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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2012 in all areas

  1. by Marius Meyer Invictus Tattoo Oslo Norway
    7 points
  2. Kev

    Ink Masters

    *I deleted what I wrote here because I'm making an effort to be more positive = P
    3 points
  3. oh yeah. every time. I did meet someone at my gym with tattoos by Horitomo, Lango, and Theo Mindell (if I remember correctly.) was shocked compared to the shitty hippy or brotastic meathead tattoos I see usually. and I just do a shit ton of rock climbing with an extra dose of arm and core work thrown in. mostly body weight stuff that relates to climbing moves like pull ups, dips, incline sit ups, etc.
    3 points
  4. I make a special cameo in this:
    3 points
  5. Those trainers are full of crap. Honestly, it takes TONS of calories to get 'weight lifter' big It's why I can deadlift/ squat over 300 pounds, bench over 250, and military press over 150, I'm only 160 on a heavy day. That's with creatine and 3 whey shakes a day plus regular breakfast/ lunch/dinner. Machines are fine to get down form, but your 'helper' muscles will start to suffer because you're not using them for balance. ex: a bench machine will only engage your upper pecs and some tricep; bench press engages that plus the rest of your arm, lower pec, and core. Sounds like you're on the right track though.
    3 points
  6. Henry Lawrence Garfield | www.peopleofwalmart.com
    3 points
  7. Im all about my GORUCK training right now. Running 6-8 miles with 4-5 bricks in my bag then doing push-ups, pull ups, sit ups, flutters, Burpees, bear crawls... and drinking beer for good measure.
    3 points
  8. January 2012 Tattoo of the month winner is @Jake with his Panther on his rib with roses done by Scott Sylvia of Blackheart Tattoo in SF (post #3), congratulations! Jake actually told me yesterday that if he wins to give the prize to the runner-up since he has already won a LST contest SO...... We have a tie and both win: @jade1955 tattoo done by Stewart Robson, Frith Street London (post #17) & @Duffa tattoo done by Horinao, Catclaw tattoo-z Kyoto (post #18) Congratulations you two! PM me your shirt size, male or female style (note: we have no mediums for males left at this time, sorry), and your mailing address. Thanks for everyone else who participated and now it is time for February 2012 Best Tattoo of the Month......
    2 points
  9. I've been doing p90x for over a year. Supplementing with whey protien, green super food, vitamins and herbal supplents for "internal function" and brain "clarity". I still eat crappy food too often...too much beer. Its cool having some damn muscle tone...although I did freak out the first time I saw my ribs...I was like, what the fuck are those!?!?
    2 points
  10. exume

