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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2012 in all areas

  1. Just got this bad boy from [MENTION=2486]lukemuller[/MENTION] over at http://www.facebook.com/truelovetattoobrisbane Leg is a little swollen at the moment but nothing out of the ordinary :) I'm f**king stoked. We had no idea what Luke was going to throw down beforehand, I had some ideas but nothing concrete and then I remembered a new painting he'd done, and the fact that I have no cats on me yet, the above plan was hatched and goodtimes where had by all ;)
    12 points
  2. This has been doing the rounds for a few years now. It's still funny as fuck. Each time one of us at the shop does a Hendrix or Marley tattoo, someone else dares them to put the other's name.
    8 points
  3. Cause nobody could play the trumpet like he did...... my guess it's some hipster tattoo.
    7 points
  4. A friend of mine got tattooed by Tiger John in Houston around 1989. He got a small portrait of James Brown on his shoulder blade. When John finished it, he said, "That's a damn good Little Richard, if I do say so myself." My buddy almost shit himself!
    6 points
  5. It's a very fresh photo.....and not even a good one....but I had Dana Helmuth tattoo me this past Saturday at Read Street Tattoo and he decided to add a dragon head and claw in the area I had saved for him! :)
    4 points
  6. Graeme

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Going to have a little visit with Seth Wood in a couple of weeks.
    3 points
  7. Pretty good, graduated college, got a job working 10 hours a day so been busy. I've gotten a cover up by Aaron Coleman and made four appointments with him coming up this winter still brainstorming to figure out what to do...any ideas? I'll post pics of that cover up later.
    2 points
  8. Working on my cover-up sleeve now. This is the before pic and a few pics following my third session. I have about 20 hours in at this point with another 6 hours to go I figure for highlighting, color and touch-ups. Hope you guys like it thus far. I always wanted a Zombie Sleeve just didn't pull the trigger till now.
    2 points
  9. Scott R

    Tattoo age on VBS

    2 points
  10. It's fine. Not great, but fine. Talk to your tattooer, express your concerns, and let him/her do whatever they think is best. If you don't trust them enough to do that, find someone you do. Though honestly, if it were me, I wouldn't worry about it and would just make my next tattoo twice as rad.
    2 points
  11. that has to be done intentionally.
    2 points
  12. bringing this one back had a few questions I didnt find answers to while searching. SF city pass-thoughts on it? hassle to use ? good place to sit back and hear the ocean preferably scenic views? any must do street food downtown?
    2 points
  13. Jack

    Lower leg tattoo

    @Duffa , there ya go
    2 points
  14. We did discuss the tattoo just being a black & grey to make it stand out against the surrounding color....but i really wanted color so we looked at what was around it and made it so it did stand out on it's own but also tie itself into the work around it!
    2 points
  15. Sounds great... maybe a whole thigh piece... nah, start him off with something a bit smaller. I'm trying to talk my dad into getting a USAF tattoo on his arm, but he's balking.. then again, he's 95.... Rob
    2 points
  16. CercleRouge

    Upcoming Tattoos

    shoulders to ass!
    2 points
  17. i'm not sure if artists do it consciously or if it was your choice, but i like when colors for a tattoo are chosen based on what the client already has in the surrounding area... makes for a more cohesive piece.
    2 points
  18. I will be there with my wife on Saturday and Sunday. I have no appointments scheduled (considering i have appointments on my back the next two staurdays and a consult with Horitomo to final design and discuss when we are starting), but my wife has an appointment with Valerie Vargas on Sunday.
    2 points
  19. Guess some of you will have seen this already, Valerie at Frith St on me this afternoon Asked for a girl head, then today asked for freckles...
    2 points
  20. I got this from Deno at this summers Inkbash in Stockholm. He came up with putting the gorilla in a tower and the roots there. Midway through I asked him if he wasn't going to put something coming out of the skull. "Like what?" .. I don't know, something.. And he just put that dot trail in there, no pencil or anything. I think the whole piece came out just nice and strong, might be one of my favorite tattoos so far. He was super quick and fun to chat with. Tried to ask him about how graffiti has helped him develop as a tattooer but he didn't have much to say about it, except being taught to work fast. Jelle SOOS came by to say hi too, so I got to exchange a few words with him also. Man travels, a lot! Tomorrow I'm going to be under the needle of Joel Madberg SOOS. Putting a bird with alligator head on and around my knee, same leg as the tattoo above. A little scared of the knee actually, will I shake like crazy? (edit: oh by the way, the picture above is from today so the tattoo is close to 6 weeks healed or so)
    2 points
  21. by Johannes from Black Stallion Tattoo / Good Faith Tattoo in Boston/Brookline, MA
    2 points
  22. Regardless of your opinion on the whole "can it/should it be reclaimed?" conversation, this is a pretty ignorant viewpoint to hold in the tattoo community. I can think of at least 3 tattooers that I know with swastika tattoos who are most definitely not white supremacists.
    2 points
  23. First off it should only be referenced to as squid appendages. I got a squid shirt and some squid pants started but only after the tatty zap gun finishes inkin me bro. All joking aside, I use the term (even though I hate it) for lack of a better word to most people, but never refer to anything less than a "sleeve". Half, quarter, third-pounder, all sound like shit.
    2 points
  24. ian

