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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2012 in all areas

  1. Outline done on my rib panel. From Horiyoshi iii book 100 demons. Tattooed by @Stewart Robson at Frith Street today. I'm really over the moon with it.
    10 points
  2. Jelle Nelemans did this on top of my shoulder last Wednesday.
    8 points
  3. This is my Koifish, it's not finished yet, I got at Have Fun Be Lucky in Baltimore, Maryland by Hunter Spanks. Any opinions/ideas about it!
    7 points
  4. Got this Friday at Kings Ave. from Victor Kensinger. In memory of my grandparents.
    5 points
  5. He just had to go below your waistline so that everything you wear will be painful for the next three days, didn't he? Enjoy that. ;) You've amassed quite the collection, my man. You have excellent taste.
    5 points
  6. Yeah! @gougetheeyes
    5 points
  7. I'm going to start an OV thread because I'm way too lazy to mention things in specific threads. Sooo. Today I posted a digitized version of a huge interview that Jonathan Shaw did with Col. William Todd in ITA 1/1 in 1992. Mr. Shaw gave me permission to digitize all the interviews that he did for ITA- takes forever (OCR for the win) but TOTALLY worth it. Here's the first one: Jonathan Shaw Interviews: Col. William L. Todd « Occult Vibrations SO MUCH good stuff in this interview.
    4 points
  8. ian

    My Laser Chronicles....

    I just had my wife take an updated picture of my back, here's a before picture... and how it looks now, this is 2 months after 3 sessions on the black and one session on the grey (and a week in the Maui sun :D ) The tattooer doing the cover up said 2 more sessions and at least 4 months heal time should be enough to start the cover up. I'm getting another treatment in 2 weeks...
    4 points
  9. Got this one towards the top of my shoulder.
    3 points
  10. I love that! Stewart seems to always kill it. That 100 daemons book is great.
    3 points
  11. Jack

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    Calf done by Marco Hernandez while he was over at Electric Tattoo. Based on a design from an old tattoo international. SO FUCKING AMPED.
    3 points
  12. latest from Danny Reed
    3 points
  13. Had a great day with matt bivetto today
    3 points
  14. Barnett - your Dad's tattoo was done by Bert Vallar at 404 Argyle street, Glasgow, Scotland. Bert was the son of Prince Vallar who tattooed in Glasgow from 1911 until his death in 1949. Bert served his apprenticeship under his father and also ran the shop until around 1964. He was world famous - long before the internet, TV or and print exposure - and was revered for his fine line single-needle and freehand style. I have a picture of the exact same tattoo that was also done by Bert around the same time. Prince Vallar was a society tattooist who modeled himself on the great tattooists of the early 1900's such as George Burchett, Sutherland MacDonald and Prof. Tom Riley. For further reading on Prince Vallar or Scottish Tattooing please visit www.princevallar.co.uk
    2 points
  15. @eisen777 That is a killer tattoo! Congrats! @jade1955 Wow! I can't wait to see that finished! Nice Job @Stewart Robson @distortion2 Go to a quality tattooer that you want work from, and have them draw it up. It's generally a faux pas to ask tattooers to draw you something on the internet. (let's see how many mentions I can make in one post)
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. a frog on a mushroom playing the banjo. It says you like fuckin' bluegrass, you don't mind amphibians, and you definitely get high.
    2 points
  18. kylegrey


    I thought I'd start this thread along the same sort of vein as tattooer's deserving some recognition ,except more like shedding some light on the classics.So i'll kick this off with one of my all time favorites,N.Y.C's finest -Tony Polito
    1 point
  19. Nothing bad! Hes a funny dude and its usually a wacky time
    1 point
  20. Ive got a couple from Spanks proud to call him a friend Sassy++++++
    1 point
  21. I've been tattooed by Hunter myself. Always a fun time, whether he is feeling sassy or not!
    1 point
  22. Hey Kev , Giving your diet more consideration a hard training person like yourself needs a more substantial breakfast . I know it kinda sounds old-fashioned but you need to at least have your eggs in the morning (most guys I know would also have a bowl of oats also ) . Supplements can never replace food , one of the very best pros said " If I only have 20 dollars in my wallet and its a choice between supplements or steak , steak wins " . More than one sponsored athlete sold his endorsed products for food also I think you need more carbs pre-training . Back to the issue of breakfast I have an awesome Paleo pancake concoction that I also rotate with my cooked breakfast , say the word and i'll pass it on .
    1 point
  23. good breakup tune. my kind of day.
    1 point
  24. I am waiting for Marco to get back to Olympia so I can go down and get something from him.
    1 point
  25. Yes the color combination is total alchemy Btw its a shapeshifting Reptilian
    1 point
  26. Liz that rules! And sitting time varies wildly for me the older I get. Keep us updated on the color!
    1 point
  27. Something I've noticed from working with Robert is you can't photograph a Robert Ryan tattoo. It just doesn't work. I'll see tattoos he does at the shop, (like Shawn's for instance or Greg's front torso piece), and in person they'll put you on your ass. but i'll see a photo of it he puts up on instagram on my way home and i'm taken aback by how little of the power can be contained in the picture. His tattoos really have to be seen in person to be appreciated. and like T.D. says "Any Imperfections only add to it's beauty"
    1 point
  28. holy shit, i almost choked on my coffee. too funny
    1 point
  29. I've just seen on a social networking site that the next Episode of Gypsy Gentleman will be coming soon :D
    1 point
  30. I got my palm tattooed by Tony Hundahl almost five years ago and have never gotten a touch up. It looks fantastic and I'm trying to work up the nerve to get the other one done as well. Here is a recent pic:
    1 point
  31. ShawnPorter