    Ink Masters

    I'm gonna keep watching it, seeing Oliver tear that girl apart was so worth the other shenanigans.
    2 points
  11. I did paleo for a few months-cut deep, but couldn't get any sort of gains going as far as body weight and fat free mass. Now I'm doing simple carbs post workout (fruit/juice) and brown rice, oats, and flax every now and then. I'm all about pushing myself as far as I can go strength-wise, with looks being secondary. That being said, I wouldn't want to spend lots of money on great tattoo work if my body looked like crap. You can spray paint a turd gold, but you still got a turd when you're finished. If you're in better shape, everything about you should age better, including your skin/tattoos. My two cents.
    2 points
  12. It's kind of funny that it's gotten to the point when it (feels like) half the people cropping up with tattoos on my twitter feed are also on LST ... Great minds...
    2 points
  13. Excellent thread idea. This area is my forte. I'll put it out there that if anyone has any questions about exercise and nutrition, I'll be glad to help out. I've been a student of Wendler's 531 for about 3 years, but now I prescribe to the Juggernaut System because of its higher volume and inclusion of sprinting. I don't know how many people are as serious about lifting as I am, so I imagine that that flew over a lot of people's heads. Let's say I lift for strength with a side dose of hypertrophy based on percentages of a 1 rep max. I am a strength sports enthusiast.
    2 points
  14. I have a few pics, but I'm only posting them in order to stem the tsunami-like tide of Duffa's hate. Apologies for the quality of the pics. It was really, really crowded in there (great art + free beer = lots of people), so it was tough to get good angles, but here's a taste. Julian Zeff (a really nice guy and great artist who works at Unbreakable in LA--we chatted for a while and compared collections): Troy Denning (really hard to photograph a mirror, so I figured I'd at least smile for my camera): Erik Rieth of Seventh Son ("Cloud Dragon"): Luke Stewart of Seventh Son (this thing was about 6 feet tall!): I think this was by Jeff P, and while technically not a dragon, it is technically awesome: Bryan Randolph of Spider Murphy's: Paul Anthony Dobleman of Spider Murphy's (the border on this thing is incredible!): Stuart Cripwell of Spider Murphy's (how badass is this?): Theo Mindell of Spider Murphy's (really hard to get a good shot of this, but for those that have met Theo, you'll appreciate his addition of a 70s wizard): Kevin Pulido of Diamond Club (hard to believe he's only been tattooing a few years--this thing was huge and so beautiful): Junii Salmon of Diamond Club (leave it to her to make a dragon look like a sweet kitty): Yokohama Horiken of State of Grace: Some guy named Mike Roper: Yutaro Sakai of Skull & Sword: Shad (Hori Tsuki Kage): Trevor McStay ( @Duffa: AUSSIE, AUSSIE, AUSSIE!): Ladies and germs, The Grime: The One Horitomo, State of Grace: Tattoo Mick of Zurich! Kahlil Rintye of Tattoo City: Oops--I went over the limit of 20 images per post. Be right back!
    2 points
  15. I miss being 21 and knowing everything. Why Put a Bumper Sticker on a Ferrari
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Something tells me her body probably wouldn't turn my head without tattoos and from engulfing everything she has her opinion on I have to add mine to say that she definitely isn't good enough for a tattoo and will die the prude that she is.....without illustration.
    1 point
  18. So much for land of the free and home of the brave. Now the government wets itself like a scared little girl over a couple of tweets.
    1 point
  19. I'll admit that I'm a little conflicted about this thread. I post on two fitness-related forums, and I don't discuss tattoos there. Separate spheres and all that. Also, it seems that there's something very anabolic about a keyboard; I've found that everyone's lifts go up by 40-50 pounds as soon as they're typed onto the Internet. However, it's nice to see DAN JOHN mentioned anywhere. I did his high-rep squat program from Mass Made Simple last year (and came close to hurling many times). I'm also a fan of Jim Wendler and have done 5/3/1 for several cycles. I'm currently using it for linear progression on squats. I'm dealing with some medial epicondylitis (golfer's elbow) right now that is fucking with my low-bar squats, but I'm trying to find workaround solutions for it. I have a decent little gym setup in my tiny basement, so I'm down there 2-3 times a week and at a commercial gym once a week. It definitely keeps me sane.
    1 point
  20. Congrats @jade1955 & @Duffa Thank you to @Jake for sharing the wealth!!! On to February!!!!
    1 point
  21. Helpful opinion would be that you could've kept this question to just one thread.
    1 point
  22. Definately agree with the last post...tattooing should be a full time thing. Put your heart and soul into it. Because the art you put on some lasts the rest of their life. But at the same time dont get greedy and think of yourself as a rockstar. All we do is tattoo.
    1 point
  23. I updated his website, paintings were scanned, and I get most of it out tomorrow to the Printers... New Prints of the Secretary Bird, and Moby Dick going into production. Secretary Bird: 37.5'' by 15''.....$200.00 Moby Dick: 40'' by 18'' ......$250.00 Welcome to Richard Stell Tattoos.com Prints will be on hand for the West Texas Tattoo Convention this Feb... Or you can go ahead and grab a pre-order...
    1 point
  24. women are missing a hormone to gain muscle(testosterone) if your a woman and not a genetic freak your best best is too keep your nitrogen balance positive so you give your body every chance to be anabolic. This means eating a complete protein every few hrs.
    1 point
  25. Thats a fantastic start with great results , nothing changes your body composition like weight training and women respond better than men. Don't worry about getting bigger as its very unlikely given your build and the absence of lots of food,protein and really heavy weights ,the more muscular and defined you are will make you look bigger but is more an illusion than anything .You' re at the point now to move away from machines-cables etc and focus on free-weights which build better muscle tie-ins,mental concentration ,balance , exercise technique amongst other things and you are sure to relish the challenge .One other thing totally forget about the weight of an exercise concentrate on exercise technique and the way a movement feels and always use the strictest form-get crazy OCD on this as your body doesn't know pounds only stress on the muscle.