    State of Grace Convention

    I'm counting the minutes...
    1 point
  25. Honestly, it lacks definition, but I understand coverups. You don't always get the pick of the litter. That said, white will not "save" this tattoo. White is best used as an accent, something that poor tattooers have yet to discover. This is because of the way it reacts over time. My suggestions right now is to see if some of the elements can be tightened up and if some brighter colors can be implemented in the background to create a little more contrast.
    1 point
  26. I think you got a good list going. Would be cool if we could come up with tattooers in all 50 states. I will start poking around seeing what i can find. First thing that comes to mind is Alaska is Deb and Don at Eagle River.
    1 point
  27. The last time I was.. er... detained against my wishes and formally booked, there were many pictures of gang member tattoos on the precinct wall... I asked like I was hurt.. "you don't want any pictures of my ink?"... they thought I was serious. Rob
    1 point
  28. Been a bit since I've last posted, what's up everyone?
    1 point
  29. TrixieFaux

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Session 4 on my left arm tomorrow. Yeah! Then Spencer goes away for 2 months. Looks like I'll have a final appointment in January. I'm starting to get used to going frequently, that will be a long wait.
    1 point
  30. Again, gorgeous!!! Did he use white over black by the way?? Just curious. But man, your schedule was amazing!!!!!
    1 point
  31. lorie

    Healed & New Pics

    Sweet, really cool!!!
    1 point
  32. David Flores

    Ink Masters

    I guess it depends on who you consider "the industry". Winning Inkmasters or Best Ink probably won't get you invited to State Of Grace or Ink N Iron, but could definitely get you a gig as token tattooer celebrity in a lesser known show or traveling convention and stay pretty busy and make some good money. The problem is the shelf life for a reality tv star is pretty short, and when people forget who you are and you can't just be the dude from the tattoo show, then it comes down to if you put on good tattoos.
    1 point
  33. Definitely hear that! I travel a lot for bidness, and try to check out the local shops wherever I go. I usually just take a look at the portfolios that are on display, maybe watch some work being done, if I can do that without getting up in anyone's space. If anyone asks, I tell them I'm just sightseeing, and unless I'm in full long-sleeves and suitcoat mode, which is rare, I've got ink sticking out. Typically, when they see that, things are a bit freindlier, but I have gone into some places where a bad attitude seems to be a job requirement! I was in downtown Seattle, I don't remember the name of the place, and a young-ish (to me) guy was standing in the doorway of a tattoo parlor waiting for customers and having a smoke. I stopped in, took a look around, and wasn't terribly impressed. The proprietor was Brazilian, quite hip, and since I was in a tee-shirt, proceeded to tell me how he could tattoo my right arm white, three sessions, and "cover-up all that mess" (about 30 hours of Miles Maniaci tying up older pieces by Dale Grande) and replace it with HIS work which would be far superior. Couldn't believe it, but he was actually serious. Somehow, I resisted the temptaion.
    1 point
  34. Rob - He mentioned getting a map of Ireland. We come from a long line of Irish Catholic immigrants and he wants to pay homage to that.
    1 point
  35. Virginia: Andrew Conner Matt Brotka Josh Brown George Archer Matt Bivetto Tim Forbus Jason Boyer Mike Rennie Brian Bruno Dave Boysno Scott Sterling David Voegeli Marina Inoue Daryl Rodriguez Josh Stephens Max Kuhn
    1 point
  36. Went into CTC last night to get my friend's daughter a new tattoo, Nick gave her a beautifully-done Phụng! And since I'm a well-known ink-whore who just couldn't drive all that way and come home bare-skinned, he drew me up a lil filler...pardon the lousy cellphone shot.
    1 point
  37. gougetheeyes

    finer things in life

    But they forgot to add @Kev 's tattoos..
    1 point
  38. It sounds like you are building a really nice portfolio for yourself. Please show us pictures. I would love to get something done by you. PM me the pictures and I promise I wont share them with the rest of the board.
    1 point
  39. - - - Updated - - - So bad ass !!
    1 point
  40. might as well have another crack, Tattoo around the clouds and Kraken is fresh/swollen in this pic. Tristan bentley, Ocean ink Sydney Australia
    1 point
  41. SStu

    When you got tattooed

    Good strategy!
    1 point
  42. Pugilist

    Upcoming Tattoos

    If there was ever anything to be competitive about, getting tigers from Tim Lehi would be it.
    1 point
  43. Welbythewalrus

    The Walrus

    Two custom drawing from my good friend and tattoo artist Joe Durrand In Stl
    1 point
  44. kollin

    Healed & New Pics

    who needs a laser when sand paper is sooo much cheaper. And quicker
    1 point
  45. i always love finding the source material/inspiration!
    1 point
  46. jade1955

    Friday 13th Tattoos

    Here's mine. Tattooed by Stefano C, Frith Street, London Its on my ribs. Which are under several layers of blubber.
    1 point
  47. MsRad

    Cover up gone wrong!

    you could also get a giant panther.... just sayin!
    1 point
  48. I know this was titled "before and after" but here is more "during". ;)...3rd appt...one more to go. Well...at least one more...I'm getting the urge to finish the arm with demons on my lower arm...
    1 point
  49. 1 point
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