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I don't know if this has been covered before (didn't read all the posts), but INSTAGRAM is now available for Android.

Dat was posted a looooooong time ago. I have since bought into the whole picture social media business.

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I've been using instagram for a few months now ( RoryFromDublin ), just following tattoo artists really... But since we're heading to Tokyo tomorrow I thought might be the time to start posting photos too. I'm going to try and snap cool bits and pieces from Tokyo, Yokohama and Kyoto. Maybe some Yellow Blaze and hopefully Inkrat related goodness, but mostly I think it'll be food, 'engrish' and cute dogs (cute dogs seem to be 40% of instagram anyway so...)...

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For those of you who care and don't already know, I post shop pics under the handle acmetattooco I have a personal one misterdflores, but don't use it and there is only one picture of me singing Karaoke, under a disco ball thing. Tattoos and tattoo people just seem to be the only thing that interests me on instagram. I have already started following people on here as I find them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
For those of you who care and don't already know, I post shop pics under the handle acmetattooco I have a personal one misterdflores, but don't use it and there is only one picture of me singing Karaoke, under a disco ball thing. Tattoos and tattoo people just seem to be the only thing that interests me on instagram. I have already started following people on here as I find them.

I'm going to follow misterdflores just to always have access to you singing karaoke, under a disco ball thing.

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I have to admit that I am now totally addicted to Instagram! I had written it off as very Iphoney/hipsterish (and since I am too old to be "cool" anymore, and don't use an Iphone... well...).

But Wow!! I signed up just to follow some of the tattooers I like but since then I'm following all kinds of other people too. It's probably my favorite site right now. I'm constantly checking my feed for new pictures. I can't believe I was missing out on this for so long!

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I remember when Instagram first came out a few years ago, made by a small time company for photography enthusiasts to share good photographs and enjoy the wonderful hobby. Some of the weekly top rated pictures were actually amazing, usually consisting of beautiful scenery, amazing portraits, and believe it or not, outstanding abstract, etc. Then, as it came to be known by...... I guess you could say mainstream society, it turned to a photo sharing social media.

Instagram truly died for me when facebook bought it. O well.....

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