    1 point
  26. At the moment I'm easing back into training after a lay-off due to a neck injury with a simple upper / lower body split based around DB benching, bodyweight exercises and a lot of single-leg exercises like rear leg elevated split squats and single leg squats. A lot of mobility work, a lot of prehab/rehab with bands and light weights. Ramping up back into normal training although I don't think I'll be going back to BJJ any time soon. As time has passed I have made progress using various programmes and approaches, and I'm inclined to agree with Dan John ( Dan John, Lifting and Throws Coach - great coach ) when he says 'everything works [for a while]'. The caveat I would add is that you can also injure yourself or self-limit your progress dramatically by trying to implement the wrong programme, having poor technique, screwing up your diet, not sleeping enough yadda yadda yadda. I think, if I were going to go back in time and start all over again, I would begin from the ground up in this way:- 1. I would learn how to begin my training with a proper dynamic warm-up. A joint mobility warm-up from the likes of Mike Boyle ( Strength Coach.com | Strength and Conditioning | Sports Training ) that will ensure I had the joint mobility where I needed it, and the joint stability where I needed it. Some folks need a more stable lower back ... Some people need to loosen up their hips. Neglecting something can lead to an injury down the road, or limit your lifts. 2. I'd either find a good coach or I'd pick a classic strength programme that has worked for thousands of other people in my shoes. I'm talking Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength, or Bill Starr's 5X5 or Joe Difranco's WS4SB. Something that is there in black and white, with nothing exotic that is time-tested and well-regarded by shitloads of smarter people than you. Typically what they all have in common is lots of the fundamentals : A horizontal push, a horizontal pull, a vertical push, a vertical pull, some shoulder work, some posterior chain stuff and big knee-dominant squat variation. Most of the programmes I mentioned there are good all-round strength programmes that will put a bit of mass on a novice or intermediate trainee. If I wanted to go for more hypertrophy and mass gain I'd maybe consider something like Poloquin's German Volume Training. If I were just looking to compete in power lifting or oly lifting I'd get a proper coach and maybe follow a Westside or Mike Burgener / Greg Everett programme. Basically, I'd follow the track already well-worn by proven programmes and coaches. 3. I'd perfect my technique and make sure I was moving well with sub maximal weights before I started to try and get strong. I've added weight on top of poor movement patterns and the result is always fucked up. Less weight, executed perfectly = the foundation to add weight safely later and more progress in the long run. 4. I'd eat better. 2g of protein for every kg of bodyweight minimum. I'd watch my carbs and I'd eat more fat than 'most people' think is a good idea instead. For me I think the stuff the likes of Robb Wolfe and Mark Sisson have written about eating the way our paleolithic ancestores ate makes sense to me, but your mileage may vary. It's a pretty good way to strip fat off, but if you're a powerlifter or bodybuilder I think you need to eat a little dirty to get the necessary calories to pack on muscle. 5. I'd try and sleep 8 hours a day, which is unworkable in my current job. I'd take my rest days seriously and not bike, run, do a martial arts class... I'd rest and let my body do its job and adapt to the training I was doing the rest of the week. 6. I'd study the fuck out of articles and books about sports injuries and try and figure out ways to avoid common issues people have, again and again, like knee problems and rotator cuff problems. I'd do things like make sure my pressing to pulling ratio (say, bench to pullup) exercise ratio was at least 1:1 in my programming, and more like 1:2 if I were feeling twinges in my shoulder. If I had bad knees I'd do single leg work to bullet-proof them before things went south. If I had a bad back I would do core work and chuck out anything that heavily compressed it (like back squats, deadlifts) for a while. Education = good. So is having the number of a good physio with a proven tack record. 7. For fat loss and conditioning I think once your diet is right the best approach is old school : Carries, drags, pushes, bodyweight circuits, sprints / shuttle runs, kettlebells ... Anaerobic > long slow distance work most of the time, IMO. I reckon that's most of my philosophy:- 1. Learn enough not to get injured. 2. Pick the right programme for you and implement it properly. 3. If it goes wrong go to a professional and let them fix you. And repeat until you're put in a box and buried. Whenever I read one of those news cuttings about some curmudgeonly old veteran who is still working out at 80 and puts some teenage mugger in hospital with his cane, I think - 'I want to be that guy when I'm that age'.
    1 point
  27. Reverse pyramid with utilizing the four basic compound exercises (I call them the Core). I do a workout, then one rest day, with the exception of legs and back, where I rest two days. I supp creatine, whey protein, and alot of food Legs: Squat- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 reps starting with heaviest Leg Extension 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Calf Raise 3 sets 5/6/7 Chest: Benchpress- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Incline Benchpress- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Cable Flies- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Back/bi: Deadlift 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Bent Row 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Weighted Pull-up 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Shoulders/tri: Military Press 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Shrugs 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Lateral dumbbell raises 3 sets @ 4/5/6
    1 point
  28. asradin

