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whas up dudes. diggin this forum. i am an artist and tattoer. been drawing stuff for a few years now and jus stard tattoing last month. got a few qestions for yall. i got my kit from ebay it had 5 needles, and i used them so much theyr not so sharp. someone said that i can get ones that i should throw away,but i just put them in the dishwasher and it takes all the ink right of but the last guy i tattoed they sort of started sticking in the skin. how do i sharpen them? i love this forum, this and miami ink and all those other shows keep it real. here is a tat i did on my granda of my granma.thanks yall where can i buy needles and a nue gun?

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whas up dudes. diggin this forum. i am an artist and tattoer. been drawing stuff for a few years now and jus stard tattoing last month. got a few qestions for yall. i got my kit from ebay it had 5 needles, and i used them so much theyr not so sharp. someone said that i can get ones that i should throw away,but i just put them in the dishwasher and it takes all the ink right of but the last guy i tattoed they sort of started sticking in the skin. how do i sharpen them? i love this forum, this and miami ink and all those other shows keep it real. here is a tat i did on my granda of my granma.thanks yall where can i buy needles and a nue gun?

I know fuck all about this tattooing lark but your granma is pretty dammed hot. Can I have her email address?

Have you thought of using a different brand of dishwasher tablets?

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whas up dudes. diggin this forum. i am an artist and tattoer. been drawing stuff for a few years now and jus stard tattoing last month. got a few qestions for yall. i got my kit from ebay it had 5 needles, and i used them so much theyr not so sharp. someone said that i can get ones that i should throw away,but i just put them in the dishwasher and it takes all the ink right of but the last guy i tattoed they sort of started sticking in the skin. how do i sharpen them? i love this forum, this and miami ink and all those other shows keep it real. here is a tat i did on my granda of my granma.thanks yall where can i buy needles and a nue gun?

You must be joking.

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whas up dudes. diggin this forum. i am an artist and tattoer. been drawing stuff for a few years now and jus stard tattoing last month. got a few qestions for yall. i got my kit from ebay it had 5 needles, and i used them so much theyr not so sharp. someone said that i can get ones that i should throw away,but i just put them in the dishwasher and it takes all the ink right of but the last guy i tattoed they sort of started sticking in the skin. how do i sharpen them? i love this forum, this and miami ink and all those other shows keep it real. here is a tat i did on my granda of my granma.thanks yall where can i buy needles and a nue gun?

Hey redtardy welcome to LST, however, I have some questions for you...

-Are you the LST users otherwise known as Bubbleberry AKA Brian James and have just created a new user profile? I ask because this user, Redtardy, signed up to LST less than twelve hours ago using the email [email protected] ?

-This picture has been posted on this site before under one of our various funny, bad, terrible, etc threads so I recognize the work...how could I not.

-Also the IP address (86.XXX.XXX.XXX) for both users, Bubbleberry & Retardy, are the same

-Lastly, I seem to remember when you first joined a member pointed out that you had just been banned from another tattoo forum for what now sounds like similar stuff to what you have been doing on LST.

If I am wrong on any of the above pls let me know but the mind and memory of someone in the world of psychology is our main tool. How else could we have conversations if we don't remember the tiny details someone says and does. My memory always seems to remember the specifics in any business I do and I seem to remember the above pretty clearly...........

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It seems like a legit purchase. And just the possibility of FREE FLASH makes my junk move in all different directions.

Im sure they get their flash from 7th grade classrooms though.

So its probably a bunch of dicks, dinosaurs, and boobs.

Actually ,most of the flash shown , I drew in the 90's !

My son sent me the link a few weeks ago.

Prismacolors ruled the day!!

I've been plagiarized by the Chinese!!

I am somebody now!!:cool:

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Hey redtardy welcome to LST, however, I have some questions for you...

-Are you the LST users otherwise known as Bubbleberry AKA Brian James and have just created a new user profile? I ask because this user, Redtardy, signed up to LST less than twelve hours ago using the email [email protected] ?

