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My wife and I went to this yesterday: SF MOMA Artists Gallery: The Unruly Art of Ed Hardy. Really incredible stuff, much of which I'd never seen or only seen in books.


He had lots of tiger depictions, too--always a plus for me. Anyone else here seen the show?

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Bummer that I'll miss the exhibit. I'll be in SF in October.

I've seen a few of Hardy's originals in various tattoo shops around the world. It always feel special to view one in person.

Mel, Newcastle has culture? :p

The North East in general is more or less culturally barren, except Lindisfarne, but that's barren in a different way. Yep, I've been to the north east. I'm from there. I visit often. I love it there but there's a reason I don't live there.;)

Exhibits with this potential are rare. It's even more rare that anywhere other than SF, Tokyo, Osaka, Madrid, Stockholm, Milan, NYC have anything close to the quality or importance of this exhibit.

I guess I'll have to wait for a book to be released.

  Stewart Robson said:
I've seen a few of Hardy's originals in various tattoo shops around the world. It always feel special to view one in person.

Stewart, if you ever get a chance to visit Chris Trevino's shop, you'll see many more Hardy originals. You'll see lots and lots of other stuff, too; it's practically overflowing with incredible art.

Yeah Stewart, apparently Newcastle has culture. That's what they say, anyway. I mean, yeah we have this huge modern art gallery which apparently Yoko Ono loves (apparently that's a big deal, if you read the local papers), and The Sage venue. No one really goes to them though. Newcastle does try though- we've had a huge world culture food market in the middle of the city lately, which was cool for the kangaroo burgers. Last month we had The Late Shows, which is an annual event where the galleries, museums and independent cinemas have cool things on after hours. So y'know, they do try. I think you just have to sort of look for it!

Whereabouts in the North East are you from, mate?

  hogg said:
My pleasure, Bill! What brings you to SF, if I may ask? We have mutual acquaintances and I have some of your product in my skin (man, that sounded weird).

I have family in Corte Madera and I can't stay out of tattoo shops. I usually get there twice a year but I'm also coming out for State Of Grace again this year. Perhaps we'll meet up!

  Mel Noir said:
Whereabouts in the North East are you from, mate?

Born in Middlesbrough. Raised in SW Co. Durham.

That 'world food market' tours the grim towns to pretend they have culture too.

I've had their boar, kangaroo, crocodile etc burgers in Huddersfield, Leeds, York, Halifax, Sheffield and Derby. - My rule of thumb is that if a town has a large slab of modern art next to the bus station that nobody understands, it probably doesn't have a lot of homegrown artistic culture. :) Newcastle is actually ok, there's just a whole load of nothing around it. The shittest places usually foster the great bands though. Venom were from N'castle.

Ah Stewart, I was down there just the other week, haha! Durham itself is a really nice place- I'm no good with places, but I think it's the centre or north of Durham where the university and the cathedral is? Beautiful little place. I forget sometimes that it's a small world. I think your rule of thumb is probably spot on mate! Newcastle has a whole lot of nothing around it, you're right, but I think those who live here have learned where to find where the best places and events are- just like every city, really. I will admit that anyone who reads the local press bollocks about us being a "culture capital" will be pretty damn disappointed. The shittest places definitely foster the best bands- Venom are a great example, because they went on to influence all of those Norwegian metal bands that lived in shit places as well!

Sorry, trailing away from the subject here a little.

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