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    @gougetheeyes Cool, I don't think my tattoo was as symbolic but it made the power cut they had when I went to Frith Street in December seem less annoying since it enabled me to book in to get the tattoo. It's also extremely weird to only have a small piece of skin healing instead of the usual half of my back or whatever large piece I'm in the middle of.
    1 point
  29. haters gotta hate. I am with you lets invade bloody ole england! one for the yankee bastards
    1 point
  30. Late entry Tattooed by El Monga today.
    1 point
  31. Duffa

    Hand Tattoos

    By Brad Stevens | Brad Stevens Tattoo
    1 point
  32. Unfortunately, I don't really have anything to add to the discussion as such (due to being an Australian with very limited knowledge/understanding of native american culture) I do however have a kick ass tattoo to add (technically it's two, but you get the idea) Done by the always impressive Ben Leland-Grillo Ben Leland-Grillo | Facebook
    1 point
  33. Scott R

    Panther Tattoos

    Panther by Richard Stell. Thanks Richard and jennifer
    1 point
  34. RoryQ

    Panther Tattoos

    As requested - Chris Smith (not on me, BTW).
    1 point
  35. I wasn't sure it was eligible considering one of the creators of the site made this tattoo (and it's only an outline), but as per @Lochlan's suggestion I'm submitting this one: Done by Scott Sylvia of Blackheart Tattoo in SF.
    1 point
  36. Invisible NYC Regino Gonzales REGINO GONZALES - NYC - INK
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. If you do not do it full time, you don't get it and should not do it at all. Drives me nuts when people ask me what my other job is. Other job? At what point do i do that? My seven days a week at the shop as owner or tattooer isn't enough? Drives me nuts. Either throw yourself into, work hard, and reap the benefits or get out.
    1 point
  39. TexasJavi


    Zombwolf attacks!
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Jon Hall

    jon tat5

    1 point
  42. kylecrowell


    1 point
  43. Dusty Neal


    1 point
  44. Shay Cannon

    shay tiger 2

    1 point
  45. Jacek Minkowski


    1 point
  46. Danny Young

    dylan panther

    dylan panther2758
    1 point
  47. Mario Desa Tattooer at Chicago Tattoo Company
    1 point
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