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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2012 in all areas

  1. Got this from El Monga today. Gotta be the gnarliest tattoo I've had. It's in a real awkward spot. Underneath the inner bicep and then wrapped around part of the the back of the arm.
    11 points
  2. Sorry @dcostello but I got this from Todd Noble yesterday whilst he was guesting at Frith Street. Didn't know what I was getting before I turned up, but he showed me the drawing and we got to it 5 minutes later. Instagram Awesome guy and a pleasure to get tattooed by him
    8 points
  3. Late entry Tattooed by El Monga today.
    4 points
  4. Can everyone stop posting pictures the people at Firth street are doing. My bank account and distance from London cant take the pain anymore. And the prozac isn't working either.
    4 points
  5. Got this little inner biceps number from the most excellent Mr Stewart Robson at the Brighton Convention yesterday: I am exceedingly happy with it. Cheers Stewart.
    4 points
  6. I know I'm a little late to join in but I've been outta town a couple days. I recently started doing weight lifting at my local YMCA. I'm not super strong but I do a lot of reps. The trainers there tell me it's better for a lady to do less weight and more reps. My upper body can only push about 50lbs for most things and some stuff is less. My legs are a lot stronger, as most people's are, so I can do up to about 120 on most of those things. Most of the stuff I'm doing is with pin weight machines so I guess it's not legit lifting, but I'm not ready for all that yet. I've worked out in the past doing things like treadmill, stationary bike, and other more cardio intensive stuff. I'm still doing that just not as much. Since I've started with the weights I've noticed a huge difference in my body. I went from weighing 125 to being 139 without getting any bigger in size really. My arms and legs have gotten maybe a little bit bigger but nothing noticeable at this point, the shape is totally different though. I don't look super buff or anything but I certainly look solid and actually have muscles that I can flex now hahahaha. If anything my waist has gotten a little smaller because I do a lot of ab work with weights. I'm currently 24 inches around my middle and was probably 26 before. I'm not into any of the weight gain stuff like weird diets or protein shakes because I don't want to have manly looking musculature. I don't wanna start wearing a xl blouse just so my arms will fit in it! I usually try and do at least three sets of 12 for each exercise and then some I do up to 6 or 7 sets of 12. There's a couple I still find really hard and do maybe 3 x 10 or 4 x 8. My triceps are probably my weakest, I can only lift about 35lbs. I try to go every other day and it's been about maybe 3 months now. I've been able to increase the weight on every be at least 10-15 lbs, some more since the first week.
    3 points
  7. Whats your current routine or training tips to fill out those sleeves ?
    2 points
  8. I've been reading his articles on T-Nation for a while, and I used single leg exercises to rehab an MCL strain last year ... But I don't think I really started appreciating how smart he is until I bought 'Advances in Functional Training' and read the whole thing. Great resource - really information intensive. It's screwed up but for me the biggest catalyst to properly investigate developments in training is usually related to injury. Until I learn the hard way I just don't learn properly... BTW, unrelated, but this is a fun site http://www.70sbig.com/
    2 points
  9. i workout tuesday and thursday usually with a pro fighter so I try to keep one or two power moves(ie deadlifts,squats,heavy hip thrusts,heavy banded or chain db presses etc) Then we focus on endurance strength for the next 1hr or more. pull ups, trx circuits, tobatas, ranger challenge,plyo pushups, blah blah blah. We dont train for hypertrophy at all, All go no show. @RoryQ mike is a cool guy, he is a friend and business associate of one of my training partners here in norman ok
    2 points
  10. Reverse pyramid with utilizing the four basic compound exercises (I call them the Core). I do a workout, then one rest day, with the exception of legs and back, where I rest two days. I supp creatine, whey protein, and alot of food Legs: Squat- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 reps starting with heaviest Leg Extension 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Calf Raise 3 sets 5/6/7 Chest: Benchpress- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Incline Benchpress- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Cable Flies- 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Back/bi: Deadlift 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Bent Row 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Weighted Pull-up 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Shoulders/tri: Military Press 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Shrugs 3 sets @ 4/5/6 Lateral dumbbell raises 3 sets @ 4/5/6
    2 points
  11. Lochlan

    Hello & Thanks

    and....another lurker turned LSTer......Welcome! Make the trip to NYC or another tattooer elsewhere if you like their work as you will be that much happier with your tattoo in the long run!
    2 points
  12. ShawnPorter

