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New guy to the forum, with renewed desire for tattooing

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What’s up everyone, new guy here from Philly area. It’s been about 5-6 years since I’ve been tattooed and haven’t followed as closely as once did. Now that I’m at a place where I’m able to seek out pieces and projects i want I’ve got that itch to really get back into it.

I’ve got a sleeve by Myke chambers and also a back piece that we started and need to get finished. From the brief reading I’ve done, he doesn’t get much love here. Im a big fan of American traditional but I love and appreciate all styles of tattooing.

I’ve been saving my left arm and right leg for a special project, after getting lots of pieces on a whim or just hanging in the shop late night and letting your friend go to work. 

Currently waiting on my passport so I can begin trying to start a sleeve project with Peter Lagergren 



2 minutes ago, FXRrich said:

What’s up everyone, new guy here from Philly area. It’s been about 5-6 years since I’ve been tattooed and haven’t followed as closely as once did. Now that I’m at a place where I’m able to seek out pieces and projects i want I’ve got that itch to really get back into it.

I’ve got a sleeve by Myke chambers and also a back piece that we started and need to get finished. From the brief reading I’ve done, he doesn’t get much love here. Im a big fan of American traditional but I love and appreciate all styles of tattooing.

I’ve been saving my left arm and right leg for a special project, after getting lots of pieces on a whim or just hanging in the shop late night and letting your friend go to work. 

Currently waiting on my passport so I can begin trying to start a sleeve project with Peter Lagergren 



FXRrich: Yes, the colors are well balanced and similar: the style has continuity doesn't it?

@FXRrichSo 5-6 years ago did you at first think your ink up to then would be your last?

I think I got my first tattoo about 9 years ago and didn’t really plan on getting anything after. Not long after I got a half sleeve from Myke. Swore I would never go beyond that. Few months after that we were finishing the full sleeve

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1 minute ago, FXRrich said:

I think I got my first tattoo about 9 years ago and didn’t really plan on getting anything after. Not long after I got a half sleeve from Myke. Swore I would never go beyond that. Few months after that we were finishing the full sleeve emoji23.png

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FXRrich: Interesting; so did you ever - even temporarily - simultaneously experience both a renewed desire for tattooing and also some regret for ink gotten years previously?

Anyway, one's outlook at 18 - when first ink often occurs - is rather different from when one is 30 or 40, etc.

4 minutes ago, onlyme said:

FXRrich: Interesting; so did you ever - even temporarily - simultaneously experience both a renewed desire for tattooing and also some regret for ink gotten years previously?

Anyway, one's outlook at 18 - when first ink often occurs - is rather different from when one is 30 or 40, etc.

I don’t particularly regret any of my tattoos but I do wish I could do my first two over again. I’m not going to get them removed or covered I guess I appreciate them as part of the learning process. They aren’t bad tattoos just what you’d expect a new uneducated person to get when they haven’t done the proper research. 
I don’t think my desire or interest ever faded away either. More so my goals and responsibilities changed and i really focused on accomplishing the things I wanted to in terms of my career, financial stability etc

5 minutes ago, FXRrich said:

I don’t particularly regret any of my tattoos but I do wish I could do my first two over again. I’m not going to get them removed or covered I guess I appreciate them as part of the learning process. They aren’t bad tattoos just what you’d expect a new uneducated person to get when they haven’t done the proper research. 
I don’t think my desire or interest ever faded away either. More so my goals and responsibilities changed and i really focused on accomplishing the things I wanted to in terms of my career, financial stability etc

FXRrich: I guess it's easy to see how multiple feelings and outlooks can occur simultaneously. A design I got on my arm which faded wasn't a success. I think for young ppl opposite feelings about past and future ink can be strong at the same time. I do think, though, that when particularly older women finally get tattooed after a lot of planning - even if they never did it at all for decades of adult life - they are likely to do it with determination and with a clear sight of well planned ink goals. I saw a comment elsewhere about the sheer amount of women in their 60s getting inked.

@onlyme I think maybe you’re just overthinking it. Find an artist whose style you really like and decide how big of a space you’d like to do and have a general idea or vision of what you want and let them create their interpretation of it down. If you get super specific and caught up in every little thing needing to symbolize and represent some profound moment you’re probably going to end up feeling at least some disappointment. Pick a good artist and you’ll get a rad piece. If you come discover another artist you like more or your tastes evolve then get another one somewhere else! 
none of my tattoos mean anything and I’ve never brought any references in. I know the style I want and just point them in the direction I’d like to go. For example I think a wolf would look rad on my stomach. And then just see what they come up with. As long as you’ve chosen a good artist you’ll probably be stoked on the design. IMO these are the 2 most important things when getting tattooed: number 1 being artist selection and number 2 articulating your vision in a way that you’re getting what you want but not limiting their ability to give you the best tattoo that’s true to their style.

1 minute ago, FXRrich said:

@onlyme I think maybe you’re just overthinking it. Find an artist whose style you really like and decide how big of a space you’d like to do and have a general idea or vision of what you want and let them create their interpretation of it down. If you get super specific and caught up in every little thing needing to symbolize and represent some profound moment you’re probably going to end up feeling at least some disappointment. Pick a good artist and you’ll get a rad piece. If you come discover another artist you like more or your tastes evolve then get another one somewhere else! 
none of my tattoos mean anything and I’ve never brought any references in. I know the style I want and just point them in the direction I’d like to go. For example I think a wolf would look rad on my stomach. And then just see what they come up with. As long as you’ve chosen a good artist you’ll probably be stoked on the design. IMO these are the 2 most important things when getting tattooed: number 1 being artist selection and number 2 articulating your vision in a way that you’re getting what you want but not limiting their ability to give you the best tattoo that’s true to their style.

@FXRrich Thanks a lot for your thoughts!

I guess age has a lot to do with it...

But thanks!

@FXRrich While I'm not a traditionalist here, there certainly are a few - and I totally and emphatically respect what the good ones are doing. Congrats on your Chambers sleeve and really looking forward to see what you get from Lagergren. Both awesome artists. 

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