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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2011 in all areas

  1. These just make me feel sad for these people, that the other forms of self-mutilation just weren't enough for them. To me, they're not tattoos, just billboards for self loathing, fear, and desperation.
    3 points
  2. sboyer

    acetate stencils

    Curious if anyone else in here collects old acetate stencils? I would really like to have a peek at other peoples collections. For some reason I almost enjoy collecting stencils more than flash. I just like holding an old acetate in my hand and imagining how many people got tattoos from it. Here are some of my collection. I have a bunch more I need to take pictures of. Bob Shaw Owen Jensen
    2 points
  3. Remember, as difficult as it may be to believe- there are many people out there who view many of our tattoos the same way. Hand tattoos, necks.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
  6. sboyer

    acetate stencils

    unknown pike tattooer.
    1 point
  7. sboyer

    Milton Zeis project

    I am sleeping on Andrew's floor. He is a nice fellow. I can't wait.
    1 point
  8. a friend posted this on facebook
    1 point
  9. hogg

    Full body suit people?

    There's a guy in SF named Maron Hasegawa. He had full sleeves from Colin Stevens, then decided he wanted a full suit. He flew to Japan and, in one year, got fully suited by Horiyoshi III: It's not shown in those pics, but it goes down to his ankles. Donburi style, as they say in Japan. I think he got tattooed every other day for a year. Just think about that for a minute. I had the pleasure of meeting Maron at Diamond Club a few years back, and I asked him a similar question: does it feel weird to be [/i]done[/i]? He seemed to imply that it was. He said he asked Horiyoshi about tattooing his head, to which the master replied, "Nah...you're done." There's also a guy in one of Horitaka's books who has a full 9-dragon body suit that Horiyoshi did in a year and a half. It's everything but the strip down the center of his chest ("river style"), and the whole thing--neck to ankles, full sleeves--is black and gray. I think about that guy from time to time, because it's insane to me to think that someone went 30+ years without a drop of ink, then made the huge decision to get fully suited. I just can't get my head around it. As I alluded to in the Collecting Different Styles thread, I'm really happy with what I've got, but it's all over the place. The thought of having a full cohesive body suit is absolutely foreign to me.
    1 point
  10. IMO it's nice to have and appreciate different styles as it is in other arts.it's part of being open minded and not having limits and boundries
    1 point
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