther and snake would blast right over that
    2 points
  14. irezumi

    Chris Conn is back!

    Actually that's exactly what he said in his letter. If that's not the truth then how are we supposed to know? My point in my previous posts was that personally I just wouldn't pay those prices, esp for someone that I wouldnt put on any pedestal, but if he can get it and feels like that's what his time is worth well then kudos to him.
    2 points
  15. Clay McCay

    Ink Masters

    A train wreck would be far more interesting, more educational and much more "reality" than "Ink (shudder) Masters" This show is garbage. It's a soap opera where they are using puppets instead of a script. Whatever though, as much as I hate these shows and honestly think they do more harm than good...I can see a silver lining. A very cynical silver lining, but still...a silver lining none the less. That is ,that I am glad it is a bunch of half-wit boneheads. At least this way we don't have people getting TV apprenticeships from good solid tattooist that have spent years perfecting there technique. This way, the cool tat-bro tv-spawned bandwagon gang will just keep chasing there own tail...Not actual good tattooist with ethics and talent getting raped by 'merica who want to exploit the industry for every last drop of edgy-ness it has left. I for one will be glad when the trendy tattoo garbage is done with. Tattooing is not going anywhere,and I am glad, but the whole hot-topic vibe can piss right off.
    2 points
  16. Heres some of mine. Not particularly funny but pretty random.
    2 points
  17. posterboy7596

    Ink Masters

    I just re-watched the Kore Flatmo interview the other day. I like what he said about magazine features, and awards and such not being validation. He also says some interesting stuff about how mediocre shit(I'm not saying the show is or isn't) doesn't really affect the top notch stuff at the end of the day. It's just a tv show. People's reasons for doing it aren't really any of my business. I'm going to watch it because it's interesting to watch...train wreck or not.
    2 points
  18. Found a coupla pix of my old work before it got blended in...dhon't think I out these up before, but if I did, well, shit-ignore 'em! The parrot is Dale Grande, maybe 1975, and the roses and banner are also Dale, about 1974. And yeah, the images are lousy...they are scans of my arm, not pix, done in preperation for sleeving.
    2 points
  19. At least I talked THIS one into doing it right!!!
    2 points
  20. Spencer added another lotus, a lily pad, and some cool background mandala stuff to this last night. He also put some negative space around where my daughter's name already was, by the top... now I have to wait until January to continue. Funny how first I asked for a tiger coming down my upper arm. Then he had all these ideas I liked so it grew into what was going to be a 1/2 sleeve. Now... there have been more cool ideas and it's going to be 3/4. By the time it's done, we should have a better camera.
    2 points
  21. I'll be there again. Had a bit of a scare, but I got in with Seth C in his booth. Hope to see you all there!
    2 points
  22. by Johannes from Black Stallion Tattoo / Good Faith Tattoo in Boston/Brookline, MA
    2 points
  23. Just Alex

    Old tattoo photos

    These are my grandfather's tattoos, done in Cape Town, circa 1956!
    2 points
  24. ian

    Chris Conn is back!

    For all you Chris Conn fans, compliments of Lindsey Carmichael... this is original flash painted by Chris in '96 and yes, Lindsey gave me permission to post it :D
    2 points
  25. Kev

    Chris Conn is back!

    "I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany. "
    2 points
  26. So I love these threads on other enthusiast sites I frequent. I wanna get one going for us here at LST. ...when you have white sheets that are now multi-colored ...when you heard the word sailor and don't think of ships ...when the smell of green soap and buzzing makes you excited ...you vacations are planned around what shops are in the area what ones you guys got?
    1 point
  27. Not that anyone cares, or should, but, for the record, given my minimal experience with the guy, I have nothing bad to say about Chris Conn. And I'm a grouchy hypercritical misanthropic bitch.
    1 point
  28. jayessebee

    Bryn Perrot

    yeah I've followed her on instagram for a while, and seen several of her pieces that one of my friends has, they look even better in person
    1 point
  29. G.Uristti

