Tim Hendricks is a world renowned bad ass. He lives a life most of us could only dream of having, and somehow pulls it off. From pro skateboarder, to surfer, to incredible tattooer, to TV notoriety, he has encompassed all things cool in his life.
Tim and I have a good friend in common who's responsible for our introduction, Demian Cane. Demian has a body suit that I believe Tim has redone three times or something absurd like that, Tim finally had to cut him off. His tattoos are like that, they can make a collector act like a dope fiend.
I respect Tim Hendricks so much because he puts all the work into the tattoo and it seems effortless. If you've ever been fortunate enough to see this dude execute a portrait, you know what I mean. Most tattooers peck at them like chickens, where Tim is hauling ass, dumbfounding speed and ability rock his tattooing. Tim Hendricks produces line drawing books for tattooers, but he's also made power supplies, tattoo machines, his own needles, his own gloves and motorcycle grips, and god damn ball point pens just for tattooing. Yeah, they write on paper, but they really show their stuff on skin. If he thinks of it, he just does it, that simple. Tim has tattooed me three times, and my wife two times, one of which is a portrait of me that is so good it weirds me out. It's strange to see yourself on someone else's body. My wife didn't tell me she was getting it done, so when I first saw it, she said that I stared at it so long, speechless, that she started to think I was angry. Truth is, that's just my face, it makes me look angry even when I'm just thinking about a sandwich.
I have had the pleasure to travel across the globe with this man, and in addition to being a great person, Tim is also a great traveler. How well someone travels, in my opinion, tells a lot about a person's character. Tim has a great sense of humor and can tell a story like no other. This interview takes place at Danny Dringenburg's place, I drove down to catch him before he headed out to NY to start filming New York Ink. I am glad and grateful that he shared this time with me. I find this interview to be a lot of fun, I hope you do as well.
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