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Danny Reed was going to be in town for the convention in South San Francisco in October and Cody Miller said he wanted to interview him for Last Sparrow. I thought it would be a good idea to start having friends do interviews as well for the sake of not hearing my voice. I don't know Danny well, my only real interaction with him besides convention greetings was the year before when after the convention he came to my machine shop and built a machine while we hung out. So I thought it was all set for Cody to do it, I was finishing up the Chad interview when Cody came to the room.....so on it went.

I was exhausted and I say some really awesome stuff, haha. The chewbaka comment really tops it! Danny speaks of his helper in the interview who decided to move to SF and we hired his ass. Man he is great, I would like to thank Danny for passing him our way.

We started this interview at 3 in the morning or so and like I said it was directly after the Chad one so I was out of my mind with my voice blown out from the night before when we had the pre party for the convention. In the room with us is Nick Colella, Erik Gillespie, Cody Miller, Cody's special lady friend Krissy and our helper Moses. There are a few parts of this where I think I'm losing my mind, I hope you enjoy it.... I would like to thank Danny for doing it as it was a real pleasure to do!

Danny is an incredible tattooer, he is profound in style and technique. I love his 'weird" stuff as it is a fresh take on things and definitely one of his own. I look forward to getting something from him, if he will do it. I would also suggest that any tattooer looking into getting the flash book he did that we talk about in the video to get it, we have it at the shop and it rules!

And for the record I did not steal Harrison. Also why do I sound like I have a mouth full of mashed potatoes? What the hell!

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Danny is such a great tattooer. Seems like such a rad dude as well.



At 45:00 , he sums up my views on meaningful tattoos perfectly. Great interview!

Hands On


Thanks for another awesome interview! It's great to hear his perspective... he's spot on with immediate and honest answers for every question. Had to do some interweb searching for the hot stuff ads... fuckin great!



Just got a chance to sit down and watch the whole video, it's great. I hope that if I'm not that perfect type of customer now that at one point I can be.



another great one!!

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