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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2011 in all areas

  1. Experimenting with decoupage-cold-press paper/liquid acrylic on stained pine with lacquer. Had some issues with things sticking, but not a total wash.
    3 points
  2. Kev

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Tony Hundahl-Rock of Ages, Austin,TX
    1 point
  3. You're kinda right. We cover some of this kind of thing with EMT training. Basically your body is reacting as if you have an infection. White blood cells primarily try to kill infections in the lymph nodes due to the amount of proteins, antigens, and other things that come in handy. It's just like if you have a sinus infection and the glands in your throat swell. Some people it will be the lymph nodes closest to the tattooed area, other's it can be random. Most people don't have this reaction. Most bodies will just kick in with the reaction to try and blocking your pain receptors mostly by burning up your sugar supply. When this happens of course your blood sugar level goes down, and if you've been around a shop long enough or a convention, you see people pass out. Signs of your sugar being too low can include feeling shakey, sweaty, feeling hot, nausea or vomiting, "knot in your throat", dry mouth, and vision problems. I always take a big coke and a bag of candy when I get work done.
    1 point
  4. welcome NavyDavy, it was really nice to meet you through your introduction and it was so nice of you to include a list of people that have impacted your life! gratitude is contagious!! i hope that everything works out for you and that you are able to get the apprenticship you are looking for!
    1 point
  5. Bryan Burk

    Panther Tattoos

    I think Ed pushed the panther envelope way farther than it had been before, looking at the invisible man book shows it. He really dismantled the image and made it his own. They're really popular now, but I think like when he did Arment's chest, maybe 10 years ago, he was pretty much only tattooer I know doing that stuff at that level (feel free to fill me in anyone). I remember a customer asked me to tattoo one of his Panther/Rose mash-up paintings around that time, and I was really hesitant, like "that's Ed's art, it's his own thing"... times have changed Bob R. also worked really hard to make his own kind of standard 3/4 panther head, and it's cool because it has no neck, but it works great. Really tough to draw, I know cause I was obsessed with it after he put one on me in 98, I spent so much time trying to get it down. for tigers, I think Lehi is pretty much in his own league, with Ed also on that level again
    1 point
  6. Scott Sylvia

    Walk-In Horror Stories

    i had some burning man girl shit her pants all coked up and i caught her on her way to the bathroom as she shit her pants. not awsome smelled like a truck driver craped in my nostrils. not enough money in the day for that shit. not enough..
    1 point
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