-This picture has been posted on this site before under one of our various funny, bad, terrible, etc threads so I recognize the work...how could I not.

-Also the IP address (86.XXX.XXX.XXX) for both users, Bubbleberry & Retardy, are the same

-Lastly, I seem to remember when you first joined a member pointed out that you had just been banned from another tattoo forum for what now sounds like similar stuff to what you have been doing on LST.

If I am wrong on any of the above pls let me know but the mind and memory of someone in the world of psychology is our main tool. How else could we have conversations if we don't remember the tiny details someone says and does. My memory always seems to remember the specifics in any business I do and I seem to remember the above pretty clearly...........

it could just all be a coincidence ;)

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Hey redtardy welcome to LST, however, I have some questions for you...

-Are you the LST users otherwise known as Bubbleberry AKA Brian James and have just created a new user profile? I ask because this user, Redtardy, signed up to LST less than twelve hours ago using the email [email protected] ?

-This picture has been posted on this site before under one of our various funny, bad, terrible, etc threads so I recognize the work...how could I not.

-Also the IP address (86.XXX.XXX.XXX) for both users, Bubbleberry & Retardy, are the same

-Lastly, I seem to remember when you first joined a member pointed out that you had just been banned from another tattoo forum for what now sounds like similar stuff to what you have been doing on LST.

If I am wrong on any of the above pls let me know but the mind and memory of someone in the world of psychology is our main tool. How else could we have conversations if we don't remember the tiny details someone says and does. My memory always seems to remember the specifics in any business I do and I seem to remember the above pretty clearly...........

Lochlan, given that your admin, I have a feeling you know exactly who redtardy is, its not rocket science! As was previously translated sarcasm does not translate well, but this thread did put a smile on my face... which is ok I think, life can be far too serious at times.

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I don't have a feeling who redtardy is, why don't you just come out and say what's on your mind, BubbleBerry?

Sometimes I see posts like this (and others from very recently), and wonder if a psychologist will be using them for profiling soon. We should probably keep these kinds of threads up to help with their investigations.

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come on guys it's ok, he's on the right path baby, he was born this way!

i mean he DOES have 50 hours of work (none of which he's happy with but that's o.k.)

The tattoos I have were admittedly bad choices, made during an altogether crazier time in life. 50 hours under the needle, give or take may not be a lot to some people but when you wish you had that skin bare so you could start again, its enough. I do intend to get alot more, so hopefully I will make better choices.

Can I ask Ursula, what up with you?

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what do you mean what's up with me?

it's everyone that thinks you're a moron

you're the one who's basically come right out and said you don't respect tattooing

all you have to do is click my profile and it will lead you to my facebook and website which will lead you to other ways of finding out anything about me.

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what do you mean what's up with me?

Well, lets say I follow your posts, running down everything you say, would that make me a moron.

Is this not a public forum about tattoos, is it not ok for people to discuss tattoos and the culture in all its shapes and sizes?

I am a member of forums relating to everything from dogs to graphic design, engineering to mechanics. I have NEVER seen anyone treated with such disrespect for asking simple questions.

Do you all go around talking to people on a daily basis like this simply because they do not agree with you?

You have the option to ignore my posts but you seem to trail around like a sick puppy puking up on everything I say.

Could you not just for a second think that I am trying to learn, just like everyone else, I presume, and give me a break?

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Once again...if you can't be respectful get out!! This goes to everyone and anyone on LST. I am not going to point fingers but simply say there are ways to post things with your opinions and questions that don't make you come across as a disrespectful and ignorant in human communication. Don't make us, Team LST, play parent over here. If you don't like how we ask people to be respectful on our site while disagreeing and/or agreeing on topics then there are plenty of other forums to be a dick/vag in. LST is here and those other tattoo forums are elsewhere! Formulating words and questions respectfully are not that difficult and if they are then I wonder how speaking off the internet without first seeing what you think, writing, and hitting send on sounds like. Once again don't make us play parent! Thanks.

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