    Ink Masters

    So... they're still casting "human canvases" for season two. I just saw a solicitation asking for people willing to get "hand, face, head" tattoos, as well as women willing to get pubic area tattoos. I weep.
    1 point
  32. Good on you @Iwar! Living the good life. I think everyone here is pretty much envious of your travels last year and now. Can't wait to see what escapades come next!
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Iwar

    The Oslo - NY - LA travel blog

    -Part 3- Sorry about the lack of updates, but I am hardly ever at my hotelroom except for when I'm sleeping. I gotta run and meet up with my two norwegian buddies, Olav & Marius, at the Kellogs diner now. We're getting some breakfast, pancake style, but I'll try to write a paragraph or two later. Here are some pictures though. I think most of them are self explanotory.
    1 point
  35. Have I seen videodrome? HA! love it!. Im just being slow, Im sure ill figure it out Im just worn out and I get frustrated with computers easily. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7211/7311369314_b9e63103ba.jpg' alt='7311369314_b9e63103ba.jpg'> PhilSleeveChrisONI by eisen777, on Flickr[/img]
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. cibo

    Food and Drink list

    yearly Memorial Day bbq fare
    1 point
  38. Anisya


    'in some respect the commodification of this practices (tattoo) and their claims to be 'art' require as to treat them as no different then any other form of personal consumption in the West. In the words of one clear-sighted enthusiast, 'The guy with 10,000$ worth of tattoos is no different then the guy in an Italian designer suit wearing a Rolex.' Ed Hardy 1. For each exclusive commodity there is a niche for illegal copies 2. for every standardised and regulated industry there are people committed to operate outside of this industry, often in opposition to it.( think street art- most of it is a nuisance and it IS illegal, mostly quite bad too. But there's no stopping them, it's about personal freedom) 3. Goods that are common cannot be exclusive but having no cash for Nike's trainers never stopped anybody from running. They'll buy Chineese exports. And I could go on and on with reasons WHY. The bottom line is the answer is as simple and as complicated as the modern capitalist society.
    1 point
  39. I've said it before, and i'll say it again - you can't go wrong with a "Wu-Tang Buffalo with laser beam eyes". Here's one that was prepared earlier (I have no idea who did this originally, I came across it awhile ago in all its awesomeness)
    1 point
  40. Meh to big banners - Big ass dagger through the neck: Upper arm: Sky's the limit- roses,skulls,daggers,tiger/panther/wolf/jackal/clown heads, lady heads,anchors,eagles,...
    1 point
  41. kylegrey

    Rock of Ages Tattoo Design

    On display at the Amsterdam Tattoo Museum.
    1 point
  42. aleksksks

    palm tattoos

    this is hilarious just saw it in Raoul van Noorden's album
    1 point
  43. Dan S

    Cover up ?

    So one of my Brothers was getting divorced, and as part of the settlement, he had to pay his ex $200 to get his name, which she had tattooed on her shoulderblade, covered up. No big deal. He gave her the money, they got divorced, all is well. A few months later, we see her at a party, and she asks do we want to see the cover-up? Sure! Instead of covering his name, she had gotten a tattoo of a dog with it's leg lifted alongside it, pissing over it. One of the best tats I've ever seen!
    1 point
  44. aleksksks

    palm tattoos

    just stumbled upon this, pretty amazing
    1 point
  45. That was very cool. Great music too. I have to say I laughed my ass off at the end where Tony makes reference to a conversation with a client: Client, "I want a tiger! But I don't want it to look mean." Tony,"...Then don't get a tiger!" Ha ha! Also,"Well if you really look, it's not a mean tiger.". I'm really loving these episodes.
    1 point
  46. Just got this. The artist asked if i was cool with something less classic looking...i said yeah.
    1 point
  47. That bear tattoo just makes me think, "Ms Rad by name, Ms Rad by nature", haha. Here's a new one from me! This was done just yesterday, so my arm is pretty swollen. It's by Thomas Morgan, who is just finishing a guest spot in Inkslingers in Newcastle. I think he told me he'll be in Paris next, so if you live near there, I'd recommend getting some work from him! Oh yeah, and I kind of thought this was obvious (I'm sure it will be to you guys), but since a couple of friends have asked me- the gypsy head isn't from yesterday- Ian Parkin did that, and it looks FAR better when my arm isn't at a funny angle :P Anyway, here you go, sorry for the bad picture. I never did put that picture of my tattoo from Charlie on here, did I? If anyone wants to see it, I'll gladly put that up too :)
    1 point
  48. Therinx


    1 point
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