    Ink Masters

    Incidentally- with wordpress, I can track how people get to Occult Vibrations; since Ink Master premiered on the 17th, "Oliver Peck" has moved to the third most searched term that leads people to OV. (first is Occult Vibrations, second is Thomas Hooper) More people come to OV by searching Peck's name in 12 days than in all of 2011.
    2 points
  13. Got this one yesterday from Valerie at Frith Street Tattoo.... Really stoked with it.
    2 points
  14. Not sure if this had made a full circulation. Can't wait for April!!! HBO.com
    1 point
  15. The wife and I took another photo (with an iguana!) that didn't come out, so I can only offer up this lonely, squinty photo of myself representing LST down around Puerto Morelos, before I gave up on snorkeling and felt queasy on the boat. SUCCESS If you own an LST shirt you are now obligated to go somewhere different and take an awkward photo to post..
    1 point
  16. Thats a fantastic start with great results , nothing changes your body composition like weight training and women respond better than men. Don't worry about getting bigger as its very unlikely given your build and the absence of lots of food,protein and really heavy weights ,the more muscular and defined you are will make you look bigger but is more an illusion than anything .You' re at the point now to move away from machines-cables etc and focus on free-weights which build better muscle tie-ins,mental concentration ,balance , exercise technique amongst other things and you are sure to relish the challenge .One other thing totally forget about the weight of an exercise concentrate on exercise technique and the way a movement feels and always use the strictest form-get crazy OCD on this as your body doesn't know pounds only stress on the muscle.
    1 point
  17. I tell you the one bonus of paleo for me is it reintroduced me to the sweet potato. I'd always been a fan of the Mexican pan dulce empanadas that had sweet potato and pumpkin filling, but I'd never eaten them on their own. Now I'm all about them mashed w/ pecans and maple = P
    1 point
  18. Also need to get @hogg and @Hrubarb in on this
    1 point
  19. @asradin Saw this one yesterday. Very nice.
    1 point
  20. Excellent thread idea. This area is my forte. I'll put it out there that if anyone has any questions about exercise and nutrition, I'll be glad to help out. I've been a student of Wendler's 531 for about 3 years, but now I prescribe to the Juggernaut System because of its higher volume and inclusion of sprinting. I don't know how many people are as serious about lifting as I am, so I imagine that that flew over a lot of people's heads. Let's say I lift for strength with a side dose of hypertrophy based on percentages of a 1 rep max. I am a strength sports enthusiast.
    1 point
  21. I would just say missing one or two workouts wont change anything so just be cautious. staph is no bueno. Lifting with fresh work could be uncomfortable so just recover and hit it hard the next week
    1 point
  22. haters gotta hate. I am with you lets invade bloody ole england! one for the yankee bastards
    1 point
  23. I feel a lifting thread brewing ,what heavy objects are being thrown around ?
    1 point
  24. and here's some more e gold
    1 point
  25. LeoKraft

    Trash Polka?

    Shit's whack and i aint feelin' it
    1 point
  26. Oh, April, come quickly.
    1 point
  27. this is the shit
    1 point
  28. Tight-Lines

    Random Picture Thread

    fuckin classy.
    1 point
  29. Sometimes a confederate flag is just a flag. Far more racist things have been done under the Union flag, but no one bitches about that. The slaughter of Native Americans for one. Just the opinion of some guy on the internet.
    1 point
  30. Jake

    Panther Tattoos

    done by Tokyo Hiro at Skunx Tattoo in Japan. The caption from his FB credits his Richard Stell influence. Super rad!
    1 point
  31. RoryQ

    Whiskey Thread

    I've got a bottle of Ardbeg Uigdeail that's 54.2%. Basically, it needs to be cut with water. I used to try and drink it neat (like I would a milder Irish or something), but the truth is it's not being macho, it's just masochism - all you taste is iodine.
    1 point
  32. Tight-Lines

    Whiskey Thread

    Finally tried Jonnie Walker's "Double Black" scotch. Holy shit. It was incredible. Strong, but not overbearing peet.
    1 point
  33. Jack

    Lady Heads

    I got this one form Ron Henry Wells a couple months ago. She looks a lot darker in the picture than it does now having healed
    1 point
  34. Ursula