    Ink Masters

    you have good points and your correct this is about ink masters. so lets yell about that. i think the show in general is stupid mainly cause of who they have on it. i personally dont think even the judges could pull off a lot of the stuff they are asking the contestants to do but, i like watching it so i can yell at the tv. my rants are completely warranted for once. lol if you want to continue our other convo feel free to inbox me
    1 point
  30. I unliked this just so I could like it again.
    1 point
  31. Duffa

    Lower leg tattoo

    Last night sucked! Sleep did not come easy, no matter how much herbal remedies I took, but got there eventually. Not to bad this morning and the way my day is looking worst case scenario I should be able to get a nap in this arvo ;) lol
    1 point
  32. jubilantfawn


    Welcome, that's one hell of a list, can't wait to see some of that work, plus hearing what you've got planned for the future.
    1 point
  33. Duffa

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Since everyone has been kicking some serious ass and taking names lately, (and I haven't been a part of the fun) I just rang my homie [MENTION=2486]lukemuller[/MENTION] and he was kind enough to fit me in tomorrow afternoon after he finishes (he's a good man) No idea what I'm getting yet or where so this should be fun lol. I blame LST ;)
    1 point
  34. bulldog


    Hey Adam, Welcome Yea pictures would be great, i love looking at the tattoos that come out of frith street.
    1 point
  35. Or when someone mentions a city/state/country and you immediately think of who you want to get tattooed by there.
    1 point
  36. Graeme

    Old tattoo photos

    Steve Byrne posted this on his instagram a couple of months ago...Cap Coleman.
    1 point
  37. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=537755179583877&set=a.197285293630869.58055.145111408848258&type=1&theater This is my right arm shortly after my last session. Some parts are still raw in the picture. The back of my arm is a cover up of some shitty script... The artist is Tim Morris at A Brand New Tattoo in Eau Claire, WI. I am honored to be friends with him. He is an amazing person and really solid tattooer.
    1 point
  38. ...you feel excited and wait to hear news about the upcoming tattoos of people you've never met ...your reaction to most of the tattoos you see is "they should've just gotten an eagle"
    1 point
  39. ....you look at yourself and see bare skin not tattoos
    1 point
  40. @Deb Yarian . Haha, when I saw those pictures and thought they might be from you guys, but I figured I would make sure.
    1 point
  41. This has been a good thread,lots of educated debate... Now somebody go get tattooed by Conn I want to see that shit!!
    1 point
  42. Reyeslv

    Chris Conn is back!

    The price is the price. His work is amazing so if you want it.... go and get it!!!! If it doesn't work in your budget or mind so-be-it.... There are many other fish in this sea.
    1 point
  43. Iwar

    Samurai Skull

    Grime - 2011 - Skull and Sword
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. I don't have any cover-ups on my body but I tattoo a hell of a lot of them. Most of the larger work that I do (bigger than 1/2 sleeve) usually incorporates some kind of cover-up. I started to make a point of NOT taking a 'before' picture. Sometimes I do, but I found that the cover-up requests got bigger and bigger the more cover-ups I showed. Covering a half sleeve sized tattoo with a full sleeve compromises the end product but I sometimes enjoy the challenge and the problem-solving aspect of it. This is one of the more tricky ones from last year or so, when I used to take 'before' photos: I got an email today asking if I could cover a full sleeve - with a sleeve.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Yep as far as i have heard through stories the mob ran that whole area including the tattooing. Everyone kicked to them the tattooers, the dancers, the bookies, everyone. As far as mobsters go Accardo was the best. Never spent as much as a night in the clink and there's no cooler nickname than Joe Batters. He got it cuz of the severe baseball bat beatings he used to give!!! Below is a pic of Tatts Thomas and his wife at the time and Owen Jensen and Dainty Dotty this pic was supposedly taken on South State Street, like i said everyone was supposed to have been through there.
    1 point
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