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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2011 in all areas

  1. my dachshund lucy and bert grimm.
    3 points
  2. Steve

    New 'Like' System

    Today we added a new 'Like' feature - this is not tied to the Facebook like system, instead it gives us a way to tell each other which posts we like or enjoy so that other members can navigate to the popular content more easily. This will be the most valuable for threads that span for several pages. You will see the 'Like' link appear at the bottom right of each post next to 'share' when you move your mouse over the post. The forum home page now has a new section that lists the most liked threads. Once people start using this new feature, a dropdown menu will appear at the top of each thread giving you a way to quickly jump to the most popular posts in that thread. I attached an image showing what it sort of looks like. Try it out and let us know what you think!
    1 point
  3. This is something that encounter at least once a week..... you know how when you have a dentist appointment you try to cram 6 months worth of flossing into 15 minutes before your appointment? or if you have to go to the doctor, you try to shower up before you go in for whatever is ailing you? WELL PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TAKE THE SAME LIBERTIES WHEN YOU ARE GETTING TATTOOED!!!!!!!!!! brush your teefs so it dont smell like you been munchin on shit sandwiches for lunch. if you are getting your foot or cankle area tattooed, please wash your dawgs and wear a clean pair of socks! dont come in after working in the sun on the job site with your work boots and wool socks. and for you goofy hipsters.... wash your feet, borrow some socks from your dad, and wear a pair of shoes other than the sorry ass moth holed pair of vans you bought 5 years ago and have been wearing EVERYDAY since. you're gonna spend hard earned cash on a cool tattoo on your foot only to slip said foot into a pair of sneakers that smell like onions and vinegar?! not so smart. do the right thing. and while you are at it, wear some pants that fit you and put your girlfriends shirt back into her closet.
    1 point
  4. My apologies for not being a better writer. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for your time. http://laughinghyena.wordpress.com/
    1 point
  5. I love Jack Rudy's quote in this article as well as the cheeseburger analogy. Enjoy:
    1 point
  6. Those Lieber sailor girl acetates are damn good. On another note about the source of references and influences, last time Lehi tattooed me I asked him if he liked Wido de Marval's tattooing (he works with Leu in Switzerland). Lehi said he'd never heard of him. I asked him whose Japanese-derivative tattooing he paid attention to. He said "No one's, really, I just look at the old Japanese stuff. That's what all these tattooers are trying to do, anyway." Reminds me of the Mike Malone letter to Keith Underwood that was published in TAM a few months ago. Malone adminished Underwood to "Look Look Look" at how Jerry executed his flash. He emphasized Jerry's formulaic approach to drawing archetypal images. Same thing as Lehi looking at Yoshitoshi, Kuniyoshi, or Horiyoshi II. I'd guess that Chris Conn's work, as distinct from someone like Jerry's as it might seem, relies on a very similar formula.
    1 point
  7. Well put Jack! the current paradigm is completely lame, However, I'm having the time of my life doing what I've been working towards for the last twenty years!
    1 point
  8. Paul Shachtman

    Lady Heads

    Boyer's photos make a strong argument. Guy named Jim LaPorte sold his extensive Lieber collection a couple years ago, and the pin-up sheet two photos above was $1600. A chunk of dough, yes, but a very fair price, considering the obvious influence Lieber had on Jerry, who's sheets go for three times as much. If anyone's interested in LaPorte's high-quality book of his collection, I can pass on his email. It goes for $250, I think, but it's sizeable, and fucking dope. Brooks turned my bud Kyle on to it, and we swooped on what we could and couldn't afford. Brooks got a couple great sheets. The Scott Harrison fish girl tattoo above is on SBoyer, and is flash from the Lieber sheet I went into more dumb debt for. My bud Kyle saw a picture of that Harrison/Lieber piece and said "That tattoo is perfect." Fucking strong. Back to girls: There's tons of good girl head stuff that leans more towards the realistic, too. Sboyer just turned me on to Jose Lopez. Very impressive. My blind ass was also just made aware of how good Lenherr's girl busts are, as well. Jason Brooks does excellent girl/rose heads. I fully agree that Uzi's a very good tattooer, too. Conn is obviously outstanding. I slid ass first into a pile of sugar when I got that Rock of Ages (pictured under the ROA thread) from him on my thigh in 2003. I was just getting my feet wet as a collector, and luckily picked up on how good he was when I flipped through his book at Temple the previous year. One thing that's impressive about his art is that it appeals to people who're new to looking at tattoo art (like me in 2002), but continues to reveal deeper layers when viewed by a more experienced eye. That's when tattooing truly becomes "art", in my opinion. The apex of this dynamic is reached when staring at a Van Gogh, Kawanabe Kyosai, Soga Shohaku, or Kano Hogai painting or print. Fuck, every time I look at the Van Gogh print on my wall at home I get tractor-beamed into some aspect of his holistic vision that I never noticed before. Hokusai, too. Hell, I can ogle Mike Malone's shit all day, as well. He was real into Soga Shohaku and Kano Hogai. Go figure. Speaking of traditional tattooing that is true art, look at Richard Stell's tattooing. I was beyond dumb-lucky enough to get a couple tattoos from Mike Malone when he was around, and wish I had done the same with Ed Hardy and Higgs when they were tattooing. To people who dig my Malone tattoos (and covet the experience of getting tattooed by a dude like that), I say get tattooed by Stell. Eddy Deutsche is tattooing in L.A, too. He's another one who's tattooing is true art.
    1 point
  9. You are looking for tattooers in SF correct? I referred back to your introduction from the other day and as mentioned there, there are lots of good shops and tattooers. Did none of those work for you? How about the LST Preferred Tattoo Artists? Remember you get what you pay for so if you're looking for a cheap priced tattoo you get a cheap tattoo but if you don't skimp on the price you'll get a good tattoo. We live in a city like many others right now where there are shops every where but if you do your research you can get tattooed by some of the best.
    1 point
  10. dari

    TATTOOERS: Yoga?

    You rule!!! This photo is the cherry on tonight's LST sundae.
    1 point
  11. hogg

    Full Back Piece Thread

    And now, an absolute facemelter by the one Horitomo:
    1 point
  12. Nick Colella

    New updated Website

    so with all this social networking Facebook, Shop Blogs,Twitter and all the other crap i had let me website fall to the way side, but recently i updated it and added a little tattoo history photo section I still need to tweak it a little more but for now its up and actually has some newer(within the last 2 years) photos. I think this LST thing kinda lite a fire for me to rework it http://www.lostsoul.com any input would be appreciated
    1 point
  13. i tattoo a fair number of girls, usually younger than 26 and for a while all i got was rib tattoos booking in, which is cool but for their first tattoo, eeeeesh! most of them couldnt sit all that well so i had to make the best of it, some sat like absolute rocks, they were amazing to tattoo. ive not done that many lower back tattoos but then ive not been in this business as long as some of you but most of them sat real well too, less fiddly to tattoo than ribs for sure! i reckon roses look stunning no matter on who, but pretty flowers always look good on pretty girls. i think generally well planned tattoos always look good on women. i think a large backpiece always looks amazing on women, but i usually like the heavily tattooed look on girls, thats what im aiming for myself anyway. good strong pieces, not so much the whimsical fairy dust and black-and-grey-with-a-bit-of-color stuff.
    1 point
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