    Interesting Article

    Since when was it looked down upon to be a sailor? At least in the USA they seem to be pretty well respected.
    1 point
  35. Thanks for the responses guys. The tattoo is on my right forearm, so I was thinking of simply wearing a long sleeve t-shirt. It will only be my third day of learning these lifts, so the weights are submaximal anyway, but the fact that they are new means they are challenging in a different way, thus the excessive sweating and my concern. Infection was a concern as well, so I guess a shower before, wear a long sleeve shirt, and shower after should be OK.
    1 point
  36. North American Gnostic Book of The Living Great Stuff!!
    1 point
  37. ShawnPorter

    Interesting Article

    I'm telling you... Philly cops are getting progressively more visible tattoos; so much so that when I talk about the "cop with the hand and neck tattoos" I have to specify where I saw them because there are enough of them that I could be talking about different officers.
    1 point
  38. Avery Taylor

    Ink Masters

    I hope that my last post does not mean that I have to fight Richard Stell.
    1 point
  39. Richard Stell Panther done from one of his flash sets at Saints and Sinners in Charolton tx
    1 point
  40. hawk

    Tattoo After After Care

    Posterboy, there's nuthin stupid about what you posted, in fact I feel it is an area often overlooked by the first timers, they always want to know what to do at the time of getting a tattoo and never consider the before and not to mention that it's nearly impossible to reach those individuals prior to their first tattoo. The proof is in the pudding, prep and shave a dry area of skin and it will accept the tattooing with more difficultly and the skin itself will respond with more trauma than "conditioned" skin. Supple skin will ultimately heal easier from the conditioning due to the response of more active and healthy dermis. Now with this said there are areas that do not conform, such as the nape of the neck due to it's glandular oils and there are areas such as the neckside, underarm, nape of the knee, etc. that will generally be of the naturally conditioned. Other areas such as elbows, kneecaps and areas that will visually look abrasive prior to tattooing, as individuals differ and even gender and age will play a part as well as geographical areas with their respective seasons, i.g. Winter seasons lending to dry scaling skin. But you have hit a nail on the head when you insist that conditioning the hide helps for the acceptance of tattooing. As to the general query of what helps to maintain tattoos over long periods of time, all animals contain the proper amount of brain matter to tan their own hyde and embalming fluids work well also, ha! I have a full funeral paid in advance because I'm takin my tattoos with me, no crematorium for me but being an organ donor I can help a few people out and maybe even lend to having someone learn to play the piano withe the Hammond organ in the attic......
    1 point
  41. gorenoir

    Trash Polka?

    I think what a person puts on their body is their business. I personally like this style and depending on the tattoo it goes from douchebag shirt to really awesome. The images you've uploaded here I've got to say are some of the more crappy of the lot. I'm a huge fan of bold and simple. It's funny that people who are tattoo artists or collectors would even have such a closed mind. It's that same mentality that people use as a weapon against people with ANY tattoos. "Oh god that person has tattoos that's so ugly" The whole purpose of the art of tattooing is to be able to carry our personality around with us on the outside.. If we all had the same personality this world would be utter shit. I'm not saying love the artwork just appreciate it for what it is and respect the people that compose these tattoos as artists.
    1 point
  42. Got this a week ago from Scott Sylvia at Blackheart on my forearm Pictures don't do it justice at all the colours are much more vivid and it looks a lot sharper in person, and its a bit warped in these as i tried to take the photos myself, but you get the idea
    1 point
  43. What happens if we dont own a LST shirt... can we just take a white t shirt and write "I <3 LST" on it?
    1 point
  44. CaptCanada

    Whiskey Thread

    I'm sorry but this is going to be a little bit off topic, don't mean to disturb everyones whiskey consumption. Was on YouTube watching "for a relaxing time" and this Tommy Lee Jones commercial for boss coffee popped up.... best one I've seen, I miss all of them cause I don't watch TV. Enjoy
    1 point
  45. Tight-Lines

    Whiskey Thread

    Protestant Whiskey.
    1 point
  46. Valerie Vargas

    Whiskey Thread

    i know nothing about whiskey, but i like the ones Stewart's customers keep giving him, they are old (the whiskey that is!), thats all i know and they go down so easy! yum!
    1 point
  47. ross nagle


    1 point
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